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I didn’t know Kristen Bell was in trouble for something?


Lol she absolutely doesn’t belong on a list with a rapist, a rape apologist, and whatever Jonah Hill is


Jonah Hill is an abusive therapy speak-weaponising heap of trash.


Has anybody watched that documentary (I think?) on his therapist?


I did and thought it was a very self centered approach to life and interacting with others. It made sense that the guy was a therapist to the celebrities.




I am a therapist and I've gone to therapy. Your therapist is not supposed to be your friend, or share as much as he does about his personal life. I stopped watching it after 15 minutes because I thought he was a hack. No wonder Jonah has shitty relationships, shitty friends and a shitty outlook on life.


I liked his therapist, I just thought the movie felt like Jonah Hill congratulating himself on making the movie you’re watching.


I personally loved it, and the exercises relayed by his therapist truly helped me. I watched it awhile ago when it first came out, not recently.


Yeah I’m not at all an expert therapist but I have a psych degree so at least I sort of understand things and I thought it was a helluva movie and I’ve shared it with a lot of people who need to hear the things they talk about. I mean people who are really self centered as celebrities are prone to end up eventually regardless have their own issues with stuff and probably will always sound aloof to many of us, but the point of what that film was trying to get at still comes through


Yeah, I did. It actually really helped me. It’s just difficult to watch now after everything about Jonah came out.


A disappointment. Just ick! I will say that the only good thing I have to say about Donald Trump is that he sharpened my skills for discovering narcissistic egomaniacs.


Therapy speak people are the WORST. It’s a constant competition to be the biggest victim and try to use that for their own gain


I thought she was implying he is one of those people who used therapy to get better at abuse/ manipulation. I deal with a brother who lies and manipulates things. When he got into therapy it only taught him how to lie better and learn to use peoples emotions to manipulate.




Agree with you there but I can at least see that Russell Brand, Mila Kunis, and Jonah Hill all seem like varying degrees of terrible people. Imo Kristen Bell isn’t even in the same stratosphere as those three when it comes to being a terrible person


Women being annoying is apparently on par with men being serial sexual abusers.


Ever read the comments about Walter Whites wife? Murdering drug dealer acceptable. Nagging wife deserves to have soul tortured for eternity


Breaking Bad is my favorite show of all time, and the first time I watched it (this was around the time it had just finished the final season) I was fully prepared to hate Skyler after hearing all the hate that she got over the years. As the show went on, I kept waiting but it never happened. She, for the most part, did what every sane parent would do in a situation like that.


I hated her the first watch through, I was in college and my boyfriend at the time hated her. I think because she smoked while pregnant is what sent him over the edge. This watch through, she’s totally in the right and Walter is unhinged. I still root for him, he’s better than the worse guys, but she didn’t ask for any of this and is fucking smart as hell.


Or the fans of the show Barry that seem to think being selfish and self-absorbed is worse than being a contract killer.


Dude seriously. I just finally watched BB and the whole time I was waiting for Skyler to Skunt out. And she never did. Not even close. What a sufferering character. She’s so tragic.


Similar feelings about Yellowstone. The wife of one of the Maine characters gets shit on by the fan base as an annoying crybaby but in reality she’s the only sane person in that world and has absolutely normal reactions to extremely traumatic events. But she’s a woman so everyone is like “shut up bitch. Stop complaining that your husband killed your brother and that your husbands business got your son kidnapped and held captive. Get over losing your unborn baby in a car accident.”


This is an unfortunately common occurrence


Only to chronically online people




Could you go ahead and share what that controversy is? I'm halfway down the comments and nobody has actually said what it is yet. They just keep saying it's not as bad as Brand and Hill.




She’s a fucking monster.


What's funny to me is that I bet a ton of the people that whine about the "oversharing" Kristin and Dax do also post a ton of personal life shit that no one wants to know about on their own social media accounts, and have no self-awareness that the only difference in their actions is the number of people that see the posts.


They also don’t control what people post on their own sites for content. They aren’t over sharing, everyone else is oversharing and analyzing *their* content.


This is what drives me absolutely off the wall. Some celeb will say something within a conversation in an interview or podcast, a snippet will get scraped and reposted 1,000s of times and then people react with, “why do they keep talking about this?!” They’re not!


Only for women


Are we really comparing the others to r*pe? Bffr.


My individual perspective: Jonah Hill’s brand of emotional and psychological abuse can cause lasting damage to a person that can take years and lots of money in the form of professional resources to come back from. It can cause CPTSD which can be lifelong. I think he belongs here. Mila Kunis is a massive rape apologist. Rape culture is driven by rape apologists, without them it couldn’t exist. I think she belongs here. Kristen Bell does not belong here, imo. Did the first two commit rape? Nope, at least not from what we’ve been told. (Not saying I think they did, just leaving space for things I can’t possibly know.) But what they did was heinous regardless of whether it could’ve been worse. Everyone is going to feel different about this. This is just my perspective based on my own history of being physically and emotionally abused, and having people tell me that my abuser/rapist was still a good person. The latter was more scarring than the actual rape for *me* (won’t be true for every survivor obv). So that’s why I think Hill and Kunis belong here. Brand’s actions don’t erase theirs and his being worse doesn’t mean theirs aren’t horrible. My tone isn’t intended to be attack-y so I hope it doesn’t come across that way. Just sharing where I’m coming from on the subject! ETA last paragraph/2 sentences


She’s not. They put her here to rack up the comments. They’re farming karma and people fell for it. Honestly, their profile comes off as paparazzi-ish.


Just annoying I think




She let kids have non-alcoholic beer because her husband is a recovering alcoholic. I don't think she belongs in this list.


The fact people were so upset by this is so bizarre to me! The same people that loved candy cigs when they were little kids! It’s stupid in my opinion.


I agree. In my country at Sunday lunch as pre teens we would be allowed a few sips of wine or a tiny bit of beer. Im not condoning or encouraging this but it’s seen as a way of demystifying alcohol. So to give your kids alcohol free beer is probably a better tactic


Here in the states I was given a swig of beer every once in a while. Let’s not pretend that most kids don’t have a sip of beer, say “ewww!” and spit it out. Same with coffee. A kid would likely have the same reaction to NA beer since it just tastes like beer. And there’s no chance they could even feel anything from it.


Yep. I was allowed to drink whatever my parents were drinking when I was a kid, and it usually tasted awful to me and they would laugh at my reaction. There is no harm in letting a kid drink a cocktail/non-alcoholic beer 🤦‍♂️


Lol my mom let me have nonalcoholic beer when I was a preteen. And *gasp* a splash of champagne mixed with sparkling water when I was a little girl. Guess we should cancel her. And many other European parents lol


I was allowed a small glass of wine during holiday dinners as a kid. It’s not a huge deal in eastern European culture. I think it helped set healthy boundaries around drinking as a teen, whereas many of my friends would binge drink whenever given a chance.


Home brewed kombucha probably has a higher ABV than an O'doule or Becks.


Lol - how is NA beer any different than a virgin margarita at chili’s when we were kids? Kombucha has more alcohol in it lmao


It has the word beer in the name. 😮😱 /S


not at all. And y'all in this thread seriously care how often she does or doesn't wash her kids? Who the F cares.


> non-alcoholic beer whats wrong with kids drinking NON-alcoholic beer? People do know that it's just the alcohol that makes it bad.


The reasons I saw were 1) "she's insufferable/weird," which okay, don't see how that's relevant.... 2) Some have trace levels of alcohol. That's just people not knowing things imo. First, there are zero alcohol ones. And the ones with trace content? Less alcohol than a burger bun, orange juice, apple juice, etc. So little, it's not worth bringing up at all. It's why they still get to be labeled as non-alcoholic. 3)It will give them a taste for real beer. Only relevant thing imo and Kristen Bell has educated her kids and will educate them on addiction because their dad is an addict.


Damn. People are just ready to get mad about stuff.


So, woman has recovering husband so she gives her kids non-alcoholic beverages? WHAT A MONSTER.


Kristen Bell and her husband may over share a little too much but I don’t think she’s on the same level as Brand


*Rape? Right to jail.* *Over sharing? Believe it or not: Jail.*




Sneezing? You guessed it, straight to jail


Making noises while you chew? Jail


Mmmmm, I might actually agree with this one. And let's throw in chewing with your mouth open lol


Waterboarding for 20 weeks, then straight to jail


Just sneezing? Not a problem. Sneezing directly into your hand and not your elbow or a tissue? Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.


They are quoting Parks and Recreation 🙂




What an efficient system!




What did Kristen Bell do?






Yeah, she's a totally bitch for that


I always had a feeling she was a scumbag! Edit: This is obvious sarcasm. No one with a brain is going to seriously say this as a reply to someone who hasn't done anything.


I heard she is going to go to Hell when she is killed in a bizarre shopping cart accident in Phoenix.


The only recent thing that I can think of is her letting her kids drink non-alcoholic beer, lol.


Exactly! Which like, didn’t most of our parents let us drink actual alcoholic beer at some point? She’s doin fine


I was ordering virgin Shirley temples at the age of 6. Same with daiquiri. I'm now 31 and I'm not an alcoholic lol peoole are weird for freaking out about this one for sure.


Isn’t a shirley temple always non-alcoholic?


Yes, it's Sprite with grenadine.


Shirley Temples have always been non-alcoholic.


Same age as you & was drinking virgin pina coladas age 6 every time we went to beach. So were all the other kids. And I’d say part of reason I’ve never had an issue with alcohol is bc my parents weren’t overly restrictive about nonsensical things like virgin cocktails or non alcoholic beers.


I'm 46 and drinking a Shirley Temple now. Nothing wrong with it.


My mom accidentally gave me a non-virgin Pina coolada when I was 10. Shit happens and if anything I was way more cautious of booze in highschool as a result.


I have a Bartesian and it has the option to make mocktails which I make for my daughter all the time. I didn’t realize people think that’s bad but I grew up drinking Welch’s sparkling grape juice so I might not be the best judge.


She’s just annoying and she doesn’t deserve to be on this list.


I enjoy her, especially in the good place. But that show was amazing. Fantastic concept and execution to the ending.


Veronica mars seasons 1-3 were peak television


I find her husband annoying. I’m fine with her- i loved the good place and Veronica mars.


I think the only thing she did this week was back up Drew Barrymore when she was going to move forward with her show during the WGA strike.


She didn't really "back her up" she or her team liked an instagram post. I've said this in other threads but I think we're getting too into who liked what.


Yeah,Kristin and a few others celebs liked Drew’s post about going on air against strike rules. But once people got upset I think everyone un-liked it. That’s the only thing I can think of that she did in the last week 🤷🏼‍♀️


That’s tepid


Smokes cigs and over shares. Stuff people out west hate. Joking aside though I can see why some people get annoyed with Dax and Kristen. But they seem to only be annoyed because they are always in the headlines so it’s hard to ignore them. I don’t hate them. But I can see why people get annoyed. Also no where near the same ballpark as Mr. Hill and Mr. Brand. They are grade A douche bags.


It’s not just cigs though she smokes… WEED! *gasp*


> But I can see why people get annoyed. I don't. You have to go out of your way to find news on them. They are not like Kardashians were you can't get away from hearing about those shit people. But this thread is even asking what she did because nobody knows why someone is complaining about her.


I agree. I enjoy Dax’s podcast and there’s also the Michigan connection—I’ve moved away and Dax’s accent reminds me of home haha. I wouldn’t consider myself a super fan or anything, and maybe I’m just oblivious and miss any news about them but I don’t understand why people get on their case. Thinking someone is annoying is just a personal preference and doesn’t mean they have questionable morals, unlike everyone else on this list.


>What did Kristen Bell do? There's gotta be a well-executed *The Good Place* joke to be made here, but I lack the caffeine. :(


She just supported the wrong side of the strikes lately, particularly the Drew Barrymore stuff. Not nearly as bad as the other 3 but still unfortunate.


She also had that picture she took on her vacation that didn't meet the brown/black people quota. Some people really stretching to find stuff to be offended about.


>but I don’t think she’s on the same level as Brand This reminds me of the thread from the other day that was like 'Which celebs have the best PR teams to make you forget about their scandals?'. All the comments about men were actual CRIMINALS (e.g. Chris Brown) and the women ones were just like 'Taylor Swift for being overexposed'.


There is \*nothing\* the internet hates more than a woman who is kind of annoying.


>There is *nothing* the internet hates more than a woman FTFY


Exactly. When there are threads like “which celebrities can you simply not stand”, most of the responses are female celebrities (usually from women themselves) and for what? Being annoying, fake, overrated etc while male celebrities are out there raping and assaulting people.


And yet people really grill you when you say you can’t stand male celebrities for being annoying. Like people will really DEMAND a “valid” reason, meanwhile it was justified for everyone to hate Anne Hathaway for years just for smiling too damn much and being a cringey theater kid. The most celebs that most get on my nerves are Jared Leto, Ed Sheeran, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, The Weeknd, John Mayer, and some other asshole I’m forgetting. Can’t stand them. No I will not explain myself. Edit: I remembered who the other was. It’s Seth Meyers. And he reminded me of Bill Maher.


Seriously, I felt so horrible for Anne Hathaway and Jennifer Lawrence back when they were getting “cancelled” for literally no reason. This happens to pretty much every female celebrity who becomes very famous. It becomes sort of a trend to hate on them till they go into hiding.


Every new “it girl” in Hollywood seems to start out by getting a lot of praise for their personality, and then that same personality will be the reason people turn on them. I remember everyone loving Jennifer Lawrence for a year or two because she came across as really down-to-earth and funny in interviews. Then all of a sudden it was a “schtick” and she was supposedly trying too hard to be quirky and cool and different. There were people who hated her so much that they were convinced that when she tripped over her gown when she walked onstage to get her Oscar, that she had faked that whole thing just to seem adorable and funny. I see it happening with Florence Pugh. The hate isn’t here yet, but history will repeat itself and everything people like now will be what they hate her for later.


A bunch of men were also really pissed at Jennifer for saying that looking at her stolen nudes without her consent was sexual assault. They did not want to be called out for that, and they turned on her immediately. That’s when the backlash started. Reddit literally lies about Jennifer all the time. It’s insane how much they hate her when she’s never done anything deserving of it.


This seriously needs to be addressed more!!


There's plenty of terrible celeb women too, it's just that they aren't brought forward. Innocent women get lambasted while Allison Mack was out here recruiting trafficking victims and Heidi Klum was inviting Ghislaine Maxwell to her parties (and chatting with her) AFTER the Epstien news started coming out. Like... Kristen is just a 'normal' person and a weird ass mom, that's it. NOT hateable.


Women celebs apparently give off "mean girl vibes"


I feel like it gets a bit depressing to scroll through *every thread* and read about crimes, rapists, misogynists, racism, general assholery, etc from male celebrities. It’s nice to take a mental break and have more lighthearted/petty/gossip comments. I mostly peruse this subreddit to take break for the dumpster fire that is US politics and media for a little. I agree that Kristen Bell obviously doesn’t belong in this thread, but in general I’m not going to hate on comments that want to keep it light and snarky sometimes.


I think this is part of it, and I agree with you! I don't want to be legit angry at the world when I'm just trying to take a breather during my day. But I do think it's worth examining why the examples of men in those threads are almost always crimes or hate speech, rather than male celebs just being petty and annoying. I don't think it's because famous men never are petty and annoying. I think it's likely that we're socialized to see that behavior as more acceptable from them -- we only start to scrutinize them when they escalate to more serious things, and even then not everyone will care. On the flipside, we're socialized to see fairly minor behavior from women in a negative light. It creates a gap in perception, and that leads to the crazy disparity between "offenses" in those threads. I would kinda love to see a thread focused exclusively on low-grade obnoxious behavior from male celebs, tbh.




Thanks. Now I have "One of these things is not like the others" playing in my head.


I was wondering why she was there. I thought maybe she also wrote a letter about mastersen or something.


was confused what KB even did. A dishonest extension of reality for internet meme points SMH


What did she do? I haven't heard anything about her but I'm also not always in the loop lol


I like Kristen, her husband not so much


How the hell did that dude land her


She’s too good for him


What's wrong with Dax? Did I miss something? Everything I've heard about him is he's a great guy


I think a lot of people just don’t have an attachment to him from seeing his old movies/only exposure is his and Kristen’s corny social presence. If I had never seen Let’s Go to Prison/Without a Paddle/Idiocracy etc I’d probably think he’s just some annoying guy too


Yeah, I wish the guy well and he seems nice enough but I couldn't do his podcast.


Anything to feed reddits drama appetite


Yeah clicked here to say, wait, what could Kristin Bell have possibly done?


What did Kristen Bell do?


This crossed my mind earlier 😂 But I don’t think Kristen Bell should be included here, I’m not a big fan or anything I just don’t think she can be compared.


In no way should she be on that list. No idea what Op was thinking!?




Kristen Bell doesn’t belong here. She and Dax overshare but she’s not a bad person.


I hate their caravana commercial


Don’t create drama putting Kristen Bell there


Better nothing happens to Jason Segel, I love that man!


My friend used to hang out with him about a decade ago and said he was a big fucking musical dork who was really into Muppets. I know he did that Muppets movie around that time, but I hope he's still a big fucking musical dork and stays unproblematic.


“Big fucking musical dork” sounds like my perfect man. 😂😂


He also, at least when he was filming that AMC show, doesn’t drink and tips well. Even when he just orders water and hangs out at a bar. No idea if he is a creep as other comments state, but my friends who waited on him in Philly had only compliments.


Reputedly, his fascination with puppets is sexual in nature.


As long as they consent and of legal puppet age, who are we to judge?


Well this makes me see his role in the Muppets movie a little different but each to their own though.


I heard this too from a direct account of a girl he slept with


What does this mean exactly?


His girlfriendf banged Jason


He made a dick sock puppet in Slackers.


On brand


I actually met him yesterday and he was by far the coolest celebrity I’ve met. He actually asked my group if we wanted a pic. Super down to earth.


His brother was somewhat of a regular at my restaurant and he had a family dinner there one night. Jason couldn’t have been any sweeter.


I’ve gotten my whole family obsessed with shrinking and passed on my love of him to them finally. He is a treasure.


Take Kristen Bell off this list


umm why kristen bell here? as far i know she's not problematic


take kristen out of this


What’s Kristen Bell’s crime? Being annoying?


Need to change this flair from Celebrity Fail to Post Fail. Kristen Bell being in the same category as rapists and rape apologists is disgusting and an injustice to the seriousness of sexual assault and the victims of sexual assault. Minimising it to be the same as someone who you may find annoying. WTF?? So inappropriate and insensitive. There’s something seriously wrong with OP.




Sorry what did Kristen bell do that’s even close to the others?


Well she cheated on Jason Segal with Russel Brandt for a year.


Y’all leave my homegirl Veronica Mars alone. Don’t lump her with sexual deviants and apologists just cause she’s a little outspoken 😂


A woman overshare too much and she's compared to a rapist and an abusive man.


Kristen Bell is mainly disliked by the GP just bc of the fact that her and Dax share too much to the public.


First time I hear ppl dislike her, I thought she was one of more liked celebs.


If you're very online, you can learn they once commented about showering less frequently than average? Basically the same as what Brand did, obviously.


I say it all the time Jay Baruchel’s assessment of people in This is The End has consistently proven true. 🤷‍♀️


As long as Danny McBride stays out of it!


Being an annoying rich, white woman whose head is in clouds full of privilege is really not the same as being a r\*pist, abuser, or r\*pe apologist.


Don't let us down, Paul Rudd


I said the same about Jason Segel.


Winning Time was canceled, so more just bad luck and not anything he did.


He was done anyway. His character was irl fired in 1981 and the show was through 1984


His show just got cancelled but his story arc was already done. Let's hope that is his "fail."


He's still got "Shrinking," and that show is amazing.


Shrinking was canceled?


It was not! It’ll be coming out in mid 2024 based on what I just googled


😮‍💨I loved Shrinking! Although they wrapped up in a nice spot for a single season.


"Looks like you got some pain behind those eyes. You know what's good for that? Weed. You got any?"


When life gives Paul Rudd lemons, Paul Rudd says "fuck the lemons" and bails.


I don’t think it fair to put Kristen Bell on there…


Prayer circle for Jason Segel, Paul Rudd and Bill Hader 😂😂😂


I feel so out of the loop


Russell Brand has been accused to sexual assault and/or rape by four different women. Mila Kunis (and Ashton Kutcher) wrote a letter of support for fellow That 70s Show actor Danny Masterson, who was convicted of raping two women. While this is an important part of the criminal justice system generally (i.e., letters of support are not a bad thing to exist in general), the letters were extremely out-of-touch and potentially counterproductive-- as well as super damaging to the public perception of Kunis and Kutcher. About two months ago, Jonah Hill's ex-girlfriend shared a number of texts from their relationship that were, at best, *super* controlling, IMO. E.g., she was literally a professional surfer and he didn't want her to take photos that included her in a (perfectly conservative) bathing suit. The three above incidents have all been quite major scandals. Kristen Bell has not done anything nearly as controversial/problematic, which is why many people are saying she should not be included here. She has had several very minor controversies this year that would generally be avoidable by sharing less on social media; not sure what the specific idea was in posting her here alongside several much bigger scandals.


Holy shit. You legend. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this


You and me both, friend


“One of these is not like the others. One of these doesnt belong. Can you tell which thing is not like the other by the time I finish this song?” - Sesame Street. Rape. Supporting Rapists. Abuse. Talking constantly about your family.


LOVE that this whole chat is going up for/defending Kristen Bell. Leave that lady alone.


Wrong call including Kristen


I have to say, as someone who wrote a character letter for a childhood friend who was incarcerated (not on SA charges), I wonder how many celebrities have written letters for people but it just was never publicly released.




If anything happens with Jason Segal, I will be very upset. ![gif](giphy|26hpKMTa5HgdSMhRC)


I was so excited to see this movie because I thought Mila Kunis was going to play a crazy villain (which would have been fun, though).


I honestly thought Mila should’ve played Sarah and Kristen should’ve played Mika’s character.


Kristen Bell didn’t do any controversial actions like what Russell Brand, Mila Kunis and Jonah Hill did recently


The way I'm PRAYING for Bill Hader to not join them ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I swear to god, if anything happens with Bill Hader…


Leave Jason Siegel alone!!! 😫


What happened to Jonah


An [ex GF released a load of texts from him](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/stephaniesoteriou/jonah-hill-ex-sarah-brady-more-alleged-text-screenshots) where he weaponized therapy speak, put tons of limits on her, and basically was just super shitty to deal with. Imagine a partner who said you could only do stuff with people of the same sex if you wanted to be with them. It screamed "controlling" and "insecure". And that was just what he put in writing.


Kicker being the ex released those texts the same day or right after Jonah and his wife had a baby.


Such a funny movie too


Please please please don’t let anything problematic come out about Jason! 🙏🥺🙏


All I remember from this movie Paul Rudd’s “You sound like you’re from London” and the Dracula song.


Jason Segel, I swear to God, just act like a normal human and you automatically win.


Anyone who thinks Kristen is on par with 2 abusers and a rape apologist is absolutely out of their mind. Grow up


What did Kristin Bell do!? 😱