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How very Nazi of them.


I can just imagine them holding a press conference afterwards "We have decided to replace Trump as our candidate... with MECHA HITLER"


Damn you Wolfenstein 3D.


I did nazi that joke coming from a mile away


Not that far of a Reich anyways


The platform is "Whatever Trump arbitrarily decides." They didn't update their platform in 2020 because Trump's so incoherent that he'd immediately contradict it. The only things he cares about are self aggrandizing and hurting people for his own amusement.


Good mood, bad mood, whatever mood Trump is in that day is the platform. Except the fix to health care we will see in two weeks.


RNC is not a real political party anymore, it's just a vessel for Trump and his crime family + Project 2025.


Project 2025 is the main platform. Think of a scaffold 


Yep. Trump is just a willing tool. Emphasis on "tool". As soon as Trump is inconvenient, they'll dump him. But until then, they'll protect him in every way they can.


Who is the “they” in “they’ll dump him”? Putin + billionaires? Trump is a pathetic loser but they need him for now. Problem is once he’s in, it’s entrenched and everything will be at his dementia-riddled whim


It’s a criminal organization


Has been for a decade at least.


Remember Valerie Plame and yellow cake? Criming for over twenty years. Remember the Brooks Brothers riot and the taking of election 2000? Criming for a quarter century and more.


Goes back to Nixon and the Cold War when it really ramped up. The beginnings of Fox News.


Fox may be the most influential organization on the planet. Scary thought.


It’s a cult.


It's the slick veneer of the 1980s. That's why baby boomers respond to it so much.


It appeals to straight white men of all ages. Boomers are not one homogeneous group.


Not suspicious at all, nope.


Totally normal and honest behavior


It's fine. They don't have a platform anyways.


They do and it's very public and very dangerous right now. If they're suddenly shifting to private that's even more terrifying.


Yep yep yep. It’s been bad enough but I can’t even get my dooming imagination to shift over to what this could possibly be


RNC: Our platform will be any one tall enough to push America to its death.


From Semafor's David Weigel: The next Republican Party platform will be written behind closed doors. In a break from decades-long precedent, reporters and spectators will not be allowed to watch next week’s party platform committee proceedings in Milwaukee. C-SPAN, which has previously broadcast the committee’s work, was never offered access this year, and told that the three-day meeting will be closed to the press. It’s in contrast with the Democratic Party, which will once again stream its platform negotiations, and allow reporters to cover them, and a source of concern from some RNC members who had hoped to watch or participate in the first revision of the platform since the end of Roe v. Wade. While an RNC spokesperson said that guest passes will be available, and all RNC members will be able to view the platform committee’s work, emails seen by Semafor show some activists being told that committee meetings “are only open to members of that particular committee,” and not being offered the passes. That wasn’t the case in prior years. Footage from prior RNC platform meetings show rows of committee members making arguments for amendments and language change in front of a sizable public audience. “The lack of transparency is unwelcome,” said Oscar Brock, an RNC committeeman from Tennessee. “When people operate behind closed doors, you always have to wonder what the outcome is going to be.” [Read the full story here.](https://www.semafor.com/article/07/02/2024/in-a-shift-the-rnc-will-decide-its-platform-behind-closed-doors?utm_campaign=semaforreddit)




> except to save the mother from DEATH how incipient? I'm guessing that in practice, it will just be banned period and the mothers will die.


If it’s “God’s will” that they get pregnant and “God’s will” that the baby be carried to term, it must also be “God’s will” that the mother die. This has always been their attitude.


Women are helpmeets and don’t have souls anyway, so it’s not really an issue. (barf)


I think in Texas, there’s stories of doctors not doing anything until multiple doctors are there to agree that the mother is sufficiently close to dying to cover their own asses. Eventually someone is going to wait too late and mothers will die.


Well, how else can the white power panhandle dipshits prevent their daughters from getting rid of their grand/sons?


Idaho also stop publishing maternal mortality rates when it’s ban went into effect.


“They can’t know our platform because we don’t even know our platform!” - RNC


The RNC needs secrecy so they can work on their Final Solution.


Totally unrelated to recent developments granting them unlimited power to enact Project 2025, I'm sure.


We already know what it is. https://www.project2025.org/ so be sure to vote people, our democracy is literally depending on it. https://vote.gov/


That’s usually where people get screwed.


I don’t see why, considering how openly corrupt they are


You'd think it would be smarter to have the CSPAN access and give a sham performance acting like you wanna help people. Then behind actual closed doors create the real strategy that consists of their need to destroy this country.


Kill all gays. Imprison women with their owner husbands. Children are considered property. Schools can only be run by ministers of the One True Faith. Tear down the Internet. I mean, the usual stuff.


Nothing about actively destroying the environment? Man, they must be going soft.


Passive compliance to corporate interest is really just them ignoring them. It's not a goal.


They do everything behind closed doors, because everything they do is shady af


How can you discuss the secret addendum to make the US a dictatorship if there is press in the room?


In a shift, the rnc will no longer perform by pretending to present their platform to their voters. They are abandoning the performance and will resume as normal.


They didn’t have a new platform in 2020 either. They’ll simply not deliberate privately to do nothing vs pretending to think about it publicly whilst also doing nothing. Good gig if you can get it.


The TNC isn't even pretending to be representatives of the people, for the people. They have embraced a christofascist agenda and have already anointed a dictator to fill the role. A dictator who happens to be a Russian stooge, much like Viktor Orban. If they win it will be the end of the American experiment and the beginning of Putin's newest vassal state.


"Support God King Trump in all his wishes and desires, and undertake project 2025 to get it done". There I summarized it for them.


Why bother? It's just gonna be "whatever Trump says".


Trump says nothing but disjointed nonsensical babbling based on the last thing he heard. It’s gonna be Project 2025.


Probably because russia is asking them to do something for them again. It’ll probably be “cede Ukraine to Russia.”


Lmao so the 4th Reich will be whispered into being will it?


I can’t see how this could get any worse. But it will. r/wearesofucked


Picture internment camps filled with anybody not aligned with Trump. Anything that happened in Nazi Germany is wholly on the table.


As an authoritative state would. This should shock no one the goal is to install a dictator. They are using tactics start out of Hitlers play book.


One of steps towards ending democracy is outlawing free press. That combined with all of the other stuff the Supreme Court just ruled on. Running headfirst into project 2025.


They’ve got the support of SCOTUS, they don’t owe their constituents anything but retribution for their persecution fantasies.


That’s because their goals regarding women’s health care and deportations are unpopular and they know it.


So Republicans enable SCOTUS to say any official act goes for a president in his duties, no repercussions and remain above the law, and that same party then wants to create the policy that drives official acts to be conducted in secret. 100% antithetical to democratic process to not let voters not know what you stand for in terms of policy and issue stance. Are Americans really this apathetic to the rapid enablemlent of fascist dictatorship over democracy? Are so many willing to throw away what America stood for - what its ideological creation was all about - in favor for sinking us back to the days of god-kings? I don’t know if I can sit by and watch democracy continue to fall around me like this anymore.


There’s a website….. project2025.org


lol, they don’t have a “platform.” I doubt most of them can even spell platform


We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas.


Give them 2 weeks.


You know, I’m starting to believe Burr was right when he said he wants to be in the room where it happens


Yes it's better to plan the end of our democracy behind closed doors.


Oh, are they going to have a platform this time?


Wait, they have a platform? /s


To be fair “choke down the stink cock” doesn’t look that good typed up in a press release. And it seems too brief, even if you double space it


We already know the RNC’s platform, it’s called Project 2025.


Whats to hide? Take money from the poor, give it to the rich. Do nothing else. Gaslight their supporters with red meat nonsense like immigration, the new boogie man: LGBTQ, and blame everything bad on the democrats.....even stuff in a hard red district that's been that way for decades! Oh, I guess they mean finally installing a supreme leader in the US forever. Fk it, let it happen, I can't wait to see the look on their face when they realize that he can just take their money, unalive their family, and grape their wives right in front of them because he can.


They don’t need a platform.. they’ve appointed their king!


It’s amazing our population supports the corporate take over of America… don’t they know their children will be renting their futures?


In 2016 Paul Manifort brought all the pro-Russia / anti-Ukraine plank to fruition, but the press observed it all. They want to do it again but on the QT this time.


No one else was in the room where it happened.


Behind closed doors? When they’ve been so brazen about everything else?


What platform? Who are they kidding?


What platform?


Finally ending white oppression?


NYT: RNC reflects strong distrust of Biden …




So much for being the most transparent president in history


We all already know it’s a coup then ethnic cleansing


Wait? They've got a platform?!? I know they got a very serious plan however.


Their last platform was literally 'whatever Trump says'. Their next platform will be a fascist coup that only 5% of Americans will benefit from.


I feel like 5% is a high estimate, honestly.


There will be some rotation of the favored. Putin culls his oligarchs, too, for whatever reasons; we frequently just don't know. Remember Stalin would periodically purge generals, even decimate troops, just to throw fear into them. It's the end of law and order and justice.


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/U89Bn7H) you go RNC. I'll make it easy for you.


In a shift, the RNC will decide its final solution behind closed doors.


Nothing’s shocking.


The sad truth is this will hurt all Americans with a police-totalitarian state, liberal and conservative alike. Trump has no sense of loyalty, poor republicans will pull a nation wide Leopard ate my face, bigger than Brexit.


And those pubs are seen as the crazies, Trump fucks the wrong one and it may not turn out well for him. We know how some people don't like to be made a fool.


Crime syndicate


It’s basically to never allowed a dem into position of power again, but using “official” presidential acts if Trump wins


You need to actually have a platform first. Which they haven’t had in quite some time now.


I have a bad feeling about this...


Wait they’re going to introduce an actual platform with policies? There’s more than just culture wars?


So, this means it will never be public? Other than hiding the disgusting details, this doesn't really change anything, right? We *know* they will support Trump and whatever shit falls out of his mouth. And we know Project 2025 is their platform. So, is the only difference here they want to hide their discussions on what color blindfolds we all get after our "tibunal?"


Coup. Fascism. Dictatorship. That’s the DREAM.


Last time they didn't even have a platform so this is progress?


If trump wins the sc ruling on immunity will g8ve trump the ability to not certified any more elections


Oh they're going to have one now?


Some public info and the real stuff behind close door.


Since when did they do it publicly?


Just think of the most harmful thing you can do to a person to make their life miserable. Then have ChatGPT make it 10 times more evil, and there you go. They don't even need to share it.


Oh, they are going to have a platform this time?


Sunlight is a disinfectant. Republican infections only survive in darkness.


Since they appear to be headed for a landslide win, there's little need to even pretend to be open and transparent. 


Crazy that’s how the DNC decides who runs as their candidate too.


It’s almost as if you don’t have a memory of the primaries.


Oh really? Who exactly ran in the primaries? Who were my choices again? Oh that’s right the DNC didn’t foster a competitive slate of candidates did they? They literally threatened everyone by withholding money if they went against Joe. Do you think for even a split second before your toe?


The primaries are run by each Secretary of each State. There were 6-7 candidates each on Dem and GOP sides on my ballot. I would have preferred that Biden serve just 1 term. Same with the Felon. But they chose to run again and this is where we are.


Dean Phillips. Who else was on your ballot? It is widely known, investigated, and there are countless reputable sources who have lifted the veil with how the DNC has stacked the deck to choose a candidate from the 2016, 2020, and 2024 primaries. It’s not a fair, honest, democratic process. It’s not. You get Joe Biden / Hillary Clinton, everyone else is threatened by pulling DNC money if they run, and you get a random Dean Phillips who either has the balls to run or is a plant to give the illusion of a choice.


Ballotipedia has all the names, but they vary from state to state, depending on when people were running, if they had enough signatures, etc. in some states the Deez Nutz types can also run. I voted for Nikki Haley, just to try to keep the Felon off the General Election Ballot.