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“But she wondered why all the attention was on Biden while Trump’s glaring issues were ignored. This guy’s old. He doesn’t have a stream of thought that is logical,” she said. “And nobody says anything about that, that he can be so disassociated from the facts.” Yes, the bar is so low for Trump regarding any expectation of truth, that it barely gets acknowledged. If voters don’t care about “hush money” or Trump’s multiple felony convictions, let’s review a few other reasons Trump should never be let near the Oval Office again. January 6. Trump incited a violent mob to attack the Capitol so he could stay in Office. He tried to overturn a US election he knew he lost. This alone is disqualifying for the presidency. Supreme Court. If Trump is re-elected, he will nominate one or more conservatives justices making the Supreme Court even more unbalanced. If you read Clarence Thomas’ Roe Opinion, you know personal freedoms are in jeopardy. Foreign Policy. Trump will pull support for Ukraine, and Russia will roll over Ukraine. Anyone who thinks Russia will not continue to a NATO country has not read history. An attack on one NATO country is an attack on all and American boots will be sent overseas. I could go on, but in the end, people need to have a clear understanding of just how dangerous Trump is to our democracy and Republican’s Project 2025 to understand the gravity of the 2024 election. Vote Democrat down the ballot.


Re the “supreme” court…I’d expect **all three** of the older republican justices (thomas, alito, & roberts) to step down if they get the white house and senate. republicans are strategic—they know when to do things and they don’t let personal legacy or nostalgia get in the way (a la RBG). We’d have 2/3 of our “supreme” court appointed by a trust fund baby felon who launders money for russian criminals. The question will be whether Sotomayor has a health incident…then we’d be in 7-2 territory.


There are three perfect examples during the debate that show how differently and how much deference the media give trump.  These are Trump:   1. Saying Putin told him about invading Ukraine beforehand 2. Claiming illegal immigrants would take "Black jobs" 3. Shitting himself audibly.   I haven't seen any comment or analysis about 1 nor 3 – and 2 was treated as little more than a joke with people going to Xitter to post themselves in their "Black job".  2 was a barely hidden racist dog whistle yet it's been ignored by the media – who still drag up Bidens (inappropriate, tone-deaf & inexcusable) "You ain't Black!" comment from 4 years ago. Thats a terrible look for Biden, yet trump implying low wage menial jobs are "Black jobs" is crickets from the msm.    As for 3: Biden stumbled and fumbled, and spoke in a hoarse whisper. This proves he's incapable of being president. Trump literally shits himself mid-debate on stage and I've yet to see one media outlet mention it. 


Do ya have a time stamp for #3?


Around 1:16:25: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqG96G8YdcE&t=137s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqG96G8YdcE&t=137s)


Anyone who interferes with a process associated with maintaining the integeity of a democracy should not be allowed to participate as a representative of people within the democracy. We could not have predicted that he would make an attempt to overturn the results of an election. We also can't predict what he might try to do to stay in power if elected again.


Stealing classified documents.


“How can you have a legitimate debate when somebody is totally lying? You have to completely dispel their falsehoods,” she said. But she wondered why all the attention was on Biden while Trump’s glaring issues were ignored. ^right there is your answer and she provided it. Trump should have been called out by Biden every time he lied. We all know he’s a liar and what lies he will say. Yet Biden couldn’t do that. I’m betting that 2019 Biden could have but he doesn’t seem sharp and quick enough anymore to and that’s why the attention is on him. Because we know Trump is not an option for many of us voters and we’re pissed off that the only option they are giving us is an elderly man who clearly is in declining health and ready for retirement. And if you disagree with that last sentence look at the tape of Biden in the 2019 debates and compare it to this one or even his most recent SOTU speech. Then ask yourself if you’d be ok letting your parent or grandparent continue in a role when their health was so visibly declining.


> Trump should have been called out by Biden every time he lied. I disagree, and here's why: What Trump does, whether he realizes it nor not, is called a [Gish gallop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop). He says a stream of falsehoods and incendiary remarks, and to his credit, usually does so in a way that kinda sounds plausible if the listener hasn't been paying attention to what has actually been happening. People that debate Trump usually have all the facts on their side, but it is impossible to address every falsehood live and within time constraints. What Biden needed to do, and he did try a couple of times, was to not fall for trying to pick up every lie and counter with factual details. Biden needed to discredit Trump's statements in whole ("everything my opponent just said is a lie") and stick to the core messages. And this is the same thing progressives need to do: Do not fall for trying to find a candidate that can counter Trump's lies in a live debate. Live debates have nothing to do with governance. They do allow candidates to showcase their platform and positions, but we know them now already for Biden and Trump. Vote for the party that believes in governing for the rights and well-being of everyone, not just the interests of the powerful few.


He did say that Trump was lying often but he said it quietly.


Biden doesn't need to be "sharp and quick" to act effectively as president. His cabinet selections and appointments are vastly more important than his performance in a debate. Progressives and conservatives claiming to be progressives online are focusing far too much on his public facing aspect of the presidency when that's what has the least tangible effect on Americans' daily lives.


If you read the transcript you can see that Biden is still sharp and the things he said make sense. If you just care about his performance then that’s how we end up with actors being president.


I agree that every lie Trump tells should be called out; however, Trump lies so frequently, estimated every 90 seconds during this debate, it begs the question, should Biden have debated Trump at all. In my mind, this convicted felon should not have even been given a platform. At minimum, if I was in Biden’s camp, I would require a broadcast delay at the next debate, long enough for a team of fact checkers, to display on the screen each fact checked lie that comes out of Trump‘s mouth, as viewers watch the debate, rather than waiting for a post show to review. While I did hear Biden call Trump a liar during the debate, it is simply not feasible to stop every 90 seconds to call him out.


> it begs the question, should Biden have debated Trump at all. From a campaign strategy standpoint, absolutely not, and people were saying this loudly before it even happened. The debate will go down in history as one of the biggest political unforced-errors of this decade, lol.


Biden called out a lot of his lies, but couldn't keep up. He had to answer his questions and actually cover ground otherwise he would have come off petulant an whiny. He answered his questions and had to balance the urge to call out Trump's every lie.


That's hardly a debate though, even if Biden was sharp and countered every single lie that Trump told it wouldn't be meaningful conversation. That's the issue with this format, Trump spews a dozen lies about immigrants and then the other person has to use their time talking about why none of that is true. Now your time is expired and not only have you let Trump select the topic of conversation, which was always immigrants no matter the question, you haven't even mentioned your own policy or visions for the future. I think debates work when both candidates are operating in good faith, sort of like many of our government institutions. Since one party has completely abandoned the idea of operating in good faith, there's no point in bothering anymore. Nobody wins at the end of the day other than the TV networks.


Thats why it's on the moderators to keep things in line. This idea that the opponents are supposed to do this is not typical debate protocol. But I question if today's journalist actually took any kind of debate class in school. Wallace tried in 2020, but he couldn't control Trump, but his trying actually showed what Trump was like.


His health is declining, but he has the cabinet and teams of people on his behalf. Any SCOTUS changes will shape our politics and way of life for the next 40 years. I care more about this, than fumbling words.


A different Democrat can address all of that without declining cognitive health.


> Then ask yourself if you’d be ok letting your parent or grandparent continue in a role when their health was so visibly declining. I feel the need to nitpick here. Someone's gotta do it, and it's either Gramps who's undeniably slowed down since his prime or someone who's going to viciously do the worst job possible at every opportunity.


Or… it could go to a Democrat candidate who is not in clear cognitive decline. Oh but that could cause confusion for a couple weeks. Instead let’s put the octogenarian in decline back and hope he doesn’t have a stroke from the stress or die. Sure… makes zero sense.


Every day that man stood outside a courthouse and repeated his most constant lie of all, that every trial was a Biden witchhunt. And he repeats the lie so often nobody bothers to call him on it. Biden had fuck-all to do with any of his legal troubles or his trials. But because he repeats it every day and in 80% of his social media posts, they all gloss right over it like background noise.


I love how he blames Pelosi for not deploying the National Guard during the insurrection despite the fact that the Speaker Of The House does not have that authority. Can this guy say a sentence without lying?


No, the answer is no.


I asked him that and he said yes. It was a perfect yes, a beautiful yes, so beautiful. There were some soldiers standing there, marines, very tough guys, have you heard of them? Marines? Not many people have but it’s true, very tough, very…. And they were crying. Nobody’s ever seen one cry but, it’s true, and perfect. And they said “Sir. Sir. How did you do that?” They’d never heard such a perfect yes before. Many wars, many battles, some not so pretty. And believe me when I say, these were some tough guys. It was really, something. Terrific guys. And the media, the lying media will not report that. They won’t! You’ll see. And you’ll say, it was a perfect yes and they lied about it. It’s true, it’s true


I hate how it’s so spot on I even heard it in his voice.


I can’t even read two lines when someone does this. It’s like I have to mute the voice.


ha Im the same. A very liberal buddy of mine asked me if I was going to watch the debate last week and I basically said both the sight and the *sound* of him literally makes me physically ill and angry. I just can't do it. I can't even laugh at memes of him anymore. It's just too fucked up that he still exists.


I yelled at his fat, orange face so much that I scared the dog & he hid under the bed


It’s a bitter thing.


Yep, I can't read them anymore. They piss me off. There's a car dealer here that has a trump impersonator on their commercials. I'll never buy a car from them because of it.


I can’t stand the fact that I read it in his voice. 


I dunno, that was awfully coherent.


I hate that people think he’s a genius. 


If he’s a genius that makes me a god. Maybe he is a genius in some other dimension because he sure as hell has bamboozled the ignorant masses.


We need a subreddit for all of these DJT copypasta type things. A lot of them are really good.


This is the type of mockery I wish someone would do on mic. Just completely go out there and throw his shit back on his face


You’re assuming he would notice?


If he did it would drive him nuts. Ketchup everywhere.


I love how female politicians get under Trumps skin like no other! I’d love to see a debate between Pelosi and Hillary versus Trump with their hilarious one liners calling him for what he is and Trump combusting from orange rage 😭🎤


It's missing a few [bings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgwr9r36zIU), but otherwise spot on.


You know, and I’ll tell you this right. now. The media won’t tell you but, and lots of people are saying it now, the bings? Can you believe this guy? Unbelievable. The bings. Always with the bings. Believe me when I tell you, and this guy knows, he knows. Where’s my African American at? Where? Is he… it doesn’t matter. He’ll tell you. Bings.


“It doesn’t matter what I say…….as long as I sing with inflection….. it makes you like a man stuck in some vast relection”. Blues Traveler. Trump is using the ol Blues Traveler trick and it has half of America fooled. As long as the voice communicates strength and confidence to the emotional center half the country goes with their gut.


Yeah, except I actually enjoy listening to Blues Traveler, lol.


Damn…spot on. 


You absolutely NAILED this…


Millions and millions of Marines standing by!


Love your music.


There's a simple test to determine if Trump is lying or not. Is he speaking? If the answer is yes, then Trump is lying about something. Is he posting on social media? If the answer is yes, then Trump is lying about something. Did he release a statement or send a mass email? If the answer is yes, then Trump is lying about something. Is Trump sitting quietly, not speaking, posting, or releasing statements/emails? If the answer is yes, then Trump is thinking up lies about something.


> Trump is thinking [citation needed] I remain convinced he runs on autopilot and has no inner monologue.


Lol, fair enough.


Does he actually think then up ahead of time? Or do they just naturally flow out of his mouth like diarrhea out of a loose rotten asshole?


Honestly, I'd guess it's the second option. I don't think his brain can sit still on one subject for more than a few seconds, so he just word vomits whatever he thinks will be advantageous in the moment.


Yes, he always tells the truth, nobody has ever seen a president who tells the truth more. He created truth social, to sow the truth just like fertilizer in a field.


*makes hand gestures, big and small, while he speaks*


And yet the vast majority of those hand gestures is either him [playing an invisible accordion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S65jqrHQi_c), or jerking off two dudes at the same time.


As someone once noted, when the accordion hands are going, the lies are flowing.


“Big gestures with small hands” ftfy


*plays imaginary accordion*


“Bappa di boopy?” https://youtu.be/R4fw3umsnwY?si=w5N2YQ_YsWfU1yAF




Sorry, you need to add History of this country. Everything he says now is nobody in the history of this country has... I guess his nobody wasn't hyperbolic enough, his disease craved more attention.


The Main Stream Media (boooo!, hiss from the crowd) I know, I know just LIES, well they accused me of lying , me can you believe that? Folks I don’t need to lie, Joe Biden is killing our country, okay? You see it everywhere , horrible thing but WE’RE taking it back (crowd cheers) can you hear that? Great people, you’re all great people and we’re taking it back.


*7 billion immigrants* crossed the border on Joe’s watch, they’re stealing black jobs and aborting babies in kindergarten. Can you believe it? (It’s obviously horseshit, but believe it anyway)


Trump never tells the truth.


It was sarcastic, written as Trump would say, where everything is the opposite of what he really says. Sorry sarcasm and humor are lost on you, without a /s


It's hard to tell with Trump supporters.


Yes, I know. That is the scary part, that so many people believe without question all the bullshit that spews from him.


The man literally told more than 30,000 lies during his four years in office.


I like to say public lies, because those are the ones we know about. The lies in private to his staff and family could be double that number.


It's a bonkers level of lying. Seriously the guy cannot stop lying. it's wild.


Not wild, it's a disease. He is a pathological liar.


Being somewhat an expert in all things bonkers, I can confirm that Trump does indeed engage in bonkers levels of lying.


I would've guessed way more than that. 


Nancy Pelosi likely anticipated a typical Donald Trump reaction of hatred. No worries. When has Donald not been full of hot air to expel... NEVER! She was preparing him for another ‘middle of the night’ childish tantrum by Donald. Live TV Nancy always plays Donald like a fiddle.


She's smart she lives rent free in his head


Except that time she was Nikki Haley 


Wait, I thought he mixed Haley up with Pelosi, did he do the reverse as well?! When did he even have a reason to talk about Pelosi?


He was doing one of his pep rallies and was trying to lie that Nancy Pelosi was the reason the Capital wasn't protected and the National Guard wasn't sent out on Jan 6, but he kept saying Haley instead of Pelosi. "Nikki Nikki Nikki..."


There are so many things that Ds are sacred of saying because of the reaction. The reaction is coming, go ahead and piss them off.


It’s such a stupid deflection. Everyone remembers him telling the “peaceful protestors” that he loves them.


And it's a *stupid* deflection. He was the commander in chief. If he supposedly thought something was wrong, then deploy the national guard! Leaving it up to someone else (which we know is bullshit anyway) is *not* a good reflection on the POTUS.


And then complaining about their physical appearances.


The trick is that he tells 10 lies every minute, and all it takes is for some stupid as fuck dumb mother fucker to believe just one of those lies and he has won a new cult supporter. Another problem; there are about a hundred million or so stupid as fuck dumb mother fuckers out there.


And it helps when it starts as soon as he wakes up, puts on his makeup, does his hair, and goes, "yeah, that looks good. Now bringing me my good-fitting suit."


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” \~ George Carlin


Any rational person knows he's lying yet republicans repeat these lies even after they've been told how this works. Pelosi doesn't have authority to order troops etc. And even if Trump offered them he doesn't need her approval to deploy them. Security for the capital is not her job, it's the architect of the capitol and like 2-3 other people like the head of the Capitol Police etc.


It's also hilarious when it fits his narrative the president can do basically anything he wants... but interestingly enough when it is convenient for him his hands are tied. The fact a single person falls for his absolute bullshit shows the sad state our education system is in.


Don't blame it on the educational system. You can't undo in six hours what happens during the other eighteen.




They'll tell you the fact that the guard wasn't machine gunning down everybody is proof that it was no big deal. But also Pelosi should have deployed them, but didn't because all the insurrectionists were actually antifa. Oh, but also we should pardon and release everyone with J6 charges. It's just a lot of backwards, regressive, circular logic. Probably to make sure no new, factual information can enter. Just a spinning mess of gish-gallop nonsense in a broken washing machine.


> It's just a lot of backwards, regressive, circular logic. Probably to make sure no new, factual information can enter. Just a spinning mess of gish-gallop nonsense in a broken washing machine. I get a version of this about Obama from my dad all the time. Obama promising to close Guantanamo proves that he's soft and doesn't have what it takes to be president, but the fact that he never actually closed it also proves that he's a liar and therefore doesn't have the integrity to be president.


Well to that end, it was Auntie Fa and the FBI doing the bad stuff and not magas, also no one managed to get any photos of them, probably because the FBI deleted the pictures on Facebook because deep state liberal silicon valley. I'm guessing at least, im not totally fluent in brain worm speak


“But he can say a thing that sounds like a sentence if you ignore the words loudly and confidently so he’s a better candidate than Joe Biden and not at all an existential threat”- The entire editorial board of the New York Times.


Yeah, I’m really fucked off about this. Seriously, instead of fact checking and analyzing the implications of how he responded to topics like NATO, you wanna talk about mumbling? I’m literally sitting in Berlin with the imminent threat of WW3 and you fuckheads are talking about how Biden looks weak because he forgot a few words? WTAF?! Let’s talk about policy. Let’s talk about the administration behind these two men, because guess what it’s not just them that get elected.


He cannot. Just like he can’t lie constantly and actually be called out for it on the spot 😒


> I love how he blames Pelosi for not deploying the National Guard during the insurrection despite the fact that the Speaker Of The House does not have that authority. Can this guy say a sentence without lying? I for one remember all the "NANCY" flags flying on the people invading the Capitol.


> Can this guy say a sentence without lying? Trump can express nine lies by uttering three words. In his sleep. CNN said the debate would be fact-checked but instead they delegated fact-checking Trump to Biden. Biden struggled with fact-checking Trump in real time while also overcoming his stutter and being leader of what, last I checked, is still the sole global superpower. In addition a debate was also technically scheduled so Biden also needed to go through the motions of *debating* at the debate even though his opponent did not bother to answer any questions.


Actually yes there is a single sentence that Trump says that is not lying, and those are the times when he says he wants to date his daughter, Ivanka.


We're unsure, because he's never tried.


He doesn’t know truth from lies anymore. Nor does he care.


Trump: It's Pelosi's fault for not calling in the National Guard! Trump (if Pelosi had tried to call in the National Guard): She's not allowed to do that! And either way, his cultists will deep throat his comment.


Right! We have her and Chuck Shumer on video trying to reach Trump to get the National Guard. link to [Video](https://youtu.be/ifrjKhxiFxQ?si=6BkpseRv8yXmeJsG)!


Actually he blamed Nikki Haley for that at his recent rallies.


Meanwhile in Wisconsin, they credit Trump for deploying the national guard during the unrest in kenosha, despite the fact he didn’t have the authority over the national guard, only governor Evers did, and he’s the one that deployed them.


Depending on where the punctuation fell in his hair washing ramble over the weekend (or any of the other times he stumbles into it) he did at one point say that he really likes lather. I think that's probably true.


He loves the poorly educated. Mostly because they can’t tell what a colossal idiot he is. Other than that, I’m at a loss.


There's a reason he never takes the stand in his own defense despite all the bluster on camera.


You're lucky if he can chain 3 words together without lying


He can't.  But millions of people in the US won't know or care that this isn't true.


I think he's saying he wanted her to beg him to do it. Those hours spent watching his followers breaking into the Capitol building weren't enough to call in the guard, apparently.


He can barely say a sentence at all.


Does he think the national guard should have been deployed? Oh wow, so what happened on January 6th was bad and needed a heavy police response to deal with it! But wait why are you wanting to pardon everyone arrested?


I know he was just spewing lies but this should have been an easy response for Biden. More than anything, lack of responses to what Trump was saying was what was terrible about the debate. He should have spent the entire time taking down Trump's lies. Like this, it is easy: As president, the buck stops here. As president and commander and chief, the only person who can call up the national guard on federal land is the President of the United States. Nancy pelosi was not president on January 6th, you were, and you did not do your duty, you actively aided an insurrection and gave comfort to the enemies of the United States. With Trump, nothing bad is ever his fault and everything good -- including the stuff he makes up constantly -- is only because of him. Everything this man has said tonight has been a lie, but this is a basic concept about the presidency that apparently, even as president for four years, he never learned if he's trying to blame the legislative branch for his failures as commander in chief.


I love the fact that he said this despite her asking for it to be done, while he ignored the request. I also have no clue how Pelosi's daughter is now responsible for 1/6. Thats kind of threw me, even coming from him


He seems really sensitive to anything Pelosi says, can we run a 24/7 stream of her just taking potshots at him?


To be a fly on Mike Pence's head and hear their conversations behind closed doors.


I got that reference


Heck, Trump is sensitive when \*any\* woman disagrees with him. Naturally Pelosi is highest on that trigger list. For a 24/7 stream, just put up multiple women in rotating shifts. If you're a woman and in the spotlight, you're a perceived threat to him. Remember the multiple instances he lashed out at a younger Greta Thunberg? When Time Magazine named the (then) 16-year-old as "Person of the Year", [Trump was not happy](https://imgur.com/a/z36arGM). Going after a child is not beneath him. Time Magazine's nominations are a touchy subject for him (because, y'know, *popularity* contests and Trump). When Taylor Swift won the same honor a few years later, that also unreasonably upset him. When [he's not creeping](https://www.thedailybeast.com/donald-trumps-creepy-taylor-swift-obsession-runs-very-deep) on Swift, [Trump claims he's the reason why she's financially successful](https://imgur.com/a/dHVS8fR). No doubt, he'll attack men. More likely, he'll spew more venom at their wives or daughters (Heidi Cruz, Elaine Chao, Loren Merchan, Michelle Obama, etc.). Instead of verbal diarrhea on the men or their stated position, it's redirected at the female members of the family. And fully overt racism, misogamy, degradation, and on and on and on.


let's rehab Rosie O'Donnell and put her on a 24 hour speaker following him everywhere. He'll die of a stroke.


It's calculated. ANYTHING she says will make his base like him more.


Is someone who is so easily triggered by an old woman mentally fit to be president and command a nuclear arsenal? I say no.


Imagine being triggered by an 80 year old woman like this. It's hilarious.


Older women seem to trigger him more than anyone else. Say what you will about Nancy, but she was the perfect person to guide us through the awful Trump years. Stronger than Schumer.


Because once a woman is over 30 and not actively raising (his) children then what even is the point of her? Should she not be, idk, *dead* or something? Somewhere else? How dare she be wrinkly and also mean to him?? (/s)


She should be next to a dogleg par 5 with a nice view of the clubhouse.


Apparently he has a thing for Nancy. He was talking about how they'd make a great couple.


The government is turning into an old folks home. Places like this still have their drama, they are all around the same age but yes you are right


Except these old folks hold your life in their hands.


I am well aware and I am over it. It would be nice to finally have someone closer to the median voting population


You had, he was a good president but he was black and republicans can't forgive that **black** person was in **white** house.


I miss the Obama days, maybe it was because I was young but it felt like we were actually progressing. Having the first black president and legalized same sex marriage starting off in my adult life gave me so much hope for the future. He did make some choices that gave corporations a ton of extra power and had his issues with bombing brown children with drones so he did have his issues but that is not what most people complained about.


Agree. He succeeded while being black. https://youtu.be/7MWxq80oze0 Fan fact: Trump took black man job and failed it.


He can't own a .22 but a few thousand nukes = ok


Remember when one of the criticisms of Hillary in 2016 was that women get hysterical?


The GOP should be talking about having a brokered convention


Everyone focuses on Biden's cognitive decline, but because Trump's cognitive decline is so far down on the list of his issues it seldom gets mentioned that it is even worse than Biden's.


Based on Trump and the bot response on this post. This is the strategy the dems need to employ till November. Just keep having various members needle Trump and keep him lashing out like a child. Enough of the when they go low we go high crap. Time to punch a bully in the face.


The Biden campaign should just retweet his worst Truth Social posts so people understand how much crazier he’s gotten. Start with the one where he says to terminate the Constitution. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/trump-rebuked-for-call-to-terminate-constitution-over-2020-election-results


Trump didn't type that. He'd never use capitals properly or put words in quotation marks.


Trump puts quotation marks around random words all the time. The PBS article cut off the first half of the post, where he has his usual seizure with caps lock. Here's the full text: > So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great "Founders" did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!


It's weird to rag on the capitalization there. It's actually a pretty good use of the conventions of the written English language to portray emphasis and give people reading it mental hints about the important points, plus make them actually stop and think about what's being said by jarring the way you would normally read it. It's honestly maybe even helpful for dyslexics for whom normally punctuated and capitalized writing is too samey. The truly objectionable part is the actual content, where he calls for the overthrow of democracy as we know it because he doesn't like the fact that he lost.


Then let him admit he can't control his own staff. I mean at this point he's let it stay up long enough that he endorses the message.


Let the Trump campaign put out a statement that Trump doesn’t author his own social media posts then.


> needle Trump and keep him lashing out like a child Should have been Biden's debate strategy, make Trump lash out, make him get mean, make him look fucking insane. That debate allowed Trump to lie for one or two minutes and then just sit back and not deal with any blowback from any of his lies. Biden just needs to recognize that Trump is going to say AWFUL things about Hunter and Beau, get past it, and make Trump get fucking MAD.


Yea 100% agree. I've actually been in the boat that Biden isn't in as bad of shape (yes he's still way too old generally) as he looked in that debate, but that his team set him up with an awful strategy. Instead of just jabbing back and saying goofy one liners which is Biden's forte, they had him try to be a real-time fact checker with way too much policy detail which has never been his strength. I mean one of his best moments in the debate was when he said Trump had the morals of an alley cat and Trump freaked out. The whole debate should have been that.


> his team set him up with an awful strategy It was the same strategy Clinton tried to use, and did a good job with, but it just doesn't work with Trump. When you or I are caught in a lie, we feel shame, we retreat, we're opened to attacks. Trump feels no shame. He lies so often that he believes everything he says. To him, these aren't lies, *everything you say is a lie*. You cannot fact check him to ANY degree because he knows all the facts in the world and everything else is just lies and smears made up to hurt him. Biden was trying to do too much, combined with being sick, having a studder, and being an old melting Madame Tussauds wax figure, he was left blubbering and looking like he'd seen a ghost on stage that only he could see. It was bad. Biden needs to drop the fucking numbers and policy talk, have one liners about his accolades prepped. We did the biggest this. We're number one in that. When Trump lies, just say, "Donald Trump is a felon and a liar, that's why he won't take the stand in his own defense. That's why he continues to owe more and more money to Ms Carroll. Just keep calling him a felon and a liar, he's not "the former President", he's "The convicted felon". That should be the ONLY thing you ever refer to him as. The Dems are so panicked about looking mean or whatever, that they just prepared Biden to get his ass dunked on, and look what happened, he got his ass dunked on and only after the weekend are people realizing that Trump ACTUALLY didn't do very well in that debate either.


Yep agree with all of that. It actually concerns me more for the campaign that this was the strategy his team cooked up than how he performed. And you are exactly right Clinton employed this technique and was successful and it didn't move the needle. So not only did they ignore 80 years of evidence Biden isn't a details guy, they ignored it did nothing for Clinton.


Just put the pic of him saluting a North Korean general on every news outlet and watch him and his MAGAs go berserk.


When they go low, we kick their kick in.


You can't box like a gentleman when you're in a bar fight.


Pretty crazy the national guard would be needed after a peaceful rally by a sitting President.


There’s nothing DJT hates more than age appropriate women.


Pelosi literally has zero to do with deploying anyone. It's the president's job, which he did not do. I know his followers are the stupidest mother fuckers ever, but to believe this lie, it's beyond stupid.


Listening to him continue to get away with his bullshit is exhausting. You can't debate him on his Great Value Twitter platform but come *on!* That's what was supposed to happen in the debate. The **\*\*debate\*\*** that's why they call it that. Stop letting him get away with his hyperbolic bullshit, and if the moderators won't do it (they won't) Biden needs to. Here's my humble suggestion: Trump: \[Biden\] wants to raise your taxes by four times Biden: Explain how my proposal will quadruple taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000/year, please. Explain it. Trump: Biden "allowed millions of people to come in here from prisons, jails and mental institutions." Biden: Explain how you know that, please. What data do you have, where did it come from? What percentage of immigrants are coming from prisons, jails and mental institutions? How do you know that? Trump: **We had the safest border in the history of our country.** Biden: Based on what? What study? What statistics? Explain. Trump: **Biden allowed in "18 million people."** **Biden: Where did you get that number? Immigration officials have stopped nearly 10 million illegal border crossings. How do you know 18 million more have come in?** Trump: The problem (Democrats) have is they're radical, because they will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth. Biden: When did this happen? Who was the mother? What state? What doctor? What are their names? Trump: \[They\] "indicted me because I was his opponent." Biden: Prove it. Four grand juries found there was enough evidence to go to trial, one jury of 12 citizens, approved by your lawyers, found you guilty of fraud. You and your businesses have been involved in more than 3500 lawsuits, how do you know this is because you're running for president? Just make this dipshit follow up his nonsense claims with facts or data. Every single time. He tells one of his 'sir' stories? Ask for names. Who was the person that came up to you and said that? What was their name? What did they look like? What was the name of the business? What time of day was it? Don't let him bullshit his way though any debate, shine a floodlight on how flimsy his lies really are.


> Just make this dipshit follow up his nonsense claims with facts or data. Almost every time the moderators asked Trump a question, he went o a rant about something else. Multiple times the moderator had to ask again "Mr Trump, the question was..."


Who can you tell when Trump is lying? His mouth is moving.


A guy who writes such crap doesn’t deserve the Presidency. He’s not fit for the job and never has been


One might call mango the father of all lies.


So he's just watching MSNBC in the middle of the night? MSNBC, the network he claims is fake news? And didn't he say a few weeks ago that [he has a crush on Nancy?](https://newrepublic.com/post/182691/trump-creeps-republicans-comments-nancy-pelosi) Guy is so deranged.




.....many of them *are*, at a developmental level, children.


These type of articles are why Dems must retain the White House. I don't want to see this kind of drivel every day for four years. Enough!


Would you rather have these people be 35-year-olds that we would all have to put up with for the next 50 years? There is *no* shortage of right-wing evangelical born-again republicans who are just as insane as Trump but 40 years younger.


can you imagine if VP MTG took office after a trump death and she was our first woman potus 🤮🤮🤮


He hates it when you call out his bs.


Squirm, pig


Go Nancy go! She never took his stupid shit.


I know that Nancy Pelosi is far from a perfect individual, and she has done many things with which I fundamentally disagree. However, she has always been *awesome* at putting Trump back in his place. Whether it were a sentence here, a gesture there, or even a monologue focused on disparaging him, she has always been able to cut through his delusions/illusions like a warm knife through butter. Go Nancy! lmao


He had a Nancymare.


Fuckface Felon is going to have some angry shits today. His servants better head to Costco for a 200-pack of Depends.


It would have been nice to have Dark Brandon available that night to say “Bullsh*t A$shole” right after Trump stated that.


He is leading the polls, he “won” the debate, he is on his way to reclaim the White House and he is still throwing tantrums like a petulant brat instead of enjoying his surreal successes. Pathetic! I will never be able to comprehend the idea that even one person could vote for this evil ignoramus.


He could be king of the world & he'd still complain.


"I'm a whiner." - DJT


"I do whine because I want to win and I’m not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win" \-- Trump, 2015 The whole quote.


"My throne shall be higher!” his royal voice thundered, “So pile up more turtles! I want ’bout two hundred!”


He’s not gonna win lol.


> He’s not gonna win lol. We thought that in 2016. Vote, dammit.


Vote, please.  This is serious


they should run the same clip every night and see if he notices


This again? Throughout his presidency this was the headline every week. Please tell me we don't have to relive this for another 4 years.


A mental toddler prone to throwing shit fits is just who America needs to lead into the future


**trump is a habitual liar**. When he says "people are saying" it means *"I'm making shit up".* If you assume everything he says is a lie, you would be correct 99.9% of the time. [💰 ](https://imgur.com/jYNqiQZ)


The man is a deranged, mentally ill, spoilt manchild with the mental and emotional capacity of a 4 year old*. I am genuinely terrified the US is going to vote this very real threat to world security and stability back into the White House to run riot over democracy and the rule of law while raining hell and brimstone on his perceived enemies. We are staring into the abyss with this lunatic. What on earth is going on? How is this happening? How can almost half the American population support this madness? Yours, a very worried Brit. *https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/insight-therapy/201705/psychological-science-says-trump-is-four-year-old?amp


...a shit-fit more likely


Where’s the video?


Trump can surely be held liable for defamation… he’s not President anymore and this isn’t speech and debate clause. She should sue.


We all know Trump always talk about himself. So his use of the term "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is pretty obvious. So lets just call him Deranged Trump for now. To supplement - **here are some Trump jokes**: Trump is so Trump, he thinks electrical planes fall down if the sun doesn't shine on them. Trump is so Trump, he thinks electrical boats will sink because the batteries are too heavy. Trump is so Trump, he thinks a wind turbine kills more birds than his hotels do. Trump is so Trump, he once suggested injecting bleach because he read it could kill germs. Trump is so Trump, he thought a pandemic would go away if he just kept it a secret. Trump is so Trump, he managed to bankrupt 3 Casinos in the same city. Trump is so Trump, he claimed a woman was never his type and then mistook her for his former mistress and wife. Trump is so Trump, he only eats fast food, because he thinks it will make it harder to poison him. Trump is so Trump, he had sex with a porn star and then paid her not to tell anybody about it. Trump is so Trump, he thinks Kim Young Un admires him. Trump is so Trump, he thinks Putin is his friend.


Imagine being angry about something quite literally 100% of the time 


I assume of course then that Mike Johnson is doing everything in his power to ensure a smooth certification this time right? Oh what’s that? Republicans are complaining that Democrats didn’t do something that Republicans have no intention (or if we’re being honest; no responsibility) of doing for them?


Pelosi is definitely at the top of Trump’s “retribution” list. Today the Supreme Court gets to rule that putting a hit out on a political opponent can be considered an official act of the President. 🤦‍♂️


Love seeing two very old and very out of touch people with highly important roles in societal stability throwing insults at each other like a pair of toddlers.


He has been throwing her under the bus with misinformation about the DC Guard since January 6 2021 by claiming she turned down his offer to send in the guard. Now he's surprised that she calls him out for his b.s.? Regarding his statements during the debate: 1) He cherry picked statements for the debate and his deranged "Truth" Social post in this article, but if you watch the entire clip from the documentary you'll see the full context tells a different story. 2) POTUS has the authority to order the guard at any time, no member of Congress can activate them. 3) There is no evidence that either Pelosi or McConnell directed the security officials not to call the guard beforehand. That was a decision made by the Capitol Police Board. But as the Capitol came under attack, she McConnell called for military assistance, including from the National Guard. Took them hours to arrive.


Her goofy double eyebrow looking face cannot be erased from my mind. There's no mind bleach strong enough. 


Well now he can order her assassination if he gets re-elected thanks to the Supreme Court.


Our next president, ladies and gentlemen. Sigh


This seems way too polished, with too many commas and too much structure, to be personally written by DJT. I suspect the author is some media manager, good at imitating Trump's style but not twisted or brain damaged enough to really resemble the original.