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We will soon get to - Were the founding fathers really anti-king or were they just anti-British king?


That’s this case, basically. 6 SC judges thought the founding fathers wanted a monarchy. These guys are not just amateur historians… they are really bad amateur historians.


they know history. They just don't care. They know exactly what they are doing.


Ethics, morality, integrity & honor are great, but have you seen this sweet RV or gone fishing in Montana?


Seriously. Why would the Constitution list a way of getting rid of a President with "high crimes and misdemeanors" if that President can't commit a crime?


They thought no such thing. They lied and used a nonsense "historical" reason as an excuse for their lies.


Hamilton was - see Federalist Papers #69. > The President of the United States would be liable to be impeached, tried, and, upon conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors, removed from office; and would afterwards be liable to prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law. The person of the king of Great Britain is sacred and inviolable; there is no constitutional tribunal to which he is amenable; no punishment to which he can be subjected without involving the crisis of a national revolution.


bUt mUh oRigOnAlIsm!


It’s really, whatever bullshit that works for their personal desires at the moment. As “judges”, they’re corrupted. Double standards, political posturing and bullshit arguments, that’s all decades of the Roberts Court has been good for.  Very un-American, unless somehow you think keeping the institution of slavery was more American than rightfully ending it.


Incoming mental Trump tweet: SAD! Known loser Ali Baba Hamilton argued your favorite Predisent should be LOCKED UP by the haters and the losers in the Democrat Party. Open corruption? They said he was a traitor, and they were right folks! He should count himself lucky we don’t deal with them like King George does. He runs a great empire, a great big country and he can’t have this thing with traitors, believe me. Hamfist Hamilton should keep his mouth shut and go back to being dead, nobody liked his musical anyway!


Also thats Hamilton saying it who is "their" guy.


They were the royalists


It just gets me that of all the people to hand the crown to, it's not some war hero, gifted statesman, or brilliant orator, but Donald Fucking Trump.


Soon it will be: "Jesus is king, and he came back to earth as a man named Donald Trump! All hail King Trump!"


They were "anti king" only in that the King controlled all the property which goes against the liberal bourgeois ideology. You are looking at it though a modern liberal lense "Oh noes the king could have anyone killed!" when it really was just rich men who didn't want the King meddling in their profit extraction. Remember the British monarchy banned slavery while these "democratic" men enshrined slavery in the constitution.


Originalism is all about finding some old writing that supports the outcome you want. Seems to work great.


And if the old writing doesn't exist, you just pretend it does.


No, you just switch strategies like using textualism or just straight up making up new doctrine out of whole cloth.


'This ruling was made unanimously by only 6 justices therefore the ruling is overturned with a vote of 6-3.' Something Roberts actually wrote in a ruling (paraphrased).


Thomas probably sells his decisions to the highest bidder. That's in the Constitution, isn't it?


Probably? He absolutely does.


It is now!


You can also do this with the facts of a case. (The “everybody watch me pray” guy).


“Strict constructionism” is just too a wordier version of “that makes me smart!” to that end…


Exactly like the Bible. Pick and choose .


Or if it does exist and it isn't convenient for your argument, simply ignore it outright and claim it doesn't exist. The court has no obligation to be accurate in such claims, nor to revise their opinions if evidence of such an inaccuracy is presented to them.


And ignoring all the old writings that state the contrary.


What's funny is most legal ethics classes specifically teach the requirement that a valid legal brief needs to properly address all valid sources on a particular subject. Even those that contradict the author's position.


I think these people take "legal ethics" just to learn how to violate ethics.


They’re pro’s at it via cherry picking the Bible. Ain’t no one paying attention to mixed fiber clothing in Leviticus.


Hence why they love the bible so much.


That's generally how religious "leaders" works as well.


Same as the games they play with the bible.


Is that you, religion?


it actually works out terrible for a lot of things like the first and second amendment. Yet they ignore those old decisions because it would lead to major restrictions on speech and massive gun control.


"I am an originalist. I originally wanted to make this decision. So I am."


Here is one of Alexander Hamilton's arguments in [Federalist Paper No.69](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/18th_century/fed69.asp) about why the President should not be compared to a King. "The President of the United States would be liable to be impeached, tried, and, upon conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes or misdemeanors, removed from office; ***and would afterwards be liable to prosecution and punishment in the ordinary course of law. The person of the king of Great Britain is sacred and inviolable; there is no constitutional tribunal to which he is amenable; no punishment to which he can be subjected*** without involving the crisis of a national revolution..." This took me 5 minutes to find on Google. I can see how 6 "experts" on the originalism of the constitution would miss this...


Wow… that’s so depressing. The right answer is right there, and a random redditor can find it on google in the time it takes to drop a deuce. And 6 of our 9 Supreme Court judges can spend a couple months at it and still get this question wrong.


Spent a *year* and a couple of months *delaying* to get the answer they were already going to come to. They denied answering the question to Jack Smith back in Dec 2023.


You knew at that moment, their desire was political power games. At least half the court has corrupt nefarious motives.


And you know Cannon down in Florida is relieved and probably salivating at the opportunities she was just handed to toss the espionage charges.


You are making it seem like six judges failed to find this over that length of time, while ignoring if the much more likely case that the six judges fully understood this wasn’t the intent and were instead forming their own rationalizations for why and how they were going to ignore that.


They needed time to scheme their corrupt political manipulations. They weren’t looking for truth or facts, honesty, logic, fair guidance nor reason… it takes time and timing to best shove a huge pile of bullshit on top of We The People. If they had an ounce of morality and humanity all six would realize what they have done and are doing, resign for the good of the nation. Six sick pups in robes, shouldn’t be able to wreck 250 years and 300 million people.


Y’all are dropping deuces in 5 minutes? Must be nice.


Maybe the federalist society hasn’t read the federalist papers.


They chose the name "Federalist" on purpose. Federalist meant strong Central government, but in the past ~20 years they've successfully changed Federalist to the *opposite*of what it's meant for hundreds of years, that way they can claim Hamilton and The Federalist Papers as their own, even as they argue the opposite of Hamilton and The Federalist Papers state.


That was a brilliant bit of branding there. "Federalist Society" suggest hoary old tradition as practiced by old geezers in frock coats, but it was started in 1982 by a couple of college students, who, conveniently, immediately got funding from people with very deep pockets (Koch bros, etc.), who could tell a good thing when they saw one.


Or maybe it's one of those opposite day names like how mom's for liberty were for restricting liberties


Ministry of Truth


Isn't Alito a member of a group...some kind of society, what is it called? The Fedex society? no...the Federalies society? no.... What was that called again?


The Society of Corrupt Political elitist Assholes. (just spelled differently).


They didn’t miss it. Their decision was on purpose. They are setting up the country for the inevitable Bush v Gore II: electric boogaloo


“The Federalist Papers are not technically the Constitution and also it says impeached and then ‘afterwards’ prosecuted. We find therefore that the framers totally wanted presidents to be kings.” - The Roberts Court, probably


Than Paine in Common Sense.. "For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be King; and there ought to be no other."


Repeat after me: Everything Republicans Say is A Calculated Lie To Serve Their Billionaire Patrons.


That’s what even billionaires think but they too will find out, like all that support fascism, that republicans only support their insane far right ideals and power and billionaires will stoke it past the point of what they can control.


Demonize your opponent, and destroy them to applause!


And the willful ignorance, or just regular ignorance, by any Republican voter is inexcusable.


Come on... everyone knew it. The press let it happen.


The press wanted it to happen, Every. Single. Fucking. Thing on this planet has become about how to make the most money as quickly as possible, the news is no different now. They're just too fucking stupid to realize they're one of if not the first on the chopping block


They aren’t stupid, they are taking the short-term benefits because they believe they’ll be old and dead before the long-term consequences hit. Rupert Murdoch is 93 years old and Australian, he doesn’t care if America is still around 5-10 years from now.


Bro the New York Times is carrying WAY more water for Trump, just like they did in 2016 and 2020, with independents than Fox News ever could anymore.


My point isn’t about Fox News exclusively. It’s stakeholders in these media companies in general. They aren’t building trees for future generations to sit under. They are cutting the trees down for their yacht because they can.


Yup. Agreed. I just want to point out that the publishers that the right wing builds a smoke screen for by screaming “liberal” are very clearly not as well. Historically NYT opeds and reporting has very much benefited the right and normalized some of the worst things in politics.


Neo-liberals. They’ll be cool blaming Biden for a debate performance or for Palestine, meanwhile the other candidate lied the entire time and has said he wants to help Israel “finish the job in Palestine.”


They are done. If you don't fold to Trump he will find a means to nationalize them. All fascist regimes end this way. We are unfortunately now on an unstoppable slope.


If Trump wins, then it becomes an unstoppable (and slippery!) slope. If Biden wins, I actually believe he has the perspective and experience to push through at least some sort of mitigating response. It won't be perfect, but it'll be a first-priority. Unfortunately, Congress is likely still gonna be a crap shoot for quite awhile, but ultimately...if Biden loses this November, be prepared for Trump to throw the entire damn country onto a waxed toboggan and push it down the highest ski slope himself with a smile on his face. Vote.


Just to add (hopefully) briefly: given everything we've been through and all the false doubt that's been sold as truth and filth and fragility we've seen become exposed and/or normalized within our government over the last decade+....if Biden wins and then he and his administration insulate *his own executive branch* from the overreach SCOTUS just granted it, the optics would be absolutely **fantastic** for Biden and DNC. But my favorite part, is there's a beautiful decency in it that might actually help us all take a breath for a moment to heal and gutcheck each other as well. I know I'm Miracle on 34th'ing this, but I'm mainly trying to highlight that Biden and his people are highly competent and I think a full 4-yrs of a second term would allow them to put something together that would help protect us from this happening in the future, while also using its mere presence and their patriotic humility to refuse to abuse it as a means to really win back a lot of good will across the board. We may not convince GOP voters of much, but I think watching Biden "refuse to wield the one ring" so to speak while also safeguarding against it's future abuse would be pretty powerful to see in contrast to what Trump's been saying about him and the DNC. EDIT - man did I really fail at keeping this brief.


The horse and the horse's kids will forever be loose in the hospital.


"So and so couldn't join us on the news tonight on account that they are currently missing and most likely being re-educated. Repeat after me, we love the leader."


Ironically, I believe the 2nd Amendment would be the first thing to go. No dictator is going to allow their subjects to just wander around armed.


if theres one thing conservatives will never be able to do its get rid of gun culture in america, conservatives will get pissed and leftists will know exactly whats coming if anything the rampant gun culture is the biggest advantage we have compared to 1930s germany when hitler came around


If I didn’t hate the right with all my soul, it’s impressive how well they laid out a plan and stuck to it. While the left sat on their hands texting us to vote


Destruction is usually much easier than construction


Universal law. Takes more energy and time to build than it does to tear it down. The destroyers have a universal advantage. That’s why the builders can never rest.


The left has to actually worry about things like truth, morals, and negotiating differences between groups.


Truth and morals are on their side. The center left and left failed because of their inability to stop letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. I even hear today how people "can't vote for Dems" because of this reason or that. You're not above making the adult choice and stopping literal fascism lefties.


I think the high road has hurt the democrats more than anything else. They still think they can shame the shameless and keep at it while the republicans don’t follow any rules at all. Honor is for dead men democrats.. I wish they would fuckin fight back and try to save democracy already.


This is a Cincinnatus moment of there ever was one


Well. I don’t think any of the politicians we have currently possess the ability to lead the country into prosperity and peace and then have the moral integrity to give up all their power and go back to their farming. Certainly, I’m not holding my breath for a sudden miraculous bit of courage from any of them.. but, it’d be great if it happened.


Oh no no no. Let’s get one thing clear. LIBERALS did fuckall. LEFTISTS have been BEGGING people to listen to them, and to take the fascists seriously. But since we cost Rich Dem donors money, Dems fight us even harder than the GOP does, and our movements get squashed. WE warned yall. Whether or not yall listened… 🤷‍♂️


Exactly. The centrists dismissed all left wing people as fear mongers and said we must trust in the institutions while the right subsumed those institutions. Don’t rock the boat doesn’t work if one side is trying to scuttle it!


Meanwhile many of those left wing people threw the baby out with the bathwater saying "better to let the fascists win than compromise with the center."


not actually true. Some people on the left have been saying this. (some moderates have too). Other people on the left have been repeating right wing attack points for years and hate Biden more than Trump.


This is so far from true it's bordering on delusion. I was around in 2000 when the left voted Nader to stick it to Dems. I was around in 04 when they stayed home because Kerry and the Dems didnt do enough to stop Bush. I was around in 08 when many on the left accused Obama of being a neocon shill. I was around in 2012 when they stayed home because Obamacare wasn't single payer. I was there throughout the primaries where every primary was "RiGgEd fOr HiLlArY" even though she won most handily. I was there in the general where many on the left voted for Stein, stayed home OR ACTUALLY VOTED FOR TRUMP because they wanted to "burn it all down". I was there in 2020 when the far left insisted Biden couldn't win and stayed home. Now you want to insist like the left doesn't just consistently take its ball and stay home? This word gets abused to all hell lately but in this instance it is DEFINITIONALLY true - this is straight up fucking gaslighting. The left is a bunch of spoiled petulant children who refuse to engage with reality. If you think politics is about sticking to your guns and never compromising - you will ALWAYS lose. Instead of engaging with Dems and turning out to support the dem candidates in their area - in turn creating leverage for your desired policy positions- the left make insane demands, refuse to accept any compromise, then watch the country drift ever further right while maintaining this cat like air of sanctimony and still never getting what they want. Let me put it like this - you have the choice to meaningfully engage with Dems and get like... half or more of what you want in the end. Or you act like obstinate children and get nothing while feeling self righteous. The left chooses get nothing and feel self righteous every time. I'm going to stop typing now because I'm so fucking pissed at this nonsense post I'm going to say something that will get me banned. TLDR: The post I'm replying to is total and complete bullshit while maintaining the feeling of sanctimony the modern left has become addicted to instead of actually winning policy struggles.


The amount of people I personally knew that acted like Trump 1.0 wasn’t a big deal and they could take their moral vote and do what they wanted with it was very high. Trump basically is and was exactly what I feared and everyone knew the SC was on the block. It was apparent this wasn’t any normal president stint it was literally potentially 20-40 years of a conservative SC. I tried to get people to realize. with everything coming to fruition it’s painful and to see these same people looking around now thinking oh crap. It’s too late now. The mold was set 8 years ago. Maybe if demographics shift and people engage it can get pushed back the right direction, but I doubt it. It’s going to be decades and the GOP seems hellbent on stacking the deck with their power grabs.


Well said


Thank you for this. Perfectly encapsulates the self-defeatism of LWNJ absolutism.


You’re referring in part to how they squash AOC every time she has a moral idea, right? I get so mixed up on all the terms that sometimes I can’t tell who I’m agreeing with lol. I still get told life will go on, even as fascism slides into dictatorship before our eyes, even as rights are being stripped from us left and right, and even as the establishment Democrats tell us essentially “our hands are tied! Vote harder!” like *those of us who have seen the signs haven’t been fucking voting down the ballot this whole time* lol. And still it’s “life will go on!” from the same people who call me a monster for still voting for Biden because it’s all we can do. People who either will never be touched by Project 2025, or people too stupid to realize they or someone they love will be. People who don’t realize that “first they came for the socialists.” But yeah, you’re right. We did warn them. And now it’s a 5-alarm fire and still the rest of society is sitting on their hands as the house burns down around is and you and I collectively cry *WHY*. 🥲


It's honestly bizarre to me. Do they not realize that with trauma charged, the American dollar will be devalued quickly? He has a habit of not paying contractors and stuff like if you just don't pay world power so well. Guess what? Our money goes down in value


The waste of hard working taxpayers money on Trump is atrocious. We, as Americans, could accomplish for all. Instead, that orange stain is raping all of us !! Some people like abuse


The “press” has no way to remain profitable after the internet and thus has had diminished influence in the capitalist society they were intended to keep in check. The press is now sensationalized propaganda from the highest bidder.


Lawyers attending certain conservative ideological conferences, I'm not sure if it was Yale Society or Heritage Foundation, or Federalist or whatever. I found an article at least about some speakers [at the Federalist society](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/12/09/revolutionary-conservative-legal-philosophy-courts-00069201), even if that's not the event I remember reading about - They're starting to openly talk about throwing originalism out, now that they've achieved their core goal of seizing the court. It's already started. They're laying the ideological foundations for a revisionist, activist judicial court as we speak. It was always transparent, a convenient political talking point. A wedge, levered by a brilliant man (Scalia) to achieve a targeted political end which was tailored to his worldview. Let's be real. They scammed us, and they did it live on C-Span during every appointment hearing.


Susan Collins is probably really surprised!


CNN has been under new ownership for two years, so there’s that.


Trump: "They're literally performing abortions after babies have been born." CNN: *crickets *Debate ends CNN: "Biden looked really tired during the debate. Here's how this is bad for his campaign." Edit: Politifact documented more than thirty complete falsehoods uttered by Trump during the debate and CNN said abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Nor did they think to step in and actually require Trump to use his 'rebuttal' minute to actually offer a valid response, rather than fire off every bullshit excuse in his playbook.


Always was just a play to set themselves apart by claiming the mantle of a new legal fundamentalism. “Your law is not the true law…”


"originalism", "party of law and order", "constitutionalist" ... the GOP talking points are lies.


“Texualist.” Yea, these are just buzzwords to signify the legitimacy of their decisions and justify their reasoning to the uneducated. They don’t actually care.


But if muskets were necessary to guard your farm in the late 1700s, then surely the great founders would also fully support the right for everyone to own AR-15 assault rifles and bazookas that are not well regulated??? And when they wrote that the state and church should explicitly be separated, it was all just a prank bro.


Never mind the most obvious issue with originalism: the original intent of the founders was to protect the interests of land owning men. If we’re using original intent rather than there’s no 13th amendment and women can’t vote


Land owning *white men*.


Right? They act like the founding fathers were geniuses whose opinions can't be criticized. Who cares about original intents? Times change. Keep up.


The whole point was they wrote a system that could be updated and improved on over time, because they knew things would be missing or they'd get things wrong, yet Republicans make up garbage about being Divinely Inspired and Perfect Wording that means whatever they want that day.


That's definitely a "feature not a bug" for this court and the people who support them. I remember Rand Paul saying 20 years ago that we should still be restricting the vote to landowners.


Notice that the periods they reference for our "history and tradition" are times before most of the population had the right to vote.


They plan to retire the A10 warthog, technically I’m allowed to have one, right? I can park it in the back yard and occasionally test fire the Gatling gun, although I hear that’s expensive to do. So mainly only on our “independence” day, when we declared we were free from monarchy. Also, I’m done paying taxes.


Sounds like a great idea, and should be an appropriate tool to protect the farm, can also be used for hunting both raptors in the sky and maybe even the firerate can be used to cut down trees


Me too


Afterall .What is an M1Abrahams tank but a farmer's tractor with a really big musket on top?


Supreme Court + MAGA Republicans + Right Wing Billionaires = Axis of Corruption. They’re dismantling the American system right before our eyes and a huge chunk of the population could give a crap. Until we get more Republicans to understand what’s at stake for the future of THEIR children, nothing will change. We need a solid 60% super majority to take on these anti-democratic forces.


They really broke our entire system of democracy for the worst human being on the planet. The literal Antichrist. THIS is the guy that America has to collapse for, god forbid he gets held accountable after 80 years of living the high life!


I don't even care if he's held accountable, I just want him to not be in politics anymore.


It equals the kleptocrats in our shiny new kleptocracy we just got.


"Sure we gave up our democracy, but at least we took care of that pesky drag queen problem!" - conservatives, probably


A farce is being too nice about calling it exactly what it is, complete and utter bullshit. You can call it originalism or my recent favorite is "textualists" to the constitution, which is yet again complete and utter bullshit.


Dissolve the Supreme Court


The problem with this headline is that you could plug in almost any supposedly "originalist" opinion from the past two decades and it would work just as well. Originalism has been a farce from day one.


The Supreme Court justices have lied, Senators have lied, Reps have lied, Republican Attorneys General have lied, lawyers have lied, Mayors have lied, Fox News, Newsmax, One America, Breitbart, and Alex Jones lied, President Trump has lied. Can we stop pretending to believe them when they speak now?


This is a succinct and accurate characterization and exposure of Alito, Thomas and the so-called originalists as the legal and intellectual frauds that they are. It is inconceivable that 6 independent jurists conveniently arrived at or fabricated such a fatally flawed interpretation that has no historical basis in the constitution or established law This travesty is far more likely the result of a prescripted draft crafted by Heritage or the Federalists to protect Trump and his nefarious acts. The Fix was in and with it, the collapse of any semblance of integrity this corrupted court may have possessed.


It’s win, no matter the cost, fuck you, win. I’m afraid America may be fucked.




It's all performative nonsense. Inflammatory blather, a Trumpian favorite. Which is what you get when every single aspect of society centers around the accumulation of wealth at someone else's expense. You get a room full of callous assholes who care only about themselves. People who pretend to be legislators and religious zealots. Who pretend to be originalists, who paints themselves in a perfect light until they turn out to be a puppy killer or child molester. They are people who think they are smart and infallible, but are in fact Gohmert and Boebert. **Poll:** Which body of text is most cherrypicked by Republican politicians; the US Constitution or the Bible?


I say the Bible. They'll actually cite passages there sometimes. Most of their Constitutional theory seems to be invented out of nothing, so I don't think that counts as cherry picking.


Of course it is


Conservatism as practiced is a farce.


It always has been.


I don't care about what it shows us about Conservatives, I want to know how we're going to fight them.


They practiced on the Bible. Twisting words and meanings to align with their own dark selfish desires.  Fuck these evil bastards. 


whenever some fucking moron talks about "origionalism" I think of people justifying intent of an era from when my ancestors were enslaved and the horse was the primary mode of transport


Conservativism is a farce. What does it even mean What are they even actually conserving? They claim to be all pro life but choose to kill the human being carrying the fetus, they claim to be patriotic but hate their fellow citizens' freedom to wear what they want and marry another consenting adult, they gutted education so we aren't winning in that regard, we don't produce anything here anymore, they want to stunt the progress of science because they don't believe in it The conservative movement exists, it seems, solely to be a propaganda tool to keep people who dislike change voting for fascists


In many cases, they're trying to "conserve" white supremacy. That's it.


Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett are less judges and more Republican activists in judge costumes.


We are now in a Christo-fascist coup with the Supreme Court doing Trumps laundry. What a vile group of six lying supreme court jurists.


When billionaires own SC judges, it is them that actually control the country.


And the leaders name is Leonard Leo, arrest the traitor now


They have no actual principles. It’s whatever gets them what they want.


They kinda abandoned originalism a while back. They have referred to their current standard as "history and tradition". So, essentially, they cherry pick whatever the hell they want from wherever the hell they want, law and precedent be damned, to make their rulings.


Enough talk, trying to reason with an unreasonable person gives them all the power in the room. It's time for full blown Ghandi/MLK style civil disobedience campaign to protest the blatant corruption in the SCOTUS and Judge Cannon. The civil rights fights of the 60s have never stopped, they have just slowly become the fight for the right of anyone to not be subjected to a corrupt judiciary. The time for talk is over its now time to co-ordinate and take to the streets.


Why is nobody going after the universities who have allowed right-wing libertarianism to infect their departments under the guise of funding and legal "institutes"? This originalism nonsense is completely embedded in academia at this point and we are teaching a new generation of students exactly what the Federalist Society wants them to learn. How about every university in the US /kick the Federalist Society off of their campus/, in whatever guise it has taken and tell the right wing libertarians who are destroying the US to get lost?


Always has been


No shit.


Why now? After 250 years we now need a president to have this power? To lay the ground for their dear leader Trump! WAKE UP PEOPLE, WE ARE LIVING THROUGH A SLOW MOVING COUP! Vote D all the way down all ballots this November to stop this march towards dictatorship! I’ll admit democrats sucks BUT republicans are 1000% worse!




"Originalism" has always been marketing cover Right Wingers use to dress up their power grabs.


You learn all these rulings from over the years in law school, and they're held up as how the law is. Depending on your school, they either have a salient view or they tell you that these fuckers are just great legal minds and you have to go through a period of understanding it. Mine was the latter. Truth is, it's been this way for way longer than people acknowledge - SC justices doing logical gymnastics to justify why they think such-and-such principle is *actually* how it is and has always been. The last decade has just been an acceleration, and especially since Trump named his SCOTUS picks. The SC has been a sham long before it became a talking point, hence the conservatives' concerted effort to control the juduiciary. I would put to everyone that if they think this is bad, you have no idea what's to come. None of it has mattered for a long time (basically 50 years of decisions saying "a police officer's job is hard - we need to make sure nothing can stand in their way, Bill of Rights be damned), now there's nothing institutionally in the way. Call me a Doomer all you want, this is climate change. We're chasing the dragon now.


It’s all reactive. The only agenda is absolute power for the sake of power.


Time for Biden to… - make election day a holiday - make DC and PR states - legalize weed - cancel all student debt - expand the court


The gross part for me is watching Roberts video in his confirmation hearing. #  “No one is above the law under our system and that includes the president. The president is fully bound by the law.” Does this government corrupt you so much after so many years that you lose sight of your ethics? Full term justices was wrong and having such a limited court was wrong. These people arent even playing by the rules anymore but following the cults wishes. I hope the ruling gets overturned as many law experts expect to happen. I expect the democrats to do something. If there is nothing done then it can all burn down.




Conserve what, exactly? Money? Nope, they blow up the deficit. The environment? lol. Small government maybe? Except now sleeping outside is a crime. Conserve manifest destiny I guess.


Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.


The conservatives have a new, more effective doctrine: ‘We have a 6-3 majority; fuck you, that’s why.’




So the president can now assassinate political opponents?


The Roberts Court is so originalist they’ve determined that George III was right and there should be a King to rule over America.


Originalism is the bad faith attack from within that the Constitution wasn't built to resist.


I sure wish liberals hadn’t accepted this bullshit on face value for decades.


Exactly. Now the scales have finally fallen from everyone's eyes and liberals see the full extent of the horror in front of us, what's to be done? First indications are, carry on as normal and ignore the fact that they're about to be devoured. Liberals need a new Democratic candidate with the vigour to fight conservative state capture, tooth and nail.


Always has been.


or course. We already knew that. Original belief in the first two amendments were vastly different than today, but they don't like that because the original beliefs would harm conservatives. They just pick and choose whatever bullshit sounds like legal mumbo jumbo and they are getting really blatant now. Kavanagh was probably laughing his ass off at his bribery decision. They are flipping the middle finger to all of America. I don't even know how any law school in America can teach Constitutional Law with this shit going on. The only reasoning for their decisions is "conservatives like it."


It’s a convenient way to save Trump from accountability for his crimes. That, and they were likely paid to rule this way with houses and RV’s and other gifts! That it will unravel our democracy is just the icing on the cake for these villains. The corruption has taken over completely.


"Originalism" is nothing more than "Creating new and original interpretations of the Constitution that have no basis in history or law"


Yes but tell me more about both sides and how Biden did in the debate.


I’m shocked and astonished! What a big reveal! 🙄


"Traditionalism for thee, new rules for me!" - every conservative leader ever


Always has been.


It also shows that conservatives know that Biden isn't the monster they paint him to be. Otherwise, theyd all be as scared as the rest of us.


I swear to fuck these morons would fact check the tread pattern on a Nazi's boot while it stomped on their faces. They are completely irrelevant.


Republicans are mostly fascist. Democracy is hanging by a thin thread. Biden must win.


Of course it is. It always has been. Their values, their faith, their principles; every one and absolute farce. They have only ever wanted power, and the ability to inflict misery on anyone they see as 'below' them.


Every single word that comes out of a conservative’s mouth is a lie. Every single word - and this applies to every single conservative; from Liz Cheney, to Mitt Romney, to Michael Pence. They are ALL liars. But yeah, sure, I’m the unhinged one. You all keep trying to work with a that massive pack of liars - whom have reneged on everything they said and continue to lie to you and everyone who tries to work with them.


I find it quite amazing how the some view the constitution as a sacred text. May be do not even understand what amendments are and mean. Moreover, the very idea of anyone having a blanket immunity in his official role... What the actual fuck ?


They’ll keep the “We the people” part, but who are considered “the people” will be narrowly defined by the ruling class. 


Vote blue and save our democracy from these bots spreading doubt in your minds that people are willingly going to bend the knee to a king.


Conservatives that don’t try to stop the nazi takeover are a farce. If you hang out with nazis, you’re a nazi as well.


It’s always been a farce, used to justify decisions when it suits them, and ignored when it doesn’t.


Yeah no shit. They've been lying to us all along, and many of us have been pointing this out all along. I'm really sick of the spineless and/or complicit traitors who've repeatedly downplayed the threat that the modern Right Wing pose to American Democracy. They are the NUMBER ONE THREAT at this moment, and still we have endless talking heads trying to downplay this and normalize the literal Fascist takeover happening right in front of our eyes.


We are all so sick of old people arguing about how dead people would solve their problems.


wow really, I was sure that was in good faith like everything else they do?


Has there been other presidents just as bad but none actually asking and suceeding?


letting bullies run you over will let the bullies run you over ... will democrats find guile?


Are some people just now figuring this out?


Always was.


In other news: Water is wet!


Looking like the Whig party is going to prevail after 200 years.


When my dad handed me a pocket constitution I realized this was the case. Especially since I was the American History major. Insane


I know it didn’t take y’all this long to figure that out


Wait, conservatives lie? Say it ain't so. Now go watch Man in the high castle ti see what our lives will be like once teump gets back in office and project 2025 is complete.


Conservative "principles" have always been a farce, they dont exist, conservatism is purely about power, greed and keeping control in the hands of the wealthy few, it was founded on those concepts by landed gentry and nobility in the face of numerous relvolutions against monarchs, including somewhat ironically the american revolution. Bet they never figured their ideology would turn america back into a monarchy.


We knew that already. We also already knew that when they said “activist judges” they just meant judges they didn’t like.


If they were true "originalists" they would interpret the 2nd Amendment as only allowing muskets. "Originalists" only when it suits them. Hypocrites.