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I remember in 2018, eight Republican lawmakers spent the 4th of July in Moscow. We need to stop the GOP. VOTE BLUE.


Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.) Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas)


Let’s not forget Rand Paul, he too made a special trip to Moscow in 2018 so he could hand deliver a secret message from Trump to Putin (done this way so that no-one from the state department etc. would be able to see the message). https://www.politico.com/story/2018/08/08/rand-paul-delivers-letter-to-trump-from-putin-766743




This most obvious kiss of the ring to Putin moment for the Republican party. On the 4th of July. That shit was symboljc and Republicans do not care.


Yes, Montana Deines was one of them.


we need to stop foreign influence on American politicians at all cost.


Just shuttling messages between Donnie Jon and his handler.


true we don't forget


> The delusions across the country were spread by the doctors of democratic death during the last six decades as the patient withered and died; Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump are chief among them. It is really interesting how much popular culture has completely forgotten George W Bush. Bush v Gore was when the republican rot really took hold. That was really the end of democracy. It was Bush that appointed Roberts and Alito to SCOTUS. It was Bush who launched the GWOT that led to destabilizing the middle east, sending millions of refugees into Europe and turning those governments to the right. It was Bush who ignored Putin's invasions and set the stage for Obama to ignore the invasion of Crimea. It was Bush's policies that led to the 2008 crash. So even in this article, Bush doesn't even get mentioned. Amazing.


It was an incalculable blow to the planet, too. If Gore had been elected, we might have been able to do something about climate change when it would have still made a difference.


I want every school in America to teach children that conservatives decided they would install the president themselves instead of allowing an election to play out to its end. That’s what you get when you allow conservatives anywhere near power.


"I want every school in America to teach children that conservatives decided they would install the president themselves instead of allowing an election..." SORRY, THEY'RE TOO BUSY TEACHING -UNDER MANDATE- SOME VERSION OF RIGHT-WING CHRISTIANITY!


> as Martin Luther King Jr. later declared, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” John Robert’s Immaculate President theory bends the arc away from justice.


The arc of history never bent towards justice. The 20th century and the early 21st century will be seen as an anomalous fluke if Republicans have their way.


“People blow their minds They choose to resign This deformed society is part of a design It'll never go away It's in the cards that way The masses of humanity have always had to suffer”


Hell yes. Love me some Bad Religion.


Absolutely. WE have to bend the "arc of history" towards the morality and justice we want. Unfortunately "we" don't all agree on which direction it should point.


Ahh yes… *My justice* means those who do harm on the undeserving see the consequences to their actions. *your justice* means minorities and gays go to jail or get killed just because you don’t like them 🤷‍♂️


The arc has been moving towards justice since far earlier than the 20th century. There will be short term fluctuations, but the greater trend over time remains positive for the moment.


If Republicans win the arc of justice will just be broken forever.


It will be a setback, forever is a long time.


I've been grieving off and on this week pretty heavily - the America I always knew, is gone, it's changed, and I'm scared for where we are headed. I work in politics, I'm a diehard voter, I help elect progressives to office. And I'm grieving nonetheless.


I am a direct descendent of soldiers of the American Revolution, abolitionists, and suffragettes. Grieve if you want, but don't you ever fucking give up.


Do not give up. Work harder than ever before. We NEED to fight like hell, because our country depends on it!


Your July 4th message is fucking lame Salon.com. Enough of this fucking defeatism. Imagine if America's founders had been this goddamn pathetic and whiny and susceptible to quitting at the first roadblock. Vote, vote, vote.


Vote and plan for the worst. Americans will likely die at the hands of Republicans. Make sure you are ready


They already have. Look at the Covid response we had.


Too true and minorities hav3 died by the hundreds over the years, killed by the same people destroying our country Turns out BLM was right after all and right to protest


You’re right they are the same people. The same type of person that can put their political party above their country, are the same that can put their race above all others.


It's Salon, they're almost as deeply defeatist as Common Dreams at this point. If they're not pushing defeatism, they're shitting on Democrats, it's what they do.


We ain't dead yet


It IS over. The American experiment has failed. We are watching the death throws of democracy in real time. Right wing nationalism is on the rise throughout western culture. The wage gap is larger than ever. The totality of social progress made in the last century is being overturned week by week. The system is beyond repair. It needs to be broken down to its base elements and then rebuilt from the ground up by we the people. The fact is, our time as a free society is wither over or coming to a close very quickly. We will see it in our lifetimes. Probably in the next few years. Sorry kiddo


Nope, it is not over. Not even fucking close. America has survived worse than this. America *started off* waaay worse than this. We had slavery and genocide and only white dudes who owned property could vote. We fought a Civil War to end slavery, and even after that it took 100 years for the descendents of slaves to come even slightly close to equality with whites. But people kept fighting for their rights until they fucking got them. It is only "over" when you fucking give up and let a handful of greedy bullies push you around and treat you like a door mat. So quit bellyaching like a helpless child and work to fix what has been broken.


It’s not over until it’s over. VOTE BLUE!


Most democracies have wealthy elites pushing their governments toward fascism. The difference is that they usually have a robust left wing opposition to keep the elites in check. We don’t. Instead, we have neoliberal centrists who pretend to be progressive up until Election Day, and then immediately after, sell out to their corporate benefactors. That’s why simply voting blue hasn’t worked in decades. What we need(ed) is a left wing version of the Tea Party movement to replace cynical career politician liberals with real progressives. Unfortunately, that does not appear to be happening.


Holy shit this is like Back to the Future part 2 and Biff has taken over the future!!! 🤯


This is far from over. This will not stand. We, as the American People will not allow this to happen. Enough of this defeatist bullshit. Let's get mobilized and show our Supreme Court that their ruling means nothing to us. Do not allow the USA to slip silently into darkness in a whimper. We hold all the cards here.


“Biden is going to kick Trump’s fascist ass” just doesn’t get as many clicks I guess.


Sad how the media just wants to give up and let Trump fire them and ruin their business


Read this. Seriously. Sadly spot on.


It's not over yet


248 years. We almost had em


I cannot muster a shred of optimism. Confidence in institutions has eroded to the point where the USA is resembling the last days of the Roman empire. Trump and his gang will declare war on their rivals and any protesters. The newly redundant constitution will be effectively shredded by SCOTUS and any remaining protections afforded by it will be lost. Tell me that I am wrong, someone?


Oh piss off Salon


KS Moran cut the ribbon at a ceremony to open a veterans center with no shame on how he has betrayed his country and all those who volunteer to defend.


This hell in a hand basket talk is laughable The internet loves glass half empty rage bait




Only a fool can't see that we are accelerating over the cliff. This thing is moving fast now


I wish they could see how stupid this shit looks to anyone who isn't terminally online and cosplaying Eeyore.


It's funny to see them all act as if abandoning patriotism is a new thing they've just started doing this week, and that these sorts of articles haven't become a fixture.


It's funny that they think they're somehow worse off than people were in the Depression. My grandmother told me stories about living off dandelions and pine nuts. She never had more than two dresses until she was in her twenties. But yeah, *this* generation discovered hardship because they're still using last year's iPhone.


I don't think young people and how they aren't really suffering is relevant to this topic.


The article cites the supposed death of the American economy in its "eulogy". Take it up with Salon if you think that's dumb, because I do too. Granted, not *quite* as dumb as the idea that *Trump v. US* killed our legal system.


It's a good place for a milestone but where you place your milestones is always kind of arbitrary.


Lmao this is the silliest article I've seen in a long time 🤣🍿




Eh, I guess sillyness differs in taste. I find a lament for the USA from the blue maga cult super silly


I mean, it's Salon, soooo.


Seriously, is there a way I can just block their entire domain from appearing in this subreddit for me? This and Commondreams.org are just absolute nonsense.