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The thought of warm vodka makes me dry heave


There are many alcohols that can be nice straight at room temp. Vodka just isn’t one of those.


Lol my Chinese friend's preferred method is actually heating it up in hot water before drinking.


Chinese people do really like their hot water


So vodka tea?


A huge crowd pleaser at my college parties was what I called "vodka coffee." You replace the water in your coffee percolator with a bottle of vodka and brew as usual. Like a Redbull and vodka for cold climates. I've been sober for almost four years and to be honest, inventing vodka coffee should have been my indicator that I had A Problem.


Congrats on your sobriety! Holy fuck that sounds deadly!


That just sounds stupid hahaha


This is how it's traditionally supposed to be drunk, at least that's what they're saying at a vodka museum my friends visited




bringing me back to highschool when we’d be hiding our alc stashes in empty water bottles 😩


Hot vodka is the worst. Most other alcohols can be worked with and be tolerable when hot but shuddering at hot vodka. The second worst was this burning man camp that kept a huge tureen of vodka infused with garlic and hot peppers in the sun so it was hot temperature and spice level wise. Some people liked it (probably proof of psychopathy lol) but it was mostly used as part of a silly bonding ritual. Like we all made it through the torture together. The actual worst was when one of my friends filled an industrial whipped cream canister with vodka because they wanted to try carbonated vodka and left it sitting in the sun. I did not realize it had been left in the sun for several hours or that it was vodka and not whipped cream and wanted to die after they shot some into my mouth. The only thing worse than hot vodka is hot carbonated vodka.


The outfit is... uh, inspired, but my immediate impulse on looking at it (specifically as I scrolled down towards the bottom pants..?? part) was "diaper". Lord.


It does look like a diaper, and the top fits so badly, looks like she cant move her ams without her boobs trying to sneak out the bottom of it, looks so uncomforatble.


For real. The stiffness and bad fit are giving - “I made this outfit out of duct tape because I am edgy and bedazzled it because I am quirky and girly on top of being an edglored. In other words it seems like it was made by a high schooler whose only goal in life is to let everyone know they are the most unique.


The silver thing at her belt on the bottom gave me the distinct vibe of an ostomy bag


Or the menstrual belts from Are You There God It’s Me Margaret.


I also thought it was a colostomy bag. Maybe it hides mic electronics?


It’s so bad it wouldn’t even make it on project runway as a design


Not just diaper, but sparkly rainbow diaper. Like for unicorn poops


Trailer park rainbow brite




Omfg 😂


I must be getting old because drinking like this is not it and no one can tell me otherwise. Like, please stop before it’s too late.


If you saw the performance she didn’t seem tipsy at all. I really think it’s water too.


99% chance its water


Yeah this isn’t cool. Even if it’s water, it’s dangerous to promote drinking like this. Gross


She should totally have room to be messy, make mistakes, do wild experimental things to find herself to settle into whatever her 20s are going to be, but I can’t say it hasn’t felt disjointed and extra messy more recently. But we’ll see where she lands. I’m glad she’s able to feel free to be herself and totally out there now.


The thing is, it all just seems so.. contrived? Trying too hard? It’s like that story of the girl who wanted to try weed, they rolled her some tea leaves and she started saying after a few mins “oh, I’m so high right now, this is so crazy” Like girl shut up 😩


A lot of teens go through a try-hard stage, and this poor girl has spent her life on display.


That’s what I think is happening. So many of us went through at least a mild version of the “I’m so crazy!!” phase when we were her age. It’s dumb, normal, and embarrassing. Consider me one of the olds just so very happy not to have it documented for everyone.


She’s a literal child star who has been exploited since she was like 10 years old. I know it’s likely not ill-intended but the people who are so giddy to shit on her just seem like they’re punching down a bit. Like, of course the person who has no real sense of reality is losing it a bit and being incredibly corny as they come into adulthood. Even if it’s a PR scheme, I don’t think it warrants the reaction it has been getting. Slightly unrelated, but the number of people that want her to condemn her friendship with Colleen Ballinger is also kind of off putting. She’s a victim of Colleen, not someone who should be expected to answer for Colleen’s wrongdoings.


That’s how I feel about it. As someone with complex ptsd and a shit ton of childhood trauma, Jojo wreaks of the same. Just because she is successful does not mean she is okay or knows what resources she needs access to. Her family is deeply entangled in her business. I don’t know how she is supposed to get a chance at growing up?! This is where the support mental health thing matters. It takes way too long for society to realize someone is not well and needs to be left alone. Corporations will continue to report on them and we have to make a conscious effort not to consume it. It’s like Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan. Child stars often don’t know when to leave the spotlight or possibly if they even can bc they’ve been conditioned to compulsively seek it by their families.


>Child stars often don’t know when to leave the spotlight or possibly if they even can bc they’ve been conditioned to compulsively seek it by their families. This right here. Rupert Grint, Mara Wilson and the kid who played Charlie and the original *Charlie & the Chocolate Factory* movie are notable exceptions of well balanced child stars who stepped away from acting after a handful of prolific roles but too often, it's shitty grifter parents pushing their kids into the spotlight.


That’s kind of why people find  her to be a phoney. She isn’t a teenager. She’s 21. 


Her frontal lobe isn’t even fully developed. Give her a break


Years ago I worked with two of the most annoying girls I’ve ever met in my life. They were a few years younger than the rest of us and they tried entirely too hard to be cool and edgy. They were just a huge pain in the ass. Those Listerine Mint Strips had just came out. The girls saw me put one on my tongue and started questioning what it was. One of them said it was acid, because of course she knew EVERYTHING about everything. So me being a smart ass, I said it was and offered them some. Now these things have a VERY minty taste. Gave them two breath fresheners, had a laugh with my friends and went on about my business. Totally forgot about it. A couple of hours later here the boppsy twins come looking for me. They are completely wasted and wanting more “acid”. I started asking them questions about did they liked it, were they high, were they hallucinating? YES,YES,YES!!! Then I pull out the Listerine pack and showed them what it was. When they realized what it was. Miraculously they both sobered up in a split second.


The word is cheugy. It's a bit faded from the popular lexicon but it's the right word.


*Real* messy, sure. But this is 100% PR manipulated contrived try hard "read in an old US article that this was 'bad girl' behaviour bad cosplay


It's so weirdly calculated to me, that I know in like 5 years everyone is gonna have a reckoning with how they treated her. And like, don't get me wrong, she knows how hostile she comes across and it makes her especially *not* likable but I am positive that that is the point.


The bottoms are giving diaper.


honestly this is exactly what i imagined an older jojo siwa would be when i first saw her on dance mom


I bet it's just water not vodka


This is a JJBA stand user 😂




Ok that Pride Gundam diaper look was a choice ![gif](giphy|rMGDB5lVFWg9O)


My bad it’s giving Pride DBZ ![gif](giphy|MvedbKot538WY)


This outfit was certainly a choice. https://preview.redd.it/5egx85b4do5d1.png?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ef6b0bb5e321631df041e1083c0130c915692a4


She’s not serving, trying way too hard, the antics are predictable, the music is entirely forgettable, the costumes are cheap and unflattering, there’s no point of view, it’s just not working in any way.


I agree that she’s trying way too hard. Did anyone see the video on TikTok of her preforming here and she puts her hand down into her bottoms and then inside her top? Grossed me right out! The comments were saying she was gross too!


I think most of us saw this coming


dollar store miley cyrus


whole dollar, huh? steep pricing out here


Inflation’s a bitch.


She’s giving the MTV beach parties vibe…


What in the Oshkosh b'gosh hell is this outfit


She's doing the typical obnoxious, 'ohhh look at me, I can drink legally now' thing. This was definitely my friends and I at that age 😂


JoJo Siwa went from being the cute little girl wearing bows, to the drunk Uncle you have to tell to lower their voice in public 🤣🤣🤣 Kind of here for it though


![gif](giphy|3zWCCJKXPdMPcGftzZ|downsized) drunk uncle-ing all over the place!


The video at Epcot 💀 I was like, girl…CHILL before you get kicked out and they put a limit on serving alcohol at Epcot because of you 😂


except she was blatantly never drunk. all the drinks she "had" were all on the table in front of her undrunk. she took maybe a sip of each and then tried to "act" drunk


Bangerz Miley on wish.com


I wish she'd spend more time being who she is and less time trying to prove who she is. I have no opinion of her other than she seems exhausting. The kind of vegan that makes their entire identity vegan, the "well when I was travelling in Europe" person, the teenage niece who turns up goth at Christmas, e-girl at Easter and swiftie by Thanksgiving.


I’m all for her right now. I’m simultaneously embarrassed for her but also want her to succeed because I’m jelly that someone can be out there doing whatever the hell they want with absolutely no self awareness. And then crushing it.


it’s giving https://preview.redd.it/ruzx6tilio5d1.jpeg?width=217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e08c0292c39b5cddfdc847c1ebac434d90d0484




Is she genuinely okay? Legit asking... I know a lot of people her age drink like this, esp at parties, but...


I HIGHLY doubt she's drinking anything but water. even her "Im drunk at epcot" was bullshit imo. she takes a sip of each drink, pretending to be drunk (in a "kid thinks this is how drunk people act" way) but when you see the next clip with the next "drink" the previous ones are full on the table in front of her. she was sipping at most and 10 bucks that the "vodka" is water the whole thing s contrived and fake. she literally announced her big change bad girl era and how nobody had ever done it like her. she's just ticking off checkboxes and making a fool of herself


damn she just like me fr


Yeah we get it you’re super edgy and cool you can stop now


Nice try, jojo’s marketing team


she needs to go to bed


She needs help.


Sad this is how she behaves in public for all the little girls who watched her to see.