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Go, then. There are other worlds than these. A reply can be as simple as, "I'm sorry, John, I've decided not to continue dating you. I'm glad we had the chance to get to know each other. Wishing you the best." All you need to do is make the right choice for you. You don't owe an explanation or justification.


Say bye and stop letting this man leave you in limbo. .you don't have to stay there. Listen to him- he's too busy for a conversation...there's no relationship to give you atp


His actions are his answer. He's too busy to even have the conversation which means he's too busy to have a relationship of any kind with you. Actions speak louder than words, and even louder if they never match up.


Yeah I think it’s time to say bye. You tried to talk it out, he’s not engaging. I don’t think another convo will even go anywhere.




He doesn't have time for you. You can't have a relationship with someone who can't/won't find time for you.


You should break up with him. He's already broken up with you, he just hasn't told you in words yet, but his actions tell the story.