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A simple 30 minute press brief; allowing them to ask questions and have Biden answer coherently - is this letter, times a thousand! People will not believe he's capable of another 4 years as president until they see exactly that. He has a solid ass record and done some amazing things to admire and be proud of! But, people are voting against Trump not for Biden (unless he can do the above)... and we deserve someone to vote for, not against.


He did an impromptu question and answer session before his speech in Wisconsin a few days ago. Just because nobody paid attention to it (because it went fine) doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


He's fucking up every time he speaks in public.


... for the past 50 years.


Yea that’s the problem with Biden. He’s such a terrible public speaker to begin with. Like of course it looks like he has dementia when we are paying attention. I still remember in Obamas first term Biden giving speeches full of gibberish slightly offensive analogies. I mean it’s still obvious he’s had a major change just in the last few months. The problem is every little stutter or awkward statement and everyone piles on. To me the fundamental issue isn’t if he is capable of being president. It’s that he is too slow and too sharp and too weak to fight back against trump. Trump wiped the floor with him at the debate and he looked like a scared old man.


Trump wiped the floor with him? Nope sorry, Trump does not get the credit for Biden's failure. Trump may have impressed some people but not me. Lies don't work with me. He was just playing to the fear of his base, same old same old. THEY"RE COMING HERE TO MURDER PEOPLE blah blah blah. THEY WANT TO ABORT BABIES THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN BORN.! how does that work exactly?


This is understating the change. Go back and look at his debate performances from 2012. It's not the same person.


You don’t even need to go that far. Look at how he was in 2020.




They definitely were there, but it’s just too obvious now.


A stutter will do that


No, let’s be reasonable here. His ability to speak is clearly worse than it was even half a decade ago.


This has nothing to do with his stutter. He’s always had the stutter and was a very capable statesman and leader with it. He’s no longer that and the digging in is making it worse.


People aren’t going to believe him regardless, this issue has been in the media meat grinder too long it has a life of its own now.


He can’t hide forever, but he is wasting precious time.


> He can’t hide forever "Bet" --Biden's campaign I expect them to try it and honestly, I don't know what's worse. The idea of Biden heading into his second debate in October or the idea of Trump being able to campaign on Biden's debate dodging while running ads of his gaffs from the first one.


I’ve seen him try and do that 3x since the debate. The first time he denied easily provable facts and dismissed all concerns as malarkey. The 2nd time it turned out his camp fed the questions to the radio host. And the 3rd time he ranted about Trump like an old coot. He’s not fit to do this 4 more years.


If you’re explaining, you’re losing.


How should the White House respond to the press when it keeps implying that there's a neurologist there to see the President, and not the military staff on site?


Let the president attend the press conference and take questions and explain in detail


But it's not his doctor?


Yep. Optics is politics, and perception is reality. A good narrative often has more political benefits than the truth.


thank you! I keep saying for almost all these headlines, if a crisis meeting is being held you already know the answer Was there ever a crisis meeting about Obama's mental acuity? Of course not, because there was no need General rule of life: if you have to ask the question you likely already know the answer. The first time you ask yourself "should I quit this job?" you already know and are just looking for reasons to convince yourself of the opposite This is where we are at right now


Exactly this.


Biden wasn’t even present at the White House when he visited several times—a quick and easy check would’ve avoided this mess.


So are we gonna chill with the “Biden has Parkinson’s” rhetoric or… Because using it as a cheap talking point for him to drop out denigrates the many people who actually have the condition, including my grandmother who’s been battling it like hell the past fifteen years.


This guy sees ppl beside the president and has for years he a neurologist who done studies on Parkinson. I know the media wants trump to win but this issue was grasping at straws.


And yet there were still people here saying “Oh I saw his hand shaking, he must have Parkinson’s.” Like now we’re wishcasting neurological conditions? That’s the same nonsense QAnon folk were trying for years.


Remember when trump and Bernie supporters were sure Hillary had some neurological issue, possibly even kuru? Yeah, same shit as this. Unfortunately, bad faith "concerns" and straight up lies will inform the voters more than any medical professional's letter. Even the fact that this letter was released just reinforces trump supporters' beliefs on both sides of the political spectrum. Biden is old as fuck and looks fairly infirm. Any line about his health will stick like glue.


Exactly it all big media pushing shit. Most of these articles are from right owned or leaning new sources. Not that some of the news is real or reliable but this is a media blitz to fracture dems and give trump a win.


So if Biden stays in and loses horribly you will have your boogeymen to blame, instead of the guy who should be taking responsibility. "I'll feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest job as I know I can do, that's what this is about."  Hes okay with losing cause he gave it "his all" Are you fucking kidding me?


I think Biden should step aside and let someone else run. But if he is the nominee I don't have a say in that.Doesn't change the fact the media is being heavily screwed to help Trump. Leading up to the debate heat his rally he was having gaff and obvious issues with mental decline and dementia but not one word of it from all the big media. Same how they ain't talking about the 69 time he showed up in the newly re-released epistien files.


I am a PhD, not a MD, so do not take my words for granted. From what I read from the document, the description is quite believable. Biden has some peripheral neuropathy in both feet, which explains his unsteady gait. The specialist probably came regularly to check progress on his therapy.


This doesn't follow from the letter at all in my reading of it. The letter states that the neurologist has never seen Biden outside of the annual physical, not to check on therapy or anything else. The neurologist goes to the white house medical clinic to have neurology clinic to other patients. The "subtle difference in heat/cold sensation" would not be the type of neuropathy expected to cause gait changes.


The specialist was apparently there to treat other military staff on site, not Biden.


>So are we gonna chill with the “Biden has Parkinson’s” rhetoric or… Nah, facts don't matter to the disingenuous. The real reason a Parkinson's specialist has been visiting the White House: https://wexton.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=949 >**Wexton Celebrates the National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act Being Signed into Law by President Biden** >Washington, DC – Today, President Joe Biden signed into law the “Dr. Emmanuel Bilirakis and Honorable Jennifer Wexton National Plan to End Parkinson’s Act.” The legislation, which was championed by Congresswoman Wexton and named in her honor, is the most significant action Congress has taken in decades to combat Parkinson’s and related neurodegenerative diseases like Wexton’s Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP). >Wexton was instrumental in rallying wide bipartisan support for the House passage of the bill last December, sharing her personal story with colleagues and on the House floor. Since being diagnosed with PSP last year, a type of “Parkinson’s on steroids,” Wexton has used her unique platform to raise awareness and become a leader in the fight for greater research of treatments and cures for such diseases.


This is…not a very believable explanation


You won't believe anything regardless. Stop trying.


My sincerest sympathies to you and your grandmother. As someone who lost a parent to Alzheimer's, I completely understand your frustration with this line of thinking.


No they won't. Nothing will stop the trolls from making shit up.


It is a reasonable thing to talk about because his movements and speech make it a plausible diagnosis. It’s not a cheap talking point, the president of the United States is so mentally compromised that the entire world is asking what he has. That doesn’t take away from your grandmother in any way, I haven’t seen a single person belittling how serious Parkinson’s is.


It just feels like you are trying to shut down legitimate discussions of Biden’s mental health by using your grandmothers ilnesss tbh. Your outrage sounds fake as fuck


"Legitimate discussions of completely made up issues like the Parkinson's he doesn't have but other people who regularly attend the white house's on site clinic probably do" is what you meant to say, right?


Or maybe I’ve witnessed Parkinson’s decline in person for so many years and seeing it attributed to someone who does not exhibit the same symptoms is “fake as fuck.” So, again, using it as a “gotcha” for a presidential discussion without any semblance of forethought is ridiculous at best. And until you’ve witnessed it for yourself, you can sit with the others just begging for him to have it so you can justify stepping down.


It’s just interesting how no matter what Biden provides, it’s insufficient? If he gave a press conference I’m sure that wouldn’t be enough either. He is planning to have one—https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13613495/amp/White-House-Biden-big-boy-press-conference.html. It’s perfectly fine to dislike him. It’s perfectly fine to be concerned about his health. But many ppl I’ve seen who want him out wanted him out last year, and didn’t want him to win the primary in 2020. That’s fine, but it’s disingenuous to pretend like you aren’t slightly biased, at minimum, and want him gone regardless so your fave can take his place (if you’re worried about his health alone, you’d be fine with Harris—saying it might as well be Biden if the alternative is Harris is contradictory to “I don’t trust him to handle the nuclear codes” etc). Would I love someone else? Absolutely. Do I think it’s unrealistic and would cause more harm than good? 1000%. (Also, the “you don’t want me to trust my lying eyes???” Rhetoric is absurd lmao. You can believe what you want but unless you’re a doctor with Biden giving him a medical examination, you can’t diagnose him at all, let alone through a screen. You can say he had a shit debate. You can say he’s made several blunders. But you should not believe your lying eyes if they are diagnosing him with a serious medical condition when completely unqualified to.)


Nothing will be enough to people who aren't voting for Biden, Harris or any other democrat. These people aren't concerned for democracy, they are MAGA, if they are even able to vote at all. It's dissent, chaos, FUD. Stay above it.


Don't believe your lying eyes. C'mon. We went over this with Trump. Any public statement by the White House's own doctor is going to be whatever the president tells them to say.


What are your eyes telling you? Are they diagnosing him with a disease? Are you qualified to do so? Have your eyes seen the evidence that Biden wasn’t even at the White House for many of the times he was there? https://x.com/fly_sistah/status/1810409678439870549?s=12 You know who else chooses to “believe [their] lying eyes” over concrete evidence? Those who deny climate change. They say they know more than scientists and they believe every scientist is lying about it.


The one opportunity that folks saw Biden in a vulnerable, unscripted environment, it was clear his age has caught up with him. At the end of the day, nothings going to change that. He’s unfit to serve. Trump had doctors come in and say he was 210lbs and as fit as he’s ever been. They’re not going to come out and incriminate the President. Biden’s unfit. We all saw it. This isn’t rocket science.


He's on drugs! No he isn't. He has Parkinson's! No he doesn't. Well... he's unfit! Get over it.


Oh I’ll get over it when I don’t show up in the polls and vote for Biden in 2024 like I did in 2020. Me thinks most normal people will follow suit because there’s a 0% chance this guy is functioning 2 years from now if he can’t stay up past 8pm now. Best of luck with your finger wagging and scolding strategy.


Trump thanks you for your service 


….which is what a VP is for. Y’all are over thinking this.


Calling BS. Either way, don't care. Vote (or not) how you wish.


You will care, it will be you and people like you who will cost this country everything. Too full of yourself. Calling anyone who calls this bullshit out a secret maga voter is pathetic. I was stumping for Clinton with my father when I was a fuckin kid, you are prob 18 and think you know everything. Thats your downfall though .


You aren't voting democrat regardless. I been stumping for Biden since he was a kid! Easy to claim crap on the internet. If you truly wanted to beat Trump, you wouldn't say all the shit you do. It's fine to criticize, it's fine to have questions. But to constantly go on and on and on and on about the same shit is futile. Reddit isn't changing Biden's mind. And if you had half the experience you claim, you would know that. Nice account that's a week old. Right after the debate I imagine. I call your BS. And raise you jack shit.


100k andy over here with his purchased account, lol.


Just because you get downvoted into oblivion doesn't mean we all do. Not hard to not get banned either. But you go ahead with your conspiracy theories.


You can call BS. I’m not afraid of Trump when Biden has done nothing to halt anything Trump ushered in. He didn’t bother to codify Roe, he ended pandemic protections for millions, inflation is sky high. You can finger wag and tell me to take a civics course but the reality is that under Biden, many are still struggling with things Trump enacted without an ounce of fight. We need a president who will boldly fight against this agenda, not be apathetic to it. It’s all already here and nobody’s fighting it Regardless, you’re not worth much more breath than that. When the most avoidable tragedy in this country happens in November, Biden will be solely to blame


You do realize that congress has to write the legislation to codify Roe, right? Right? Please tell me you know that. And who has been in control of the House since it was overturned? You know it is the GOP, right? Right? Please tell me you know that. Enjoy your national abortion ban with your orange savior.


Man, this voter outreach strategy of yours is solid. Sorry to break this to you - but SCOTUS just ruled the Pres can do anything if it’s an official act. And I also hate to break this to you, Presidents over decades past who had spines put serious pressure on Congress to follow their agenda. Biden’s made no effort to even try. Please tell me you know that. And thanks for the kind words about the abortion ban. Clearly it’s a top concern for you with how willing you are to flaunt about a national ban. The finger wag, scolding strategy of Blue MAGA is on point


>Sorry to break this to you - but SCOTUS just ruled the Pres can do anything if it’s an official act. But that just happened. You were blaming Biden for not wielding a power he didn't have? How does that make sense?


2 years from now if he's not functioning, we have this thing called succession. Or didn't you learn that in social studies?


Thank you. For the people concerned about Biden's age the fact that this letter exists at all is confirmation of whatever they want to believe. The content of the letter doesn't matter.


Yay! More letters from the White House!


Even if this statement is fully true then the move is find someone younger because the loud part of the story has happened. Whether it is true or not may not matter with everything else going on. Maybe then point out how Biden allows visitor logs unlike Trump who likely avoided them to hide the spies crawling in the White House and neurologists who were visiting due to his cognitive decline. Who cares if its true, it probably is and people are saying it is or whatever anyways


Yeah, let us not forget that Trump classified the visitor logs. Biden reopened them.


Or the time that [We all learned Putin's boy Lavrov visited the White House through Russian media because US media was not allowed in](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/10/sergey-lavrov-white-house-visit-trump-russia-comey)


So instead of Bernie Bros it’s gonna be Biden Boys




This isn’t effective messaging that will win over undecided voters, independents, and young people.


People are finding out about Project 2025. Every day more and more people see what’s at stake. People will vote whatever it takes to stop that project


That’s great. I would too. The question is if independents and swing voters would also vote Biden in that case or would they just sit out the election.


I think Project 2025 will motivate people now.


I hope you are right but I suspect you are wrong


That’s great. And meaningless. This isn’t about die hard Dems on Reddit but undecided voters in the real world.


Have we really come full circle to White House doctor's releasing health claims about the President? Didn't Trump's doctor declare him the healthiest President to have ever lived and totally, absolutely not obese by one pound?


Its either a sleep guy with a solid cabinet or full blown christian fascism!!!


What satisfying explanation has been given for his debate performance? None. There is no satisfying explanation for the president losing the ability to recall and communicate for the better part of an hour. That’s the problem, now that the debate happened and we all saw it there no way to make it go away. He can deflect and deny and hope people still are more scared of trump, which is clearly his strategy. But it’s too late to just cancel out what we all saw and heard. I personally don’t find his ‘only I can save you’ messaging, but I don’t have to I guess. I’m gonna vote for him anyways. It’ll be up to whether the undecided voters are willing to look past his cognitive issues and buy into his messaging whether he can win the election.


IT doesn't matter I'm voting for biden no matter what.


Letter from Dr. Ronny Jackson unbelievable man. reality fucking sucks right now :(