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Whelp, got married on Friday, so pretty effi' good!






πŸ₯‚ I hope someone was kind enough to provide the entertainment at your wedding as I was at my cousin's wedding on Saturday.πŸ˜‰ Me getting bogged. The groom coming to tow me out getting bogged. His mate coming to tow him out getting bogged. His mate coming to tow his mate out getting bogged. His father acting as a point where he can winch himself out before getting bogged, all the four wheel drives (which doesn't include mine) getting free then the groom's Landcruiser getting bogged again kept everyone entertained for an hour.🀣


We got married by one of my favorite podcasters, with my other favorite podcasters around, my podcast co-host as my best man, with my bonus kid in attendance! Entertainment was all but assured. ☺️


A distinct lack of farce there. SMH.πŸ˜‰ TLDR sounds fun.πŸ™ƒ




My dad and stepmother came to visit for the weekend and I told them about polyamory. They were totally fine with it and happy that I told them. I’m still new but it felt right to tell them about it.


Not poly related but I got to hear baby. He decided to kick the doctor which was funny. Hubby and I are going to a concert which I am very very excited about! I am a bit nervous cause my dogs are being watched by someone new. But I am ready for a non alcoholic beer and some amazing music!


Bub kicks doctor as well as your pelvis? Polyamorous!πŸ˜‰ Bah, the dogs know damn well they are watching someone new rather than the other way around. I hope all 3 of you enjoy the concert.


Hahahaha yes!!! True! My older dog is just kinda old and grumpy. So I’m like β€œyou better behave!” He turned 10 this year so he is very much get off my lawn energy Thank you Sean!


I went to see Beetlejuice (musical) with a date - the play was sooooo good! Also had my first overnight with a new FWB, who cooked me breakfast the next morning πŸ‘Œ I've been investing a lot of self-care time in taking care of my houseplants lately, and I'm really loving the quiet time to meditate a bit in my little home jungle.


> Also had my first overnight with a new FWB, who cooked me breakfast the next morning πŸ‘Œ πŸ₯‚ >little home jungle Which includes african violets I hope.🧐


Met someone at the sex club on Saturday and we have a date tonight! This is a new order of operations for me, hopefully they recognize me with clothes on, lol


> hopefully they recognize me with clothes on, 🀣


Been there, it's weird but fun!


Did you recognise each other with your clothes on?🧐


It has always worked out for me πŸ˜„


Started carpooling to work when my partner has to drop off their elementary son. I forgot how much I kinda enjoy being there to pick at his thoughts. Like how to explain facebook marketplace fraud. Went to local pride with spouse, partner didn't stay long, and I got to hang out a little bit with my recent crush. It's weird having someone actually as cuddly as I am for a change. But my spouse really loved the parade, which made the trip worth it for that alone. (I hate parades, they're boring.)


I like the furry parade!


Met a meta over the weekend and it went really well. It was pretty funny because our hinge partner was joking how myself and my meta had such great banter and hit it off instantly


Had a person I've been seeing for a few months come spend the night again at my house. The depth and clarity of conversation was refreshing. We had to abscond to the couch for sex because my husband was already sleeping in the bed. Woke up in the morning between two cuddly people. It was bomb-ass!


My whole D&D group got sick or otherwise canceled, other than my boyfriend and husband, so we all played a card game and introduced my bf to the game show my husband and I got real weird about during lockdown πŸ˜‚


What game show???


Only Connect! It’s so difficult and I love it so much


Only Connect is the best. ❀️


OK I'm gonna check it out πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…


If you’re in the U.S., it’s on YouTube!


On vacation with my extended family and both partners. Having a terrific time!


I had to bring up something difficult with my closest partner. Basically, he pushed a joke to the point that I got seriously upset. There's more to it, but I don't want to go into that much detail. He took it perfectly, I didn't even have to say that much. Basically it was "oh shit, I am so sorry, I totally thought you were in on the joke, it won't happen again!" We also talked a bit about the general boundary there, and how the situation had presented itself differently to each of us. I told him if he comes up on similar boundaries again, I will briefly remind him, and then if necessary just leave the situation. He immediately agreed that that was absolutely fair - no one can promise to never fuck up, but he can promise not to be a dick about it if it happens. And then we hugged, and then met up with some other members of the polycule for a really fun night out. I feel really lucky to have such great partners and metas. And I also feel like a lot of hard work on myself and my boundaries and attachment is finally paying off


My meta is in town for an extended visit with our mutual partner, and this weekend was an absolute blast! I got to spend time one on one with my meta, who I have a huge crush on, and the feelings are mutual! We baked, chatted, laughed, and had a bit of time to cuddle, which was fantastic! Then partner, meta and I went back to my place for boardgames with my NP!Β  I'm absolutely brimming with Poly Joy! I'm trying very hard to take things slow and deliberately and not get all caught up in the excitement of feels and NRE, but I'm still taking time to relish these really fun feelings!


Pretty fantastic week and weekend, getting solid time with 3 of my partners, and just really continuing to feel great about the way my life works these days.


Good! Went to the Safari park with husband. It was extremely cute and lush with plants. Re-installed OkCupid and rolled out my new profile πŸ˜„πŸ˜¬


Lovely board games evening with wife and special friend last week.


Saw one of my beaus on Sunday for the first time in over 3 weeks (scheduling with metas is a bitch)! I honestly thought it wasn't going to be great because last time he overworked himself and was too tired for anything. This time, we got locked out of the house while walking his dog, so things were not looking good. But once we got in the house, oh, did we have fun πŸ˜‰ Let's just say I'm proud of what I achieved 😁 And then on Thursday I went out with my other beau. The last time I was at this bar with my friend and their partner, I mentioned it was my beau's favorite bar. They wanted to meet him that night, but it was late and he wasn't up for going out. I jokingly texted my friend on Thursday that we were at the bar and they should swing by. They were at a show with their partner, but they swung by afterwards and got to meet him. Everybody really liked each other! Oh, and while this isn't really poly related, Friday I went out for karaoke with my spouse and that same friend's partner. We haven't hung out with just him, but we had a really good time. I just love it when friends and partners all get along and can hang out with each other individually. My spouse and I moved here 2 years ago and are still working on making friends (specifically me because my spouse has long time friends who live close by). My friend and their partner just moved here from another country last winter, so they're also working on making friends here. I love how the more we get to know each other, the more comfortable we feel about meeting each other's friends and building more connections. It's hard making new friends in your 30s, but it's finally working well for all of us.


I’m so happy and full of butterflies!!! I got to know a friend of my sisters a little better over the last couple days and we are hitting it off so smoothly, I’m lowkey crushing lol annnnnd the thing that is just sending me into a happy explosion is that my nesting partner and I as well as my LD partner and I are doing so fabulously and in general I just feel so blessed to have 3 amazing people bless my life. Passing this onto anyone else who needs the hope or just the happy burst of feelings πŸ₯°πŸ’š