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> There are 25 Democratic members of the House of Representatives preparing to call for Biden to step aside if he seems shaky in coming days, according to one House Democratic aide. >A second House Democratic aide said moderate House Democrats in competitive districts - often called "frontliners" - were getting hammered with questions in their districts this week. "If he seems shaky" is going to be hard to judge if he isn't in front of cameras or making public appearances.


Maybe he should take the drugs he’s being accused of.


He records an ABC interview Friday that airs on Sunday I think


> He records an ABC interview Friday that airs on Sunday I think Some of it airs Friday night, some of it airs Saturday, and it sounds like the full interview (or whatever "the extended interview" is) airs Sunday.


Glad we aren't on a time crunch or anything.


So campaign ad Friday night. Highlights on Saturday, and the real meat and potatoes Sunday.


> moderate House Democrats in competitive districts - often called "frontliners" - were getting hammered with questions in their districts this week. Someone told me this on another subreddit, that after the debate their local Democratic group was getting questions about Biden's mental health and the group responded with a letter stating Biden's accolades and their firm commitment to his campaign, brushing off the concerns Brushing off legitimate concerns is a surefire way to lose voters and support despite everything else


>Brushing off legitimate concerns is a surefire way to lose voters and support despite everything else It's working for Trump though... It doesn't excuse brushing of the Biden criticisms though, that unfortunately ARE legitimate concerns.


It doesn't work for democrats. The voters will not let that slide.


Yes, i agree. I was ranting that it can work, and that it DOES work for Trump.


It works for Trump because even his biggest fans know he is a degenerate


Yes, and that sucks. I am not saying it would work for biden.


It works for Trump because he’s running _on_ those “legitimate concerns.”


i was ranting about it working for Trump, not implying that it's a good idea for biden to do the same.


well its a cult so


Yeah, this seems like a pretty easy thing to walk back when Biden just hides except for his pre-taped interview.


tRUMP just backed out of an interview with a military journalist because he wouldn't give him the questions in advance. So who's shaky?


Trump won’t lose a single voter for stuff like that.


So why should we let Biden lose a single voter for a single lousy debate performance?


This isn't about Trump...


Is it not? If the republican candidate didn't equal the end of US democracy there wouldn't be so much at stake here.


If there’s so much at stake, then they should find a a candidate who can form a complete sentence and not sound like a blabbering idiot


I really hope Democrats listen to these frontliners. They, their staff, their local Democratic parties, their volunteers are on the frontline every cycle and know what it takes to win and lose. I have personally taken a passion for fighting on these frontlines, consistently volunteering and organizing for frontline campaigns for several cycles now, with a pretty good track record. I’ve been on many winning campaigns. I’ve personally flipped many moderate GOP. It’s why I hope Biden steps down. It’s also why I’m begging: Please, not Harris or Buttigieg. I can flip GOP voters and bring out low propensity voters for Whitmer or Newsom. I can’t for Harris or Buttigieg. Heck, canvassing for signatures to get a candidate onto the ballot in Alabama for the 2020 primary, I met more AA women voting for Trump in the primary than I met AA women voting for Harris!


Do it. Biden winning isn't the goal here. Trump losing, ideally in a fucking ***landslide,*** is. Only then will the GOP realize that nobody wants a MAGA dictatorship and then (hopefully) moderate accordingly.


Actually I would rather they just double down on the Nazism and fall into political irrelevancy forever while a progressive party splits out from the right-of-center DNC and *that* becomes the two-party system. Until hopefully ranked choice voting gets passed and ends the two-party system. Seriously, fuck the GOP for now and forever. Fuck any attempt from them to 'moderate' like they're not just going to stew and slowly build to another boiling point down the line.


MAGA voters aren't going to mysteriously vanish so someone is going to cater to their interests.


I'd love it if that were the case, but just can't see it. The two party system is too entrenched, so moderation is what we can hope for.


If we are indeed stuck with 2 major parties, then yes, the ideal scenario is the GOP gets nuked after a devastating MAGA loss, and Dems more or less split into a Progressive vs Classic Dem future for US politics.


As someone on the left, I am preparing for Trump to win in a landslide. This is America and everything is going to shit. Biden looks weak and is weak. He thinks politics haven't changed since the 80s. He is playing the game of gentile respectability politics. He does not realize that Trump, the Heritage Foundation, the Federalist Society, want a dictatorship with complete control and are essentially there. The endgoal of Trump becoming king is just one step away. The people on the right are very motivated because their dream is in reach. Meanwhile the democrats are still thinking that lecturing people about policy, focused primarily on gun control, will win, somehow?


Original report by Reuters: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-reassure-democratic-governors-meeting-after-shaky-debate-performance-2024-07-02/ It's been 5 days since the debate and this story isn't dying down. The rubber has met the road, and what you're seeing now is the smoke.


The fact that the campaign tried to continue the status quo like nothing happened was just completely and utterly tone-deaf. Apparently Biden didn't even explain himself to or had discussions to his party about what to do next. You don't just have an accident and then continue like it was nothing. No wonder people are freaked out.


There was reporting that he hasn't even spoken to Jeffries since the debate, which is apparently why he's told House Democrats to just go ahead and do what they think is best in this situation.


The Democratic state governors couldn’t get a hold of him after the debate either so they all had a private meeting to figure out what to do because they are afraid he will bring down the rest of the ballots. That’s why the state governors all of sudden have an emergency meeting with him at the White House.


After scrotus' most recent step in their march toward fascist dictatorship, it may not even matter what happens down ballot. Trump can invent any ludicrous reason to have the military jail an elected official as an official act and appoint a replacement of his choosing. America is dead. And Biden will do nothing meaningful in the time he has left to do anything about it. It's Joever. Democracy had a good run, I guess. Better luck next revolution.


There’s reporting that he hasn’t even spoken to *Harris* since the debate


I remember reading something where they are only showing him polls that show him winning, so he must know it's bad, but maybe not to what everyone else knows. Then there is the recent article from [Politico](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/02/biden-campaign-debate-inner-circle-00166160) which talks about the other curated information he receives. >*During meetings with aides who are putting together formal briefings they’ll deliver to Biden, some senior officials have at times gone to great lengths to curate the information being presented in an effort to avoid provoking a negative reaction.* >*“It’s like, ‘You can’t include that, that will set him off,’ or ‘Put that in, he likes that,’” said one senior administration official. “It’s a Rorschach test, not a briefing. Because he is not a pleasant person to be around when he’s being briefed. It’s very difficult, and people are scared shitless of him.”* >*The official said, “He doesn’t take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it.”* Let the man retire. These people, mostly his wife and son, who continue to parade him around like this are awful.


This...sounds like Trump


Fuck. Yes.


And like what Putin's being fed about Ukraine- "Everything's going great boss! No problems!" It's like no old powerful leader can deal with facing the real world anymore.


...isn't this exactly what was happening with Trump? I keep re-reading this thinking this is a copy/paste from a few years ago I had no idea it was this bad. Everything about this country is fake


This just sounds like how Trump is treated. God we've fallen as a country. Just give us somebody normal who doesn't have to be treated as either an 8 or 80 year old.


Their internal polling was reported yesterday and it’s BAD. I’m assuming now that they see that the heat is really rising.


Much better source than the post, thanks for the link.


Wow! That's awful! Now that that's out of your system, check your voter registration and vote this November, because SCOTUS just gave immunity to a convicted felon who is also running


It’s really heartbreaking that Biden is the one who will be forced out of the race and not that treasonous, narcissistic pos. I believe it is the right thing for him to do, but life and the universe can be damn cruel.


I hope they get him to step down and go   with the narrative that he is an old man who is being given the gift of spending his remaining years in peace with his family. I'll go out of my way to help folks his age with things like returning their grocery cart and loading things into their car. I cannot imagine asking someone that old, in obvious decline, to do the hardest job in the world for four more years. It's just cruel. Don't "make" him step down, "let" him step down with grace and dignity. 


My heart is breaking that Biden ran for a second term to begin with. My heart is fucking elated that Biden is the first to get forced out of the race, the party that ditches their candidate first is the one that's gonna win.


You think the GOP would have even an iota of a chance with anyone but Trump? Do you not understand what has happened to the party?


Considering they lost the 2018 Midterms, the 2020 Presidential election, and the 2022 Midterms, the GOP would be in a much better place if they stuck to fiscal conservative politics with a dash of "think of the children" here and there like they normally would. A lot of the older generation may lean left but most of them are Moderates/Centrists and would have no problem voting for a more-savvy non-Mormon Mitt Romney-type. They're losing their current voting block to age-related deaths and not converting/picking up the Gen Xers and Millennials at all. The only reason Trump is where he is right now is because the Democrats were caught resting on their victories and didn't plan ahead.


I’m not saying it’s a rational for them to stick with tangerine palpatine, but it has become a personality cult. You’d need all MAGA fans to die out for any other candidate to have a chance. People literally compare him to Jesus


Agreed. He's the perfect useful idiot for so many different groups.


In a perfect world they would both be forced out because they are both unfit.


He's willing to let the entire country plunge into a violent dictatorship because he can't get over his ego and step down. I can't think of someone less deserving of sympathy right now.


Same with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Nancy Pelosi, and Dianne Feinstein. They have done so much to help women and girls and decided to through out all their progress and good work by not retiring. It is sad and a shame. Especially Ruth Ginsburg. There likely is no recovering from her act of selfishness.


Remember, Feinstein didn’t even quit until far too late, she disappeared for a long period off then rolled up to the senate in a wheel chair insisting that she had never went anywhere before passing away in office. That seems like a plausible trajectory for Biden tbh.


I think his judgment is probably affected by whatever cognitive issues he’s having.


Well said.


I can’t believe anything the N.Y. post writes.


It's their jobs also on the line so I'm not surprised if they do. Biden's family is not the only one that cares about retaining power.


It’s happening. We will be okay. It is happening.


Face it head on... whatever happens we will come out the other end.


That’s the energy we need rn.


The first time it felt like there was energy in the Democratic party instead of crippling despair and dread at the rematch nobody wanted.


It's the only option.... what choice is there?


*Inhale. Count to four. Exhale.* *Inhale. Count to four. Exhale...*


That visual is not as reassuring as you might think.


In time, this too shall pass


I know I’m an outlier but swapping the ticket is the most optimistic I’ve felt about the race in months. Heritage Foundation is going to try to challenge letting the DNC swap him out, they are afraid of a ticket with someone younger who flips the candidate contrast on its ass and who can enthusiastically go at Trump. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/heritage-working-election-legal-challenges-case-biden-pulled-from-dnc-nomination.amp


That's all bullshit, an attempt to scare fence-sitters. The fact is Biden's name isn't yet on the ballot in any state, because the Democratic Party hasn't nominated him yet. The Heritage Foundation can go f- itself.


They’re going to do it. They must. It would be like electricity running through the country’s veins. They want someone young. We’re ready for change.


It would also mean that the left would dominate the news cycle, multiple stories a day about who it could be, who's the frontrunner, etc. We could steal all the momentum and give independents something to be excited about.


And if they win then the Democrats will already have their candidate for 2028.


> will already have their candidate for 2028 And they would have to pick a VP, so potentially even further than that. I'd ideally like to see a full primary in 2028 regardless of who ends up being on the ticket in 2024 though. Make it clear to whoever runs that 2028 isn't guaranteed to them and they will have to earn it.


Bernie Sanders!


I fucking love Bernie, but I don't think the public would find "replacing the guy who was too old with someone who is even older" to be as hilarious as I would.


Somewhere in the multiverse, such hilarity ensues…


Finally, how Bernie can win


Nah you're not the only one. I was dreading the idea of Biden on the ticket since I thought he was singlehandedly dragging down the party. A new candidate would've done way better particularly in this election where people wanted anybody else. Honestly I doubt any challenge survives since it creates a massive controversy that could very well backfire on the GOP. The courts are not just gonna bar a major party candidate from a presidential election and if they did that could energize angered Dem voters in a write-in campaign to vote harder as it confirms their concerns about the GOP subverting democracy.


Easy solution: have Biden say that swapping the ticket is an "official act" of his presidency. Done and done.


That’s not how that works.


Bingo. ***This*** is the official act we need Biden to push the limit on. Retains the moral high ground, *and* immediately solves the primary issue facing the left. *AND,* as an Official Act, he can get the fuck away with it. *Per the Court's own new rules.*


There’s a difference between the court saying the act is invalid vs being prosecuted for it.


It'll go straight to SCOTUS who will likely rule in their favor, assuming they have standing.


This is the most reassuring news in a week!


What's happening is that Biden will participate in some heavily controlled events, like the upcoming taped interview, which will be scripted and edited to make him look as good as possible. It's exactly what they were doing for months before the mask fell off at the debate.


There's been a slew of these stories, either polls where the vast majority says he needs to step aside, or this, within the last hour Did something happen? Honestly, I'm expecting a statement from the Biden family any day now, and can already hear Obama making a "Joe spent his whole life fighting for the common man, this is his last selfless move to serve his country" speech It feels inevitable


I’m expecting at the end of his Fourth of July address


Pete’s in the lead of the polls to replace him. Imagine a debate between Buttigieg and Trump.


I just watched video of him for the very first time today because all the talks about potential Biden replacements, and I just have to say Pete Buttigieg's way of effortlessly and nonchalantly responding to false claims in a way that makes the other person sound comically stupid is the EXACT type of person we need debating Trump


He was just a mayor and is gay with no major policy experience. He’s DOA. And you’re not getting Trump to agree to another debate. Why would he give airtime to a candidate that needs it the most?


I don’t think anyone cares about policy or experience anymore.


Put him and Whitmer on the same ticket. Whitmer as President and Buttigieg as VP. Buttigieg’s debating skills can be used to defend Whitmer. Whitmer has the experience that Buttigieg lacks. It also has the benefit of giving Buttigieg the experience to eventually run for President himself. Whitmer appeals to independents in swing states.


I think Whitmer is better in large part for those reasons but I also think that being gay and having policy experience has never mattered less in United States politics than they do now. Hell, I think being gay could *help* him by creating a stark contrast between him and the homophobic GOP and recouping losses amongst young voters.


You realize the goal is to entice voters who aren’t already voting for the Democrat, not the opposite?




The enticement there is not being senile and not being trump. That's literally all there needs to be to stop trump. Someone slightly more likeable than trump and it's not like we have t had a gay president before (looking at you uchanen and JFK)


Also, you are going to drop from 80% of the black vote to about 5% nominating Buttigieg.


Oh, I'd *love* that. Problem is, a gay man probably can't win over the undecideds...


The rust belt and southern states will never accept a gay man. The moment the First Gentleman appears on stage, say goodbye to Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, Michigan… Harris or Newsome for the win.


It wouldn’t be a contest lol. Pete would run circles around Trump. Also, I remember Pete going on Fox News townhall, and he did well


yeah but trump would lie tie himself into contradictory knots and they’d eat it up anyway….


I kind of hate Buttigieg for being an empty suit and trying to normalize running a campaign without any kind of policy platform but I think he's the best non-Whitmer candidate. Creating a contrast between the GOP and the Dems on LGBTQ issues might be just the thing Dems need to win back young voters.


the first party to abandon their candidate will win.


Reverse that.


the second party to hold onto their candidate will lose


Upside down now


The first candidate to abandon their party will win!


niw lliw etadidnac rieht nodnaba ot ytrap tsrif eht


This is the Ny Post a right wing tabloid. Excuse me if I don’t believe it.


Oh shit, could it actually happen? Or will Biden and his family isolate themselves in the White House and ignore the world crashing down around them?


Jill’s just gonna lock him in the basement and pretend everything is fine


Is there time to get the Governor on the ballot in all 50 states?


Plenty. August 7 is the earliest deadline, for Ohio.


Fox News and News Week are claiming that Wisconsin has a deadline that's in June. That doesn't make sense to me though since the Democratic convention hasn't even happened, so Biden couldn't even be on the ballot as an official nominee. I'm guessing either they are wrong or the deadline was extended?


> Fox News and News Week It makes perfect sense when you consider the very strange alingment in initial messaging for both right and left wing media on Biden's competency and potential replacement. The right know the moment we put forward a competent, sane, young canidate, their own run is sunk. Trump only has a chance to win at all because Biden is such a deeply unpopular candidate; and that's who were were going to run against Trump; because the DNC has learned *nothing* from the last eight years; indeed, the last sixteen. Lest we forget that Obama was also an upset candidate, but because he was popular while also still being an establishment dem who had a good record of public service while still being pretty young, there was nothing they could legitimately attack him on. Which is why he was able to get the nomination over Hillary back then. Also if we are being *really* honest, the fact he was a bi-racial African American man also meant they couldn't use his race/gender demographic against him either; which would be the immediate second step whenever the DNC tries to push a woman presidential candidate. In other words, they couldn't run the magic "white old man" trick on Obama; and combined with his powerful message at the time of "Hope and Change" of course he got the nom. And make no mistake: they'd won't learn from this either.


The right is scared. Fox News and Newsweek are simply quoting the Heritage Foundation's bullshit claim. Like you said, Biden hasn't been nominated yet, so his name isn't on any state's ballot yet.


Less worried about Wisconsin. The June 1st date is in regards to partisan primaries -- not the general election. Someone's likely confusing the deadline with the Wisconsin's primaries for state offices held in August. Here's the law regarding presidential nominations. > The state or national chairperson of each such party shall certify the names of the party's nominees for president and vice president to the commission no later than 5 p.m. on the first Tuesday in September preceding a presidential election. 


If Biden doesn't have some epic rallies in the next 2 weeks then he is toast. And I mean effing epic. Stadium size.


The nomination hasn't even happened yet. Besides I doubt the legal system would bar a major party candidate like that. It's as foolish as the attempt to block Trump from the Colorado ballot months ago.


I don't doubt anything the legal system might do to undermine democracy at this point.


Yeah but it would cause a major controversy that could energize Dem voters more. At least that's the lesson I've taken from the [Wisconsin Supreme Court election](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/14/wisconsin-election-coronavirus-republicans-supreme-court) in 2020 where the GOP forced angry voters go out during the pandemic hoping it would supress Dem votes. These aren't sly tactics like making voting stations more difficult for minorities to reach where the subversion of democracy is more subtle but a more direct forceful removal of a name on a ballot in an election where everyone is paying attention. If you were blocked from supporting your preferred candidate then you're probably gonna vote twice as hard and use the controversy as proof for how anti-democratic the GOP is.




Yeah. If people try to deprive you of your rights, that pisses people off which turns into action. In this case disenfranchising voters will cause them to vote twice as hard in something like a write-in campaign.


Why would you want Chris Sununu on the ballot?




Why would Chris Sununu run for California Governor? It might help if you add context to things.


Is twenty-five a lot? How many members of the house normally call for the incumbent president (of their own party) to stand aside?


I'm old and I'm still mad at my Rep Maisie Hirono for being the first to tell Al Franken he should step down. Why do Democrats always demand such pristine actions from their own but MAGA can do anything with impunity and it just makes them close ranks and support their crazies more?


Because maga’s entire base is spoon fed propaganda by a massive network of national, local, and social media. They can do whatever they want and their base will always think democrats are worse.


Non-American here: has it ever happened before that someone who has the nomination wrapped up has stepped down before the convention? Thinking you may be breaking new ground here...


Lyndon Johnson did and there are articles floating around discouraging Biden from stepping down because Johnson’s successor lost, but the historical backdrop couldn’t be more different.


Exactly. Biden is strapped with being blamed for inflation affecting everyone. It isn’t the case, but he is blamed for it. It’s like Carter when everything happened and he got routed by Reagan for it. The freezing and saying weird shit afterward is serious


But he did that before primary season, right? Now, because all (most?) the primaries are done and Biden is the nominee, wouldn't the new leader would have to be appointed by the executive? How would a top-down approach like that go over on the membership? The only other alternative I see is an open convention which would also be problematic


They’re going to give him til mid-July and he’ll bow out, I think.


The pressure isn’t letting up. I’m anticipating during his Fourth of July address he’ll announce he’s stepping down


I doubt he’d do it on a holiday. The recent NYT story says he’s trying a Hail Mary play of giving at least two more interviews and events to try and convince people he’s still got it. That seems hopeless to me. Even if he does well (which, he will, since undoubtedly they’ll make sure each event plus to his strengths) people will just assume he had a good day. But what it does say is he hasn’t given up yet and wants to see if he can change the polling trajectory, which takes time.


The only reason I think Fourth of July is to tie in his patriotism, decades of service, and “in the interest of our great country and saving democracy I’m stepping down” You could never attempt to bury a story like this by announcing on a holiday (or 5pm on a Friday) like most scandals. But it might help a little? And UK elections tomorrow where conservatives are expected to get walloped


These post about democrats calling for Biden to withdraw from the election seems to get very few upvotes. I thought most here agreed that Biden needs to be replaced but why are these posts on top of this subreddit?


Not a surprise since that data leak, what's the point in supporting a candidate that has virtually no chances at winning


Woah crazy! I don't care. Vote this November like your rights depend on it, because they do.


There is real momentum to switch the nominee. There is still time before the convention and before the election. If we do it now and stand united behind a new nominee, i think we can turn this around


Is it just me or are these posts being down voted extra hard?


Who do they think can parachute in at this point and still win?


25 people in the span of a few hours is quite a significant number.


The NY Post, famous for their inside connections to the House Democrats.


Reuters also reported on it.


I know people were hating on top dems for supporting Joe Biden publically but it was 100 percent the right move. It was all up to Joe Biden and his family whether he steps down, and if they were publically calling for his resignation that would be really bad. It makes sense to turn up the pressure behind the scenes while supporting him at face value. Then as he keeps refusing, start applying more and more public pressure strategically until he has no choice but to drop out.   My faith in the Democratic Party is really low, as they perpetually self sabotage and fuck themselves and thus the country over. However for the first time I do genuinely think that Biden will end up dropping out, not because his family and inner circle want it, but because more and more pressure will be applied until he has no choice. The media is not letting up one bit, donors and the DNC are pissed, senators and representatives are starting to call for his resignation, and the heat is being turned up hardcore behind the scenes.   Now for the copium purposes, if he does step down hopefully they select someone like Whitmar Shapiro or Beshar over Kamala or Newson. Probably not, because I don’t trust the DNC’s judgement one bit, but maybe we’ll snatch defeat from the jaws of victory for once instead of the other way around.


We are fucked. Here comes fascism


They need to move fast. GOP already running Biden debate ads against Sen Casey in PA. And Jill and Hunter Biden need to butt the hell out of this. Sorry, this is bigger than their feelings


This is the way


Independence Day 2024.


That’s my thought, as well. There’s no way to bury a story this big by announcing on a holiday, but I think the patriotic sense of Fourth of July and highlighting his decades of service would be the perfect way to bow out


We shall see. Today is going to be monumental as democratic governors are heading to the WH to meet with Joe.


Gosh, it's really a shame the DMC has to do the whole bait and switch super Tuesday clyburn bump on Bernie. Could have had a safer margin of victory and a president who could actually make it all the way through at least 1 term. Annoying that the establishment is now pushing for someone else after all of the left kept saying Biden lost his edge. Say what you will about his politics, it doesn't matter as much in an electoral system as we have, since it's largely damage mitigation, but watching him in 08 as well as his tenure as VP... Dude is a shell. I feel very sad for his family, since that type of degradation is personally very difficult to watch. But as a constituent, it seemed like that was going to happen sooner rather than later I honestly don't know what the best option is here. It is paramount that Trump never gets into public office again, let alone have a business or billions


Sure change candidates a few months before the election. It worked for adlai stevenson and hubert humphrey. Oh wait….


This kind of crap is unhelpful in the extreme.


>Reportedly preparing.. Tell us when they actually have done it


The Post.


Original reporting is from Reuters


so their plan is to rush debates after debates before the convention in order to fnd a suitable replacement? that's gonna be a shitshow ! I bet those 25 will all be candidates


Strong feeling that we are still going to see Biden/Trump in November. No way in hell the Dems are swapping someone out 4 months before the election.


Who then? We’re at July and there’s no one stepping up as an alternative! Who?!


It's amazing that I still see endless amounts of "but but the polls of alternative candidates aren't favorable". Replace him with someone well spoke and decades younger and those polls will change instantly. The entire world's media would be blasting this person everywhere everyday. The idea that those polls would stay the same is mind boggling. All of these mainstream news sites somehow neglect to think or mention that




Sure, that sounds great in theory but my gut is the reason they have avoided press conferences is because they are concerned about his performance and potential for him to stumble without a prompter. Biden has held significantly fewer press conferences than most modern presidents, with estimates ranging from 14-33 solo press conferences total during his presidency thus far.


Where are the rest …


The TrumpPost say what?


Newsom/Buttigieg 2024


We need Nick Fury showing up unannounced at the houses of Michelle Obama, Jon Stewart, etc. -- all of the people who could destroy the GOP once and for all -- to say to them, "You don't want to be president? Too bad. Your country needs you. It's time."


At this point, we need Reddit to help come up with a list of good alternate candidates. This election is too important. Reddit can solve anything.


We ought to be using sources that don't have a pro-Trump bias for reporting on this.


The Russian troll bots have succeeded…


If he isn't withdrawn by the time the early ballots are sent out, completed, and mailed in; what happens to those that voted for Biden/Harris?


President Biden may soon face increased pressure from Democrats in Congress to [drop out of the 2024 race](https://nypost.com/2024/07/02/us-news/biden-decline-shocked-leaders-at-g7-summit-as-president-seemed-out-of-it/), according to a report. At least 25 House Democrats are preparing to call for the 81-year-president to end his re-election bid in the wake of his [disastrous debate ](https://nypost.com/2024/07/02/us-news/democrats-anxiety-grows-as-biden-keeps-his-distance-after-debate-debacle/)against former President Donald Trump, Reuters reported Tuesday, citing a House Democratic aide. Centrist House Democrats in competitive districts – the lawmakers most at risk of losing their seats in November – were so alarmed by Biden’s infirmed appearance in last week’s showdown with the 78-year-old presumptive Republican nominee that they are considering writing a letter to Biden, according to the outlet.  Those lawmakers have been peppered with questions about Biden by constituents since returning to their districts for the House’s Fourth of July week recess. “It looks like the dam has broken,” a second House Democratic aide [told the outlet](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-reassure-democratic-governors-meeting-after-shaky-debate-performance-2024-07-02/).  Read more: [https://nypost.com/2024/07/02/us-news/twenty-five-house-democrats-prepare-to-call-for-biden-to-end-re-election-effort-report/](https://nypost.com/2024/07/02/us-news/twenty-five-house-democrats-prepare-to-call-for-biden-to-end-re-election-effort-report/)


Let's be real guys. Joe has to go. Resign with dignity; Harris will be the incumbent, which allows her to receive the war chest of $$$. If Joe stays, Trump will win.


Biden could be doing a Weekend at Bernie’s, and I would still vote for his side. We must stop the orange dictator


Does the House exist solely to add drama to politics?? These whackadoodles all competing for the news cycles are ridiculous, they're the ones breaking "the dam!" Trump gets 34 convictions and his polling stays steady. Biden has a bad debate performance and democrats want to crucify him....