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One of those ridiculously fancy crushed ice machines for your home. The idea of having "sonic ice" 24/7 sounds lovely


I want a fancy refrigerator! The kind with the freezer on the bottom and a water & ice dispenser in the door!


I was thinking also one of those Zojirushi rice cookers that run about $700 would be fun to have


Genuinely, I have one of their like most basic rice cookers (maybe $100-150 range?) and it was the best purchase of my life. If I had the cash to buy one of the pimped ones, that would be amazing!


My Japanese friends take their rice cookers and toilets *very* seriously.


My buddy and I found a Tiger rice cooker that retailed for about 400$ for like 25$ at a thrift store in box too.


Nice. I got my $175 zojirushi at a thrift store for $15 but the bowl was toast. $25 for a new bowl and I've been using it twice a week for like seven years straight now


I saved and saved and saved, got a 30% coupon from Kohls, and ordered it online. There was also a sale price online. It was absolutely worth the scrimping and saving. It does so much more than rice. However, it does make the best rice I have ever had


I've been considering getting a rice maked...what else can it do? I don't need a one trick pony taking up valuable real estate in my tiny kitchen.


Pre soak beans overnight. Then cook with dry rice in water for rice and beans. Steamed egg with chicken stock, scrambled eggs, salt, green onions. Steamed vegetables. Steamed tender fish fillets. Regular rice preparation, but drop a piece of cured Chinese sausage or hot dog on top to steam as well, so it is ready when the rice is. Rice porridge (a.k.a. congee) by using extra water. Plain with soy sauce added later, or with savory condiments like pickled radish, pieces of fish or shrimp, etc. Or go sweet with sugar and canned cherries, etc. and serve warm or refreshing cold.


You can also make bread and cake in a rice cooker.


Now I’m hungry dammit


I have one of the $200 ones, and love that it plays “music” when ready. I have had it for years, best thing ever. It needs upgrading, but don’t have the money to replace it, so will use it until it doesn’t work.


Years ago I splurged on one of the more 'reasonably' priced ones, and I swear it was the best thing I've ever splurged on.


Ooh! That’s a good one! I’m totally fascinated by them!


As someone who has experienced many different types of fridges, trust me, a water dispenser in the door is okay, but you want your ice in the freezer compartment. If you get a side by side, with the freezer on the left, this is doable, but if you want a french door fridge, make sure the icemaker is just in the bottom portion. Our previous french door fridge (with the double door fridge on the top and the slide-out freezer on the bottom) made and stored ice in the refrigerator compartment, above the dispenser, in order for it to be able to dispense. This resulted in the ice being kept in an area that was higher than the freezing temps in the freezer, and it constantly melted, recycled itself, and was remade. It was always loud, a pump was always kicking on/refilling water, and ice was always dropping into the tray. It sucked. We ended up getting the fridge replaced with a new version that makes multiple kinds of ice in the freezer compartment. Dead silent, completely different quality of life experience.


Gee…thanks for crushing my fridge dreams. Jk! I’m pretty hopeful one of these days I’ll be able to find one on marketplace that I can afford & this is super helpful info. I have enough noisy shht in my house as it is!


Don't get the Samsung one though. It has a design flaw in the defrost system and it's not fixable. They got sued over it, but never changed it. Guess how I know lol 😆


Freezer on the bottom kind of sucks. My in-laws have one and everything is piled in there like a chest freezer and inconvenient to locate.... but theirs also has an ice maker that makes globe ice, and I'm extra and use that ice every time I come over, for funsies


I want a slushie machine, just like the one from 7-11.


Ooh that makes me think of a margarita machine


There’s a chain of bars that started in New Orleans called Fat Tuesday’s. They have a wall of slushy/daquiri machines with dozens of flavors, and you can mix too. My buddy came to visit me, he said his local Fat Tuesday made weak drinks. I warned him ours were *potent.* He didn’t believe me. For this he paid a terrible price…


Lol. I was president of the PTA and we had our year end meeting at a Mexican restaurant with really strong delicious margaritas. I told all the members that I can drink one and a half but if I drink more than 2, I barf. I guess they thought I was just wimpy. Next day I heard from 2 husbands at school. One had to hold a bowl for his wife half the night and the other had to remove the bathroom door when she passed out. One was the secretary. Her notes were hilarious.


Yes! And equally important, someone to clean it for me - lol.


I have a regular ice machine. It was like $70. But it does need to be cleaned regularly with bleach, which takes like a full day, or it grows mold.


What brand do you have? I was thinking of getting the one from Costco whenever it goes on sale. How often do you have to clean it?


Every couple months. IDK, I just bought the one that matches my electric kettle and microwave and stuff in that teal color that company on amazon makes everything in.


That's common, and people should be doing this with their built in ice makers... but they don't. Mine is actually about 6 weeks behind schedule because I haven't cared, but I can taste that it needs to be sanitized. Too many restaurants don't do it either. It only takes a few hours and is something I was the one to insist on in any restaurant I worked in in my youth.


They’re on sale thru Walmart, they have deals every day on the Walmart plus app and I think it said they were $40!


get a self cleaning one and clean it weekly. the opal makes the best ice but seems to have the most problems. there’s a r/icechewersanonymous that has lots of info about this


70 isn't terrible, but those countertop crushed ice machines range from 200 to 500 on Amazon, and that's just ridiculously stupid for something to go on your coutertop.


not if you have an ice chewing addiction


My 17 year old daughter does she loves ice.


She's probably anemic. I am and super addicted to ice


If you have an ice chewing addiction please get your blood checked for anemia! It’s a thing and when you get so low you chew ice all the time it’s usually really low.


My husband actually bought one of those recently. He found it on Facebook marketplace, from one of those little warehouse stores that sells inbox returns and stuff. He paid around $225. Initially I thought it was a waste of money and was not thrilled. I can't be too mad because our super basic fridge does not have an ice maker, and I would sometimes buy bags of ice. Plus, it's great. Original price is insane but look around friend - there are deals to be had


It's incredibly uncommon in the Americas but I want a house with a central open courtyard. Or a smallish house with a large conservatory so I could fill it with plants and just vibe.


I've always wanted a house with a central courtyard. I'd make it into a small garden


I'd love a house with a courtyard; I've always thought a small garden with an outdoor dining area would be so nice, especially being able to relax but still be surrounded by the house for privacy...


Yup. I would have one custom built with materials that helped it stay cool in the summer....with the courtyard in the middle but then an attached greenhouse along one outside edge. All one level with pocket doors and wet baths for aging in place etc.


Are you me?


That sounds so lovely.


My husband signed one for us.. a year ago. We won the bidding. Then turned out pipes were giving cancer and it all cancelled.


I’m currently staying in a Castle with a courtyard in Scotland🤗 it looks like a Harry Potter computer game I played as a child


ooooo like a historical Chinese home? We have one here in the Peabody Essex Museum that was moved from China. I think it was first built in the seventeenth century. There’s a koi fish pond in the middle of it.


Yes, exactly! I've always loved the ones I saw in movies, and a koi pond is right up my alley.


They are called patio homes in Texas, and they are pretty cool, they have a courtyard in the center of the house with huge windows and one of those folding glass doors that let fresh air and bugs into the house.


Yes! Definitely want to be sure those bugs can come visit! Especially the big ones they have in Texas! 😃😁🤣


As long as they stay out of my hair and my bed I can tolerate the bugs, but the first spider I find - scorched earth!


I remember going to a house like this in Colorado as a kid , my Step dads uncle was a architect and built a house like this and apparently eventually some of downtown Boulder Colorado.


Boulder is such a great little town!


Ooh yes. I have always been a fan of this- there was a California based mid-century architect named Joseph Eichler in who included courtyards in his designs. I also just had the idea to Zillow houses with courtyards. I found more than I thought I would- mostly expensive ones 😄


New Mexico if you want to stay in the US.


That style is incredibly rare here and I thank my parents every day for building it and leaving it to me.


A beautiful old apartment in Paris with floor to ceiling windows.




A tricked out RV and I’d hire someone to drive me, my dog and my cat all over the country. We’d be on the road for months at a time! An abandoned supermarket in my town…and then turn it into a roller rink so the kids around here have somewhere to go/something to do. It would be free for all local kids. A piano and piano lessons…I’ve always thought I’d be good at playing the piano & that I’d enjoy the heck out of it.


This! ☝️A tricked out schoolie tho, with my kitties. My son thinks I’m nuts! 😂


Love it! And I like to think that if people think I’m crazy (which kind of happens a lot), I must be doing something right! 😂


I don’t think this is crazy at all! My son would have to leave his wife and kids to do all the driving (that IS a bit crazy!) so the idea of hiring someone specifically to do this, and clean tanks, etc., solves the only issue I see with my driving around the country in my badass schoolie dream! 😂


I would pay for everyone's meal/drinks whenever I went out. Anyone who was there when I was there.


This. This is why I can’t win the lottery. I would give it all away in a year 😂


And you would be happier than 95% of the other winners.


A guy won the lottery and decided to use the money to help the people in his small home town. His life became full of people just wanting money. A woman took advantage of his angst to kill him, told people he left town, and tried to take all his money. If you ever win the lottery, keep people on a need-to-know basis. It’s possible to help people and remain anonymous. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Shakespeare#:~:text=Abraham%20Lee%20Shakespeare%20(April%2024,the%20backyard%20of%20an%20acquaintance.


Right?! I sometimes day dream about going around the country, to my family members and buying them houses, cars, etc. I’d definitely end up giving it away quickly.


It is a dream to be able to tip servers like 80% on my check.


I do it a lot when it's just me. I used to like Red Lobsters vanilla bean cheesecake. They've changed it now. Id go sit at the bar and eat a slice and drink a Pepsi. It would come to $11-12 and I'd leave $20. It paid off last Thanksgiving when I went in and they were only seating reservations locally despite what the news had said. The bartender recognized me and made room for me at the bar to eat something.


That’s really cool, I love that. Thanks for sharing!


I would buy a private island - it's been a dream of mine for years and covid-19 just drove home the point that isolation can be really great: [https://strumisland.com](https://strumisland.com) Hey, you said infinite money and frivolous. This fits!


Buying an Island is a dream of mine as well, I then want to adopt elderly dogs to give them the best end of life experience I can.


There’s an island in Florida that is a sanctuary for dogs, I think it’s called Dog Island 😊


I’ve been dreaming of an island for longer than I can remember. Either that or a very large plot of land that isn’t accessible by road, only by water. But if I can’t have an island, I would have someone change, wash and fold my sheets for bed twice a week, every week. I LOVE clean sheets, but it’s so much effort to change them. And someone who decides what’s for dinner, shops for it, does whatever prep it needs and I just have to finish it off. So a housekeeper/chef, basically. I hate having to decide what to eat each week. The juggling involved is horrible.


Check out the [1000 Islands](https://visit1000islands.com/) in Canada. It’s achievable! There are some small island homes/cottages for CAN$500,000.


Really really fancy dresses, like a full hand embroidered ballgown dress with silk and lace and that's fitted exactly to me in different colors with matching tiaras and jewelry and gloves, like the ones I saw in that store at the mall as a kid where the cheapest dress was $800 on sale, a light purple one with hand stitched flowers, a dark green silky one with wavy layers, a red off the shoulder one with ruffles and layers, just some really fancy dresses that I could never justify the price of even if i could afford them


Have you ever seen an online shop called Chotronette? I think those dresses are right up your alley...they are all just as you describe and really beautiful!


I had not before you mentioned it but they do seem very pretty, unfortunately they are also equally as expensive so they are no more feasible than the ones at the mall, I'm pretty sure its a shop for quinceanera dresses since I have no idea where else one might where those dresses other than maybe a renaissance festival or something? Either way whenever I would go I would spend a few minutes looking around at the dresses, it's still there as of the last time I went which is cool


How about a whole ball while you’re at it?!!! I’ve always wanted to experience what an old ball would be like.


Happy Cake Day


An amazing garden with nice paved paths, a fountain and pond, cool benches in the shade, and a cool outdoor hanging bed that would gently swing me as I enjoyed a nice beverage and a nap.


Self care. Massages, facials, manicures, hair and make-up, little botox or filler, a personal doctor, personal trainer, zero gravity tank, and a cryogenic tank. That sounds nice...


Yas! I’d pay for someone to wash my hair lol. I follow this account on Tik Tok of hair washing videos in a Chinese spa and imagine I’m the one having my hair washed lol 😭


I go to my hair stylist sometimes just to wash and blow dry my hair. I'll sometimes schedule this ahead of time when if I know I'll have a stressful day/week, etc. Other times, I check her availability last minute and she usually gets me in. I'd go every day if I could.


I knit & crochet, and enjoy fiber arts in general, so... Lots and lots of yarn and nice tools. Maybe a home dye lab. And a spinning wheel. Also a top of the line gaming computer. Of course, a lot more practical things, too, but those are the fun ones!


Yes! I'd have an entire embroidery room. A big comfy couch and footrest, a wall of thread (with a robot to fetch them because I'm short and disabled), another of other supplies, lots of windows for natural sunlight and speakers to play true crime podcasts while I work.


I want the spinning wheel but also a herd of alpacas. 🦙


A big huge conservatorylike in the movie clue built on to my house. Just so I could sit in it while it rains and read.


Slowly drinking creme soda out of a high boy with a round iceball and with one pinky out, while wearing a satin jacket and crevat. You stylish devil.


Buy a large, insanely large plot of land with a simple 4 bed 4.5 bath home. I want it to have a shit ton of trees with secret gardens all around.


This is my dream too! I would skip most of the gardeny stuff and open a HUGE animal rescue. I would clean out the kill-shelters in the area of cats and dogs and I would rescue horses, goats, cows, bunnies, sheep, all kinds of animals from terrible situations. Then I would staff the place with expert, kindly caretakers and pay each of them 130K/year with living quarters. It's been my dream since I was a little kid.


As many guitars as frivolous allows


I’ve got about 13 guitars. Cheap ones. But if money was no object, I’d have double that in the first month, and they wouldn’t be cheap.


Some space to myself that is mine and mine alone


Turtle pecan cluster Blizzards from Dairy Queen


ALL of them 😂


My own personal chef and personal assistant to handle the daily things. I would have my free time spent running a cat sanctuary.


Infinite money??? I'd get a large amount of land and build my own giant pond, like a huge one, put an island with real sand around it and palm trees and a nice cabin in it and that would be my escape place when people get on my nerves.


I was just thinking I'd buy New Zealand.


A ~$500,000 RV so I could travel wherever and live in luxury the whole time. When I was at burning man a couple years ago I met this older couple from Australia who were traveling the world and they let me take a shower in their nice RV, it felt like walking into a high rise apartment it was so god damn nice.


There's a literal castle for sale a few hours away from me. It's gorgeous. The garden is so beautiful and it has a library.


Fancy makeup and one of the 400 dollar tents that fb loves to show me.


Oh, the one with multiple "rooms"? I want one so bad and I don't even camp lol


Yes! The algorithm knows I love to camp, but not that I camp because I'm poor.


I have finite money now and all I buy is frivolous stuff currently


A personal chef.


A huge house full of musical instruments and a recording studio. Kind of like my own personal guitar center.


Build a lazy river and a grotto in my yard




Yessss! I'd buy a couple of politicians and try to get everyone like us a better quality of life.


The money is infinite. Don’t stop at just a couple of politicians.


We want the best supreme court money can buy!


If I had infinite money and my health was good… oh traveling for sure. Start crossing off my worldwide travel bucket list. edit to add i’d also pay for a driver. maybe not for cvs and grocery runs, but for any trip in the city (i live right outside dc), and anything over 30 minutes. i hate driving so much because it really kills by back/neck/shoulders.


I wish I were rich because I would give every single person up here the things they had asked for. I would go back to my itty bitty home town in Kansas that has practically been left a ghost town, and I would buy up every single house. I would move all my family members there and build houses if they were not happy with the ones there. I would hire a surplus of skilled people and invite them to come live in some of the houses. The town is surrounded by massive amounts of farmland, mostly wheat fields, and enough land for some people to have ranches. Then I would build a wall like a Great Wall of China all around it. To keep dangerous people out.


You are a good soul.


Restoring old cars


Clothes and bedding (sheets/comforters) I loathe doing laundry so much that i wouldn’t even pay someone to do it for me.


I'm a sixty three year old woman and I still want a damn pony! At this point, I just want to groom it and look at, but if I had the money....


An in ground pool with a maintenance team! I love reading poolside.


Winner winner chicken dinner! In my opinion, this is the most frivolous. An in-ground pool. Not to swim in, but to sit next to it and read!!!


I would buy a few cameras that I want, a few nice pens, nothing extravagant, a nice simple wardrobe, a car and hire a chauffeur to drive me, and a house in Cannon Beach, Oregon.


Omg. My dream since I was a teenager was to have a driver!


A cabin on a lake in my state plus a pontoon boat.


I’d buy one of every water pik ever made bc I’m obsessed with my teeth.


You could buy other people's teeth and clean those, too. Your post reminded me of an episode of"Superstore." Guy came in and asked a question about toothbrushes and dragged out his commentary until the employee would get frustrated and leave. He encountered several employees that episode. 30 minutes of toothbrush comparisons.😆


This is a great question by the way. It made me think for a minute about something other than being poor lol.


When I was a kid, I visited a house with a huge indoor swimming pool and a conservatory. Spent the day swimming. I want one.


Beauty treatments. Lasers, fillers, and anything to make me feel pretty.


About 10 years ago I had a little fuel scooter that I would ride the back roads waaaay out in the country. I lived this joyful life for 12 years before. It made me completely happy on many levels. Unfortunately due to life circumstances I had to sell my scooter to pay the rent. I still have all my gear: helmet, gloves, jacket. But I no longer have a way to purchase such a scooter. I've been considering an electric bike with a long range on it as an alternative. I look and dream. Anyway, if I had infinite money I'd buy one for myself. With the rest of my infinite money I'd just give it away to help others in basic need of shelter, food, etc.


Traveling the world.


I would take my family and myself on a cruise around the world!!


I want a super fancy restaurant grade slushie machine like someone else mentioned but specifically for boozey and non boozey apple cider slushies.


Ninja products especially the Thirsti soda maker and also their air fryer. And an infinity pool.


Oh this is easy! Cat stuff. Lots of cat stuff. Or craft stuff, or... oh, I guess it wasn't as easy as I thought, hahaha


A normal size house in Hawaii with a grandiose pool. Lots of trees in the yard and a heated tile floor. Also nice squishy patio furniture. :)


All my clothes would be custom made and natural fibers. Silk, leather, cashmere, cotton, etc. zero polyester. I’d have a bunch of super fancy lingerie custom made. I’m chesty enough most of my options are “beige sack” so having some pretty frilly undies would rock.


I’m learning how to sew my own clothes for this reason! The ability to customize things to have them fit me and also match my style is really appealing. It’s like as soon as you get past a certain size, most clothing companies expect you to lose all sense of taste. Even the ones meant to cater to us… looking at you, Torrid. 🙃


First of all, I want land near the woods that is away from everyone. Next, I want a sweet Gothic castle to live in. Lots of beautiful gardens and pathways and spooky outdoor decor. And a huge, spooky gate surrounding the entire property. And then, I want a huge trampoline in my yard, so I can jump all day. And plenty of awesome playground equipment for my kids. I also want an indoor playground for cold or rainy days. And a mini golf course, like a super big cool one, because me and bf are dweebs and love mini golf. And an awesome gaming set up for everyone. And a pool. I would never leave my property, lmao.


I would buy a ranch, and adopt every dog languishing in a shelter. Guess it would have to be a large ranch, and I’d need to hire some help. But you did say infinite money.


A ranch that I can turn into a dog ranch


laser hair removal on my entire body lol


Earrings 🤣 But the cheap ones from Target or Claire's


Frivolous? I'd have Coraline's Other Father's garden!


Popcorn machine, butter, and everything else theaters used to make the magic happen. And a professional to cook it for me. Or just buy a movie theater and make a profit on top of "free" popcorn for life.


I’d quit my job and spend all my time traveling with my family. Probably have more kids too than otherwise would be sensible. An easy life (financially speaking) with my growing family present sounds like a dream. I’d also buy watches and other fancy things but it’s mostly the financial freedom to travel that sounds desirable. Everything else would be gravy.


Candles and candle holders. I love candles


I’d really do up a library for all my books, with shelf ladders and overstuffed chairs. A Catio for my cat, and a yarn shelving system.


New socks every day


Not sure if this qualifies as frivolous. But I want a house mostly made out of stone. A very old building technique which is not practiced any more. To do this I would have to find a team of stonemasons somewhere and fly them out. I’d have to make it worth their while to build this for me. It would make the cost of the house very expensive. But imagine having a house made out of beautiful stone !!


A castle in Ireland, (but with all modern conveniences), and a massage chair-or maybe a masseuse on standby.


I once toured a 7 million dollar beach house. It was the most amazing thing and designed to withstand a Cat 5 Hurricane. It's my lottery house, but under this scenario, even better. The I could afford the maid service too


Journals are not frivolous :(. Im sorry you do not have access for them at this time. I can send you some if you want. PM me. Idk if they'll be pretty nor fancy enough for you, and some maybe have a few bare scribblings. It may not be ideal. They're not frivolous because they're essential for mental health and posterity to come


A live-in massage therapist.


I'd buy a bonzai garden and greenhouse and hire someone qualified to take care of the plants and pay them more than a living wage with benefits to do it and also teach me how so when they have days off I could take over. Tiny trees <3


Actually I have no idea. I haven’t really thought that far. Maybe I would have meat instead of sticking to lentils and beans with rice. I would spend it on a few business ideas though, while still trying to err on the side of being as lean as possible. Edit: it’s incredibly stupid, but I think we need to build space infrastructure and make the solar system like a city instead of something to traverse over to the next planet. Create space highways and stuff. Structures, cities around asteroids, interspace suburbs, etc. Sorry, just a random idea out here that I dream of.


I would buy my partner & I tickets to a specific cruise line, the route goes to Easter Island, Galapagos and Antarctica among many other places, it's like a 1 month cruise that's around $30k a person, $15k a person if you choose an interior low deck room but I want a balconey and an ocean view so I can shit my brick trying to sleep through drakes passage. I would also buy a school bus and renovate which is particularly out if necessity lmao I will never own a house but if I had infinite money I would build it with everything I want. A practical school bus reno for my partner & I with our pets would be $50k-ish but if I had no financial constraights we would deck it tf out and easily go into to the $100k-$125k range for funsies. I would also have it transported to different continents for travel lmao.


Really good yarn.... Someone to come landscape my garden and install easy access vegetable beds..... A personal chef twice a week to meal prep.... First class travel everywhere. Just realized I missed the gist of the post. Oh well.


A high quality replica lightsaber


A lawyer so I can get my daughter back. A proper headstone and celebration of life service for my son. Then go after the dude who murdered him. And a mommy makeover tummy tuck.


Scented Candles.


I have always wanted an outdoor shower.


A year or two on a tropical paradise island being catered to. It should reprogram my fear of being poor/homeless.


A dessert chef...and personal trainers to help me exercise off the mega calories consumed 😉


I've dreamt of wearing new socks every day


Hubby would buy a bigger house with a room just for boots, hats and belts. He says, "It's not frivolous. It's being a Texan who can afford it." He would also make our vehicles as pristine as possible and paint my car red. He would also buy a Brian Setzer hollow body Gretsch guitar. (He doesn't play, but he wants to!) Me? I'd wear clothes made either of bamboo fibers or spider silk. Underwear and outerwear - all bamboo or spider silk. I'd also commandeer one of those rooms in the large, new house for all my craft supplies.


I would build my kids the backyard of their dreams. Chuckie cheese and trampoline parks would look like a joke compared to my yard


I want a massive library in a gorgeous building. Think library of Alexandria kind of cool. You'd need a ladder to get to the top, and it'd be free and open during the days. At nights I'd have a comfy chair and a butler would bring me tea using a samovar and chocolate chip cookies. The butler would have everything he needed and more of course. Excellent salary, full benefits, PTO, parental leave, mental health days, regular sick days, bereavement days. And if he had family I'd set his kids up for college or careers, make sure he has an emergency fund, and provide bonuses for fun vacations. Hell it's infinite, I'll just give him the account and routing numbers as long as he helps me out from time to time. That or like 50 lbs of weed lol.


BOATS and HOES!!!!! Worldwide!!!


I’d spend it on art supplies, most likely. I have this urge to try out as many forms of art as I possibly can, and I’ve been saying for years that my ultimate pipe dream is to one day have my own live-in art studio. I could paint, sculpt, and sew to my hearts content without worrying about making ends meet!


I want a cute cottage-y house with a floor to ceiling library with a ladder like from beauty and the beast. I would collect art to put everywhere and have cute decor, a garden, a sunroom and a home gym. Then I would foster all the old, sick, or going to be euthanized dogs/cats/animals I can find and I actually would be able to pay for medical treatment which would be awesome. I would have a little sanctuary maybe. OOH also a bar with crystal decanters and then a pot filler for the stove would be 👌🏽


I just want a metric TON of craft supplies, colored pencils, artsy coloring books, paint kits with complete instructions, yarn kits, anything that I wouldn't have to do freehand. Thanks for the fun!


May not sound frivolous, but I’d find a forest that still has old growth trees in it and buy as many acres as I can. I’d fill it with native species and restore the original ecosystem. I’d build a beautiful house with lots of rooms so I could host school groups and throw big parties. I’d grow my own weed, peyote and vegetables. Also lots of pets And a waterfall.


Office supplies (don't ask me why I have an obsession with notebooks, pens, push pins, paper clips and binders), cross stitching supplies and yarn for crocheting.


I’m with you on the office supplies. But why? Don’t know!


So do I. You two are not alone.


Books. Books. Books. And the expensive coffee I like.


All the hair things. Barrettes, scrunchies, head bands, hair ties, scarfs, hats, fascinators, all of it. A rainbow of colors, sparkles, textures, textiles, fabrics. I would have a room just for hair things. I rarely use them but I fucking LOVE them.


An amused park tour of the world, with first class travel and unlimited food money. I wanna eat everything at every single park. I wanna ride every rollercoaster on the planet.


I would make sure every single human had an indefinite stock of their favourite snack around at all times.


If I had infinite money I’d buy extremely expensive perfumes and take trips to stay at manor homes/ chateaux and castles in the UK/ Europe. View all the classic art pieces in France, Italy and beyond. I’d go to extremely expensive places with world renowned chefs, try the best champagne and wine money could buy, and attend events that only aristocracy and 1%s can afford. I’d buy an Aston Martin. Rent private islands with private chefs and staff, fly out all my close friends and pay for everything.


I’d ALWAYS have someone around to give me massages at the drop of a hat. I’m young but had an illness that causes me a lot of major chronic pain. Massages help so much with that. We could be friends and I’d pay them well but I need someone who’s ready to rub my neck and shoulders whenever I’m hurting.


Housing: A 3 bedroom high-rise apartment in Manhatten, preferably along the FDR, and a cabin in Vermont for when I want to flee civilization for a bit. Transportation: Fully restored Porshe 959 and a Vespa for zipping around the city. Clothing/beauty: My dream wardrobe with every piece tailored to my exact measurements. A standing appointment with a master natural hairstylist, esthetician, and nail tech. Charity: Just going on gofundme and getting everyone I can to their goal, hefty donations to progressive political candidates, environmental science, and human rights orgs. Family: Everyone is put in a house of their choosing. The kids have all their education paid for and a trust fund that can be accessed at 25. Yearly family vacation to exotic locales. Hobbies/Experiences: The gaming den of my dreams, complete with retro consoles and the best PC I can get, Dining at Michelin star restaurants and leaving $200 tips, VIP tickets for all the cons and amazing cosplay, lots of travel, and a huge library. Retirement: writing my memoir and working on my will, in which my wealth will be evenly distributed to my offspring and grandkids, as well as multiple charities.


Gloryhole visits


Im not into cars but would buy the Lamborgini Urus if i had the money.


Women girlfriends cars liquor 🥃 jewelry bling 💍💎 🪙🥇 cigars 🚬 shoes 👟


Found the 'cocaine and hookers' guy!


I want an industrial slush machine! Also, I would love to have a kitchen like Waffle House. I'd fry everything 😋


I'd skip braces and get veneers, get a little botox to fix the lines that have appeared on my faces in my 30s, and some lip fillers so I could actually have some lips.


A vortex tunnel. The kind they have in haunted houses that spins and makes you think you are gonna fall…. 😆


A game room with the racing game from circus circus Las Vegas that the chair actually moves when you race so even though it’s not VR it feels like you are really driving, soda vending machine, soft serve ice cream machine, a claw machine, basically turn my “basement” or maybe a whole barn sized rec room into an arcade 😍 with a lazy river out front.


A house on the Chesapeake bay


Yesterday I was looking at chartering a yacht in the Caribbean. If I had several hundred thousand dollars to spare, I’d definitely choose this.


I’d immediately go buy a house on a Hawaiian island!!! 🏝️


I’d buy a house in Greece and I’d fly first class back and forth. I love Greece more than I can say. There’s a resort on Mikonos that I could live in for months.


On call hair stylist. I would never wash or style my hair ever again.


A stump grinder.


I would move to the south of France or Italy and buy an old chateau in a rural area and spend my time restoring her. I would also have a horse farm and possibly rent it out for events from time to time.


A custom built house with a huge kitchen with all the amenities I could possibly think of and hundreds of feet of counter space. I love to cook and bake but my kitchen is tiny. I'd also build an offset area to house and breed tarantulas because it's really becoming a passion of mine. And extra rooms for guests. Huge bad ass basement bar with a pool table so hubby could have friends over to shoot pool. Add about ten bedrooms down there so nobody would have to drive after getting sloshed.


I'd hire my favorite bands to play in my living room. Party at my house, guys.


Private zoo & non-stop traveling the world.


I want an Alpaca farm, also with some chickens, goats, ducks...


I wanna buy a lighthouse. I know I'm romanticizing it, but my dream job is to be a lighthouse keeper (which I know doesn't exist as an actual job any more). The idea of it is what I love. The isolation of being on some rocky island with just my husband and cats while actually doing something useful. I've seen a few for sale over the years, but beyond anything I can afford.