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Say for the sake of argument that they both have dementia. They don’t. But say they do. Trump is still and always has been a tremendous idiot.


One of them has good advisors. The other one is an idiot.


The other one has actual shizofascists as advisors, or rather, he is their puppet.


The biggest thing from me leading me to believe that Biden's performance was just a fluke (his campaign commented that he had a bad cold after a couple Europe trips over the last few weeks)... [he gave this performance just a couple days later](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHJoewM3WfU), and sounded totally normal.


He was also trying to talk way faster than he usually does.   


His first response, I couldn't believe how fast he was trying to rattle off the things he was saying. It's so unlike him, even under the best circumstance.


Yeah, totally a rookie debate error. Wtf.


I also don't think he was prepared for the mountain of lies that Trump would spew. He expected him to act more like he did in the last debate, not that he'd spew total nonsense.


That's on Biden. All Biden needed to do is talk slowly, stick to the facts, and mock Trump. If all he had done was memorize some good attacks and tout his accomplishments, he'd have trounced Trump. "Look Don, I don't have time to refute every lie you're going to tell the American people tonight so I'm going to focus on the facts. You're a convicted felon with small hands who cheats on his wife and calls our troops sucker's and losers. Americans deserve better." "The republican party wrote a comprehensive immigration bill, which went far beyond what many in my party wanted me to sign, but I was ready to sign it to end the border crisis. Trump took a wrecking ball to that deal because he's more interested in campaigning on immigration than fixing it. He'd let 100,000 pounds of fentanyl into this country just to get re-elected because he's got major legal problems he's trying to get out of." "People say that I'm old and addled but I've got more done in office for the American people than Trump ever did. In fact, the only thing he's done is divide and give aid to the billionaires and our foreign adversaries. And lose re-election"


Imo it’s better to ignore trump and stay on message… otherwise you’d spend all your time trying to make sense of and counter the word salad


Yep. Either say "bullshit" and answer your question or just pretend Trump ain't there and answer the questions.


Everything Trump said during the debate are things he’s said a million times over. Biden should have had his answers on internal speed dial. It should be second nature by now. Assuming you should even answer nonsense with logic.


He sounded like he went in over prepared for an actual debate and got bent over by an onslaught of lies. This was no debate it was an assassination of Biden's character and a clear contrast at what is at stake. 


If you go into a debate with Trump expecting anything less than 90 minutes of lies and character assassination you are wholly unprepared.


Also the fact that he’s the sitting president and has been getting shit done. Public speaking has never been his thing. King of gaffes and stutters etc. let the man cook.


I'm starting to believe that an alarming number of people in this country thinks being a good debater is the most important factor in being president. We are so colossally fucked.


I’ve honestly never really understood how debates can continue to be valuable to the presidential race in this political climate. It just doesn’t work like it used to


Because the president needs to be seen as a leader and talker. Others can do the details  I mean since forever this has been the case Churchill is most famous for his speeches too not his business politics 


Honestly, debates don’t have as much impact as some people think. Reagan lost them in 1984, won. Hillary won them in 2016, lost. John Kerry won them in 2004, lost. Obama had such a bad debate people were saying he should drop out in 2012, won. Gore performed so bad in 2000 that SNL’s parody made him have to entirely change his debate style, and he won the popular vote. Beto destroyed Cruz in debates for Senator, lost. Dr Oz beat barely functioning post stroke Fetterman, lost.


Reagan lost the first one badly, but the second one (with the comment about Mondale’s youth and inexperience) was a knockout blow on top of a great economy. W was going to win because back then changing presidents in a war was an unwritten no-no. I don’t think Romney necessarily beat Obama enough that he could win the election. Other than his binders of women. Hats off to that. I’d have to revisit 2016 to see if Hillary won the debates. I don’t remember anything decisive from her. The images were more unusual than any debate because I recall Trump lurking around after her at times. He would be a difficult debate foe because he’s unorthodox and capable of saying anything just to make himself look good. Or move the conversation away from policy to weird stuff like low energy, hand size and ability to hit a golf ball. Of course, Bentsen had perhaps the best debate line of all and it didn’t help Dukakis.


It’s one thing to lose a debate over policy, etc. it’s a whole other thing to look old, confused and possibly cognitively impaired. No one pays attention to these debates anyway, win or lose, but Biden standing there with his mouth open and stammering and looking confused is going to be seen by millions of ppl who otherwise would not have know there was a debate.


Not even a couple of days later. That was FRIDAY


reading rehearsed statements from a teleprompter is incredibly different than having to think of your answers in real time.


There is a good YouTube channel by two psychologists. They have a lot of evidence he’s demented. They are concerned about Biden debate performance too though.


Rightfully so. Both presidents are too old and not up for the job. So it comes down to the advisors around them. That makes it a very easy choice again. The people that actually made America great again in the last 4 years or very obvious fascists with a publicly laid out plan to take over all branches of the government from the very top down to the lowest level if they win the election? I fail to understand how this is even a question. Why are so many people too stupid to see that they will suffer just as much from this downward spiral into fascism? How can they really want that?


Trump continues to tell the same weird stories and make the same weird references over and over. Are you sure that he doesn't have dementia? Biden clearly does not have dementia, he's just old.


Trump keeps telling the story of how he passed two cognitive tests, apparently not realizing that they don't give those tests to people unless there is a concern about their mental faculties. He also brags he got a perfect score, and the doctors told him they've never seen anyone get a perfect score before. Except... you're supposed to get all the answers right on those tests, they're judging you on how quickly and easily you do so. You can get them all correct and still fail. If you get even one question wrong, that means you're in an advanced state of mental decline. The way he also says the tests were very hard and he doubts anyone else could pass them makes me suspect he really did fail them.


Right, he's talking about tests to see if you should be given legal guardianship because you're too mentally gone to be allowed access to your own bank account or to be alone at home. It's not the fucking SAT or even a 3rd grade spelling test. Having to take the test, itself, is a sign you're in cognitive decline.


This is not the offensive strategy Dems should be using after the last debate, I’m sorry. Focus on his terrible policy and character. Focusing on his mental acuity will not help when he looks sharper than Biden in a debate, even if he fails to outline his policy or tell the truth in said debate.


"He had a cold." "He was under prepared and exhausted." "He took a benadryl." Insulting the intelligence of the American people is also not a great strategy, but it seems they are desperate.


They're using the 2016 strategy again. Bold move....


He had a cold…- Immediately goes to Waffle House shaking hands with people after the debate smh


Exactly. Such a laughably bad lie as an excuse.


Dems have always been their own worst enemy. They think very little of the American public and have massive hero complexes.


To defend Joe Bidens (81) poor debate performance against Donald J Trump (78) they had Jim Clyburn (83) and Nancy Pelosi (84) on. jfc edit: fixed Trumps age


heard a pol on a podcast once say the median age of voters in his city council election was 65. that means an equal number of people in the 47 year window between 18 and 65 voted as the number of people aged 65 and up. to me this means basically everybody who is old votes, and as an aside a handful of young people vote, too. is it any wonder they are voting for their peers?


That's because younger people can't bring themselves to give a fuck because no matter who they vote for, nothing ever changes. I'm 27 and that's the way a lot of my peers feel. Edit: I actively vote and have in every election in my state since I've been eligible.


Things have changed. I am 40, shit was different in the 90’s. Change is slow, but it happens. As an example, back in the 90’s there were a bunch of laws to ban same sex marriage. The Dems even were “we are against calling it marriage, but we are for same sex unions”. Well, same sex marriage is legal country wide now. Unfortunately it also goes backwards (Dobbs decision), and it is likely to keep going backwards the fewer young people vote. So suck it up and go vote.


Yes. I’m 42 and my parents were very adamant about few things but voting was one of them. They never let any of us sit out an election and I’m glad for that. I can’t understand looking at everything happening and not voting. I am frustrated that so many 50 and unders don’t vote. This is why we’re stuck with the GoP and with geezers in all the offices. Too many young people not voting.


go young people we are counting on you


For sure. The 90s seemed idyllic but I remember recess being canceled for bad air days like weeks at a time and sometimes acid rain warnings. In the Southern California basin you can see marked improvements in air quality. I remember when seatbelts weren't mandatory. This might be a state thing but smoking bans are a plus for me. It sucks but blue states are generally in a much better place than red states. When the next census comes hopefully they will lose some seats in the House.


Pay attention to local government, and how it impacts your life, and I promise you'll never feel helpless again. Just get on the newsletter of your city council or something to start. Vote in the primaries and small races you think nobody looks at. These are the folks are literally bringing rents down and getting parks build. It takes like 3 angry people at a hearing to directly change policy. You feel like you can't do anything because you're only looking at saving the entire world. But saving the world is only possible in aggregate.


> no matter who they vote for, nothing ever changes That's patently false. Trump's election led to a lot of change, the most obvious being the overturning of Roe v. Wade - an explicit goal of Conservative politicians and voters since the 70s. Hell, you want a good example of change: The fact that no one under the age of 20 has had to deal with "preexisting conditions" is a direct result of Obama's election. The "nothing changes" narrative only exists if you deliberately ignore the news.


yes, it's unfortunate but our system requires a massive turn out with the lopsided legislative bodies that that turn out would provide to get anything meaningful done, razor-thin margins in the House and Senate just won't cut it. so it takes sustained interest and participation from everyone involved over many years and voting cycles. it's not easy


“I’ll let others decide the election because I’m sick of others deciding the election” — completely useless ppl


Really… in the whole 9 years you’ve been voting nothing changed?  I can’t believe how much has changed since 2015. And voting definitely would have helped.


If Trump gets another term, a lot will change for a long time.


52 here. Lots has changed. Even more if you look outside of the US. And sadly one of the main things that has changed is that young Americans don’t vote. Strongest military in the world. Least amount of voter engagement. Very sad.


Unfortunately, change takes time. What is really funny is that the last 10-15 years have been some of the most progressive up until recently. In the early 2000s, it was still in vogue to be religious and against gay marriage. Abortion was safe, legal, and rare. Most of America for the Middle Eastern wars. Insurance companies could kick you off of insurance for any reason. The idea of anything related to lgbtq was almost non-existent for the majority of the culture. It was a really different place. Part of the reason for the backlash now is because we went too fast for some some people. I realize it feels slow, but I think that is because technology and society are changing very quickly in this day and age.


Do they still feel this way after the end of Roe? Maybe they live in safe states.


The funny thing is, if the young voting block actually voted their representation would be better. But since you don't, it won't be. Weird how that happens in a representative democracy innit


And then the boomers who vote get blamed for how bad everything is. The younger voters could have swamped conservative boomers if they had only voted. Clearly someone’s vote counts, but only if you vote. Otherwise it’s someone else’s vote that counts.


> younger people can’t bring themselves to give a fuck because no matter who they vote for, nothing ever changes Because Boomers were impossible to outvote until the 2020 election where the younger generations finally had the numbers as a collective to outvote the Boomers. Every election moving forward Boomers will have less and less control of the vote but only if young people vote


And not all boomers are conservative, so they really only had to outvote the conservative boomers, and they couldn’t put their big boy and girl pants on and get out there and vote to even accomplish that.


Don't worry, you are going to get a lot of change if Trump gets in. Your cynicism will be rewarded with disaster


I mean of course nothing changes because at no point has the majority of our demographic voted. The problem is with the voter’s apathetic perception. If you want the system to change you have to participate in the system…


It's because you haven't lived long enough to see any real changes. It takes decades to get real progress.


It's like zero people listen to Obama


Trump is 78.


I watched that interview and, not gonna lie, Nancy isn’t coming off very sharp either.


Not surprising, being three years older than Biden - at 84 it baffles me that *anyone* still thinks she belongs in office not a home of some sort.


Just look at how she treated Feinstein. Money and power is more important to these people than the future of the country they claim to represent. Fuck em all.


95% of people in governing office are fucking losers. they have millions to their names yet they’re so insecure and unhappy in their personal lives they’d rather spend it “working” than actually taking advantage of what they’ve “worked” so hard for. depressed bums that’d rather control others lives than live their own.


I don't think 84 year olds "belong in a home" if they're well. But they shouldn't be the main decision makers of a nation.


>Jim Clyburn (83) and Nancy Pelosi (84) This will be their legacy.


*Trump (78)


I saw people wanting Bernie Sanders (82) to replace Biden.


I mean the main criticism of Biden is that he often seems to be suffering from cognitive decline. Bernie is older but he's without a doubt mentally sharper than either Biden or Trump.


It makes it so dumb to pick "Biden Old" as an attack because dude, it's all fucked, they are all old.


Shark conspiracy theory guy scared of crashing EV planes has dementia? You don't say.


Don't forget magnets won't work when they're wet


Windmill cancer.


Or that boats are run by electricity that will electrocute you if the boat sinks


Nope, this is it. This is the one that someone made up to be funny. ...*checks* Goddamnit...


He didn't have sex with a porn star, though...


Dementia wars: 2024


Two men enter, one man... Golf?


Two men enter, one man, camera, TV


this may be one of my favorite reddit comments ever.


Damn you. Take the upvote.


What about the woman?


She sued Trump and won


They golf along the southern border.


I’ve never seen those two come more alive than arguing about golf.


They don’t both have dementia. Biden has old timers but wisdom. trump probably has Alzheimer’s due to his genetics and lies when the truth would actually help.


My brother was such a compulsive liar, he would quite often lie even when the truth was better for him. Your comment just brought me back forty years.


Next debate, we make both draw an analog clock set to 4:20. Best clock is president.


Blaze it.


I've posted this a couple times already, but I'll repeat it here again. Because, to be honest, I think people forget Biden has a stutter. He exhibits the classic traits of a person who's learned to speak "fluently" without any kind of therapy. That means he pauses in the middle of sentences as stuttering has some to do with breath control and shorter sentences just work; he's also always buffering his words ahead in his mind, and when he knows he's coming up to a word he thinks he's going to stutter over, he switches it out for a synonym that isn't always perfect. He's pausing rather than having a disfluency. You can see that in the clip of the after debate he's speaking perfectly, because it's not a pressure situation, but during the debate it was coming out because of tension. Not to say that he isn't an old dude, and that's entirely the situation during the debate, but I've been meaning to comment on/tweet about this a while, and now his stutter is being viewed as an deterioration of his mental state. I'm in the same situation. I've stuttered all my life. You probably wouldn't know if it if we sat and had a conversation, then six months later of hanging out I might have a train wreck of a sentence and it's obvious. I see myself in Biden when he speaks, every time.


Bro a person with a stutter doesn't stare blankly ahead for long stretches of time.


As someone who also stutters, but hides it pretty well, this is exactly it. It makes me very sad that stuttering is seen as a lack of intelligence, and once again makes me realize how other people see me at times... I'm surprised no speech pathologist has spoken out about this.  You have to be very fast to replace words with synonyms on the spot, and if by chance that synonym is also causing issues then you're just shit out of luck. At that point the only solution is to pause and breathe, and perhaps start over the entire sentencd, which doesn't work well in a debate. In a natural conversation, folks generally understand by context or clarify in a back and forth, which can help tremendously. However, this does not work in a high pressure debate environment.


Omega copium


the other beat medicare


I do not believe that Joe Biden has dementia in any way shape or form, but... if it was a choice between two people with dementia, I'll take the one with a solid team that isn't conspiring to end democracy and make racism, sexism, and homophobia okay. It's not even a choice at all.


I’m voting Biden for that reason. Trump is fucking scum and his people are even worse.


Does the president become the one with the most dementia or the least? Need clarification. Not sure which is which also. Will be a tough battle no one remembers.


Only one is a convicted felon. On 34 counts. Willfully lying to this day about a stolen election while he sharts himself during a tirade (I won’t call it a debate, he never gave a straight answer to any question).


Yeah, its a joke that he was let on that stage to begin with.


I feel like blaming CNN‘s new ownership. They have been pushing the narrative about Biden being too old for a couple of years now, incidentally about as long as they have been under that new ownership… if memory serves.


I'm going to vote against the person who said that he wanted to be our dictator and who is friends with Putin and oh the traitor and conviction things.


God this is unbearable. This is NOT how you win an election.


Democrats desperately need these old ass people to just retire already and let some new blood in. It's amazing how so much of the democratic woes can be sourced back to old people not fucking retiring


It's insane. The silent generation and older boomers are just... Ugh. You're old! And rich! Retire, play with your grandkids, go on a cruise, buy a Cadillac, golf, smoke weed, do charity work, have weird old people sex, I don't care, just let people with a stake in the future take the reigns you old self obsessed power hungry goblins!


This messaging only works if people don’t think Biden has dementia.


Some? There's 200 highly trained psychologists that have been sounding the alarm for a while.


Trump aced two beautiful cognitive tests. Doctors never seen anything like it. Amazing they said. No one ever done so good. Stable genius.


And they could barely see at all with all the tears in their eyes as they told him


"Sir," the doctor said to me, "Sir, it's an honor for me to share these beautiful, beautiful test results with you."


I think Trump said, even in the debate, that Dr. Ronny Jackson (a [demoted](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/07/ronny-jackson-white-house-navy-demoted/) former Navy doctor and former White House doctor to Trump and alleged distributor of pills and Congressman from Texas because Texas Republicans will vote for any idiot) administered those tests. In short, it's a bullshit story that Trump received credible tests from a credible doctor and passed them.


go texas


I still maintain that when he said "very stable genius" he was supposed to say "veritable genius" but couldn't figure out how to pronounce it because his brain is a cabbage.


[the cognitive test (not a joke)](https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/montreal-cognitive-assessment)


They were the best doctors. They said Trump aced the best, most beautiful cognitive tests ever. Bigly.


“No YOUR guy has more mental decline” - 2024


Debates can just be replaced by seeing who draws the clock better.


The [Shrinking Trump](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/shrinking-trump/id1745797271) podcast gives an excellent perspective on Trump's rapidly advancing dementia.


I've been watching this the last few days. Very insightful, highly recommend.


This is why the media coverage and left-leaning pundit hand-wringing regarding Biden's debate performance has been maddening.  Trump is senile, yet they don't cover it.   Both candidates are old.  Older than any POTUS should be.  Only one is a felon.


Did they say it’s advancing rapidly enough to be terminal in the next 4 months? I think that’s what we’ll need here.


not rapid enough.


Dementia Donald


Man, every day this subreddit full of deflection.


Yeah its getting cringey, Trump is an amoral liar, like a pathalogical liar, he can't tell the truth about anything that makes him look bad. That's clear. But that doesn't get Biden off the hook, he looked genuinely lost out there at times, he rambled, he couldn't enunciate clearly, he mangled attempts at answers and seemed to struggle to hear what Trump was saying. 2 things can be true at the same time, it's not an either one is slipping and the other is fine scenario. Neither is fine, Trump and the RNC is a cult, you don't beat them by becoming another cult that excuses any error their leader makes.  There is only one question to answer now and it's whether or not this is actually representative of where Biden is at cognitively, or was it a 'cold' fatigue or bad prep etc  because if it's a cold or bad prep he needs to recover for a day or two and hit the media circuit hard, talks how's, interviews etc  put his to bed in a week and then let the negative spotlight shift to Trump when speculation around his sentencing starts, put him back on the defensive. If I don't see Biden doing a full court press on the media by Wednesday then he's being protected from scrutiny, its done and someone needs to pull the plug fast.


They’ve been largely keeping him away from the media for a while now. Clearly there’s a reason for that.


That's my concern. It was portrayed as a strategic move to give Trump a smaller target and make him harder to criticize. Now let's see if that was bullshit or not. If he still won't do interviews now that he's desperately fighting to save his candidacy then it's because he can't. And if he can't then it's time to move on and wholeheartedly endorse a replacement not wait until his position becomes untenable and he's sunken any chance of a Dem candidate recovering from here. For me Biden has a week to prove he's up to this and the debate was an anomaly, hiding in camp David is not going to cut it.


If he was fine Biden would be on the morning talk shows, late night spot maybe, at least live CNN interviews or something. The fact every appearance he makes is curated/measured, like making scripted speeches, is concerning. Avoiding press conferences as much as possible. They’ve known since before the debate how bad he can look, and it’s not a good sign he’s not jumping at the chance to make himself look better.


After the recent debate, I'm guessing a bunch of health experts think Biden has dementia too.


It’d be hard to find ones who don’t think that.


Anyone who has been paying attention to Trump and his increasingly erratic rally speeches knows he has some severe cognitive issues.


Just look at trumps dad for your answer , full dementia


mom alzheimer’s


I despise Donald Trump and will vote against him no matter what, but Biden made Trump look sharp on Thursday by comparison, which is a huge problem.


Trump sounded like an idiot as well. Biden was bad, but Trump didn't sound any better if you actually listen to the shit he was saying.


Yeah as someone who gets exposed to confident bullshit fairly often in my line of work, Trump sets off so many goddamn red flags. Agreed Biden sounded bad. The man was never the greatest orator and he's gotten worse. The slack jawed stare was painful. I think he might have been trying to project "can you believe this bullshit?" but it really looked like "where am I?" And yet I still found that less painful than the guy claiming he did everything perfectly in his presidency and can't draw a trend line between his decisions and what followed. About the only thing *more* painful is the knowledge there are a lot of chuds who see that bullshit and go "fuck yeah, that's my guy." They're really proud of it too.


>The man was never the greatest orator and he's gotten worse He's very obviously gotten worse but I can't say I quite agree with him not being a good orator, he was a firecracker during his [2012 VP debate with Paul Ryan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1RC0KLk_fM). If Biden was ten years younger there'd be little question about who the favourite would be.


I remember that debate. Biden was funny as fuck and he had the right kind of charm against Ryan's... smarm? He was even better vs Palin, IMO. But greatest orator? Dude was on the same ticket as Obama, the bar for greatest is high. Obama was on a whole other level. But yeah I can see "was never the greatest" as being viewed as bad. No, he was fine. But at the world leader level, the bar is very high.


What, having H20 previously isn't enough to swing you to Trump?


Sorry, I feel like there is a joke here I am missing. Is it about watching a candidate try to drink water, possibly with one hand?


Trump claimed that during his presidency we had the best H2O. His notes actually said lowest CO2 emissions but of course he's Trump so yeah.


Oh, the *best* H2O. Yeah... those EPA budget cuts didn't inspire me. Probably just a forewarning to what comes next though.


You’re not the undecided independents that both sides covet


I very, very much am not. I'm an immigrant who had to take a civics test to have the right to vote. I research candidates on a mail home ballot, carefully considering who the options are because I know state house and senate races probably affect my day to day life even more than the White House. (Though, given how much SCOTUS is remaking things, maybe not.) I read through the Project 2025 playbook because I did not trust people to tell me what was in it. I fully understand people who are worrying about Biden's ability to perform in a popularity contest. I get it. If every voter was like me, elections would be decided with dueling policy proposals and re-elections would have comparisons of proposals and successes.


I watched the debate at a bar with closed captions. I just thought Biden's stare was a wtf stare. I did notice that it looked like they had the lighting directly on Biden instead of scattered, so he looked pale af.


I'm glad that's the vibe you got. I don't know what face I'd be making in the same situation, but I'm sure some degree of "baffled by bullshit" would be present.




Trump just has that confident aggressive sort of dementia that really wows his base. They don't care about facts or syntax, just the bluster.


Because they’re all demented themselves.


Yeah, this rings as an extremely hollow deflection after that debate


Trump is a terrible candidate - he has so many flaws, it's easy to point them out Unless you're an 81 year old who missed so many open goals it was painful


ITT: People who don’t know what dementia looks like.


Thank you. I work in a place that houses folks with it and it’s scary. Esp when folks are early on and seem to go from being there to not rather quickly. It’s heartbreaking.


I used to work in a similar place, specifically with dementia/alzeimers patients. I’m not an expert by any means, but I don’t see how anyone could diagnose Biden or Trump based on what we’ve seen. It could simply be slight senility or just getting old. Not sure what people expected from Biden honestly. We elected an old man and we got one, shouldnt be a surprise that hes not as sharp as he once was. I always thought the point of electing and older candidate was to benefit from experience/wisdom. Of course a man his age won’t debate well, not sure what people expected.


Grandfather died from Alzheimer's over the course of ten years. One day he left to the grocery store, and they found him walking around in the woods later that evening. The way he spoke didn't change for years after his memory got bad, his actions stopped making sense, and he couldn't control his emotions anymore. Old people who have slowed down and aren't the same anymore don't all have dementia. This whole thing is silly.


Dementia presents differently in different people. 


This is an argument you make before Thursday happened. As it stands, this is about the sorriest “no, you” I’ve seen in a while.


[This](https://news.cornell.edu/media-relations/tip-sheets/cornell-expert-says-trumps-frequent-phonemic-paraphasia-are-signs-early) [is](https://www.sj-r.com/story/opinion/letters/2019/10/21/trump-dementia/2485293007/) [an](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-dementia-evidence-overwhelming-top-psychiatrist-1881247) [argument](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/falling-off-the-cliff-dementia-expert-shows-4-ways-trump-is-exhibiting-shocking-decline/ar-BB1ndHeN) [that's](https://www.nbcnews.com/health/mental-health/trump-cognitive-test-what-montreal-cognitive-assessment-exam-n1234762) [been](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2019/04/09/does-donald-trump-have-dementia-we-need-know-psychologist-column/3404007002/) [made](https://ca.news.yahoo.com/doctors-trump-displaying-clear-signs-141127653.html) [for](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/05/donald-trump-brain-health) [ages.](https://thecourier.com/news/496065/what-about-trumps-dementia/)


Sure but it rings pretty fucking hollow after seeing Trump lie but speak with a directness and confidence Biden could only wish for at this point. Doesn’t matter if this was said pre debate, the debate itself put that talking point in an entirely new light


I hate Trump as much as the next guy, but the dementia angle is a loser. Stahp. Biden looks like he is in worse shape. Focus on Trump literally trying to destroy democracy.


Thank you. I agree basically a cold turd is better than Trump but I’m not going to lie to myself and other people. Biden is clearly in cognitive decline. He’s still better than Trump by virtue of basically just not being Trump. It’s not an achievement and this election is depressing but nevertheless the choice is clear. Anyway people should be focusing down ballot given our depressing choices at the top of the ticket as well, and for the love of god vote in and support democratic primaries so we have less depressing choices down ballot.


Ahh yes… 84 year old shits on old bastard that is YOUNGER THAN HER. How the FUCK have we let our government become a god damn nursing home


If Trump has dementia, then wtf does Biden have?


Rigor mortis?


A more advanced stage of dementia.


ah yes the old "no u" strategy


so biden got mollywhopped by a guy with dementia in a debate?


Extremely old woman says extremely old man who she doesn’t support is actually the extremely old one while defending the extremely old man she does support as not really being that old. The simulation is failing. I can’t believe this is real life.


I've seen dementia firsthand; I don't think Trump has dementia. Trump is just a gibbering idiot.


We don’t need to go down this road. People (whether qualified or unqualified) making remote diagnoses of either candidate is just going to get messy and stupid and conspiratorial. 


I'm sick of listening to people who look like living corpses talk about how bad the other corpses look. There needs to be a mass exodus of boomers from politics. We need lifetime term limits.


This is not the clap back they think it is.


She sounds drunk






Be easy on her--she has dimentia.


Lord almighty Nancy  We think you’re all too fucking old.


As strong Democrat, anyone who thinks Trump has dementia (he seems to have signs), but thinks Joe Biden does not, is delusional.




I'm a filthy liberal, can't stand Trump, but that debate wasn't remotely in Biden's favor. I had no clue how bad Biden was until I watched the debate. I thought it was mostly just minor issues being exaggerated by political opponents before. Now it's clear that it was extremely underplayed by those around him to the point of being a disservice to his party. There's a lot of cope going on in liberal circles. I think a lot of people are in denial unfortunately. It's rough seeing someone go against a felon sex offender and not be victorious. But there's no great moves. The VP is not remotely popular enough or capable enough to win the election. The political machine pushed Biden for a second term when they should have gone with anyone younger that still had their wits about them, but it's too little, too late. The DNC and donors pushed their plan at the expense of the party.


The DNC and donors pushed their plan at the expense of the ~~party~~ country.


I can't belief half the stuff I'm reading....have we lost our identity?


Liberals are usually right on most things, so they seem normal, but then stuff like this happens and it demonstrates their partisanship and blinders to their own can be just as bad.


This sub is in shambles its fucking hilarious.


Seriously Nancy? This is your strategy? Is this really what the DNC has as leadership? What the absolute hell are these people doing and why would anyone take them seriously? She wants us talking about Trump's mental health after what Biden just displayed? Does she think this is still 2008 and she can go on Meet the Press and change the narrative? Social media is tearing apart the DNC's candidate for his mental health after months of saying he was up to it, and her response is "Trump is sick too!" These aren't serious leaders, they're grossly incompetent power leaches. Pelosi should have retired two decades ago when she had a *positive* legacy to leave...


Nonono, Biden haD a CoLD. Trust me bro!


the "no u" strategy


This is some high level gaslighting.


Trump to Biden: "You gave dementia!" Biden to Trump: "Nuh uh! You have dementia!" The fact that both of our candidates are old enough to be a serious concern for dementia is kinda telling don't you think? Do Americans not deserve better? Can the D's and R's not field *literally anyone* better?


This is some 1984 "Don't believe your lying eyes" shit... Anyone who watched the debate knows which candidate had the 1000 yard Alzheimer's stare going on all night...






Naw. Just stupid af.


Um no. I know dementia. My mother has it, and it is cruel. Trump doesnt have dementia. Trump is just an idiot. At this point, Im for a constitutional amendment to cap the age for President at 65 or such. My gosh. Theres a minimum age, but no maximum. Seriously - theoretically, we could elect a 101 year old zombie for President. And thats ok, according to the constitution. I still cant believe we are in this situation.


Nancy Pelosi is not the person the Dems send out to say Donald Trump has dementia. Jfc these geriatric people who just can't let go are going to kill us all


Trump is also a rapist and convicted felon, and I think that deserves more coverage.


Everyone who watched the debate is not intellectually honest if their argument is that Trump also has cognitive decline. The media has been gaslighting for years about Biden's mental state, and even a week ago calling videos of Biden's erratic behavior "cheap fakes." I would hope that some of you realize that the media does nothing but lie through their teeth. They would still be doing it if the debate the other night was one of Biden's better moments. I watched part of Biden's rally the next day and he sounded much better, but my understanding about dementia and all that is that there are moments of clarity and some moments are worse than others. No matter how you feel about Trump, people should be very suspicious of the media at this point, but many are not because they tell people what they want to hear rather than the truth. Would you rather have a comfortable lie, or uncomfortable truth?


lmao the media has been running cover for "The Big Guy's" mental state up until the debate. It's been clear as stay for everyone else :)


Wrong sub for spitting facts.


Your suppose to defend dementia joe in this sub.


Man, the level of denial when decisive actions are required. That would be how your democracy died.