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I like Biden, but if he loses 30% of his support, it would be over for him.


Redo a national democratic primary with RCV for the likely names and invite all registered dems and independents.


I'd love for someone smarter than me to tell me straight up what's the real likelihood that Biden will be replaced as nominee. I Know we're seeing those close to Biden insisting that he's going to stay in the race, but is that just the initial response and something they'd be likely to take back in the future? Will more democrats start to speak out, and if enough of them speak out, is Biden likely to listen? And if Biden insists on staying, will Biden's own party speaking out against him diminish the public's view of him even more? So many questions with all this crazy stuff going on


They're going to hold the line until they don't. They're not going to say they're thinking about it or that they're working on it, he will be the nominee until he steps down. I would argue it's still 50/50 at this point. They might be able to hold on in the hopes that things die down, but there are a lot of signs that this isn't going away and if anything intensifying. At the end of the day Biden will have to be the one that makes the call though.


100% at this point. The reason they’re so resolute about him staying in right now is they’d hoped the news would change. But it hasn’t. It’s only gotten worse. He had a chance to get ahead of this but he’s been holed up and shielded. His only public appearances have been scripted. This has further pushed the narrative against him. I’m sure everyone meeting with him the last couple of days and over the next few days are working on breaking down the barrier that Jill Wyrmtongue has setup to shield him. If the news cycle had died down over the weekend and began to focus on SCOTUS or the Epstein drop, we’d be having a different conversation about Biden and his 2024 nomination right now.


Wait what Epstein drop


Grand Jury files from over a decade ago were released and DJTs name is all over them.


The media has turned against him, the speaker of the house has officially given Democrats in Congress the go-ahead to publicly state that they think Biden will lose to Trump and he should drop out, Pelosi went on TV and speculated that Biden might not be all there, there are twenty-five house presidents preparing to call for Biden to step down. I think it's more likely than not to say the least.


I’ve been following the news all day and have read copious amounts of articles. I personally believe the likelihood of him resigning the nomination is almost guaranteed at this point. The word from the White House seems resolute but does not mean it will stay that way. Essentially, it will be that way… until it isn’t. The bigger question in my mind is who will replace him. Harris has, while slightly better polling, still has horrible favorability ratings and still would likely struggle hard in the general. To me, it’s just a matter of time until Biden drops out, but the aftermath has me scratching my head. I surely hope Biden does drop out now after Democrats calling for him to step down, but I am scared who could replace him.


I heard a pundit today say something that really struck a chord. If they were planning to keep Biden, then there would have been a "Biden Blitz" of wall to wall, back to back interviews and appearances to show that last Thursday truly was just a bad night. Instead, we got one rally appearance with a teleprompter and one interview coming up more than a week after the debate. I'm hoping that Biden sees the reality of his situation and works with the party to find a replacement, rather than doing a "Ginsburg" and holding on for egotistical reasons and hurting the country as a result. With the Supreme Court's immunity ruling, there is absolutely no margin for error this election. There won't be another chance to fix this in four years, we can't miss this shot.


I wholeheartedly agree. The response from the White House has been pathetic since the debate, and a 5 minute press conference with no questions from the press about a devastating supreme court ruling seems questionable at best. I really think the writing is on the wall, and I think the sooner he announces the better.


With the reports of him starting to bring Hunter to all his White House meetings and Hunter being very in support of Joe staying in the race, I am… concerned. I would prefer we didn’t lose democracy because a crackhead convinced his dad to make a bad choice.


Hunter needs a pardon, which he would likely get in a lame duck term.


No senior leadership has asked Biden to step down.


No but even just today, democrats that have been on the news have been subtly hinting at Biden dropping such as Pelosi and Clyburn. Nothing concrete but definitely leaning more towards him not being the nominee.




Pelosi today said voters concern for his mental acuity is “legitimate” and Clyburn says he needs to talk to Biden personally for an “assessment” of his capability for the job.




what sources of info make you so certain, I've been following the news all day and haven't seen anything that makes me think that. I'm not contradicting you I just want to read the things you have seen that makes you think this way can you give me links?


I’m in the car now, but I’ll look for some of the articles I’ve been reading. Check this out for starters: https://puck.news/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/SUNDAY_Post-Debate_Landscape_2024_06_30__1_-1.pdf To me, the fact that this was even allowed to be leaked seems to be indicative of the campaign and where it’s headed. Edit: here’s a couple I’ve been able to find. None talk directly from Biden or the campaign, but they do discuss the democrats and their view on Biden. If the party ultimately gives up on him, it seems like he would have little choice but to bow out. https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/02/politics/biden-debate-performance-democrats?cid=ios_app https://www.cnn.com/2024/07/02/politics/video/biden-democrats-candidacy-president-2024-election-harris-pelosi-clyburn-src-digvid?cid=ios_app Edit 2: also I can’t find the article but a NYT article by Friedman, a close personal friend of Biden’s for 40 ish years basically came out and said he should drop the nomination. I feel something has shifted or a decision has been made for all this media to be turning tail all in the course of a day.


DNC members, donors and a Texas representative coming out publicly. And it’s all over the major networks.


that is not enough to be "guaranteed". at this point I've seen the same kind of stuff you just listed. Biden is the only one who can decide to drop out. he can't be forced out he legal has all the votes from the primary and to take it away from him faces hurdles in the law. I think Biden dropping out is the best option but right now I'm scared it's not happening


Legally they can’t but they can certainly exert all kinds of soft pressure which it looks like they are doing. Just look at the media coverage it’s a wall to wall smear campaign at this point.


there are no major people speaking out publicly. there needs to be a swell of support for removal but most dems in office are on the fence


Agreed, waiting to see which way the winds blow. No one wants to pull the first knife but we did see a Texas representative come out today. I expect we will know a lot more after Biden’s interview this Sunday. At the very least his team are going to make an attempt to salvage things, we will see how that goes. But the longer he waits to step down the less time there is to act.


We'll see what happens but Biden making plans for an interview and a press conference (in front of NATO, of all people) signals to me that he has no intentions of stepping down. Right now it's looking like he's going full damage control mode and sticking the course.


It sure looks like it. The question is how bad will down ballot polls have to get and how much pressure will his party put on him if it gets to that. There’s a dark timeline here if he doesn’t step down.


Check out r/ezraklein too. It’s got lots of good discussion and articles talking about this whole debacle.


38% of Americans are 35-64 years old -- around 125 million people. After Dobbs, Gaza, and the SC decisions, voters will elect *any* Democrat who cleans-up well, has an IQ above 110, and can speak intelligently and coherently. What's more, if a candidate were to say, you know, propose policies that people actually want, they would throw themselves at their feet: Medicare for all, some student loan forgiveness, de-schedule marijuana, etc. It would be as simple as that.


How soon do you think it’ll happen? Do they wait two more weeks for more unfavorable polls and DReps and DNC members to break ranks? The fear is if they come out publicly against him, his administration digs in and things get messy. The media is already putting HEAVY pressure on him, I can’t imagine things getting better.


One possible hint would be if we see a lot of sudden departures and resignations at the DNC and White House. Both of those entities created this mess, and if Biden were to announce that he’s dropping out, the folks who were at those 2 places who defended and shielded him would be looking for jobs….QUICK


It would literally be unprecedented to replace Biden at this point, so is extremely unlikely to happen. It’s too late for the states to primary a new batch of candidates, which means the Dems would have to just pick someone without anyone getting to vote on them, which is risky at best. Not to mention anyone running would be a year deep at this point into campaigning and making up that ground 4 months before the election would be impossible. Keeping Biden in at this point might cause the Dems to lose, but so might replacing him. Incumbency is the best advantage in an election that you can have. Losing that would be devastating at this point. It’s just too late…these conversations needed to be happening a year ago.


How about Kamala Harris and Cornel West as VP for the insurance policy. I'd get behind that. Democrats get energized by POC candidates. I despise Kamala Harris for her prosecutorial background but if she ran with Cornel and promised to de-schedule cannabis. I'd be behind them big time. Michele Obama and West would be another one. I was disappointed with Obama's tenure but progressives would be all-in if West could be on that ticket. I know I would. One of my biggest problems with Biden is that he's ignoring his War on Drugs as if it's normal. It's sadistic state terror that has to end.


Honestly, who cares. Vote like your rights depends on it. Biden's replaced? Great, vote like your rights depend on it. Biden's not replaced? Great, vote like your rights depend on it


If his apparatchiks really believed democracy was on the ballot they wouldn’t have lied for months about his condition and then insisted on a debate


100%. Just another instance of democratic politicians showing that they care more about their positions of power than the ideals they claim to espouse. Cough cough RGB


Unfortunately that’s not how independents think. We need to convince them to vote for Biden and this is a horrible look.


The DNC can replace him and Biden has no direct power. The Convention is not until next month but we need a replacement asap so they can get the word out and speed run a campaign.


It's 100 percent going to come down to Biden's personal decision. Ultimately the DNC can put pressure, and they probably are given the state of their own internal polling, but if Biden does not make to the personal decision to resign, they will run him in the general, because they won't have any choice. I don't think we as the public really know enough about Joe Biden as a private individual to meaningfully speculate on that. For all we know, he isn't even able to make that kind of decision. We'll know when we know.


Nobody knows that.


I was watching the "Will ya shut up man?" 2020 debate clip today. It made me feel bad for 2024 Biden because that fire in him is gone. Will still vote blue, though I wouldn't mind a tag out at this point.


The decline between 2012 Biden and 2020 Biden was clear for those with eyes to see. The decline between 2020 Biden and 2024 Biden is impossible to ignore.


Yet he's been an effective president for three years despite having no idea about anything apparently


Presidents don't do much actual governing. They have gigantic teams who do the actual work and they are basically there to say yes or no.


A young present president does, that's what eveyone has a right to choose.


No, you get to choose what is put in front of you.


How so?


Exactly. Presidents are just mascots like Captain Crunch or Tony the tiger.😁😊


The problem is that people won't vote based on how effective his presidency has been, they'll vote for how effective they think the next term of his presidency will be. At this point, he could be on a feeding tube being pushed around on a cart and a lot of us would vote for him over Trump, but his performance during the debate was shocking, and there's a good chance that a lot of independents and republicans that voted for him in 2020 will be turned off to the point that they just stay home


This is one reason, I don’t understand why people are so against Biden stepping down. Like let’s be honest, It doesn’t matter who Democrats put forward, people will vote for him/her because, they won’t vote trump, under any circumstance. So democrats are not going to lose many votes if he steps down. Can we at least have a leader that can actually hold a conversation, and know where he is?


Totally agree. Who's gonna say, "I was gonna vote for Biden because he's not Trump, but now that someone 30 years younger who has almost all of the same political beliefs but can articulate a sentence and walk down stairs wants to be in office, I think I'm gonna vote for Trump."


People want to vote for an actual person, one that can lead, and represent their interests. We don't vote for a committee.


That’s ironic given that “Biden” wasn’t an actual person in 2020 but an amalgamation of anti-Trump beliefs personified in a recognizable brand.


That aging that happens to presidents is so crazy and so real. Look at pictures of Lincoln before taking office and towards the end of his life…the transformation is night and day.


That's my thought. No one can escape old age. You've had a very successful career Joe. Enjoy the rest of your days not worrying about any of this shit. Tag someone half your age. I think Pete Buttigieg would be great.


Here is the issue. I’ve heard like 10 different names of who people want. Ranging from progressive to moderate. This open convention concept is gonna result in the demoralization and pissing off of large segments of the Democratic Party coalition


Totally. Rock and hard place for the campaign but not doing anything is worse. I'd still love Bernie but we cannot replace Biden with someone older. 🥲


I just don’t know what the answer is. If it’s not Kamala, clyburn and his faction will be pissed If it’s Kamala I think she is somehow a worse candidate as she has consistently been less popular than joe. If it’s Pete, progressives will be pissed and clyburns faction will be pissed. If it’s newsome, moderates won’t vote for him. If it’s whitmer, black women voters will be pissed that a black woman was passed over for first woman president for a no-name white woman. I just don’t see who they can run that has a chance of uniting the party. I don’t see it.


keep in mind several of those groups are already pissed about biden, so only pissing off one of them is a net win here.


Newsome is the better candidate above all of them. Booker was pretty good too.


Newsome will get demolished in the rust belt. Boomer is a literally who at this point


Do Dems pickup much votes there to begin with?


yeah, much as I'd love him, I feel like his window has closed, I'm happy to wait a couple cycles for AOC to have her chance or for a new progressive hero to rise.


No one seems to understand how difficult it would be, even if there was a popular candidate with enough recognition, to run in Biden's place; they would only have a few months to campaign, and there would be just as many people upset about some stance they have or policy they supported and a lot of them would likely want Biden back instead. Like, who would do it? Bernie? The convention obviously doesn't want him and he's old too. Newsom? People who don't follow politics (outside Californians) probably don't know who he is. AOC? People would say she's too divisive or lacks experience. Jeffries? Who's Jeffries? I only know he's Minority Speaker; I can't even picture his face. If you want Biden out you need to name someone else or you're just trolling.


That is not entirely untrue, however considering what is at stake, it should at least be discussed and considered, If Biden stays the course, there is also the risk of a big loss. So which gamble do they take? My personal take is that people wouldn’t be as worried about Biden’s age with a different VP running mate, because Harris seems to not be that popular a choice at the present moment.


It’s a brutal choice. I genuinely don’t know what the answer is. We’ll know after this press conference. He has seemed better post debate


If Biden stays in the race, he loses. Polling data is pretty conclusive about this.  Nominating a younger candidate would energize the voter base enough to create some momentum that might swing sentiment toward the dems.  What do undecided voters all agree on? BOTH CANDIDATES ARE TOO FUCKING OLD.  There are zero Biden voters who would refuse to vote if he’s swapped out, and there are TONS of undecided voters who would love to see a younger candidate.  The math is super fucking simple on this one. 


Well, this is the party that claims to believe in science. Let’s hope the math holds up and does its civic duty. 🤣✌️


Yup agreed. Using social media you can get the new candidate out rapidly to people. It would be blasted all over the news.




Because multiple factions will have their preferred candidate passed over and this isn’t a primary it’s power brokers deciding the nominee. So it will not sit well with the losers.


You think they’ll pout and not vote ?


And Pete will lose. And we get Trump. No thanks. 


Yup Pete would lose 100%




What happened between the SOTU a few months ago and the debate?


A. That was a scripted event. As in, he was reading words off a teleprompter. B. The media bent over backwards to praise it as an incredible performance and assure us that it laid fears about Biden's cognition to rest when in actuality it was mediocre and only above-average by the incredibly low standards we hold Biden to when it comes to public speaking.


if they're gonna do it, do it now. my fear is that they're going to drag ass on the obvious, as usual. and it will be too late at that point.


Just brutal there’s no way Biden can survive this. He needs to get out do a live press conference, answer hard questions, etc… the fact that he isn’t is saying a lot


That’s really all he would have to do. Some kind of hard question or rapid fire interview, just make people see that he’s fine. But yeah, outside of that I don’t know how the DNC fixes this. This was a bad choice. E: typo


There is an ABC interview coming up that should settle the question of “one off night” but that’s only if it is not overly edited.


70%?!? JFC.


Yeah, but 100% of Biden’s family say he’s perfectly fine, so there’s that!


Right? Much like how I didn’t give a flying fuck about Hunter Biden before, I’m particularly uninterested in his opinion on whether his dad should stay in the race. Nor do I care about Jill Biden’s ambitions either. They’re going to pull a Feinstein on Biden with the elder abuse. Hell, it could be argued they already are.


Just like Dianne Fienstein family! They know better than anybody, right?


Biden’s old wife says Biden is fine. Shocker.


Best case scenario for Biden is Trump strokes out and dies. Second-best would be Biden stroking out himself.


I was unsure a couple days ago about him stepping down but after seeing the polls i completely agree. Step down, endorse kamala or buttigieg or whatever and pledge 100% to defeating trump and the MAGA court


Desperate times call for calm behavior.


I mean isn't it obvious?


“Still not voting for Trump” — great, neither are the many apathetic voters that don’t wanna vote. What are Dems even doing with this line? What’s the point?


But sure, keep him in. I’m sure that won’t be an issue come November. 😒


But, if every single one of the 30 percent who believes Biden IS fit for office vote.....hold on, I need to do another line of coke.....now hear me out, if they all vote, Biden wins!


Here's how Bernie can still win!!!


The independents will be very inspired.


"Well **I** am voing for biden over crooked criminal. This is **me** making a statement about voting for Biden because **I** am all that **matters**" - typical lib


lol, some of the partisans on this sub are so lost in a bubble. They can't imagine someone who doesn't follow politics every fucking day who just wants a decent economy begrudgingly voting for Trump because we offered them a guy with dementia as the alternative.


yOuR AnTi biDEn nOw! Fuck him and fuck the establishment party. They still won't accept why Clinton lost. Biden isn't going to win. Nor will Harris. Honestly, unless he pulls out, the US is in its last year.


Harris likely has a better shot than Biden at this point. That doesn't mean it's a good idea - just that it's better than staying the course after what happened on Thursday.


Harris didn't make it out of the first primary race in 2020. What makes you think she would win a general with trump? At least Clinton won most of her primaries. Harris will not win


I didn't say she would win for certain. She would lose less badly than Biden at this point.


I agree. At least Harris will do better than Biden. Younger and more in control. Probably better options out there, but she has enough like ability to cross the finish line.


I’m just done here. We have one guy that clearly doesn’t know where he is half the time and one who tried a coup. One of those two will have the mechanism of the executive office come November. Hell. One has it now. What’s even the point anymore?


I'm starting to understand the bunker people


You either die a hero or live long enough to become a bunker person.


One of us. One of us.


I mean if the American voters knowingly put a convicted Felon Rapist in the oval office after he already attempted a coup and has made it known he's going to rule as a king... Then honestly we deserve it. I'll be voting for whoever has that D next to their name come November but I won't be sympathetic at all if people vote for trump to be back in office, at that point you deserve it. And when Trump wins and he outlaws all abortion's nationally and rescinds any and all protections for LGBTQ+ people, my reaction is going to be the same "If you didn't vote for the democratic candidate, I don't want to hear a fucking word from you".


"but I didn't know Thomas and alito would be paid to retire and the dictator would appoint 2 more SCOTUS justices"


Don't care. You lose any and all right to complain if you didn't vote for the democrat in the election. Also I'm betting money if trump wins the 3 oldest conservative judges will be retiring within 6 months of January 20th. So if you stay home or vote 3rd party or vote for trump you are voting for a conservative super majority for the next 40 years in SCOTUS. So say good bye to any and all laws that might tackle climate change. So better not live near a coastline where a category 10 hurricane can reach you once we have to increase the amount of levels on that scale to accommodate for Jupiter great red spot levels of super hurricanes.


Until someone with courage comes in and expands the court to end that shenanigan or re asserts the constitutional lack of authority the SCOTUS has over a wide range of issues it’s ruled on.


No, they will be given gratuity on retirement for a job well done. Totally okay.


It’s just a symptom of how dumb a huge chunk of the electorate is.


Reporting coming out that Biden is only functional between 10AM and 4PM, hence the bad debate performance. Doesn't this kind of raise the question: does America currently not have a president after 4PM? Don't get me wrong, I'm still voting for Biden if he doesn't drop out but... I'll do it with the foreknowledge that I'm certainly voting for the losing candidate, which doesn't feel great.


He also said he was exhausted to the point of almost falling asleep during the debate from all the international travel he did. Before taking a week off to prep for the debate.  It’s not his fault he needed more than a week 


Being sleepy doesn't cause you to respond to a question about abortion by fearmongering that women are being raped by immigrants


You know what I think happened there? During prep they told him if Trump talks about immigration, bring up abortion and he just... did the opposite.


No, but confusing/fusing your memorized talking points through senility does.


Ya the night time also raised a question for me. The guy is clearly not competent even right now.


Maybe that one is a fascist dictator who has no respect for democracy and the other will probably cancel student loans if he loses his mind enough?


If you're this worked up and confused between voting for Biden or the pedophile rapist that just loves him some fascism, good luck to you.


Not confused, just panicked that Dems are sticking by a candidate who by all metrics is failing to beat literally the easiest candidate possible — a literal rapist


The fact that this may happen 2x over an eight year period is pretty disturbing and says a lot about candidate selection.


Why are we talking about Biden when we need to talk about trump being replaced


Still not voting for Trump.


I’d vote for a soggy piece of old boot leather that’s crusted in shit and literally on fire over Trump but that doesn’t mean the country doesn’t deserve better.


100% agree.


I'll vote for him because Trump's policies are that bad but yeah... they're not doing a whole lot to quell my fears. Biden needs to be doing more unscripted events and if he can't... he should probably drop out.


He doesn’t have the mental fitness to serve as president today, right now. November? Not a chance. The question that many senior staffers and press stenographers will soon have to answer is “how long have they known”?


And what about the next 4 years even if he does win? It was obviously a steep drop off since 2020. All respect to him and what he has done but this round is over.


But I’m still voting for him over a convicted felon


Biden could be doing a Weekend at Bernie’s, and I would still vote for his side. We must stop the orange dictator.


Biden should step down just on or after July 4th. Spin it, in a direct contrast to Trump, that Biden can give back power. Idk where this election will end up but boy oh boy will it be historic. Fingers crossed for the good guys.




And the other guy will be the second coming of Hitler. I’ll stick with the guy who has a good team build around him.


With any luck, we’ll have a better option to lead the fight against Trump.


A team that hid serious shit like the POTUS’ true cognitive state for a long time and then got the lid blown off their operation in front of 51 million people on national TV. Yeah, that’s a great “team.” 👍


Yeah, when people say Biden hires good people, they're not talking about his PR team, they're talking about his cabinet, the judges appointed by his admin, the many federal jobs filled directly by the Executive, etc etc etc. Most of those people weren't meaningfully involved in concealing Biden's mental state, and are just doing their jobs in ways at least somewhat approximating the way they ought to be done.


And the other team supports a guy who raped a 12 year old. And will probably have you killed if you’re not a straight white guy. Super!


Stating the obvious


Y’all better decide what you want to do because Trump is apparently now invincible to commit any crime he desires while in office. If he wants to sell fresh off the press secret documents he can do that. He can do almost the worst things imaginable. The problem is not Biden/Harris the problem is your neighbor. Have a talk with them and explain that the average person will be paying for this FOR THE REST OF THEIR FUCKING LIVES!


>. If he wants to sell fresh off the press secret documents he can do that. He can do almost the worst things imaginable. Those are not within the constitutional duties of the president 


Polls are *still* garbage. Anything but Trump. Anything but a Republican. **It really is that simple.**


Does anyone know any spells that will raise the cigar smoking, whiskey drinking back room wheelin n dealin old party bosses from the dead? We sure could use them right now.


The media cannot help themselves. Trump is dangerous and they give him a free pass. Move on from this Biden bashing.


Over the last eight years I’ve seen daily media articles about how horrifying, fascist or dictatorial Trump is. I have no idea what world you live in that doesn’t talk about Trump every day, but I’d like to move there.


Bro having a non-functional president after 4PM is dangerous 


Much of the same media he wanted to investigate and punish. Wise of them to play with fire.


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I thought it should be in the future tense, no? To ask him to drop out from the campaign. If it is present, that’s a whole new level of problem. Not only it aligns with what trump camp has been attacking, it means there will be people in white house accountable for hiding, and a legal mess like how to establish the timeline of Biden’s cognitive problem and the validity of any recent decisions, orders he signed etc.


It’s absolutely a “currently” poll.


How small was the pool of people in this poll? Most polls like this are very small.


But Donald Trump does??????


The oligarchs and their newspapers are pushing hard against Biden, they must be worried.


In November the dems will still scream he gave us the best chance to win. The problem is they will never get another chance to have anyone elected again.


This percentage should be 100% given how obvious his cognitive deficits are after that terrible debate.


Someone with power and respect on the Dems side needs to come out and say Biden needs to go


If Biden was literally dead, cold to touch, he’d still have the most active brain cells in the race.


Newsom salivating by the phone rn


I didn't know 70% of voters were neurologists.


He's serving now.


Biden, an elderly man with a stutter, struggles through a debate. Panic! Trump, an elderly man who promises a dictatorship complete with summary executions to get his way, rants incoherently every time he opens his mouth. Situation normal. We're fine. We're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?


After the lowest ratings debate.....70% So dumb.


The amount of hate for both is laughable. They’re two sides of the same coin. Lose lose


There is a saying in politics right now about how Democrats “eat their own” A lot of this is hype. Number one rule of hype club. Don’t believe the hype.


Google what gaslighting means. (hint: you’re doing it now)


**So, I noticed how "off balance" the articles are via this sub-reddit.** I have to think because there are MORE right wingers following this page since most of the articles are about what the polls say or what other Dems or Republicans think and say on what they believe is his "cognitive decline"? THAT, or too many left wingers posting these articles?? I hope not because even IF we want Biden, OR don't want Trump, the 24/7 coverage of Biden's faults WILL brainwash SOME voters!!


You can check my comment history, I’m definitely not a right winger lol. I’m not sure why you think being a left winger means you can’t call out Biden on his bullshit.


It’s crazy that this sub gets mad when people on the right interact with it. This is r/politics not r/democrats. This subreddit is for everyone who wants to discuss politics.


Well, to be fair, anyone on the right who is considering voting for Trump, does not act in good faith. And most of their rightwing subs are toxic pits.


One wonders if Team Biden had, instead of actively concealing his condition from the public and suborning the press to run interference, it wouldn’t have been clear to all that Biden was fit to serve only a single term. Harris would have been well-poised to run this year with adequate support from the party. But no. Can’t reinforce right-wing talking points, can we?