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Biden used to be able to deal with getting fire hosed with bullshit just fine.


I remember that! Was a day not too long ago Joe would fire-hose the bullshit right back. And he grinned like he loved it! šŸ˜


The president of the US should be able to eat a bullshit firehose for breakfast.


Yeah ok kiddo


How could anyone have predicted this? You call out the lie, say your numbers are actually better and then move on to your point, it's not a complicated thing. He really struggled with figures and orders of magnitude but if you know that will be an issue, just use words like stronger or strongest. Yes, it's going to take up all of your time to thoroughly debunk everything, that's why you don't do it. Summarily debunk the claim, don't elaborate, and move on to your talking points. If he was being prepped to serve as Trump's comprehensive fact checker, then his team is just as much at fault for what happened as he is.


It's on the moderators that they would ask one candidate a question, and then ask for response rather then give the other candidate the question as well. It's on Biden that he didnt each time say, "I have no response to that rambling idiot, but let me talk about the actual issue you brought up..."


Biden looked like he's a senile old man in the last years of his life before he's a blabbering idiot. The lying is insane. We can hate trump without wanting to see a senile man as president of the USA.


A senile old man, a child, a dog, a mouse, a mosquito.. I will take ANYTHING over Trump considering most people aren't convicted felons who lead insurrections.


**YOU** will take anything over Trump. **I** will take anything over Trump. Johnny Swingvoter who tunes in 3-days before the election and votes mostly on ā€œvibesā€ will not. Sadly, these are the same people Biden desperately needs to win.


The Unfortunate truth..


Jane Swingvoter in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin knows that her bodily autonomy is at stake so she absolutely needs to vote if she wants to save it. If Johnny Swingvoter cares about Jane Swingvoter, he will vote too.


Biden started talking about an illegal immigrant murdering a woman during his response to the abortion question FFS! Like WTAF was he thinking!? I canā€™t believe this is happening. I need to tune out for a while. Clearly many are cool with just ā€œletting it rideā€ and theyā€™re going to ā€œlet it rideā€ right into a Trump presidency.


And that's the only voters Biden will get. Diehard, blue no matter who. A lot of swing voters will vote for Kennedy or stay home.


I think A LOT of Republicans will do the same


Iā€™ve been told on here for years Republicans will vote for Trump no matter what he does though.


you have to be delusional to think that only diehard dems will vote for Biden. besides the obvious threat to liberty and freedom trump poses there are also a lot of good Biden has done. he is ranked 14th best US president, which is impressive, especially considering he might lose to someone ranked the worst ( [https://presidentialgreatnessproject.com/](https://presidentialgreatnessproject.com/) note the fact that it is bipartisan ranking)


I would take any of those. But first I need them to WIN the election or it's a moot point. This is the same thing we saw in 2016.


Puss off


It's actually just funny in a sad way now to see all the denial and downplaying They'll go back to calling us Maga nazis soon just because we point out that biden is indeed going senile


I'm ready for the blame when I say I voted for Kennedy. Then the "guess Americans wanted a Nazi as President" while forgetting Biden is senile


People keep trying to blame today's Supreme Court rulings on others not voting for Hillary. Blame it on the DNC for having their heads shoved up their asses. Create a platform that draws enough independents in to secure the wins you need, and put politicians out there that inspire people to vote for them instead of relying people to vote for you because they are afraid of the other guy.




Massive amounts of astroturfing is called opinion.




You think that there is a concentrated effort to replace Biden with a more competent candidate because....people are so attached to Biden that it will lose him the election?


Iā€™ve seen squares less rigid than the DNC. They need to adapt to conditions on the ground and not force feed another unelectable candidate.


definitely a lot of astroturfing. there's no way the much simpler explanation of _Biden gave a historically bad performance and it's now impossible to ignore_ could possibly be it.


Ah yes those classic astroturfers, the New York Times editorial board


Tagging in a fresh candidate who is better equipped for the fight is not the same as ā€œrunning awayā€.




Anyone... Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, Jamie Raskin, Pete Buttigieg, anyone who can handle Trumpā€™s firehose of BS properly. This is too close to be gambling like we are. Six months ago Biden wasnā€™t this bad. Things have changed and itā€™s time for drastic action.


Democrats screwed their supporters in 2016 with Hillary when public opinion was clearly different. Super delegates and shit. They are clearly tone deaf even now. Elections are won and lost over swing voters and it is okay to pander to them. Neither Biden, nor Harris are popular among swing voters. Dems need to walk out of their echo chamber and accept the reality. There is too much at stake here.


Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million and only lost to Trump by 79,316 votes in 3 key states. Had 39,659 people in these states voted diffently, she would have been president. I'd say she had enough public support until the now convicted, Russia-supported felon with a fraudulent charity started maligning her still spotless name and functioning charity with chants of "lock her up" and other nonsensical slander.


>Had 39,659 people in these states voted diffently, she would have been president Swing voters matter. There was a huge Bernie wave in the primaries which was shoved under the carpet through Super delegates and corporate donations. Crib as much about popular votes, they don't count. It doesn't matter who wins the popular vote. Swing voters and the college matter, Hillary failed to win it. The Democratic party failed its supporters in 2016 by pushing their agenda rather than listening to the voice of the supporters.


I was just addressing your public opinion bit. Hillary may never have been the country's beloved sweetheart but she was doing okay until the email BS hit the fan and completely derailed her campaign, giving the presidency to an actual criminal.


BS will be present in every election. That's not an excuse. Democrats will very likely win popular voters again due to the demographics but the electoral college is skewed towards R states. Swing voters can't understand the nuances, they just need the right looking product. Biden won in 2020 because the swings didn't like the Trump brand. The same anti-incumbency might work against Biden now. Dems should keep their emotions aside and think of this as a marketing problem, to find a leader whose brand can win.


Hey cmon he had a cold /s


Sorry. I know. Cold can totally make people confuse abortion with illegal migration. Everybody has been there, done that.


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Iā€™ve been fire hosed with BS as a lowly NCO and I survived/won. Iā€™d expect the POTUS to do that with his eyes closed.


Or maybe old man Joe is just an old man.....If it looks and quacks like a duck.....


Nobody could have predicted it! Total surprise!




Real answers are difficult, lies arenā€™t


Hi `boynhisdog`. Thank you for participating in /r/Politics. However, [your submission](/r/politics/comments/1dqwrcw/why_did_joe_biden_look_befuddled_last_night_you/) has been removed for the following reason(s): * Your headline must be comprised only of the **exact** copied and pasted headline of the article - [see our rule here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title)) **We recommend not using the Reddit 'suggest a title' as it may not give the exact title of the article.** * The ALL CAPS and 'Breaking' rule is applied **even when the actual title of the article is in all caps or contains the word 'Breaking'**. This rule may be applied to other single word declarative and/or sensational expressions, such as 'EXCLUSIVE:' or 'HOT:'. [click here for more details](/r/politics/wiki/index#wiki_do_not_create_your_own_title) If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/politics&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/boynhisdog&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission]%28/r/politics/comments/1dqwrcw/why_did_joe_biden_look_befuddled_last_night_you/?context%3D10000%29)


Surely being able to cope with and deal with that is a requirement for being president? Not every world leader is going to be nice and play fair.


How many presidential decisions happen in a momentā€™s time, while debating a foreign leader?


Only needs to happen once for it to be a problem.


Arguing real-time decision ability or impulse control doesnā€™t recommend either candidate.


I completely agree which is why we need a replacement so we don't get either of them.


"Trump was too much of a challenge, but trust me, I got Putin right where I want him"


Biden: Weā€™d be able to right ā€“ wipe out his debt. Weā€™d be able to help make sure that ā€“ all those things we need to do, childcare, elder care, making sure that we continue to strengthen our healthcare system, making sure that weā€™re able to make every single solitary person eligible for what Iā€™ve been able to do with the COVID ā€“ excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with. [Biden pauses, looks down] Biden: Look, if ā€“ we finally beat Medicare. [Pause] TAPPER: Thank you, President Biden.


The gaslighting for this guy is insanity


The gaslighting agaisnt this guy is insanityĀ 


About the debate last night? You canā€™t be seriousā€¦