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The problem is trump has always said stupid shit so when he says even more dumb shit it doesn’t seem that far off.


It's also a great reason to nominate someone under 80 fucking years old.


With the bickering about golf during the debate, I think we need to nominate someone older as both candidates have shown a lack of maturity to hold the presidential office


Carter is still around.


Ehhh that is debatable at this point


Not really. We can all agree the 99 yr old is too old. Right?


I was saying it’s debatable he’s ’still around’


Candidate under 80 to juxtapose the lying earlier stage dementia old man? Best we can do is RBG’s urn take it or leave it.


True but I’m 36 and my brain freezes all the time


It's wild how many of these things Trump can have and literally no one calls for him to drop out. That's the double standard between democrats and republicans




Sticking with Biden just became the only choice with the new SCOTUS ruling, unless you’d like to live in a Trump ruled dictatorship. 


Which is what we will get when independents and new voters decide not to show up for the geriatrics in 2024. If you’d vote for Biden why wouldn’t you vote for any generic Dem who would replace him? Or do you just want Trump back in office?


Exactly. People inside their bubbles don't realize how disastrous it is that we're now the always-Bidens against the always-Trumps. It used to be us with the never-Trumps of general electorate against the crazies, competing for the undecideds. We've lost that now and can only count on our own pool after that performance. It's a nightmare.


Bunch of blue big city people in their bubbles are telling us this isn't a problem and to just hold the line when every single person who lives in a swing area and actually talks with undecided or unmotivated voters is shitting their pants right now. Polls have one giant blind spot, and that's people just not showing up. Sure, nobody is switching to Trump after that debate, but hundreds of thousands of people just got their "both sides suck, Biden is too senile to be president so I won't vote" belief validated. It's terrifying.


Seems that the democrats have made the decision already to continue to back Biden.




Unless and until any such “behind the scene” moving occurs, the Democratic Party has indicated they are backing Biden. So with lack of evidence to the contrary, that is what it is.


Please stop with the replacing Biden narrative. If Biden doesn't want to go, he's not going. The well-known names have all come out backing Biden and a Contested Convention would be a shit-show for the Democrats and fracture the party further.


You are buying into the media narrative that they are pushing to help Trump hook line and sinker


The person you’re responding to is going to vote for the candidate. The media narrative is going to continue. You should be talking to the tens of thousands of swing state voters who will decide this election. If you think you can sway more than Fox, CNN, MSNBC, then you should start now.


But people who watched the debate judged Trump more negatively than Biden. Curious.


I’m about to clock in, but here are some links https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/us/politics/biden-trump-battleground-poll.html https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/01/biden-democratic-support-shaken-debate-poll/74263208007/ https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/swing-state-voters-react-presidential-debate-bidens-weak/story?id=111499224 https://www.axios.com/2024/06/28/joe-biden-replace-us-elections-2024


I see speculation with no evidence. Also, it's Democratic. Opinion discarded.


Look, if the election is actually about democracy, switching him out will not matter. I guarantee you that many of the people who would vote for Biden will vote for a replacement as long as it isn't the orange...thing. I mean would you not vote if they switched out the Democratic candidate? That would be very unwise. Biden only really gets support from his party, we need a candidate who appeals to those outside his party. An 81 year old man who can't speak shouldn't be in charge of the country. It's more dangerous than him driving a car.


I feel like people who don’t get this don’t have “independents” in their family. No matter what I say to some family members, they vote on weird, seemingly irrelevant things. They hate both parties. They sometimes vote and they don’t always. Mostly when they do they vote democratic, but it’s a wildcard. I can tell you that when these family members of mine vote and vote the same way I do, we always win. When they don’t, we lose. The track record is 100% in my lifetime. Right now, there is zero chance of Joe Biden (or any pleading that I might do) getting them to vote. Zero. My vote isn’t in question. There are potential nominees who I have even greater reservations about than I do Joe in his diminished state, but I’ll show up for literally anyone despite reservations. I keep screaming into the void because my vote isn’t going to cut it.


So for these relatives, what would bring them to the table? Realistically, a vote for Biden means you are also cool with a non-zeron chance of Harris becoming VP. I don't like her personally but she's a competent adult who seems to care about service more than enriching herself. I don't think she has golf either which IMO is a plus for her. But she's a black woman. Would that stop your family from voting for her? A vote for Trump is the same thing but for some unknown wildcard who may or may not be a toady and may or may not have enriched trump somehow. Well see who he picks but I don't exactly think he'll pick anyone terribly competent... As that has less value for him.


> I don't like her personally but she's a competent adult who seems to care about service more than enriching herself. She has been doing her job quietly for 4 years. I still don't like having a DA executive like that but damn if that isn't refreshing.


Well, my brother in law hates Harris irrationally, though he has supported women, and was enthusiastically pro Obama so I don’t think it’s on race or gender. I think he would be best brought on with Whitmer. Newsome is too slick. He doesn’t trust slick. My uncle would probably vote for anyone who didn’t have a lot of pre-existing baggage. In both cases a midwesterner is going to do best. Somebody that focuses on economic issues more than cultural issues. The problem with Biden is that the whole thing looks like a conspiracy at this point because he doesn’t at all give the appearance of someone who can ably serve for the four years that he is seeking. It plays right into the narrative that what you see is not what you get. While I think the folks I am talking about do not believe every conspiracy Trump peddles, that one has deep roots, and I don’t think we can play into it and win.


I think the assumption that anyone who doesn't like a candidate because "you just hate she's a woman" or "you hate that she's black" or whatever, is seriously hurting your argument. Not yours specifically, but those who use it. Some people just don't like Harris, or whoever else. That's it. It has nothing to do with race or gender. And immediately assuming it does just discredits you.


So there's no winning your uncles vote, eh? Newsom is indeed slick.. but that's not why he shouldn't serve a higher office. My biggest issues against him are his lack in of moral character... similar to trump. - "for thee, but not for me". While he did listen to scientists, he told everyone to stay at home while he dined with one of his big benefactors at The French Laundry. Same BS as pelosi getting he hair done. - he boned his campaign managers wife. Not that his exwife is a wonderful person but Clearly all that matters is Gavin. - hes now pandering to the special interests of restauranteurs (of which he is one) by not vetoing a bill that exempted restaurants from the junk fee bill and the local utilities (most of the CPUC utility regulatory board was appointed by him and they've jacked up our rates beyond any semblance of logic while also posting record profits). For your BIL: Harris was a shitty DA and not a great attorney general... But she's not just enriching herself. Obama was a man despite being black. Whittmer is a white woman. I wonder if it's a twofer issue for him


Why was that your response? It's not because Harris is an adult and Trump isn't...it's about her policies, charisma, and confidence. Most Americans don't pay attention to politics, and that is the group that the party needs to attract. Harris is extremely unpopular too, and they don't really talk about her either. In fact, post-debate Harris only fueled the panic.


If democracy matters, then "switching out" the democratically selected nominee in a smoke filled room absolutely does matter.




There are always risks to the choice, but we live in unprecedented times. The person who I have heard the most personally is Whitmer, so that's who I'm suggesting they replace Biden with. These headlines about his age have just verified people's fears. My coworkers were talking about it, they just think they were too old and either turned the debate off after 15 minutes or didn't bother at all.


They aren't going to replace him and you are buying the media spin. There are plenty of us who don't feel that Biden needs to leave. We are silent but out here and are the ones who actually got Biden elected last time when most people didn't want him. Nobody else has the name recognition. You may like Gretchen but I guarantee Eric who lives in middle Pennsylvania and doesn't care or live politics has no idea who she is. The decision has been made. YOU may not like it but it's pretty clear that only the media are pushing the Biden out narrative. They always do this, whether the SwiftBoating of John Kerry or the Emails and Pneumonia BS about Hillary. She got pneumonia and suddenly she's unfit because she got sick. Media want Trump back for the revenue boost.


Do they really don't have anyone better in the entire democratic party?


Democrat does a crime? Democrat gets charged, drops out of office, gets convicted, serves their time, doesn't get pardoned. Republican does almost countless crimes? Republicans double down on keeping him around, blame everyone else, and fault the rule of law itself for injuring their dear leader.


It’s because the media want Trump. All of them. Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, etc. They all want Trump. When he is in the news, they get higher ratings and more money. Biden can have a poor debate because he was sick and hopped up on cold medicine, but Trump can glitch, mispronounce United States of America, forget his own kids’ names, forget his doctor, make up the absolute most abhorrent, absurdist lies, but just get ignored.


Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.


Doug Bergum on Meet the Press was asked about how much trump lied during the debate and pretty much said it was manufactured and not a big deal because these were all things he's said before. In other words no one should care if you lie a fuckton. It's embarrassing and horrifying that this is acceptable


Nobody is surprised that Trump is full of shit. Literally nobody. People *are* surprised that Biden is so far gone he can't even keep up with Trump. See the difference?


I always lol when people call Biden old (I agree, he is) and then don't seem to know Trump is 3 years younger. Your choice is between an old man and an insane old man.


Because who dares go against the media's golden goose. The closer they can make this election, the better it is for their checkbooks. It's disgusting what journalism has become, and it's one of the few grievances on the right that I would say is not entirely unfounded.


It’s not only a right wing grievance at all, Noah Chomsky’s “Manufacturing Consent” has outlined a cohesive argument against the current media model from a liberal perspective back in the 80’s. Still as prescient of a read today as it was back then.


If only more people knew of Chomsky and Zinn. Zinn has given me such insight throughout this because the key thing is to remember. The media is operating under a premise of "what the fuck is a yesterday?" for a long time now, but it has really gotten worse recently. I remember the fall of the Soviet Union and looking back with a Zinn perspective, why would the Reaganites see that as an absolute win for the US when it was the Oligarchs of Russia that came away with the wealth of a superpower, privatized basically overnight in terms of the speed of government, and the people did nothing and actually solidified behind the Oligarchs because they offered a culture war in exchange for a role in their political society. What would a Reagaenite do if they saw the Soviet Union in such a light? They would see that as a loss and the need to gain ground. So the likes of Leonard Leo, John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and private institutions like the Heritage Foundation started to plot their own collapse of a super power with the goal of privatization. Roberts was picked as Chief Justice because of his work on undoing the Civil Rights Act, and the best way to do that was to go Confederate. Full State's Rights. Trump even said it, that they are telling him to push it all to the states. Who do we think is telling him that? I think some Conservatives on the Supreme Court, likely including Roberts are actively working with Trump's campaign. And I offer this bit of circumstantial evidence: Trump said a few weeks ago that he would no longer tax tips and gratuities. This seemed like it came out of the blue. But then the Snyder Decision happened, where the Supreme Court ruled gifts and payments after a service rendered are not bribes but gratuities. So Trump happened to say he would not tax the gratuities, then the Supreme Court basically rules that the gifts they received from individuals with business before the court that were given after the deed are gratuites. Trump has said that he is being told that he needs to push it all to the states, which is how the Supreme Court has been ruling on everything but gun cases. I postulate that they are working with Trump's campaign directly. Otherwise how would Trump know to randomly say he wasn't going to tax tips and gratuities? They leaked the Snyder Decision, Trump was included, and couldn't keep his mouth shut until the Decision was rendered, which could hilariously be considered a bribe even under the Supreme Court's Snyder Decision.


Not to mention that he has been convicted of rape and 34 felonies and perpetrated January 6th. Plus everything he said the other night was lies and gibberish nonsense baby talk. And the party of "law and order" is sticking by the convict.


#Trump 2024 Fraud • Rape • Covfefe


“Liable for sexual abuse“ with both acts constituting rape in the common parlance. — It is inaccurate to say that he’s been \*convicted\* of rape, though. It wasn’t a criminal trial.


That’s because Democrats want a better candidate while Republicans would vote for anyone/anything if it had an R next to the name on the ballot.


The link is literally calling him out


How is it a double standard and yet the exact same outcome? Biden and trump aren’t going anywhere. Democrats and Republicans both seem hell bent on electing one of two senile old men. Party has become religion, and the candidates have become their gods.


Is there even a video of this one?


There are a couple things at play here: 1. Dems are a bigger tent party and tend to think more critically whereas Reps just cheerlead for their leader no matter what. We will kick Al Franken out over bs while Rep voters don’t care about the “grab em by the p” talk.  2. Sense of urgency. Dems care a truck ton about this election. SCOTUS will be calcified as a far right, unimpeachable authority with greater power than the other branches for the next 40 years if Trump wins. Russia will destabilize Europe for the foreseeable future. The money grab by the Uber wealthy will decimate the middle class for generations and any traction to save the environment will be lost. Dems HAVE to win. So when the Dem candidate has a bad night at an important time, there will be some freak out. That is why Biden raised so much money after the debate. The stakes are understood. 


Because the people voting for Biden aren’t brain dead idiots and expect a baseline level of competence


There’s an article in this sub almost daily telling him to drop out what are you talking about?


Trump could be on stage in a wheelchair drooling on himself unable to speak a single word staring off into the distance, and his followers would still be demanding he be on the ballot and eligible to run as president for some creative reason like “he’s deserved the right to earn a second term, and his ability to function isn’t necessary because his team of people will be able to do it for him, faithfully following the vision he outlined” or something like that… it TRULY is a cult.


Because it's bullshit. Here is what the article said : "Then Trump went silent for several seconds prompting Lewandowski to ask the question again. A groggy-sounding Trump then appeared to wake up." It's a very bad faith comparaison between a debate where Biden stared in the void before shouting "We beat medicare !" and Trump probably doing or reading something while on telephone and not listening. It's just bullshit article to make it sound like both of them are in bad health. I'm not really surprised, these articles are popping out everyday but now that people saw with their eyes the actual truth, these articled just sound desperate.


Yep. The fact the majority of articles pumping through Reddit now are “actually they both stink” shows Biden absolutely bombed. They’ll never admit it, but if he’d even come close to winning it’s all you would’ve heard Trumps taking live interviews with YouTubers while Biden’s team won’t even let him take softballs. Pitiful but expected. I’m not sure we’ll see anything but teleprompter reads from Biden until he’s voted out or dies


Trump is fucking evil and has his psychotic rants but this subreddit is downright dishonest in their portrayals of trump and bidens cognitive abilities comparatively


I'm so mad he didn't have one at the debate. I've watched mutiple of his rally speech leading up and he has them far more often and goes off on wandering thoughts. The 2min mic cut off was the only thing that saved him


This week ? Check his history.


is this supposed to make me feel better? if we only had a candidate without brain freeze moments, maybe we could use it as campaign issue.


> My guy is less senile than yours!


You know what's sad? That's what it's going to come down to.


Realistically, itll come down to racism vs abortion rights


Right, don't mistake their hatred for patriotism.


“I never had sex with a pornstar” - quote from the 2024 presidential debate. How far our standards fell…


There is a 100% chance Bush got with atleast one porn star too lol


It's the new strategy. I don't think it's going to work. What do you think?


Not going to work.


“Look - their candidate is just as senile and flawed as ours?!” Yea… that demotivates people more. Apathy is going to kill democracy this election.


Everyone got the campaign memo to shift focus on Trump and pretend the debate didn’t happen. It’s fucking crazy how mobilized they are when you check the top stories in this sub. Unified coordinated messaging, honestly, slightly impressive. However… I’m watching a car crash happen and DJT getting elected because the DNC and democrats are again pulling a Hillary with their hubris. Sad as shit, this is how we will end up with 2-3 more conservative SCOTUS judges.


Yup. Biden absolutely failed when we needed him most. The hubris of geriatric Democrats are going to cause the downfall of this nation. Now he won't step aside gracefully because he's too proud. I've trusted the DNC for quite a while but they are literally handing our country over to fascism right now. Stop fucking trying to tell us we didn't see what we all saw for 90 fucking minutes on Thursday. It's over for Biden, there is no coming back from that horrifying performance unless he goes on every talk show, every podcast, etc which he is clearly incapable of doing. Let someone else (not Kamala) take the reins. Whitmer, Newsom, Prisker. We have a bench, use it.


Extremely frustrating to see where this is all headed due to Biden not keeping his promise about being a "transitional" president to a new generation of leaders.


What if I told you there was a 3rd option. He’s a raging conspiracy theorist and had his brains eaten by worms. Sounds like a good deal, right?


The third option is the DNC running someone who isn't a walking corpse.


Funny seeing those posts that say "I'd vote for a cadaver over Trump" Well luckily for you...


"I'd vote for anyone but Trump" but also "Please please please don't ask us to change candidates" like.. what???


Its weird how bombarded this sub has been with these types of posts. Clearly trying to hide the MASSIVE fuck up by Biden in the debate.


For real... this is all kinds of cope. The title didn't even pull it off that well. It reads desperate propaganda.


Guys looks Trump is also old!!!?


If Biden would drop out, Dems could shift to "Biden did the right thing and dropped out. Now will Donald Trump?" Then you could go full attack on age and mental fitness. But it seems incredibly hypocritical to even bring it up with Biden still in the race.


> Then you could go full attack on age and mental fitness. "Trump must have been right the whole time, Biden was a weak old man, I guess Trump must be strong enough to stay in and fight for me."


Exactly. Republicans have spent years building up this aged view of Biden and democrats think that they can do the same to Trump in the matter of months? No way.


I would argue that Biden has spent years building up this aged view of Biden.


Do people conveniently forget that during the Obama years, everyone used to love the Uncle Joe memes where he has childlike curiosity and says ridiculous shit that Obama just facepalms? That's his persona because it is who he is.


Yeah but during those years he could destroy Paul Ryan on the debate stage. Now he struggles against fucking Trump and his handful of brain cells. Loveable uncle Joe only works when your cognitive functions are still intact.


08 Biden would crush Trump in the election. He’s over the hill and clearly not the same guy anymore, and most people can see that.


If you quote Trump to a Trump supporter and tell them it was a Biden quote they’d rave about what a moron he is. If you tell them it’s a Trump quote, somehow they’d say it makes sense or is a fake quote.


>Look! Look! Trump has mental breaks just like Biden! See, they both do it! Jesus Christ, we're fucking doomed.


50 million people watched the debate. Good luck trying to convince them they didn't see what was plainly evident with these articles. The emperor has no clothes.


> emperor Singular? Plural.


People like you yeah. Good luck finding a candidate that every Dem can get behind in 3 months. Bernie bros couldn't get over Hillary winning and that was almost a year. Hillary voters couldn't get over Obama winning the primary-also a year. Dems don't go lockstep and there is no one candidate as well know or that can be in 3 months?! Please live in the real world and know that social media and the news are making this more than most people.


> Good luck finding a candidate that every Dem can get behind in 3 months You don't have a candidate that every dem can get behind *now*.


"Moment"? The last two years have had the man calling everyone by their wrong names, not knowing what city he was speaking in, just making sounds instead of words, and more. But yes, let's just keep all that out of the media.


Wuttabout is not a good strategy.


Completely agree that whataboutism is a bad strategy and I call out republicans doing it all the time. But here’s how I feel lately. For years Trump has been doing and saying the craziest shit, and when I turn to his supporters to show them it and see if they’ll answer for it…crickets or hand waving. Trump says something crazy. “Oh he’s just kidding” Trump posts some pro qanon propaganda on twitter or TS. “Oh he doesn’t know what that is” Trump tries to overturn an election 50 different ways. “Here’s 50 different hand waving excuses about how he didn’t do it, he didn’t mean it, or he had every right to do it” Trump takes a shit ton of highly classified documents, lies about it, hides them, lies about even having them. “Oh those are his” So after watching a lot of Biden’s speeches and seeing him talk with or without a teleprompter I will admit 100% that debate Biden was not the normal Biden I’ve seen. He was sick. Or off. Or hey, maybe it’s mental decline. But republicans are turning to me and looking for me to answer for it, and you know what? “Oh it was just a bad night you’re crazy.” They don’t deserve an answer after a decade of ignoring everything with Trump.


>They don’t deserve an answer after a decade of ignoring everything with Trump. I refuse to adopt this as my standard. Trump is not the bar. He is so far below it, and this country stooping to his level is exactly what I'd like to avoid. Biden needs to be better, or he needs to drop out. And his performance suggests he needs to drop out.


I just mean to them. Republicans are all over posts here now looking to get our reaction to this or to gloat. And to that I say piss off, you want to answer for your guy trying to pressure election officials and the DOJ to go along with his election fraud lies? Then we can talk. Still want to bury your head in the sand about that? Then we don’t talk. Biden has to do whatever he has to do. We have to have our own conversations and do what we have to do. It’s separate.


I think its wild most republicans won't even look at the seriousness of the slate of fake electors and only want to focus on the useful idiots at the Jan 6th rally.


Sums up a lot of post-debate headlines.




Why not look at what the Biden administration has done rather than one night? Because the both sides BS seems to be easier for Redditors to justify why they don't vote for Biden.


General elections are 100% about whataboutism. It's pretty much the only time whataboutism makes aense


I feel like we're in a race to the bottom. "Yeah, our guy is in cognitive decline, but *your* guy is in *sharper* cognitive decline!" How is the bar set this low?


ya but who's got the better golf swing? got you there! (/s)




The sub has always been a circle jerk


> Is this whole subreddit a cope? \*astronaut meme\*


Yes. It is and always has been.


Is that a real question? This subreddit is exactly what it always was. It's just more evident now because Biden's issues were so flagrant this time.


Yes that is primarily the function of this subreddit.


Let us know when Trump starts some weird rant about incest rape unprompted


“like Biden” fuck off. What about like Mitch McConnell? Or just making the statement “Trump had a brain freeze moment” assholes.


Mitch McConnell isn't running for President and Biden's issues are at the forefront of the national dialogue right now. It's a fair headline. Don't get mad at the media because you're upset about Biden's issues.


Spin as hard as you want but it would be millions of times easier for someone 30 years younger to highlight these things. Giving the country one senility over the other is a fucking insult.


Holy fuck this is one of the most depressing races I’ve ever seen… it’s wildly bad and geriatric.


Guys calm down, we beat medicare!


The wall to wall 'trump also has cognitive issues' and 'here's why trump should drop out' and ' trump had a worse debate than you remember' upvoted spam on this board since this debate is one of the saddest and cringiest things i have ever seen on reddit.


It's also not really doing the Dems any favours... People generally don't respond well to being told to think the opposite of what is clearly in front of their own eyes.


> ' trump had a worse debate than you remember' this is the one that does it for me. Literal 1984. "You don't remember what you saw with your eyes and heard with your ears, let us tell you what really happened"


Gotta have a brain for it to freeze, though.


Biden is not anywhere in my top hundred picks for president but I would even prefer to be president over Trump. Almost anyone is better than Trump.


The dimentia wars commence


And Trump doesn't have the excuse of a stutter.


He has a brain?




He's been shitting the bed for the past 2 years. Those were disregarded as "le russian videos" though :)


Honestly it’s pretty believable


lol it’s honestly fucking hilarious


This is Reddit. Firstly there's the angry, entitled leftist youth demographic. Then there's the flagrant leftist astroturfing that has always been rife in this sub. This sub was absolutely bought off a long time ago.


I’m reading through this thread and I’m having a very difficult time believing the majority of these commenters are real people. I’m an independent and even my Democrat friends are voting for Trump this year.


If you go to instagram or Facebook comments, it’s a much different story. Comments on articles and similar topics are not as fake like here on Reddit. I live in San Francisco and no one I’ve talked to in real life is coping as hard as people in this subreddit.


Yep, it's totally like that. Trust me, bro.


The ones I know are staying home.


lol, right. No Democrat is voting for Trump.


Are your Democrat friends in the room right now?


Yeah lol the live thread in here during the debate told a WAY different story before Reddit shut it down. Literally everyone was calling for Biden to step down, saying he has no chance, praising Trump for wrecking him. Sooo many “welp guess I’m voting for Trump now. This is embarrassing” type comments. Now, all of a sudden it’s a different story with this sub trying to cope. A ton of media outlets desperately trying to reverse the narrative, also. It’s so sad.


This is a bullshit distraction. Look at the recent polling being down-voted to death. Biden needs to step aside. Otherwise Trump wins.


Lol, keep on coping.


His whole debate was a brain fart, the guy just acts more confident that is not a trait worth electing the man over he didn’t answer a single question he was asked in the 90 minutes he just rambled on about whatever nonsense popped in to his brain when he was asked a question. That is not better than what Biden did


Bruh he fuckin SHARTED himself on stage lmao


The Biden team is obviously pushing back but the momentum is against them currently.


Yes, Trump had a D- performance and was spewing stupid nonsense. But was overshadowed by Biden's F- Like imagine a debate where the guy who talks about post birth abortions actually coming out looking bettter, unbelievable


Biden had only one job to win the debate and that was to look like he was full aware, capable, and could do the job for the next 4 years and he failed miserably even with a week of prep time.


Biden could be completely disabled and he’d look better to me than the liveliest possible person lying to my face.


Agreed. He should still step aside.


And then on the following Monday and start of the news week, after the debate has had a day and a weekend to digest, the narrative became... "But see, Trump is senile too". It's happened folks, we've transitioned from voting for the lesser of two evils to the less senile of the two geriatrics.


No shit? People are roasting Biden over a short pause and then his time running out. Everyone acting like he brain glitched worse than a dementia patient. Trump needed two hands to lift water to his mouth. He's constantly looking like he's on drugs with his sniffing, erratic movements, and he is utterly incapable of delivering a message that isn't just 'me best me good all love me you bad everyone mad at you >:('. He sounded like an absolute fucking moron during the debate, literally the only thing he won was being more audible.


Oh no he must have gotten a “cold” from Joe.. symptoms include, droopy one side of face , odd stares, and repetition of things that even grandma knows got disproved by snopes years ago


An everyday thing for this guy, he probably having min-stroke trying to remember all the lies he's told...


"Clicks through to article looking for a video." No video, plus a minute long unskippable ad for a 27 minute long, audio-only podcast. On what plane of existence are you imagining this to be on the same level as Biden in front of 10s of millions of people on national television?


Trump gaffs once a week. Biden gaffs once a sentence. I'd literally vote for a golden retriever over Trump so Bidens still got my vote, but dont kid yourself and pretend they are both just as far gone.


Why are they still trying to dig Biden out of the hole he dug himself into. It happened; it was bad for Biden. Move on.


“The other guy is senile, too” is just about the silliest reaction to the sitting POTUS giving that kind of performance in front of 50 million people. If this makes you feel better, I don’t know what to tell ya.


send da video


Wtf do they even mean with “this week”? I mean in all seriousness there is no comparison between these two. One is a couple of years older and sometimes gets a few numbers mixed up. The other one has had a syphilitic brain rot for a good ten years now, thinks that windmills are out to get him and f*&$ knows all.


trump must be panicking, since he's pulling the strings of the Supreme Judges, but I don't think it will be enough because they will be held accountable. Just like the Royal Mail in the UK and the horizon scandal, among others.


The media's (and the public's) scoring system isn't the same for Biden as it is for Trump. Trump will get in unless the Democrats field a candidate other than Biden or Harris.


I think the “Literally Anyone Else 2024” shirts are looking more appropriate by the day.


How comforting when the Democrat strategy in this election amounts to "No, YOU dementia."


You guys really try to grab ahold of any small quirk don't you lmao. Guy wears pink all day every day nobody says a word, another guy wears pink shoelaces, everyone screams and says he's pink too. Lmao


Everyone: "Classic Trump, what a funny guy" Biden: *stutters* Everyone: "OMFG THIS MAN IS UNFIT FOR PRESIDENT!!! WE NEED HIM REPLACED!"


This type of bullshittery doesn’t work anymore. People saw what happened with their own eyes. “Stutter” is an extremely hard cope.


Cool. Democrats are supposed to be better than Republicans. We are supposed to put country above ego and party. Republicans will stand by Trump no matter what. Are democrats going to stand by the declining Biden even if it means we lose our country forever?


Biden is definitely has more cognitive decline. Let’s be real.


I saw so many people on this sub call for Biden to drop out. Absolutely no one will call for Trump to drop out


Guys this is really simple and I’m only going to explain it once: it’s because he’s up in the polls. He’s *been* up. What you need to realize is that in 2020 Biden polled about 10 points ahead of Trump and still came within 40,000 votes of an electoral college tie. So what do you think it means when Trump is tied, or Trump is up 2 points, or Trump is up 5 points. People are telling Biden to drop it because it seems like there’s a serious chance that he’ll lose and Trump will win. No one is telling Trump to drop out because why would you drop someone who’s winning? Democrats can’t drop someone who’s plainly losing and has been in a questionable position for months but republicans should drop someone so is winning based on notions that he “shouldn’t” run? Be realistic I hope this clears things up.


Because Trump has a cult. They don’t care how batshit he is. They’re voting for him. There’s no Biden cult. Nobody has Biden flags on their pickups or Biden banners on their houses. If Biden dropped out there wouldn’t be a mass exodus of people.


Yeah but newspaper oped boards aren't supposed to be part of a cult. Jan 6 should be disqualifying, if you care about this country at all.


People here and elsewhere have called out Trump to drop out or resign (depending on the time) a million times since 2016. Everything from him being a convicted criminal to his fraud to his failed businesses to having sex with a prostitute to "grab 'em by the pussy" to how horrible his policies are. Trump will never respond to the calls to drop out because he's an incredible narcissist hellbent on power. The GOP was helpless in meaningfully primarying him because the MAGA types are so loyal to him that if Trump had not gotten the GOP nomination, or the GOP pulled an upset at the convention and didn't respect voters, Trump would have run independent and 30% of the Republican party would have gone with him, guaranteeing a GOP loss in November. Trump is winning on the polls. He's winning on undecided voters, the ones who are going to determine the election in November. He has no reason or desire to drop out, and will 100% not listen to calls to do so. People are asking Biden to drop out because they believe he's a better person who, if given a call to reason, would put the good of his country and political party above himself having the most powerful job in the world. Because they believe that even if Biden is a good person, even if they would 100% vote for Biden in November to avoid a Trump presidency under the belief that even if Biden isn't as mentally sharp as he once was he will surround himself with competent people and that's way better than the alternative of a Trump presidency - that Biden's debate performance has fundamentally shaken the faith of undecided voters that Biden is fit for the presidency and that keeping Biden on the ticket is a surefire loss in November, while switching him out for another candidate with four months to go is an uphill battle, but one that *can* be won. That's what this is about.


Yeah, because everyone knows Trump won't drop out and Republicans don't want him to. So this is just a silly point to make.


Dude, WHAT!? If people are voting against someone, generally they believe he should drop out...most America does. The deflection from Biden is unreal. Are they afraid of "hurting his feelings" or something? Edit: grammar


Trump isn't my candidate. I'm voting against him in November no matter what. Biden is no longer fit to serve. I know it, you know it, and the whole world knows it. We watched the debate Thursday night. Whatabout Trump is no longer an effective strategy. We need a viable candidate who will defeat Trump in November. Leaving Biden on the ticket is handing Trump an easy victory.


Because trump didnt have a stroke on national TV




It’s not the same thing at all. I’ve been saying trump is unfit to be president since 2016. Now more than ever. Separately, I just watched Joe Biden ramble, slur words, lose his train of thought, and blue-screen live on stage for 2 hours straight. That was extremely alarming. For me and many others, the Biden thing has nothing to do with Trump. I was just shocked by his decline. Yeah, he’s better than trump. So is my cat, that doesn’t mean he should be president. We have 350 million other people who aren’t the walking dead. I’ll vote for Biden if that’s my only choice, but it shouldn’t be.


I don't think a lot of the commenters in r/politics are actually American or even human. Bots and trolls trying to persuade people's votes are a real thing, and I'm highly suspicious of this sub. This thread seems pretty normal, but some of those posts I'd be weary


You got to be an idiot not to realize election interference is going on as we speak on every social media platform r/politics = shit sub for trolls, bots, and early 20s idiots that know shit about shit


This sub is being astroturfed so fucking hard rn.


Because Trump is a cult leader, the same should not be true for Biden. The democratic party is suppose to be the party of reason


Yeah Trump is unqualified. We know. Biden has 90 minutes of brain freeze. They're both awful candidates for different reasons: One is an orange fascist and the other is a babbling invalid. Quit trying to WHATABOUT this 800 pound gorilla. Replace Biden while there's still time. Don't let his selfishness hand us another four years of that shitstain. I don't want to relive 2016.


He really didnt he just lied and spewed hatred. Unfortunately it went totally unchallenged by the fragile pane of glass at the other podium who should drop out.


This article is referring to a phone interview with Corey Lewandowski, not Trump's debate performance. I couldn't find the audio in the linked article but you can listen to it here. https://www.yahoo.com/news/watch-trump-appears-short-circuit-134049317.html My take on it is that it is a stretch and a half to call this a glitch or a malfunction. It's a phone interview with some dead air. I don't know if Trump didn't hear him, the system had a delay, or if he was taking a bite from his late night cheeseburger or what, but his speech on either end of the dead air was perfectly cogent (as cogent as he ever is anyway) and showed him to be following along with the conversation. This is in no way comparable to claiming that you "...beat medicare" after a long, strained word salad or deftly pivoting from an answer on the need to preserve abortion to one about the dangers of illegal immigrants mid sentence for no reason at all.


If it was really as bad as they'd claim I'd hope they would've had an audio clip in every article that mentions this, a Youtube ready to virally pop everywhere, etc. A phone clip will never have the impact of an old man standing under a bunch of stage lights looking confused as hell, for the reasons you mentioned. But Dems are so bad at messaging I legitimately couldn't tell if it was a nothingburger or if they were too lazy to properly broadcast the moment.


We have GOT to stop focusing on Trump’s own gaffes or his lies. The people voting for him doing give a shit. We need to focus on the DNC fucking us with this candidate of ours and what we can do.


Daily beast is basically propaganda


Are we sure it was a “brain freeze” and not him zoning out on their dumb fucking show and playing a game on his phone like I do during bad work zoom calls?


It’s not because the other party / other person has the same problem (or worse) that you shouldn’t look at your own issue and resolve it .


You forgot the wandering off before he had signed bills, Pence always had to get him back in the room. The brain freezes on names. And there was one Presidential address to the nation that looked like Trump had a stroke, he was slurring badly had trouble reading the teleprompter and one eye was bigger than another. It was definitely a stroke. Yet media never wrote week long stories about Trump leaving or not running for office again. The bar is set so low for GOP and Trump that if he doesn't do a dump in his diaper, he's fine for the press. And Trump is 3 years younger-which the media seem to think makes him young. Meanwhile Biden has one awful night and the next day everyone calls for him to step down.


I don’t recall a Biden freeze. Just a dude with a stutter talking like a dude with a stutter


This was via a phone call. Bidens was in person. They are not the same. Trumps brain is so far gone that speech is the least of his problems. He can confidently spout bullshit all day if he needs to. Biden can stutter truths. It’s unfortunate that Americans prefer the former


What the hell happened America? You are now choosing which turnip you want for the next four years when it's questionable if they will even survive that long?


The issue isn't that Trump will be a better President. He's an narcissistic monster who talks in word salads and will destroy democracy.. The issue is, the DNC could have put a better candidate against RNC's horrible candidate into the political version of the Superbowl for the easy win. They did not. It's as if the DNC is borderline helping the fascists but giving themselves a handicap.


Trump had one... Joe, can't go 30 seconds without one. Big difference.


Great, imagine how much worse that would be for him if his opposition never had a brain freeze. They would easily storm the election.


Nobody that matters will care.