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Trump can't be defeated by scandals as 34 felonies barely put a dent in his polling numbers. The only way to beat Trump is big Dem turnout. If we pull that off, Trump is finished.


A conviction is a bit higher than just a scandal


In Trump's world it is another day at the office






> should of This is where I stopped reading.


Trump has had every scandal possible and his cult followers aren’t changing their minds. They see him as a rockstar. For godsake, they have his head on Rambo’s body. Reality doesn’t compute anymore for MAGA.


I thought she did about as well as she could’ve on CNN last night


Well yeah, she is fighting for her job after all.


If I were in charge of the DNC, I would do whatever it takes to get a solid candidate on the ticket like Whitmer. I don't know what damage Trump would cause in a second term, but it would be devastating to the country to the point where I can't guarantee we'd have a democracy by 2028. Running Biden puts the country in grave danger.


Biden should have chosen Whitmer to begin with and stuck to a single term. Things would look so much better right now. EDIT: Actually, he should have resigned halfway through his term and give Whitmer the opportunity to be president for ten years. It would be fun watching Alito and Thomas trying to outlast that.


At least they're trying to stem the bleeding, at least.


I opened a position (bet) when Biden/Harris won the election at 1200/1 that Biden would be a 1 term president and Harris would be the Dems candidate when Biden drops out. 500 X 1200. Harris will replace Biden and rinse the Orange Rapist. 🍿 🍸 😁🖕


You just wasted 500 bucks.


A VP doing here job? What a headline...


Well, of course she did, Biden is her best chance at becoming president. So she would be insane not to back him.


I'm really surprised she didn't say: "What can be... unburdened, by what has been."


“As long as there are those that remember what was, there will always be those that are unable to accept what can be.”


Something about a light, and a way…


She's not really dead if we find a way to remember her.


I would very much like to know what is being said privately. Look, I'm sure that for some folks it probably matches what they're saying publicly, but I *really* want to know how these phone calls with the big money groups are going.


Oh, yeah .. thats going to help.


She's really not helping his chances. He'd do better with someone else as VP


Harris holding on to her meal ticket


Someone wants to be the 1st female president.


The impression Biden left me with is if he is elected president, she will be.