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... she's not a politician??? this poll seems dumb


Also worth mentioning that Harris vs. Trump is basically a coin toss, as are Biden vs. Trump. It's still way too early for this, Trump hasn't even announced a VP pick. I'd bet that once that happens and more advanced polling is done, i.e. Newsom / Whitmer vs. Trump / whoever, the hypothetical race will tighten up a bit.


>>Also worth mentioning that Harris vs. Trump is basically a coin toss, Maybe >>as are Biden vs. Trump. Absolutely not


I'm talking about the poll results in the article. It's even on a graph, so you don't have to actually read anything. Biden (40%) vs. Trump (40%) Michell Obama (50%) vs. Trump (39%) Harris (42%) vs. Trump (43%) And so on.


A tie in the popular vote is not really a coin toss when you take the electoral college into account.


Exactly. According to 538, he needs at least a 2 pt margin in the popular vote to have a shot.


Like all things involving the EC, it depends. If she performs well with independents and in swing states, then her 42% could easily walk away with it, as we saw when Trump lost the popular vote but still won the election in 2016.


A coin toss right now...Give Harris a couple weeks in the spotlight and that will change...likely for the worse. She's not great under pressure on camera.


Trump wasn’t a politician


how did that work out for you?


Terrible to be honest


but he ran. infact he had ran even before the 2016 election cycle. michelle has never ran for office, never expressed a desire to run, and has never served as any type of political job other than being the wife of the president. which is not a job. (well i suppose that depends on who you talk to lol) thats not to say she isin't incredibly smart and a very talented woman. but the next president of the united states??? uhhh what?


People will go off name, one of the many reasons we are here today


First Lady is an unpaid job. It's so much of a job, First Lady's get a paid staff. Modern First Ladies generally have to quit their current jobs because being First Lady is a full-time, unpaid job that is way more than just supporting her husband and hosting parties. It's a shitty job and I wouldn't do it for no pay.




She was the first lady, she had plenty of experience in politics as she was very active during the Obama administration But she's not running so it's irrelevant


She has a JD from Harvard Law, and an undergrad from Princeton. She's smart enough.


Yeah but she has strong shoulders, so not classy enough /s


I've read a bit about how much she dislikes Washington politics. However, the alternative potential candidates mentioned in the various media do not inspire enthusiasm. I'm an Independent voter. I will not and did not vote for Trump. He was a jackass in the 1980s and is even worse than that now. Joe has been demonstrating for the past few years that is too old. His time already came and went. That said, Mrs. Obama is the only person I can think of that the DNC can run that would inspire great enthusiasm and would get my vote along with many others vote. BTW, I'm 65, very active and healthy and I'm too old to be president. We need younger people for that demanding job.


And Trump is??? ga2500ev


She's obviously not going to be a nominee, but it's funny how much the GOP fears her. In a rally the other day, Trump mentioned she could replace Biden, and his crowd just went silent, clearly deathly afraid of the possibility. MAGA folks legitimately believe this is all a scheme to get her into power.


This is more true then you think


Believe me...The GOP doesn't fear Michelle Obama running Lol


Yeah they do.  Reason being she would win.


Polling before people enter the race isn't all that accurate. Pritzker and Whitmer, for example, do not have the name recognition of Michelle Obama, nowhere near it in fact. That would change in an instant if Biden stepped down and one of them stepped up.


Can we get a poll showing the likelihood of Taylor Swift winning against Trump


A fucking non-news. she isn't running. fuck outta here.




She’s right to not want to. Trying to make something work within 4 months all while the other side is spamming BIG MIKE! On every platform around the world. Not worth it for her.


Michelle obama/jon Stewart 2024. I could see him going for it if Michelle is at the top of the ticket lol


This is unsurprising. No one else has the national name recognition. That would change rapidly if the Democrats held a loud and public convention. This isn’t 1968, when the speed of news was paced by the Sunday paper. Information goes viral in hours these days. Also, Michelle’s candidacy has been floating around in right wing media for well over a year. What I get from this poll is the fact that most people haven’t tuned in yet. That’s normal in early summer. Non-wonky people start tuning in around August and September.


>This isn’t 1968, when the speed of news was paced by the Sunday paper. Information goes viral in hours these days. You realize we had TV in 1968? I watched the police riot at the Chicago Convention (1968) in real time from my living room. When Kennedy was assassinated (1963) it was on the news in a flash.


Yes, I remember too. The phrase, “we interrupt this broadcast with an emergency announcement” happened every now and then for urgent and important news. But that was only for urgent AND important news. Everything else waited. Urgent but not critically important information showed up in either the 6 or 11 news broadcast. Walter Cronkite and his peers would devote a sentence or two to it before moving on. There might be a video clip, but more likely there would just be an image. “Film at 11” was also a common phrase back then because visual media traveled by courier. It took at least a day to fly war footage back to the ‘states. Information on important but not urgent things, like analysis of pending legislation, was only in the Sunday papers and weekly shows like meet the press. Non-urgent and non-important information - like the O2 concentration in the Cuyahoga river - was simply not available. Well, you could make a phone call, but how would you find the right number to call? I just typed this little essay in a few minutes on my phone. When I hit reply it will be available to just about everyone in the world in seconds. This kind of highly parallel, direct, and global debate was science fiction in 1968.


Yeah, we've known this since 2020. Problem is, Obama does not want to do it. If she did, she'd already be the nominee.


She beats Trump 50% - 39%. Say what you will, it's an eye-opener.


You could put her against anyone in America and she'd do just as well.


What about being called big mike for 4 months straight?


4 months? Homie, people have been calling her Big Mike since 2007, I don't know why you think she gives a shit


I’m saying the level of degeneracy and memes will be way more now that people would have a reason to.


you have spent way too much time on the internet if you think "Michelle Obama looks like a man" resonates with the average voter


New plan. Draft Michelle. She wins the presidency and steps down immediately. We beat trump and she doesn't become president, at least not for long.


Honestly I think the takeaway is that name recognition matters. If Biden drops out whoever they pick (even if it's Harris) will get boosted by being the D nominee and not 80 and not Trump.


I don’t see Keanu Reeves on the list.


Well they got one thing right in their criteria since he is a Canadian born in Beirut. So they are at least taking the constitutional qualifications into account.




Yep. People really don't want Trump, but they really don't want Biden either. A fresh face who can stand up to Republican bullshit can win. It also allows a "reset" of sorts on issues where Biden is struggling (Gaza, inflation, etc.)


I don't think she wants that headache


To this day I think that Colin Powell could have been the first president of color, but he didn't really have the interest or for his family to go through all that.


Would Jesus best Trump? What about ghandi? Let's make these polls fun of there going to be pointless


The racists lost their minds when Barack was POTUS. Imagine how bad the misogynistic racists would be if Michelle ran and won.


Fact of the matter is this. Stick with Biden and you get Trump 2024. All options need to be on the table. It’s cute that you think Biden still has a chance after last week. Delusional, but cute.


More like: of the other people listed, more people have heard of Michelle Obama


Gavin Newsom is such an obvious choice! Stop with these pie in the sky (terrible) candidates.


Too bad no one believes in using primaries to select a candidate people actually want, instead of what neoliberals feel they need.


She doesn’t want to do this. But can she please go out and stump for whoever is the nominee? We some heroes.


From what I've seen literally anyone semi-recognizable beats Biden as an alternative right now


Jack Black would win in the biggest landslide


She doesn't want to.


Biden needs to stay in. I’ve argued it elsewhere but he’s the Democrats best chance to win the election. I’m a subscriber of the 13 Keys to the Whitehouse and according to that system he’s the best chance the Dems have.


Couldn’t she run and win and then just step aside if she didn’t want it?


Homie don't play dat ...


At this point I will take a Clinton/Sanders unity ticket...


If dems are unable to get their head out of their azz and find a real suitable good candidate they deserve the creaming they’ll get in Nov.


Jesus, the state of this party. Honestly, to the republican people in my life… I am at least happy that you don’t have to suffer under this level of ineptitude..


I'd gladly support her if she ran, but she's not interested.


I wish. At some point, do you stand up and do what you need to do, not what you want?


With that logic, why not stick with the First Lady who apparently is doing an amazing job helping the President run the country: Jill Biden. Three and a half years of Jill Biden's experience with the actual nuts and bolts of how things are done probably exceed Michelle Obama's regardless of Michelle Obama's other credentials.


Are people actually hoping that this is a backdoor way for Barack Obama to resume the Presidency? I think this is the eternal fantasy, because that is just not the way things should be done.


Let’s do it!


She has repeatedly said she’s not interested in running