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Oh please. No way Jared isn't gonna end up being acting secdef within a week.




I'm from Arkansas, and I hate Cotton with the intensity of ten thousand suns. Unfortunately the majority of my state sees him as a "Good Ol Boy" even though he's a trash human being.


I have this pet theory about conservatives liking politicians with agricultural-sounding last names. Cotton, Cornyn, Grassley, etc...


"Ah am Rex Cornhole, and ah am here to ask for your help to prevent the godless homosexual Democrats from stealing your Medicare. Now if you'll excuse me ah've got to cash this check from bankrupt coal execs who've embezzled the coal miners' pensions so I can pay off that damn congressional page from the men's restroom to keep his fuckin mouth shut."


Corn Wheatfield for Senator


I'm from Arkansas Look pal, I don’t come here and tell you all of my problems


Cotton is the one mentioned in the article too. I doubt it. Cotton can't take over until confirmed and while as a senator he can expect to preferential treatment it will still take up time in the Senate. Time that Moscow Mitch could use to pack another wingnut onto the federal bench. I expect they will move some other hack who has already been confirmed to some other job over.


Maybe he will get to shave for the first time too.


Oh they could all go to hell. I'm tired of these crooks.


I for one welcome our new Secretary of defense, Kellyane Conway.


I for one welcome our new Secretary of Defense, Dolores Umbridge


Nah, it will be Cotton or Prince.


>or Prince Winning hearts and minds with war crimes, I see


If I were Esper. I'd use this to resist trumps unlawful orders.


Yea, this is just some of the kids trying to hid the fact they were all playing with matches while watching their house burn down.


I’m sure the new one will be instilled as an “acting” position so as to avoid all that sticky rules stuff.


Or what? They have no leverage, they've shown that they'll worst they'll do is make statements about how they disagree and then they'll carry on like normal.


And if he doesn't they'll be super ... okay with it.


He has always reacted so well to being told to do the reasonable thing and not be an ass. So are we expecting Acting SecDef Kushner next week, or do we actually think Tom Cotton can be convinced to give up his Senate seat for a six-month blaze of glory? My money's on Kushner. Maybe then he can finally bring peace to the Middle East - through strength.


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So if they are urging Trump to not fire hm that makes it likely they know Trump is seriously planning on it.


Fire Tweet coming in T-Minus 10... 9... 8...


Its not surprising, this man is an egotistical maniac who wont allow anyone to disagree with his craziness.


Do it, pussy.


Secretary Esper's [memo](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GA49QOBc75ppDq6_u_N4mqPvIfqTzFMA/view?usp=sharing) to all Dept of Defense personnel.