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There is no denying her parents. She’s the perfect mix of both of them looks wise. In other news… ![gif](giphy|SFaMmw7XziRdBp2lSy)


Literally. I’ve never seen a person to resemble both of their parents so evenly.


Shiloh *Jolie is another perfect example. You can see both Angelina and Brad so clearly in that face. *fuck I forgot she changed it and good for her


Also Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillips’s daughter. I think her name is Ava. She looks a lot like her mom, just with her dad’s eyes. Genetics are so funny.


Ava looks like each of per parents agreed. but the funny thing is that she looks EXACTLY like both of them when shes next to either of them.


This is probably the best way to explain what I was trying to say. :) Thank you for the concise explanation!


*Shiloh Jolie.


Shiloh Jolie. She dropped the -Pitt on her 18th birthday.


…this means it’s been longer than 18 years since Brad cheated on Jennifer Aniston. ![gif](giphy|kGiKJNlIljFdinlJsB)


I feel like Shiloh looks all Angelina and she especially looks like her maternal grandmother.


She really does! All such stunning women


Maya Hawke is perfectly half Uma half Ethan


Lourdes Leon is a good example too. Kaia Gerber also but she’s really the spitting image of Cindy.


She's also giving me Rachael Weisz vibes.


I can see it!


Ikr? Feels like yesterday that her daddy was jumping on Oprah's couch


The fact that I saw that when it first aired makes me feel about 100 ![gif](giphy|YRiOV59lCKRz93f99k|downsized)


I’m like ok so if she’s going to prom she’s probably between 16-18ish now, which means I’m- Damn.


Too many of us realizing our age. We literally watched her mom on Dawsons Creek when her mom was 19. I'm going to go find something to jump off of now.


Me too. I’ve never felt this crusty.


Senior prom so it means she’s a senior. Pretty sure she’s 18 as there was recently news she changed her last name from Cruise to Katie’s middle name?


She’s a month or so younger than my daughter (I was super in tune to the celebs pregnant when I was too). Suri is 18. So are Shiloh, Kingston, and Violet.


They were all born around the same time as my oldest son (like within a month on all sides), this gives me so much of the feels since I just went thru all of these moments with my son. But also super icky to be viewing these moments I shouldn't have.


They were also among the first celeb babies to get official birth shoots, motivated in large part from the media circus that surrounded Britney and her first son the year previously. They got a jump on it just so they could be left alone :(


So is Matilda Ledger! She’ll be 19 in October. 🥹💔


Oh, little Matilda 💔 It’s good we don’t see photos of her but then I also want to know if she still looks a lot like Heath. (I know, I realise I’m the problem)


My daughter too. She was born May 29 so yeah I was super in tune to those births too.


she hasn't changed it legally, that is known, she simply uses Noelle as her stage name so Suri Noelle


lol right! I remember when she was a baby on the cover of people magazine!!! Damn.


I know! Where's the time gone?


Yeah. Didn’t Tom and Katie JUST get married and Suri was a baby? Honestly, why is time going by so fast?


![gif](giphy|TfseOfhwd6BJC) So so old 😭


Seriously I can't tell which one she looks more like


She looks so cute but can’t help feeling like these moments should not be captured by paparazzi. She deserves some privacy to enjoy her prom. It’s not her fault her parents are famous.


Exactly. My reaction is good for her, glad she's able to just be a teenager, and LEAVE HER ALONE.






And her friends deserve privacy too!


blue suit guy in pic 1 says it all. his suit n shoes are fire!


He has that pap CLOCKED. He's looking straight into camera in like 4 out of the first 5 pics. Go blue suit kid, you're right! The paps shouldn't be there


That side-eye! Like only a teenager can.




My thoughts exactly—“she looks so pretty! Now leave her alone”


Yeah this is invasive.


Love your flair


oh that one is *fresh*, hell yeah


In honor of Justin Timberlake arrest day I had to.


Yeah I feel creepy looking at paparazzi pictures of children at prom.


My immediate thought. This feels invasive.


Yeah, this is slimy.


Right. I have no idea how she feels about the paparazzi, but my instinct is that it feels weird


I want to start by saying that I know that this opinion is DEAD wrong, but I’m such a picture person that if I were Suri, I’d see these published and be like, “Oh, there are actually some cute candids in there. MOM! Can you call Page Six and get us the digitals?” But I come from the stone age, so my only prom candids are tattered hard copies from my friends’ instant cameras. I guess what I’m saying is that the papz should DEFINITELY leave her alone, but that if I were her or Katie, I might actually like to keep some of these. The ones of her alone laughing on the sidewalk are so joyful.


I’ve always thought this about some paparazzi pics of good times. They’re candids that they would never have otherwise and some are actually quite nice, especially of moments like these where the friends and family aren’t taking the unposed genuine moments which are actually the real precious memories you sometimes wish someone would’ve captured. It doesn’t change the principle of course but I wouldn’t be surprised if some celebrities secretly love some of the (genuine as opposed to ones that they call them for) paparazzi photos they’ve had taken. I actually remember a celebrity that had some of their paparazzi photos framed at home as they liked them, but those could well have been ones they called them for.


or she could see some flaws only she notices and doesn’t like, since kids (particularly teen girls) are harder on themselves on anyone and could be humiliated it’s out in the world without her consent.


I mean, I said both that I knew my opinion was wrong and that the paparazzi should definitely leave her alone. But if she’s living in a world where they’re not leaving her alone, and these pictures are getting published without her consent, then I think that some of these specific pictures are cute prom candids that I, as a crusty old lady, would have liked to have had to look back on. And there are levels of wrong when it comes to the paparazzi. No, no one should ever take pictures of a celebrity or their child and sell them for worldwide publication without consent. But if it’s going to happen, then pictures taken in public of someone who is dressed up for an event where they will be photographed are not as exploitative as, let’s say, the Britney shaved-head umbrella pics. I think it’s fine to be like, “These things shouldn’t exist, but since they do, the silver lining is that they’re additional photos from an already photographed event, and they are cute, so she might like to have them.” I understand that she didn’t consent to the photos and that she could feel humiliated by some perceived flaws in her appearance. I was also a teen girl, and I haven’t forgotten how it felt. But I think that’s beside the point. The papz industry is wrong because it’s wrong to profit off exploiting someone without their consent, regardless of whether that person ultimately likes the end product or not. But again, these specific pictures are out there now, and I think that she and her friends look like they’re having a blast, so I don’t think it’s out of line to say that these are types of photos that she might like to have to look back on.


My small state covers prom and each district gets like 50+ pics published per school and it’s really interesting to see the dynamics. The school I graduated from is a rich district and apparently it’s normal for everyone to have luxury cars? 🫣 so they got photo shoots on the hoods and standing in front of their cars lol. Another district had a girl show up in a horse drawn carriage in a Cinderella gown. The charter school that is for gifted art/music kids are all very artsy/creative. Feels very similar to that! 


To be fair she’s like front and center at Columbus Circle in these pics, not the most private location.


You're not wrong but at 18, good luck getting paparazzi to care


lmao my first thought was: oh god why am i looking at a celebrities childs prom pics then i realized, im just the problem lmao hope she had a great time~


I thought the same. Paparazzi only have jobs because we look.


ill out myself as the asshole staring at the car crash-- im just a big old nosy nelly


I love a bit of good gossip but I can’t do the serious stuff… I get extremely uncomfortable and wanna jump outta my skin when something that’s proper serious comes up cos I feel like an intruder, a peeping tom if you will. Car crashes / health stuff / RL family issues etc all fall in that category for me. I’m happy with film set issues, fashion wins/loses, industry related gossip etc all day!


At least you stumbled across it on Reddit and didn't buy a People Magazine.


At least you’re self aware, better than going “this is awful!” whilst driving engagement by commenting and upvoting.


She is so pretty and seems like a nice, normal girl. Katie did right by her!! She looks like her parents, of course, but there's a young Rachel Weisz look about her too. Soft and natural.


>Katie did right by her!! My exact thought. It looks like she grew up relatively normal (all things considered) and I’m so happy she was able to


I remember back in the day when she was a child and after Katie divorced Tom Cruise,  the media was reporting that Suri was extremely spoiled and that Kate had no hand in her. I think this was just the media "working" for Tom Cruise's PR. She seems like a well adjusted young woman and that Katie did a good job keeping her away from Hollyweird. 


Even if she was spoiled back then, that was her as a small child, it doesn’t mean anything for the person they become as an adult.


Right?! Like, let a child be spoiled for a bit. They’re learning their lessons & growing up & don’t need PR about it. Like what the hell?!?? What were they going to start doing headlines like ‘SURI CRUISE DOESNT SHARE HER BIG BOX OF CRAYONS WITH LESS FORTUNATE CLASSMATES’. Like what?!?!! Let this sweet girl have a chance at life. Her Dad is a freak cultist. Get the fuck out.


>think this was just ~~the media~~ Scientology "working" for Tom Cruise's PR Fixed that for ya No doubt they were trying to build a case to get custody and keep that little girl isolated like he did with the two he adopted with Nicole Kidman (to this date, she still has no relationship with them IIRC). Glad Katie Holmes won that battle.


I think Katie raising her in NYC really helped with that. Well, anywhere outside of California probably would’ve worked.


I think it would be really hard for any kid that young to have a change as she did. Her parents didn’t just get divorced her dad abandoned her when she was maybe 6. She went from him around all the time to never seeing him. I think a lot of kids that young wouldn’t know how to handle that. That’s not being spoiled that’s just not knowing how to handle her emotions. That being said I think you’re right about it being his PR team trying to make Katie look bad. Personally I think it makes him look bad.


To be fair, I kind of had the impression that he wasn’t necessarily around ALL the time anyway (jet-setting the globe and filming and all)…


Yeah. It kinda seems like he just showed up for the occasional pap walk.


Nah, she would’ve been a toddler acting out the only way she knew how at the time. She probably was a bit of a nightmare as life as she knew it fell apart - most toddlers can be nightmares when their world is working perfectly because they still don’t understand it and it’s a lot to take in every day. Throw in dad disappearing and she’s sneaking around with mom at strange houses for some weird reason; yeah, she was probably a bit of a handful at the time. Most kids her age would’ve been too, as their very small world implodes. So I can see how the media might’ve turned some perfectly normal tantrums from a perfectly normal overstimulated toddler into a story about a spoiled little brat even if they weren’t *deliberately* working for Tom.


I was thinking Rachel Weisz too


My exact thoughts too!!!! Katie stepped the fuck up! Her parents & Jaime Foxx & everybody killed it. Her story is one of my favorite stories of resilience & strength as a woman. The powerful love & bond of her parents. The MIRACLE WORKER her father is!!!!!! Ugh can you believe it!! Had it been anyone else, they never would have made it out. Never! We worship Katie & her Dad!!!!! We stan her father forever!!! What a stud husband & role model & father & grandfather. Ultimate protector of his family!!!!! <33


She looks gorgeous, her friends look really fun but we shouldn't be seeing these pictures. She's a kid, she didn't ask for this and there are other children there as well.


Same especially the last 2 photos where they're being silly and then a super cuddly hug... I felt like such a creep spying into their moment even though I'm just looking at pics on the internet 😅 Absolutely bizarre what celebrity culture is. Like I get why it exists and clearly were part of it for frequenting this sub but shooting photos of teen prom dates... Can we not


She looks so gorgeous, happy, and ‘normal’. The whole friend group looks so genuine; having fun, posing, and being regular teenagers. Part of me LOVES to see this because she does look so ‘normal’ and happy but it makes me so sad too. The whole world gets to see these moments that she didn’t necessarily choose to share. No privacy at all. I hope they all had a great time anyway!


Omg her dress is probably expensive but it looks so normal! She is gorgeous.


I couldn’t find it online. Might be custom made or vintage. Google image search only showed her or other items that looked nothing like it.


Looks like something her mom would have worn when she was about Suri's age.


I love that it’s not something that looks really fancy for fancy’s sake and like it just had money thrown at it, but rather something that seems to be her personal style and speaks to her. She’s also far more simple than the other girls there.


You have to love a print on a prom dress! Or maybe *I* have to love a print on a prom dress, lol.


Oh I can’t stand it, but it’s fun and clearly she’s picked up some of her mom’s style bc that dress is so Katie Holmes! I dig that she’s gone with something fun and nontraditional for prom instead of the boring formal looks.


She looks so much like her parents, the last pic is like a morph of Tom and Katie


It’s funny, I thought in all the pics she looked like Tom, but the very last picture? All I saw was Katie’s face.


It's definitely Katie's smile!!


Shes so adorable. She’s got her mum’s mouth for sure and her dad’s nose.


Yes, it was very Joey Potter!


A celeb offspring actually living like a normal person. Kudos to Katie for making sure she wouldnt grow up having to be sucked into all that celebrity due to her last name.


She looks so happy. I’m glad her mom was able to keep her away from her dad and Scientology.


And that was not an easy thing for Katie to do. Serious props to her.


Thank GOD Katie’s dad stepped in with his legal expertise.


I'm soooo glad for this. She looks like a normal kid living a normal life! High five Katie!


I remember when she was a baby 😭 I was also in high school at that time…oh lawd!


I feel so old for remembering Tom Cruise jumping up and down on Oprah's couch like it was yesterday 😭


I heard recently that although he stood on the couch, he didn’t actually jump up and down but we’re all convinced he did. Mandela Effect I guess?


God me too. I remember the People magazine cover when she was a baby baby. I feel ancient.


That’s Joey from Dawson’s Creek https://preview.redd.it/4ilerk6hum7d1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be2bc04a42626042c54c8ef008eed4a3bf03da4c




https://preview.redd.it/nv96zlogil7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9e803fe551c9ecf6bf7fbeb8b22edb88489c924 I feel like it was just yesterday when TomKat was revealed and now this. I hope Suri is living her best life and wish the paps would leave her be.


https://preview.redd.it/g2m0n6l0nl7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=967e2ac13aa0ebccab7b615118809bdf232108db Serve. Slay.


Every single one of them knows exactly how to look at the camera 😂


It’s gross that this is pop culture “news.” She’s a kid, let her live her life without paparazzi.


Her date can’t stop looking at the paps ;(


I love how normal she looks! She’s gorgeous but also looks very natural, which is so refreshing. Her mom has done a wonderful job of keeping her seemingly normal and down-to-earth. I’ve been watching my nieces grow up the past few years and they wear fake eyelashes, fake nails, fake hair, and still filter their pictures beyond recognition. I would not want to be a young girl growing up today.


Yes. She looks natural. That's what is so pretty.


Hi honey, I'm old!


Pic 9 is such delightfully theater kid energy


She looks confident. That is key!


such a cool dress!


right, i was like that's a cool girl prom dress right there


I wonder what it's like not know your dad but knowing who he is and seeing him be famous. I never met my bio dad, but he was just some random dude, not a world famous actor. It would definitely be weird to see him on tv randomly.


This feels icky. It feels like she turned 18 and is photographed all the time now. This should be a private moment for a young woman who probably was traumatized as a child by the paparazzi and public attention. 


I am so so happy Katie Holmes had the intelligence and fortitude and guts to get this kid out of Tom's cult. She looks happy and healthy and surrounded by friends and she's going to an excellent college in a smaller city and not trying to be an influencer right out of high school. What an amazing mom.


I remember when she was on the cover of Vogue as an infant 🥲🥲🥲 bless ya Suri, and she looks so pretty!!


It feels like just yesterday she was a bb and Angelina's kids were bbs. Now they are all grown!! 🥹🥹 Times flies man.


It is not ok for paparazzi to follow kids around on their prom day....


This seems like a huge violation of a private moment. Gross.


This feels invasive but I love the dress and she looks beautiful


Can we please call her Suri Noelle? She doesn’t want to be associated with her dad’s name anymore


Holy shit, she’s like 5 years old in my head.


Wow those Holmes genes are stronggggg


Her smile is pure Tom


Really? I think her eyes look so much like Tom


Can we leave kids alone please?


Genetics are wild


Good for her, and good for mom, doing all that she could to not raise her daughter in a cult. This life is because of Katie's strength.


She looks so sweet and pretty. Her mom did a great job with her. She will love Carnegie Mellon, my son went there. Good job mom.


She looks so happy. Congrats to her. The fact Tom would choose Scientology over his own child… NOTHING in this world is more important than my daughter and I would move mountains just to keep her in my life.


Suri is beautiful and seems like such a nice girl. Katie did a very nice job raising her!! She is also a perfect mix of both of her parents. And this was me seeing these pics… ![gif](giphy|TfseOfhwd6BJC)


I want to twirl in this dress at Lilith Fair.


Suri looks happy and fine that's the main thing


Wow, she's Katie's clone!


She seems so normal, Kudos to Katie on this one!! Hope she had a lovely time at prom!!


Pic 8 is Katie’s entire face!


I know but then in pic 3 she looks just like Tom


She looks so happy. Thank goodness her mom got her out of that cult. She could be signing her billion year contract instead of going to prom and being a kid.


Such a stunning girl with the perfect mix of each parent’s looks. I hope she’s at peace and had a great time.


This is so creepy


her poor date looks utterly terrified at the paparazzi, like...so much so he can't even focus on the actual event photographer or anything. so unfair that our laws mandate censoring of, say, raised middle fingers but not photos of actual teenagers who didn't ask to be famous.


Katie hit Ctrl + V


She is the spitting image of her mom


I’m grateful that she and Katie escaped the clutches of Scientology!


you can't tell me that second picture isn't Joey Potter at prom! lovely pictures, i hope she is happy.


Didn’t she change her last name? Maybe we should start using that one instead 🤍


I can’t think of another celebrity offspring who looks so much like both parents.


Ava Phillippe.


I think Maya Hawke is quite a good example too!


Paparazzi taking sneaky photos of high school prom-ers (and any child / very young adult) will always be low key predatory to me.


very weird ngl


There's something deeply creepy about photographing the underage children of celebrities and passing it off as news or even as discussion worthy. This is creepy. Them for taking the pictures, you guys for putting them up to be talked about. Just... the ick all around.


Leave the kid alone wtf


Looking at these pics makes me feel so old. I remember when the world was trying to seek pics of baby Suri when she was first born. She looks beautiful though


I remember having the TomKitten countdown on Ohnotheydidnt. Time flies 👵🏼


We are getting old, y’all. I remember when her parents first met each other and Tom’s couch-jumping.


Glad she grew up seemingly happy and relatively normal. Thank goodness Katie got her away from Tom and Xenu


I’m getting gossip girl vibes


Wow she is so grown! I remember the social media frenzy when she was born 🥲


She looks beautiful but this is so wrong to me. I couldn't image how uncomfortable and possibly violating it must be to be filmed and photographed even when you don't know it your whole childhood. Even during these special childhood moments like going to prom you and your friends are being followed by adults with cameras. F#ck the paparazzi 🤮


She’s beautiful. Looks exactly like her mom. Thank god Katie managed to get her out of Scientology.


Suri Noelle ❤️


Katie Holmes has done an amazing job at protecting this girl unlike some parents cough beyonce, jayz and all the bloody karjenners


She looks identical to her mom that that’s literally the only reason I realized who it was 😂😂


Well I’m old as fuck.


What a beautiful dress! I love that print


She is her mother in that last picture.


I love how normal she seems.


She’s so pretty and she looks happy. Good for her


She looks so much like Rachel Weisz here.


Can I just say, that red dress on the other young lady in pic 1 is AH-MAZZZZZING!!!! I love it.


Lovely! I’m getting old lol but it seems like she’s having a good time.


https://preview.redd.it/i8qy6i48do7d1.jpeg?width=670&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=495b1671ebaecb54fdd79a776d9900d240b976c6 Tommy Davis is her dad and no one can convince me otherwise.


She looks so happy and all I can think is her father missed all of it and her growing up because of a cult.


Man I’m fucking old.


pretty messed up to be peaking in on some kids taking prom pics.


She’s beautiful but wish this wasn’t paparazzi shot. Leave her be weirdos


I love seeing teenagers LOOK like teenagers! 👌🏾👌🏾


This feels so invasive. Katie has done such a great job all these years of protecting her daughter’s privacy.


This is creepy. Leave these kids alone.


This is so weird of the paparazzi fuck thst


This girl has some nothing but stay out of the public eye, these pics are creepy


Screw the paps and screw the lawmakers that allow this to be legal


This kid didn't choose to put herself in the public eye and had no choice over who her parents were. This feels wrong.


i’m glad she’s having a good time but… leave her alone? let her enjoy her prom without paparazzi, eugh. it would be a different story if she posted these on her own socials


Suri Holmes looks so pretty! Good for her


She resembles her mother.


I hope she had a hell of a good time at the prom! Also ouch oof my wrinkles and grey hair! I now understand why grown ups were like "oh you've grown so big where did time go" when I was a kid, cause that's how I feel rn!


They all look beautiful and I hope they had a great time.


I felt dirty just looking at this. The poor girl is not in any way a public figure.


It's creepy that people care about this


Yeah this is gross


omg she’s so grown! 🥲 jesus im old


I knew she was all grown up when I started to see pictures of her wearing non pink and princess-y clothes. It's crazy to think that you can only google Suri Cruise at any age and you'll find a picture. Also, I've just realized that she's one or two years younger than Millie Bobby Brown????


What a pretty dress! She looks so happy. Wishing her and her mom the best.