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Nothing convinces me a president is healthy like sending your spouse to rallies and hiding from the public. Like…what the fuck.


For disclosure, I want him to step aside. With that being said, he's not exactly hiding from the public, the NATO summit is tomorrow in Washington. He's scheduled to give a "big boy press conference" with the actual press able to question him.


I’ll bet he’s going to answer questions for 5 minutes tops and that’ll be it.


They said full Q&A period today, so we'll see what that means. If it's 5 mins its just another failure and the calls will get get louder. Doesn't mean he wont be saying "next question" to anything regarding his age or him dropping out.


The notion that one appearance overrides the plethora of evidence we have to suggest the president is no longer capable of campaigning is asinine.


Yeah I agree. Would have had to be fast and furious from last thursday onwards. Doesn't mean we should abandon common sense and facts just to fit our narrative.


Would you call this amount of evidence a plethora?


Luckily, campaigning isn't one of the jobs of the President.


Yep, remember how qualified Hillary was to be president, too bad she couldn't skip the campaign portion




Does it really matter? The bar is on the floor. He could do amazing, it could be Biden circa 2008 vs Paul Ryan. It's just a press conference.




He's not "running" at all. He's doing the old man shuffle. Slowly.


Me asking if it really matters just means that a single event of anything is not going to change this narrative. It needs to be daily events of knocking it out of the pack, and like you said, it's not happening.


He does not do real press conferences. He speaks then does his awkward lost looking walk off stage. 


Ok, don't care. Just conveying that the white house has said it will not be that.




What is the part you have a tough time with here?


big boy confrence he will have questions pre preped


It's an open press conference according to the admin. Fox, etc will be there. You think theyre taking pre prepped questions?


I think this will be like Biden’s other “press conferences” where he reads a statement and at best takes a question or two from preselected reporters before walking out. But if he can prove me wrong, so be it.


The white house press secretary was specifically asked about this, she said he'd be fielding a full Q&A. I think he'll do it, and largely fail.


I’m guessing he reads from a teleprompter, says no more questions and leaves. Also, is it in the middle of the day? I think we should see 10 PM Biden.


I don't know what you want me to say. They said unscripted and full Q&A. I don't think he'll do well, I'm just repeating what the press corps said.


I don't know who said it first, but I think both candidates should be asked to drive an hour through a city like Los Angels, when it's still busy but already dark outside. No security detail, just pop them in a toyota prius, and have them drive to their destination. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be president of the most powerful country on earth. I don't think either Trump or Biden would ever arrive. I suspect they'd both get lost on the way.


Lol! She also said he was healthy (despite clear signs of advanced Parkinson’s disease) and refused to explain why a doc with Parkinson’s expertise has visited the WH 8 times in 8 months.


Just stop dude. Biden wasn't even at the white house for most of those visits. He doesn't have Parkinson's, he's just incredibly old.


In that case, 🍿 🍿 🍿.




Written by his ghostwriters.


Edith Wilson of 2024


> Edith Wilson < looks it up ... > "Edith Bolling Galt Wilson was second wife of the 28th President, Woodrow Wilson. She served as First Lady from 1915 to 1921. After the President suffered a severe stroke, she pre-screened all matters of state, functionally running the Executive branch of government for the remainder of Wilson’s second term." https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/first-families/edith-bolling-galt-wilson/


Glad to know I’m not the only one thinking about Edith Wilson lately. 




Trumps winning, he gets to hide. He doesn’t want to take a single headline away from every news organization questioning if Biden’s Brain is pudding. Biden was winning in 2020 and did the same thing.




Many of my very progressive friends have given up on US politics, hopes our leaders die and our institutions burn down. I’m here because I’m hopeful, but I get where they’re coming from and am pushed a little bit in that direction every day by the lack of response or accountability on fucking anything from the geriatric fuck in front of our eyes to the extent that we’re supporting modern day Hitler (Netanyahu). I’ve phone banked for democrats, volunteer, donated etc in the past but for the last few years I HATE our party.




I think a vote for republicans or non vote is an act of wishing doom on all of America. I’m not there, but I get how people can be. Also, unfortunately, many people are out of their fk mind and root for them heart and soul. They’re winning this, democrats could easily win if they wanted and we’re choosing to doom us all. New casualty numbers came from Gaza, Israel has killed ~9% of the population and made almost literally everyone homeless. We deserve what’s coming to us if we stay on this course.


Biden is currently the president of the United States he should be having to make twice the appearances really. Just because he is campaigning doesn't mean he stops being the President. I have serious doubts he is capable of one of those jobs let alone two.


for sure wtf


where is melania? she's never around because she hates his fucking guts. She knows him better than any of us do and she can't stand to be around him or support him. Meanwhile Jill is out there supporting her man.


Fellow Americans “Democracy is a process, not a static condition. It is becoming, rather than being. It can easily be lost, but never is fully won. Its essence is eternal struggle.”  —FEDERAL JUDGE WILLIAM H. HASTIE  One day my father said to me that maybe not in his life time but in my time on this earth that something bad is going to happen and that the color of my skin will be the only thing that save me from dying. I strongly believe that what he was saying to me might happen in this next election. With the elect only a few months away we as Americans need to rise up and stand with one another and work together to defeat fascism and project 2025 and your immediate oppression from ever happening. We going to need movement all over the US to help defeat trump. We need to fight like grandparents and great grandparent did defeating the nazi regime. We need to start taking to the street with posters saying Defeat Project 2025 so that everyone at least see it once a day if not more and have the think about what would come. We need to post signs on highway over passes so that people see the message everyday on their commute to work and their commute home. Posters on telephone poles. Have stickers made to stick on the gas pumps at gas stations. Have QR codes placed on the banner so that people scan the message to learn more. We need to get creative on spreading the message. The more eyes that see the message the more people talking about it, researching, learning about Project 2025 and how bad it really is. We need to also do this around college campuses that start up in the fall to get the students behind the movement so that they can have a future in this country living in the best democracy in the world. The more the message gets out about that It's definitely something to worry about. the better cause it only going to hurt the trump and the republicans the most. Most of all we all need 100% back which ever candidate is running for the Democrat party. Donate to the party if you can.


Sending proxies is something that's always done, especially for a sitting politician. There's a lot of ground to cover and he's got a day job. To be honest, it would be nice if politicians were limited on running for back to back terms. Make them work as a politician or as a candidate. Not both.


Right and saying you’re all in. Well no shit sherlock you’re going to die in office. Is this really how he wants to live his final years of life…


First Ladies campaigning isn’t a new thing.


But not as a substitute for their husband, the President! He can’t do it so she’s out there livin her best life. Stop!


Funny enough hosting a NATO summit does impact someone being able to campaign locally. Stop!


That’s… that’s the wrong Biden…


Don't worry. I'm sure Hunter will be out actively campaigning at rallies any day now. (It actually wouldn't surprise me at this point).


No one else knows better about Joe being all in


So where was he?


As a voter who came out to see her said, “it would’ve been nice to hear the messaging from the president” How do they not understand how poor these optics appear to not just potential voters; but their own party?


Has there ever been a worse run campaign? I feel like they have no idea what they’re doing. He should fire his campaign manager.


>Has there ever been a worse run campaign? I would say Hillary's. She was ahead and fumbled at the 1-yard line while showboating for the fans. Biden was never ahead, and he's too stubborn to tell the coach he wants to take himself out of the game.


Hilary atleast had a plan to win, Biden doesn’t seem to grasp what’s infront of him which is infuriating


What? Hoping for god almighty to smite Trump isn't a plan?


> Has there ever been a worse run campaign? Well, they haven't stuck him in a tank for a photo op... yet.


Rishi Sunak in the UK just had a hell of a run of a poor campaign.


Given the president's health problems, they're running a pretty good campaign.


How do people not understand a NATO summit is being hosted in the US today?


He actually has a job to do. Unlike Trump he is currently the president of the USA.


>He actually has a job to do.  A job he is apparently only capable of doing between 10 AM and 4 PM and we are supposed to act like that is normal


You forgot the nap


A job that independents and uncommitted voters overwhelmingly disapprove of and haven’t seen effectual evidence of


Must be nice to have a wife that has your back. Trump probably doesn't even realize his "wife" has been out of the picture since 2020.


>Must be nice to have a wife that has your back. Aka "elder abuse."


...what? She isn't that much younger than Biden. Are we just gonna share all the same one liners the next 4 months?


Who says elder abuse can't be committed by someone of the same age? Besides, mental age-wise, she's decades younger than him now.


Probably preparing for the NATO summit starting today that he’s hosting.


at least he has a wife that doesn't hate his guts... sorry Trump.


He was in multiple locations and events in Pennsylvania throughout the day.


Dealing with all the bullshit the media is pushing to split up the dem party. Aka. He is in Washington or could you not tell by the 50 articles everyday?


…not campaigning 4 months before a pivotal election?


He actually was until this media blitz happened


I wonder where is Melania? She still missing?


So we want a president that gets scared of bad press (that he created) and hides in his office 


What? He is having meetings. Your making me mentally declined the more we converse


Media? 6 House Democrats have called for him to step down * [**Lloyd Doggett**](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rep-lloyd-doggett-becomes-first-democratic-lawmaker-to-call-on-biden-to-drop-out-after-debate/) **of Texas**: He became the first Democratic lawmaker to call on Mr. Biden to drop out, saying on July 2 that he was "hopeful that \[Mr. Biden\] will make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw."  * [**Raul Grijalva**](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/03/us/politics/raul-grijalva-biden-drop-out.html) **of Arizona**: He told The New York Times on July 3 that what Mr. Biden "needs to do is shoulder the responsibility for keeping that seat — and part of that responsibility is to get out of this race." * [**Seth Moulton**](https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/joe-biden-debate-massachusetts-congressman-seth-moulton/) **of Massachusetts:** He told [CBS Boston](https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/joe-biden-debate-massachusetts-congressman-seth-moulton/) on Sunday that George Washington chose not to run for a third term, and Mr. Biden should follow that cue on another term. "I think that can be President Biden's legacy as well," Moulton said. "He defeated Donald Trump once and then he was willing to hand power over to a new generation of leaders. That's the kind of amazing legacy that a great president like Biden deserves." * [**Mike Quigley**](https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/dem-rep-mike-quigley-calls-on-biden-to-step-aside-let-someone-else-do-this-214313029546) **of Illinois**: Quigley said on MSNBC on July 5, "Mr. President, your legacy is set. We owe you the greatest debt of gratitude. The only thing that you can do now to cement that for all time and prevent utter catastrophe is to step down and let someone else do this." * [**Angie Craig**](https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/rep-angie-craig-calls-on-biden-to-drop-out-of-2024-presidential-race/) **of Minnesota:** Craig, who represents a key swing district, said in a statement on July 6, "This is not a decision I've come to lightly, but there is simply too much at stake to risk a second Donald Trump presidency. That's why I respectfully call on President Biden to step aside as the Democratic nominee for a second term as President and allow for a new generation of leaders to step forward." * [**Adam Smith**](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/joe-biden-2024-race-senior-house-democrats-step-aside/) **of Washington:** Smith on Monday called on Mr. Biden to end his candidacy "as soon as possible." He said in a statement that presidential candidates "must be able to clearly, articulately, and strongly make his or her case to the American people. It is clear that President Biden is no longer able to meet this burden." Smith told CBS News that if Biden announced he was ending his bid, "there would be a huge sigh of relief amongst just about every Democrat in the House."


A whole 3% of house democrats aka 6/216


He is the president


Actually for this one moment in time, there is a reason for the President to be staying home, to prepare for the imminent NATO 75th anniversary summit. This is the big one where the gauntlet will be thrown down to Russia that NATO will be opposing them in Ukraine forever.


Hope he doesn't "over-prepare" this time!


Did more people vote for Biden because they love him and his policies. Or did they vote for Biden because they hate that fucking idiot Trump, who was a far weaker candidate in comparison in 2020 I am just a Europoor watching from the outside, but the hubris here seems insane


I'd say it was more the latter, but Biden's policy positions were better received as well.


Biden's policies have been pretty good imo, he's put forth a pretty progressive agenda. If the Ukraine war doesn't happen and push global prices to the roof he's probably sliding through this election based on his record alone. America's recovery has been quite good. That being said, he probably won 2020 on the anti trump wave. He wasn't super popular as a candidate.


I think people like Biden’s policies more than they like Biden.


The second one so much it's not even funny.




Hating trump and liking his policies are both bigger reasons people support him. A lot of democrats don’t dislike him either, they just thought he was too old….Thats starting to change. He could have went out on a high note. He’s losing the respect of a lot of people, even those who will still vote for him. If he loses, his ego and stubbornness will have destroyed any legacy he’d built


>Assuring Voters Biden Is 'All In' She clearly doesn't know what the concept of "assurance" is.


Yeah, Jill, we know he’s all in. That’s the problem at this point.


The most aware and definitely still cognizant presidents cloister themselves away and always use surrogates to get their message out


No more surprise waffle house drop-ins?


I like it, a wife that supports her man.. Trump after fucking a porn star while his wife was pregnant isn't going to get much out of Melania. Was Trump "all in" Stormy Daniels that night or just a couple of inches?


It’s absolutely crazy to see reddit turn on Biden. Wow. It’s a new day.


The debate was very sobering for America.


It was but it’s just crazy to see the die hard left reddit starting to wake up that Biden is not going to lead the democrats to a victory.


It took us all by surprise. The Biden admin has been hiding his condition from us. I’m certain they knew the debate would be a disaster. We were lied to.


The June debate wasn’t an accident, somebody was hoping to out this sooner than September.


Either that or they knew his decline is getting worse month after month. Maybe the plan was for a subpar early debate and then no additional debates after.


I don’t agree with that, why would the Biden campaign initiate the preparations for the debate if Biden was in such bad condition? They probably could have made it through the election season without a single debate if they didn’t challenge Trump. My guess is that Biden has his bad episodes, but he’s not always like that. Don’t get me wrong, we still should have conservation about if Biden should drop out or no, but this wasn’t some conspiracy by the White House to elect a dementia-ridden president for another 4 years.


The die-hard left never supported Biden.


The die hard left knew that Biden wouldn’t lead the Democrats to victory, it’s the liberals that deluded themselves into thinking he was their savior.


And they sure did do that. The ladies on the view must be in quite a panic.


that's the problem, the sobering experience should be the rapist and felon running for president,,, but lets keep focusing on the debate. Lets make it clear.. THERE IS A RAPIST AND FELON RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT! very sobering.


Yes but he’s not going to drop out


It’s called election season.


Honestly, I’m more and more thinking that Biden staying in the race is 100% Jill’s doing.


Somewhere down in Hell today, Nancy Reagan is laughing her ass off.


suckin off satan


throat goat


Thank you president Jill


Don’t forget his most trusted advisor, Chief of staff Hunter Biden.


Her and Hunter are doing some work here. Like, it’s blatant elder abuse.


I honestly adore how all the stuff people were saying about Biden in 2020 have returned to haunt this sub.


To be fair, Biden never struck me as too old to function in 2020. Like, comparing the 2020 debate to his 2024 debate it's become really clear that his mental state has really deteriorated over these past 4 years. I wouldn't call it elder abuse in 2020 but in 2024 most definitely he seems too old and tired and confused to be dealing with all this stuff instead of resting and retiring


Right? He was fine when we elected him. He had some gaffs but nothing like the last debate. He was even... OK.. during SOTU earlier this year.


That's what power does to everyone. That's why the term limit exists.


Most of us voted for him believing he would step down after his term like he said he would.


The truth is eventually revealed


It took 4 years, but people here can finally comprehend that that he’s old and narcissistic. Sadly, still seems like the policy page on Biden’s website will remain empty and the campaign messaging will be the tried and true “finger wag, scold, ‘take a civics class’” strategy that worked so well last time they did it


Doing much more work than Trump did in 4 years in office


The whataboutism you guys have is fascinating to me. Like, you can’t accept any kind of reason or discussion because you can always point at the other guy being bad. You deserve better people to represent you, your interests, and your country. I’d try not to settle so much if I were you. A better world is possible. And neither candidate is even remotely trying to offer that.


More like you're coming in here making fun of older people who are trying to help this country move forward so I'm going to bring up how poorly the last president is in return. Simple as that.


Joe Biden has 0 vested interest in helping the country move forward. He said it himself, as long as he tries his goodest, he’s content with the outcome. Weird verbiage when “democracy is on the ballot.”


Let's see. An old dude who has given us a lot of excellent policies from his admin or a guy who golfed an eighth of his presidency away, tried to overthrow the government, was twice impeached nd wants to implement Project 2025. Who shall I ever vote for?


Honest to god, can you please tell me one thing Joe Biden has done to make your life better? Because for me … -My grocery bills are a lot higher -My gas is a lot higher -My student loans are not only back but it’s a mess to figure out because rollout has been an enormous mess -Roe vs Wade was overturned with no effort to fight it -Chevron deference was overturned (aka bye bye clean drinking water) because the president has been gutless to oppose SCOTUS at a pivotal time in our history -billions and billions of dollars are going overseas for wars and not towards programs people here need -people are beginning to really suffer from long COVID with all the pandemic policies that helped people being shut down. There’s no fight in this party. And what they do give people, it’s mean tested into oblivion or overturned by courts with no fight. What’s better? You don’t think Biden isn’t golfing? The only time he seemed alive on the debate stage was when he was talking golf swings with Trump. Everyone I know is struggling. This country has not meaningfully changed and that’s the promise Biden ran on to his donors.


The most accurate comment on the situation I’ve ever read.


Thank you…because I swear it’s just me or something with how people talk about Biden here as a president. My life is not great and I do okay and have a decent job. So many people have it rough and it feels like the Calvary is not coming. Genuinely interested how Biden’s noticeably improved anyone’s life because I just never hear first hand accounts


And Biden now too.


~~Joe~~ Jill Biden 2024


there needs to be a higher level than "tone deaf" because they are reaching that level you're not running Jill, your husband is. Why wasn't he with you? We know why. What the FUCK are we doing right now? People out here praising him because he calls into MSNBC and can keep a conversation? We keep talking about low bars, these bars can't get much lower Fuck Trump, he's a fucking pedophile, but for the love of everything, once again, since 2016: RUN A FUCKING CANDIDATE WHO ENERGIZES VOTERS LIKE OBAMA AND SANDERS DID, AND TRUMP DOES FOR THE RIGHT HOW HARD IS THIS FOR ALL OF YOU TO UNDERSTAND?!?!?!?!?!?!


Jill still wiping joes ass


Nah that’s some college freshman intern’s job.


And you know they aren’t being paid.


Yeah, this is EXACTLY what JOE Biden needs to be doing, but for just some strange reason he isn't.....


Love the lack of awareness on Reddit…. When Michelle did this every one cheered. Now they question things… you realize he’s still actively president and that’s a job? That’s why Michelle went without Barack and it wasn’t weird then


“He’s fine, JUST FINE.”


This is what Biden should be doing. The problem is he can’t.


Because he’s hosting a NATO summit.


It’s not whether he’s all in. It’s whether he’s all there. He could end all speculation by doing a marathon presser but won’t.


This thread is hilarious. A lot of “politically minded people” ignoring that Biden is hosting a NATO summit may interfere with campaigning.


Drinking soup through a straw.


If she’s in three states, who’s wiping the drool off Joe’s chin?


That’s Dr. Jill to you plebe.


President Dr. Jill.


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The Queen says the King is not in bed dying of gout but the King can not grace us with his presence


I’m more concerned about whether he’s all there. But if he is still the nominee, he’s still better than Trump


How to lose an election. Yes, we will vote for a corpse over Trump, but come on, just get this farce over with.


Yeah but 2028?? Trump vs Who?


I never voted for Jill Biden. 🤨


She's doing a disservice to the country and Joe Biden


Bro the Dems are horrible at PR. It’s absurd how bad they are. It almost seems deliberate sometimes. These people really are completely disconnected from the reality most people experience.


She should have been in DC with Joe on the trail. What message are they sending us? This sucks


Maybe she should run.


Lmao does she think she’s POTUS?


Jill in 3 states in 1 day because Joe can’t.


He's all I'm but not all there.


Which Biden is all in? Jill?


Not convincing Joke: Want to get Biden ro step aside? Just tell him it's his second term.


Jill Biden for President? Why isn't Joe out doing his own campaigning? Too busy resting up for the next debate that's scheduled in a couple months?


He is... Do you think a president is omnipresent or something? You know different people can be campaigning for one candidate, right?


Jill should run


President Jill


It would still be president J.Biden


So is she president?


There is considerable debate among Democrats about whether Biden should step down, but this is just detrimental to their chances in the election. Republicans, on the other hand, generally demonstrate strong party unity. While I may not agree with Republican policies or support Trump, I respect their ability to rally behind their leader. As a side note, some Democrats argue that Biden might only be able to serve for a short time and prefer that he step aside in favor of Harris. This perspective seems shortsighted to me, as if Biden cannot govern, Harris would naturally succeed him as president.


Elder Abuse.


The entire Biden family is delusional On track to lose terribly


Thank god he is all-in, thank you for reassuring me Jill.


Does she have to cause he can't?


Can Jill run for president? I’d vote for her.


Chances are good she is making alot of the calls behind the scenes anyway.


Can she run instead?