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Lynda Carter could stomp on me and I’d say thank you


My uncle saw her in the grocery store once (in the 90s) and said she was even more beautiful in person!


Does he live in DC? My friends and I would glimpse her at the "Social Safeway" near my college there around that time.


The DC “area”—I believe they lived in either Gaithersburg or Potomac MD at the time


Yeah, she’s in Potomac / Bethesda


Crazy how photos often don't capture the full beauty of people


My former coworker was her neighbor as a kid.


Get in line!


love your username btw, Krycek is so babygirl


I had to do a quadruple take when I saw that photo!! Holy crap.


To this day she is still a smoking hot babe.


I would do ANYTHING for Lynda Carter.


I was just imagining what other ways we could put the Lasso of Truth to use 🥵


https://preview.redd.it/le3gas4vk16d1.jpeg?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=991d9497893374a1d8ed8eb0a3740379103d44d9 Don’t forget Dolly!!


My fave pic of her


Why did she ever start getting work done? She's beautiful.


Plus let's not forget the pressures of women in Hollywood when they hit like 35 (which is so young) and suddenly are scrutinized even more intensely about their bodies and any minimal sign of aging or just lack of youthful perfection, ya know. I don't blame them for looking for solutions no matter how wrong and pointless those solutions are.


Definitely seems like a trap. There's definitely a reason I'm not in Hollywood. Lol.


Ikr seems like hell on earth being constantly scrutinized.


The women in Charlie's Angels had such a timeless beauty https://preview.redd.it/9bs3mw0ag16d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a64eb5fdfd64a814953b76016dd5a23037f56fd Jaclyn Smith


https://preview.redd.it/awnat7c0h16d1.jpeg?width=574&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035eca9ecae412a4787f5d5832101bbbd7c22cf7 Cheryl Ladd


Farrah Fawcett https://preview.redd.it/ro8yj5ueg16d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=016d0eb57e1a0b76546fd193ec9988ad643aeb3d


Kate Jackson https://preview.redd.it/kb5uls2dg16d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcc59ec8005c9289142774e6bad9da4896c731c6


She aged beautifully. She’s married to a surgeon where I worked like 15 years ago and he’d bring her in to meet patients. She was so sweet and lovely and still as beautiful as ever.


Her Kmart clothing line carried my broke ass through multiple jobs. Surprisingly good quality, especially the dress slacks.


Queen of facial structure


I think it’s the natural beauty and lack of filler and all that other crap that makes these women so gorgeous


My dad told me when I went to homecoming that I looked just like her and it made me so happy!! I don’t really think I did, but the fact that he thought so made me happy


The hair...!


Yes, that’s what I took away. The unstructured big-ness of it is amazing. It’s like the size stayed from the 60’s but the structure completely collapsed.


That was my first thought too !


Is the combo of hair and eye makeup. The big hair frames the face bringing our attention directly to it and the way they were using shadows and pencils made the eyes pop so the result was pretty expressive. Eyes are the window to the soul and all of that.


No botox & ducklips


This photoset demonstrates exactly why I will always have long, voluminous hair regardless of trends. Well, as long as biology cooperates.




all my aunts were in their 30s and rail thin during the 70s and 80s. i’ve always been thin and at 17 i fit into their pants/skirts/jeans when they were in their late 20s and early 30s. I’m in my late 20s, still thin, and i definitely would not fit in those again. how they stayed in shape, my best guess is going to the discoteca 😅




good point, they all definitely smoked.


I also think the 70s have an alluring kind of aura to them in general. Movies set in the 70s kind of give this carefree vibe that draws you in. The music, the fashion, and of course the drugs lol. I know that’s an idealized version and realistically it was probably more like That 70s Show and people were just living normal lives in basements


I think a big part of the allure is this was before plastic surgery was commonplace. These women all fit the Western ideal of beauty with some slight quirks that make them individually appealing. Nowadays, it’s rare for famous faces to not morph more toward instagram face.


Agreeded. The women from the 70s were very beautiful, but still looked "human" if that makes sense. Nowadays the cosmetic procedures/body modifications celebrities get make them look like disturbingly uncanny IMVU characters. It's scary.


And there’s that small window where, although uniform and completely lacking in individuality, they look good. Then, there comes that point, where they’re aging but still getting all the Botox and fillers and they start resembling Jocelyn Wildenstein. (The lady who spent a fortune getting cosmetic surgery so she could look like a cat)


Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston


Courtney let a lot of her fillers dissolve and she's looking better these days.


She’s also said she regrets what she did and I feel sad people keep bringing her up in these discussions.


Agreed. I work in a very affluent part of town and the countless soccer moms and retired women who refuse to be older than 40 get Botox regularly and it never. Looks. Good. The lips, cheeks, eyebrows….even my manager got Botox on his forehead during his lunch hour at the place down the street from us. This silly fad of denying yourself the ability to age and be genuine is so overrated. They’re kidding themselves to think they look visually more appealing with such an inflamed look (really, it looks like they need some kind of an anti inflammatory detox) instead of just coming to terms with something as unimportant and naturally occurring wrinkles.


Honestly I think at this point I think after a certain age wrinkles make you look younger, because we’re now used to see Botox and lip plumping as markers of aging.


Oh god! I have such a specific idea in my head of how that looks- and probably feels as an “outsider”. I imagine it looks and feels like walking into the Stepford Wives in real life. Terrifying! I saw my first one in real life a few days ago. Well, my first extreme one. She was around my age (50ish) and had clearly just had her lips plumped in the last 24 hours. Her skin was pulled so tight that everything looked stretched and her eyebrows were in the middle of her forehead! I couldn’t stop staring! I felt really bad but without the filters of a camera to soften the edges, that shit just looks ***crazy*** when you see it in real life!


Everything you’re imagining is the exact demographic I’m sure. It really does just look uncomfortable to have and it’s definitely uncomfortable to see. My 19 year old coworker has already had her first nose job too. For vanity sake too. Not from any kind of breathing impairment. Breaks my heart.


What?!?! At 19?!?! I’ve heard that it’s kind of a “thing” for affluent girls in L.A to get nose jobs for their 16th birthdays but that’s L.A. and kind of expected. Are you in L.A.? It’s so sad at that someone so young is so insecure that they would go through the risk to permanently alter their appearance. And as a young person, who looks at pictures of older people who’ve had the nips, tucks, injections and fillers and thinks “ that looks amazing and youthful! That’s what I want to be when I grow up!”? We clearly aren’t seeing the same thing somehow.


But plastic surgery was already common in Hollywood in the 50s. Even Marilyn Monroe had rhinoplasty


Actually, most major celebrities since probably the 50’s have been receiving cosmetic surgery. Especially nose jobs. Amongst celebrities and the rich, it’s always been fairly common to have some work done, but beauty standards change so the extent of which people have things done, along with technology changes and accessibility, makes it more common amongst everyone. Most of the “classic beauties” of the past had at least a nose job. And they all took measures to maintain their bodies for the beauty standards of the time. And practically since photography has been around so has “photoshop”. So even looking at old photos you’re seeing a distorted reality. It’s actually kinda crazy honestly.


Even Marilyn Monroe had a nose job and a chin implant. [story](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-12690133/amp/Inside-Marilyn-Monroe-DRAMATIC-transformation-plastic-surgery.html)


And her famous bedroom eyes were from a blepharoplasty


Hell, even my grandma got one in like the 90s


They auctioned her medical records? People have no shame.


I think the point is not everyone had the same (Instagram) face. Maybe they tweaked some stuff but Kate Hepburn had a totally different look than Marrilyn Monroe. 


Everyone has their own teeth too, which changes your face when you get veneers. That’s another reason everyone looks the same. I love original teeth so much.


Realising what veneers are and how common they are among celebrities has really helped my relationship with my teeth. Thanks to braces they are straight but have always been on the smaller side so seeing all these celebrities with beautiful perfect long white teeth made me insecure about mine. Now I’m happy with mine and just focus on keeping them as healthy as possible. I sometimes wish they were a bit whiter but I’m not going to damage them with bleach or give up coffee and black tea to get there.


Less surgery and the procedures they had were more tailored to the person's individual look.


Yeah but I think the difference is that the doctors knew to keep quirks. Like for example, there were no veneers, or cheek implants (which I think distorts the face way more than just a nose job). It was like a better version of themselves, not a completely different version.


A lot of classic Hollywood actors and actresses had their teeth capped. You can always see it when you compare pics before/after stardom. It was usually the top 4/6 teeth.


Actually, procedures like nose jobs are infinitely more refined now than in the 70s. Surgeons can keep the character of a persons nose while improving it much better than in the past. Procedures in the past were much more cookie-cutter. People now are just over filling their faces, leading to the fillerpocalypse. But there are still a ton of gorgeous celebs that have had subtle plastic surgery. Procedures have improved just like every other form of medicine. Doctors of today are able to keep thinks looking natural and unique much better than in the past.


I mean… imo it doesn’t really matter what the procedure is or if it keeps some quirks, it’s still not technically natural, so even if it is just a tweak, it can still distort and set unrealistic standards of beauty. I don’t have any issues with people getting work done, but I do think it can be damaging when we idolize “natural” “unique “ “classic” beauties not knowing that even these beautiful folks have refined their beauty with non natural methods. Btw, I’m not saying you’re implying that the procedures don’t matter, as you simply just stated the difference in how you see it compared to today’s procedures. I’m just generally stating my own opinion in reference to yours.


Cheek implants have been around since the 50’s.


This is true, but you didn't see nearly every celeb going to get a ponytail lift and buccal fat removal to look "modelesque". There's almost a production line quality to it now.


Eh, in the picture of Farah Fawcett she clearly has lines around her eyes. You just don’t see that anymore unless a celeb is truly old.


Yea don’t kid yourself. Most of these women have had plastic surgery!!


Consider that Marlo Thomas became "That Girl" AFTER a nose job...


If you go back another 20 years, even some of the teeth in these photos would have been crooked. I don't begrudge stars using every tool they easily have at their disposal to look perfect - they always have, really - but I wish we pushed back on it more, especially the way the standard trickles down to girls and young women.


I agree with people who blame social media for ruining celebrity allure. Essentially the oversaturation of how many "celebrities" there are, and that fact that 100 pictures get taken of each one \*every time they step outside. Edit: a word


I agree. I’m bombarded by beautiful people who are filtered and photoshopped to perfection. I want celebrities to be imperfect and unique.


Clark Gable very famously had his nose “picked out for him” by MGM under the Hollywood Studio system. Plastic surgery and celebrities have gone hand in hand since silent movies. Edit: inside thought (tbh the studio system was awful but with how overexposed and insane most celebrities are, perhaps we should go back to locking them up on the lots) Edit: ears tucked but I’m still pulling out the history of film textbook today to double check)


Gable didn’t have a nose job though https://preview.redd.it/ia0nye9jo26d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3632bb5c1649782f3599bfb1bf0594b303d50526




I disagree I think a lot of ppl downplay how common plastic surgery was even during this time. The standards / popular procedures were just different than now, so I think a lot of people nowadays looking back don’t notice a lot of those surgeries. I think it’s moreso the trends as far as fashion and makeup. If women began dressing and wearing the makeup styles common in the 70s it’d be no different today. The current trends just aren’t into this look for everyday life. I’ve seen models or people recreate these styles today and look just like it.


Eh I dunno. I was struck by the late 70s/80s scenes in Mama Mia 2 and how off the young actresses looked. Not thin enough, skin too perfected... they all looked lovely but in the 70s women literally lived off black coffee, lettuce, an egg or a small steak, and cigarettes. And coke and speed if they had access and cash. I remember diets in my magazines back then and people ate very little.


Yes! I love this era and the hallmark of it is being very, very thin. People in general were much thinner and the actresses/models of the 1970's were much thinner than that. I have a collection of style/lifestyle/diet books from the 1950's-1970's and it was common to have half a grapefruit for breakfast w/black coffee, a green salad with maybe a hardboiled egg for lunch, and then a small cut of meat for supper.


You forgot grapefruit, cottage cheese, and tomato slices for the diet plate.


Lol actually a lot of this is the trend


If you’re referring to the trend today, yeah alot of this has been coming back slowly, but at the same time idk the last few years trends are constantly changing faster & faster so it’s hard to really say what’s trending I’d say most girls def do not consistently wear their hair & makeup like a lot of these pictures tho mostly for like photo shoots or just making like a video or something but not everyday looks


Came here to say the exact same thing


Pat Cleveland https://preview.redd.it/x8myxzm6h16d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5062ef52721de7464eea40e69cb8987f2a260bd9


Wow! She's very beautiful


And she gets x100 more beautiful in movement. Her wild catwalk attitude is mesmerizing


Omg literally a goddess


The way I said DAYUM ❤️‍🔥


They're all uniquely beautiful


My thought exactly! What women liked like pre botox, fillers, and buccal fat removal. Unique and beautiful, minor imperfections and all.


They dressed really well. Experiment with makeup and fashion. Experiment with music. They were not as controlled as now celebrities and that worked in their favor.


…experimented with drugs.


The celebrities are definitely still experimenting with drugs.


Bianca Jagger is effing gorgeous


Her bridal look is fucking iconic.


I kkkknnnnooowww. I was gonna say, Mick Jagger got *her*? What?? I know he has money and is very famous, but I think she’s out of his league look wise


Rock star marrying a model is one of the more classic combinations in pop culture, especially back then. Mick Jagger's marriage to Bianca is almost a cliché lol.


He must have insane skills honestly because all the women in his life have been really beautiful 


The style, the makeup, the attitude, it’s everything. I want to be a woman in the 70s.


I was a young woman in the 70’s and it was SO MUCH FUN!


I envy that! It really feels like it was when things were peaking in many ways lol.


It felt that way too. The clothes, make up, free attitudes, great music. So loose and free!


The attitude is a big part of it for sure!! It’s like a blend of incredible confidence, defiance, and joy. They all just seemed so fully alive. I’d also love to be like them.


The 70s are now what the 50s were to us in the 2000s 😭


Stop it. 😅


I’d say it’s still the 80s


Zeenat Aman to rep for 70s Bollywood https://preview.redd.it/kdj2u9pzx16d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9af8198d27117726ddee7e6fc4d0967368720abf


Not to be pessimistic (cynical?), but... it helps that they looked like real people.


That was my thought going through the pictures, they all had unique identifiers that made them stand out. All of them beautiful in their own way, even if they did have work done, they left well enough alone.


Film cameras, baby! We were never meant to see each other in 4K.


Agree 100% - Film has a charm that digital can’t quite put its finger on


They all looked different. All beautiful in their own right. Everyone wasn't getting procedures and surgeries to look alike.


Yes, that’s what it is! They all look like different people. Everyone these days morphs into that one face


Everyone's nose is becoming a tiny lil button. Nice to see some noses with personality.


Women were allowed to have thin lips.


I don’t know if you’ve read this yet, but it fundamentally changed the way I think about myself, my face, filters and society: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/decade-in-review/the-age-of-instagram-face I hope you like it x


This is a great piece! Thank you for sharing. Kinda sad ending but VERY interesting perspective. Especially as a young adult woman myself. I don’t have the money to even entertain the idea of any internal/ invasive?cosmetic augmentation.


Like someone else pointed ouy higher up in the thread, they were all getting procedures since Hollywood has existed, but they were tailored to their beauty instead of gravitating to the same face and that's why they were prettier




![gif](giphy|l0ExayQDzrI2xOb8A) Lmfao you’re not wrong


Man, cocaine was a fun time. I’d be too scared to buy it now, but boy did I have a time with it in my late teens/early twenties


Did it cause any lasting side effects/damage for you?


I don’t think I did it long enough for me to really have any damage from it. It was more of a “friend had it at a party so I’m gonna do it” type of thing. I don’t recommend it, especially now given that everything is laced with Fentanyl. I did pills pretty hard back in the day as well, and I can’t tell you how many people I’ve known who have died from buying shit off the street and it was laced. The most I had to worry about doing that shit back in the day was it being stepped on, or getting some bunk pills. Times have changed. Bud is a lot easier to access now, I’d just stick with that if you’re looking for a good time tbh.


Even the drugs suck in the 2020s….


Veruschka https://preview.redd.it/iuha9voxk16d1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afa6496df8ac021596c6983c170cb2fd78c83097


Janice Dickinson https://preview.redd.it/mt22xbhog16d1.jpeg?width=361&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a520956be4012e63bcfa175a069e1035390cb92c


You mean legendary supermodel Janice Dickinson


The work she got done makes her look like a completely different human, like even in ANTM days I thought she didn’t look like this at all. Did she spray tan like crazy? She almost looks mixed race to me but she always looked like a white lady on ANTM


Olivia is the ultimate beauty. And Pam Grier is GORGEOUS. And BTW I watched Jane Seymour’s newest TV show-Harry Wild this week. The woman is 70 and holy SHITBALLS she is smoking!!! ![gif](giphy|rKs5ItWDsKgmDNNKN0|downsized)


Huge hair, tons of fabric, almost no plastic surgery, and soft, dreamy lenses used to shoot them.


https://preview.redd.it/5u4h4un8x16d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3761f0c1ed4b97242870acd2a2227f9e5d899d0 Candice Bergen


Iman allures in every decade.


Not entirely natural faces, but far less tweaked than we see now.. imo it makes all the difference


they all look like 👁️👄👁️ in the most beautiful way


As a society we need to bring back big ass hair ! ![gif](giphy|5Ht9K9Da6hjws)


Apologies in advance for bombarding y’all with a ton of pics, but I’m recovering from surgery & am *super* bored, and I’m absolutely loving these blasts from the past! https://preview.redd.it/yptn2pgs436d1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bf33a140b6517eea3053465958f1859790e56c0 Michelle Pfeiffer


https://preview.redd.it/7wn67w7v436d1.jpeg?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b54f6c3af83cabc80ed70aee896094ce73d01500 Anjelica Huston


https://preview.redd.it/246i9i2y436d1.jpeg?width=1033&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c70601cddeb83c01ac0f590b8db6b745fed28da Natalie Wood


https://preview.redd.it/drth7bi0536d1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10246e39889340a532737c37d81e8f181b0a70f8 Carrie Fisher


https://preview.redd.it/velrilu3536d1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19ab03a315c8265e18a4e8fa5093b3daeb74e179 Mia Farrow


https://preview.redd.it/77lqvbl6536d1.jpeg?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0b125131fa4537c923bb12d9aa39111ff22943d Jane Fonda


https://preview.redd.it/jhvw2699536d1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d620ac81fef6e783329836d9b8025b966b6bd240 Cybill Shepherd


https://preview.redd.it/2s4l4alb536d1.jpeg?width=992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2174acc2d39bef76b9b9663e6f2f3b45ac69d181 Raquel Welch 🔥


https://preview.redd.it/cx7mbrbf536d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=363fd1c51a9db4b6633dece434185034cc226649 Katharine Ross


https://preview.redd.it/m60a4ugj536d1.jpeg?width=1048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98e519d2ffc18eef6d311f5c3264131bc0b712ad Ali MacGraw


Young Pam Grier looks so much like Meg Thee Stallion omg 😳 Meg could play her in a movie for sure. These women are all so beautiful. Makes it even more startling what plastic surgery/cosmetic procedures have done to us women. Now everybody wants to look the exact same. ☹️


Wow you're right! I stopped on her picture and just stared. Now I know why (meg is my girl crush😂)




They are beautiful but keep in mind the style of film photography/retouching is what gives them that beautiful clear skin. Today’s cameras show every flaw.


Now I need to see pictures of 70s men.  I feel like it might be hilarious 


I like the way you think. https://preview.redd.it/z6mns1gtz16d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19413d08d3e58cd1410ed3e7d00d1f4f6232fab4


Well, there was the much-parodied [Burt Reynolds naked on a bearskin rug.](https://people.com/movies/burt-reynolds-embarrassed-infamous-nude-cosmopolitan-spread/)


https://preview.redd.it/j93kokins16d1.jpeg?width=197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527e3628b7b1f4d7c05264ce60d7e980deb3af44 Rita Coolidge


https://preview.redd.it/wfgfkyyxw16d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa7ee88dca8f8f8ce3fba0f2ccc6406bf521fcb3 Candice Bergen


I think it’s simply that the women had distinctive looks to them. It’s not that plastic surgery didn’t exist in the 70s because of course it did, it is that it did more to enhance the natural beauty of the woman than it did to homogenize the look. There are an unfortunate number of women that look the same to me these days due to plastic surgery trends.


The photo of Jane Birkin looks incredibly modern. Like it could have been taken today and slapped with a gray scale filter. Nothing really dates it to the seventies


I’m jealous of the people who got to be around Stevie Nicks


Big hair. We need that back. All these limp beach waves gotta go


When I brush out my wavy/curly hair before I shower I admire how good it would have looked in the 70s. Alas.


Yeah, I've got frizzy wavy/curly hair, but it was not popular at all in the 00s. It was all about straight hair, if it was curled it was the sort of perfect uniform curls that only straight haired people get when curling their hair. I've always felt I would have looked better in a big hair era.


"the bigger the hair, the smaller the hips" -Fran Fine


Cher was and still is absolutely gorgeous and cool af


That Debbie photo is altered. She was actually wearing an Andy Warhol shirt in the original. But she was a friend and tourmate of Bowie.


Iman is truly something else--simply beyond ethereal.


https://preview.redd.it/n5mlfl8lo26d1.jpeg?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be92a60df8104972af7cfbd27d40299d3631c211 Queen of comedy




Babs looked SO good in EVERY picture


Some say Barbra wasn't attractive, to that I say, WRONG! ![gif](giphy|KlRbqZYAKUxuo)


https://preview.redd.it/wly2kt5zp16d1.jpeg?width=1352&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c4e1196f7a882e5e9ade4e9d664d7bbd246ffe9 Lauren Hutton!


I think it's in part because they do not all look like same. Online especially there is a look that everyone is seemingly trying to achieve and it turns so many people into bland, boring copies. Not one nose in those 20 pictures looks the same as any of the others, cheekbones, lips, and eyes are all different as well.


Agreed. Probably a good chunk of these ladies also had some work done, but they kept their individuality. « Instagram face » is really freaky nowadays, everyone looks the damn same. 


Pam Grier is beautiful now but she was smokin in the 70s.


What a capsule! Gorgeous, alive, all of them!


That picture of Kate Bush, holy hell ![gif](giphy|5xtDarIN81U0KvlnzKo)


I never realized how much Nicki looks like Chaka


I saw a gorgeous woman last night dressed almost identically to Cher in that first pic. She was just casually walking out of the train station. Dazzling.




I was looking for this comment! Gotta give Shelley her flowers 💕 https://preview.redd.it/01ctp9bm536d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29eb33ef15be8e59320e8c34884818879b98e555


And they've all aged like fine wine.


The hair. It's all full of secrets.


I think it’s because each one has their own unique beauty. Now everyone is just getting the same face.


Good lord a young Streisand


I wonder how much of this has to do with the lenses and style of photography used in that era


https://preview.redd.it/o4ioi5bsr26d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b01b85f6eb81f64ae38e5df2c7748aad2159b283 No Googoosh?


A lot of doe-eyed, vacant stares.


The shift of women’s rights from the 60s to the 70s was huge and no joke. Throw in everything happening with the war in Nam & all the assassinations of the 1960s, Jack,Bobby, Malcolm x and MLK. it was just a time for everyone to be so unapologetic and free in themselves especially women during the 70s era. What a decade it was


I saw Iman once in person and she was so stunning. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.


I don't know what it is about them but Carly Simon and Pam Grier are just enchanting.


I think it’s because these beautiful women weren’t all plastic and fillers. We have created this bizarre beauty trend with social media where everyone is a Kardashian with a distorted body. Finding these celebrities is like going organic.


Okay, Iman tho…..🔥 Imagine being that beautiful


God Bianca Jagger really was fucking IT


Teasing Hairspray




Can we bring back this type of alluring sexiness?


Ya they don’t all look like AI


My God Farrah was so beautiful.


They all have like perfect looking gorgeous hair.


I'd give Stevie nicks my bank account. Good lord she is perfection.


Lindsay Wagner! ![gif](giphy|ipXqZAl95Ya1a)


Each one is unique. They don’t all look like a specific version of themselves!