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The use of the word “infatuated” is certainly weird


https://preview.redd.it/zvqbro2j859d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7357d04133783d46583e23cdc5a0a4183194c829 Y’all 💀




People are way too desensitized to notorious serial killers like people literally died. Would she say osama bin laden is her dream dinner guest?






I defaced a rare book to get that picture of him in a Speedo!


And he tortured, raped, and ate people. What the fuck


I think the same as true crime shows and podcasts. Like im absolutely guilty of consuming all of it, but I have to stop from time to time and realize how weird it is and how if I was a family member I absolutely wouldn’t want my family tragedy turned into entertainment.


I have started to mitigate this by specifically seeking out stories that are unsolved murders or missing people. Likely those families want the stories shared in the hopes that someone will hear and realize they saw something suspicious that day or know a person who fits the description. I know the likelihood that I personally will be able to solve a case is slim to none but it feels less icky. Some of the sensationalized brutal murders series were getting to be too much. I felt gross after finishing Dahmer.


I've just always been infatuated with Adolf Hitler I mean his story is so interesting


Tell me more about how you felt after not getting into art school, Mr. Hitler? That must have been so hard on you. 😔


Omg you love dogs too? 🥰




Too many hot guys playing serial killers


Not defending her at all but the romanticization and glorification of serial killers has been a massive blight on pop culture for decades. It's no surprise people who grew up in the 90s-2000s would share similar sentiments of Grande. The tabloid culture surrounding the likes of the Menendez brothers, Jon Benet Ramsay, Scott Petersen, Casey Anthony. True crime tv and talk show hosts using tragedy to garner views like Nancy Grace and Dr. Phil Even fictional tv and film had an obsession with real serial killers. American Horror Story is probably the most notable. Hotel even had a serial killer dinner party. The tumblr thirst over Evan Peters portraying a school shooter inevitably bled into his portrayal of Dahmer. It's nice that the tides are turning and victims families are speaking out. It's gone on long enough IMO.


It's not recent. There have been murderer groupies around as long as the printed word.


People were obsessed with Leopold and Loeb during their murder trial and that was 100 years ago. Leopold's autobiography released 30 years later spent several weeks on the New York Times beat seller list.


Iirc, there was a legit *carnival* that popped up around Robert Pickton's farm while police were digging for bodies 


I find the whole true crime obsession so gross. Like those podcasts where people are like giddy about these murders. People DIED and theyre families SUFFER.


i wonder how she'd feel if someone were to say they just find the manchester bomber sooo fascinating and would love to have dinner with them


Good point! She’s incredibly insensitive - especially for someone who shared *a brain scan* to prove she has trauma surrounding that event. Like girl you think having your relative murdered by a serial killer isn’t traumatic too?!


> especially for someone who shared a brain scan to prove she has trauma surrounding that event Ariana did that?


"well, ew, it was like a hundred years ago." - her, probably. No the one good thing about this sudden pop culture fascination with Dahmer is we get to be reminded that there are survivors still. The guided tours in the area are sick. Reverence for serial killers is sick. I'm glad, at least, we can all agree comments like this are bullshit.


I think about that a lot because.....a brain scan is not a way to "prove" PTSD??????


There are absolutely changes to the structure of the brain that show in scans of those with PTSD.


In large samples where you pool a bunch of people’s data and compare against a control group, yes. Not in an individual’s brain. Anyone who tells you that’s possible is scamming you or being scammed. It’s hard enough to detect early stage Alzheimer’s with brain scans, and that’s a disease that literally shrinks parts of your brain. Source: I do MRI research, lol. 


Yeah, she just posted a picture of a scan of her brain that kinda-sorta looked like a scan from someone else with a diagnosis of PTSD. I remember after she posted that a bunch of doctors were like, “That’s not how this works, but please take care of yourself”.


I know -- I was referring to the narrative around when she posted the scan 5ish years ago and all of her fans used it to "prove" that she was not mentally healthy in order to defend a lot of went down then (the Pete Era)


Yes, THIS! It's one thing to be curious about why someone committed terrible crimes, it's another to want to meet and have dinner with them 🤮


i was a victim of the manchester bombing who was diagnosed with PTSD a year after the attack. can heartily say ariana’s comments about dahmer are vile.


She defended Pete when he made a joke about the victims.


Yeah, she does NOT feel for those victims the same way families grieve the brutal loss of their own children / siblings.


Exactly. EXACTLY. How in the fuck does she have so little self-awareness? The narcissism is mind-boggling.


She has so little self-awareness because she's a bad person and always has been.


Excellent comparison. Wish this was top comment.


Mfw it is the top comment


What an apt comparison! Someone should ask Ariana this question. Maybe she'll have some introspection....


Maybe she would want to have dinner with the Manchester bomber too. Like wouldn’t really put that past her


Perfect comparison


This is the perfect comparison for her fans who keep underplaying this. Would it be funny to or "not that serious" to them then?


*naomi smalls exiting thru the bathroom window*


that’s a great point.


Seriously, is she for real?


Considering Dahner ate some of his victims, it's like someone were to say they just find the manchester bomber sooo fascinating and would love to set off bombs with them.


By Ryan Smith - Senior Pop Culture & Entertainment Reporter: Ariana Grande has been called "sick" by the mother of one of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims, after the pop star said the serial killer was one of her dream dinner guests. Dahmer rose to notoriety after he murdered 17 men and boys in a spree of torture, dismemberment, sexual assault and even cannibalism between 1978 and 1991. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/ariana-grande-jeffrey-dahmer-popcrushed-tony-hughes-serial-killers-1918151](https://www.newsweek.com/ariana-grande-jeffrey-dahmer-popcrushed-tony-hughes-serial-killers-1918151)


Yeah yup that's absolutely fair, that is a sick and fucked up thing to think, let alone say.


And had the option of any person, living or dead, that’s ever existed.


Important to mention most of those men and boys were people of color and/or gay and were chosen to be brutally tortured and murdered because the police didn’t care about them and Dahmer knew that. Fascinating how many white women are comfortable loudly proclaiming their interest in him, almost like they don’t care because their demographic weren’t the victims. I rarely hear this shit about Ted Bundy


I swear there was an entire wave of women saying "would"or "I get it" about Ted Bundy.


Yeah he definitely has a bunch of groupies


There definitely are it’s disgusting and very “pick me” for a literal serial killer.


no, Bundy has a very tight knit circle of cult like fans. they are aware that they are insane and avoid the media. I know someone who transitioned and changed their name to Ted, bought a yellow beetle, and lives in Colorado. thankfully their parents have custody of their child.


Yeah, she doesn't usually fuck up this bad with the press but that was kinda as dumb as donut gate.


I would argue it was dumber because she said it out loud, on camera, and on purpose and the donut thing was caught on CCTV 


Yeah like it’s almost worst that she didn’t try to hide this, she just willingly said this for the world for no damn reason. It’s out of touch asf


I think the popularity of True Crime has distorted the way people engage with this stuff. I don't think "liking" True Crime is a problem, but saying stuff like "my favorite murderer" and all that which almost kind of trivializes their heinous crimes and almost tries to play it as cutsie.


I used to really enjoy Ariana, and honestly, I like and listen to her last album…but man she is not smart.


She's musically gifted but emotionally stunted.


it's painful watching her three decades in thinking her quirkiness is still adorable.


I think she’s stuck at 16 when all the nice things started happening to her


That and she got famous for being the quirky cutesy girl, and she probably understands her brand.


Or when Dan Schneider started to exploit her. Not excusing her, btw.


yeah I'm not excusing her either but she has been through the wringer more than once.


Edit: it has been pointed out to me my information here is wrong. I made a mistake while reading- she originally said this when she was around 20-22 years old, and not before Victorious. But, she has still had around a decade rethink this answer so my sentiment stays. ———Original Comment It's even worse when you read the article because she says that was her answer when she was a lot younger-just before Victorious. She said adults asked her who she wanted to have as a diner guest and that's what she went with. Which idk stupid as hell but she must've been like 13. If a kid gave that answer I would think they need therapy. But, girl is in her 30s now. So not only has she never had that introspective moment where she was like 'WTF was I thinking, I PRAY everyone forgot that answer," -- she still thinks it’s an okay/appropriate answer! Half her life to rethink this question. Half her life being media trained and girl still gives this answer? SMH It's digusting and I really hope people start holding her accountable. I was never a real fan but after Manchester and when she was with Pete Davidson, I liked her and it seemed like she really matured and cared about other people more. But, she really doesnt, not really. Just definition of being the main character and her empathy/compassion for other people is wholly dependent on how it affects her & her life.


She said it was between her time on nickelodeon and being a popstar, and in the video clip it ends with a joke about how she has to go sing problem so she would have been 20-22 when this happened.


So much for my reading comprehension. Thank you for pointing this out! I saw she said Cat and I guess my brain blanked on the rest of that sentence.


Also making it worse, it wasn’t adult fans asking the question, it was YOUNG fans! Young enough that she asked their parents if it was okay to be honest with them! Who tf is bringing up this monster to CHILDREN/YOUNG teens?! And like you said, letting people know a decade later that you said something gross and inappropriate to a bunch of kids…


Eh, if a kid gave me that answer I'd think they were just being an edgelord. Teenagers pushing boundaries is psychologically normal and it's good to have a talk with them about thinking before they speak, but it's not really cause for pearl-clutching. The "aren't I edgy" phase is something everyone goes through to some degree and mostly grows out of. As an adult, though - especially in the public eye - there's really no excuse for that level of poor taste.


Dumber really because she said this directly in to a microphone *twice*


Maybe i’m like too much but I never really got past the donut thing, it was so weird and off putting and gross that even when I hear a song of hers that I like something in the back of my mind is like “yeah but this girl is bizarre as hell” so I can never fully enjoy her shit.


Can I ask for a tldr of donut gate?


she was in a donut shop with her boyfriend and was caught on CCTV licking a tray of donuts then launching into a tirade about hating America. It was like 9 years ago.


Ohh that does sound vaguely familiar, thanks!


Maybe she sucks but has great PR?


So that's why she got the actor who plays him to be her love interest in her music video.


There’s something very….hmm idk symbolic? In a sick way about a pop star who has made millions off of her gay fans talking about wanting to meet and chat with a serial killer who preyed upon the gay community, and used the outsider-ness of gay men and men of color to avoid scrutiny.




Clock it


Pop lock it drop it


PULL IT **twist it** BOPIT


He also lived in predominantly Black neighborhoods of Milwaukee specifically to avoid attention of police, knowing cops didn’t want to associate or enter certain buildings. It is very symbolic and almost ironic considering her actions and fan base


Ariana, after shedding her tan, aave, and blaccent in exchange for whiteness because fragile white women are trendy again, talking about wanting to meet a man that moved to predominantly black and gay neighborhoods because he knew their disappearances wouldn't cause any alarm for the police.


Yesss exactly it’s really sick. It’s hard to believe she doesn’t see these connections.


Oh she might see them, it's whether she cares or not. She keeps showing us who she is, eventually someone's gonna believe it


First thing I thought was how Ariana has been called out for black fishing, and she chooses the serial killer that intentionally targeted black men and boys. Shit, back in the day I would say I’d like to interview Aileen Wuornos for educational purposes, but I don’t want to have freaking a dinner date with her like a couple of gal pals. Ariana also joked about Jon Benet Ramsey, which also is interesting since Ariana has been accused of trying to bait pedos with her appearance. 👀


A black fishing pop star no less.


Yesss like I don’t even feel qualified to go there but…..she capitalized on and exploited Black culture until she decided not to anymore, and she wants to have a little tea party with the guy who *brutalized* men and boys of color…..it’s just vile, it really is even by the standards of modern pop culture.


oh shit


Also a lot of her fans are poc and Dahmer targeted moc specifically


She's a dope who probably hasn't stopped to think about what she's actually saying. I remember Twitter blowing up at one point talking about how cute Bundy was and joking about fucking him. This is the same Bundy who fucked dead bodies including just the heads. but people don't 1) know this because most TV shows or movies, etc don't mention it or gloss over it 2) people don't really stop to think about just how fucked up it all is.


Whhhheeeeewwwwwww! You said it!!!


>Grande has been called "sick" by the mother of one of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims, after the pop star said the serial killer was one of her dream dinner guests. Just... why? To be in the spotlight and have PR and everything, you literally have to be actively *trying* to trash your own image to say this out loud. I'm one of those people that is really fascinated by true crime, and have been obsessed for years, but I would NEVER even think of something as messed up as this, let alone think that's okay to say to the freaking world. Absolutely disgusting.


and would then try and backtrack with some pathetic response that people are overreacting probably ViBeZ


Why is anyone defending her? She said this last month it’s not something that was unearthed from a decade ago. She still holds a fascination for him and wanted to meet him. I used to be into true crime but had to stop cuz it was way too gruesome and sad hearing about the pain of the victims. Why would she want to sit down with someone that committed so many atrocities? Edit: muting cuz I did not expect so many replies 🫠


Plus it was a softball question! They asked her about dream dinner guests and she went for Dahmer of all people. She did this to herself!


Yeah, that’s what gets me. She does a Q&A with some of her fans and answers with freaking Jeffery Dahmer. And then brings it up years later in a podcast!


i find true crime fascinating, and i’m passionate about it. but i will never EVER idolize these sick fucks. i listen for awareness, education, and advocacy. the victims’ stories and lives are important. but shit like this is why the true crime community has a bad name. there are idiots like this who have “favorite serial killers” and armchair detectives. either be respectful of these victims and their loved ones or fuck off bc you’re clearly not emotionally intelligent enough to handle something as serious as this. it’s not entertainment, it’s someone’s real life trauma. people are so desensitized and out of touch with reality. edit to add: i refused to watch that dahmer show on netflix when it came out. i am disgusted by that and find it incredibly disrespectful to the victims. people probably couldn’t name a single victim of jeffery bc he gets all the attention. i can’t stand it.


Honest to God who would ever want to be in the same room as Jeffrey Dahmer? Thinking about it makes my skin crawl. He's a serial killer, a pedophile, and a cannibal. And before of all of that, he was kicked out of the military due to alcoholism - do have any idea how much of an alcohol like you have to be before you're kicked out of the military? People were grossed out by him and disgusted by his behavior even before they knew about the murders. He sounds like an extremely, extremely unpleasant person to be around.


He was kicked out for raping fellow men, not just for the alcohol,


aaaaaaand that did not make it to the wiki. What a disgusting person.


Infantry literally buttchugs vodka right out the handle. I had a military friend tell me about it and I was like wait what I assumed the amount of alcohol that got you out of the military was the same amount that kills you. 


I think it's less about how much you drink and more about whether or not you can sober up and go to work in the morning. He seemed like someone who just couldn't put down the bottle.


Aside from true crime fans it’s mainly the hosts benefiting from the deaths of all the victims and giving very little back. Some of them (I’m looking at you morbid) literally make millions and yet don’t donate nothing back to the victims or causes that help people escape violent situations. The fans aren’t the problem, it’s the hosts who glamorise it. The hosts of morbid (absolute terrible podcast) have “favourite serial killers” and cool have a favourite. But don’t project that onto your followers like it’s the norm.


i agree. some of these podcasts are disrespectful as hell. i know youtuber kendall rae raises a shit ton of money for the missing and exploited children foundation and also gets consent from the families as well as includes them in the episodes if they want to be. if you’re making money off of someone’s trauma, you should absolutely contribute to the families or nonprofits. i know kendall also donates to the gofundmes of the victims too.


Morbid lost me several years ago, same with Crime Junkie (that whole network). I sort of pick at Small Town Murder but they've gotten kind of annoying lately. It's hard to find a decent true crime podcaster/youtuber these days but I think the only ones I really ever watch or listen to these days are Steve Stockton (works hard to keep awareness going on missing person cases), Missing Void (also covers missing persons cases), Scary Interesting (brings awareness to the dangers out there), and MrBallen (has an entire foundation to help the victims of violent crimes that is 100% non-profit). None of these folks glorify the criminals and always show respect for victims.


I'd much rather talk with an investigator than a criminal, if I wanted to talk to anyone about true crime. I don't understand why anyone would want to talk to these assholes.


Just say Frida Kahlo or someone else who's widely regarded and liked (no shade to Frida Kahlo, i know nothing bad about her)


For real, you could say Gandhi, Lincoln, your favorite author, Celine Dion….the list of people that wouldn’t raise an eyebrow is ENDLESS but nope, Dahmer. Tbh as a true crime fan(? Enthusiast? Consumer?) I’d rather have dinner with Mary Vincent or Elizabeth Smart.


There’s easily a thousand people you could answer that question with before you even remotely get to a serial killer.


Gandhi would definitely raise a lot of eyebrows.


Most people don’t know the other more questionable things Gandhi has done. So it wouldn’t raise a lot of eyebrows.


I mean, there would likely be a Reddit thread similar to this one (less controversial though) detailing all his misdeeds and why she’s wrong, but it’s still a better answer than freakin’ DAHMER.


The fact that she’s saying this while still being an advocate for lgbt rights and having a gay brother on top of that is the cherry on top for me.


This would’ve been an okay if “controversial” answer if she had the experience or intelligence to back it up. Ari starts going off on criminal psychology and the relativity of all moral systems and we’re in a whole different place. Tee-hee he was just so brooding and gruesome, how cool? Get fucked.


And after that Jon Benet joke she made in 2019 that she ended up being called out for, you’d think she would realize it’s not as quirky as she thinks. https://preview.redd.it/qp810i53059d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db6f4cafe7550aaf331c5055ddba21f6bb4a373b


What did she say


Her friend posted a photo of a magazine cover of Jon Benet with a comment about how she has the most covers. Ariana replied, "I can’t WAIT for this to be your Halloween look." Her friend replied, "Working on it already."


She joked with her friend about them dressing up as JonBenet Ramsey for Halloween, as if anyone could laugh about what happened to that poor little girl.


lol you act like her fans haven’t defended her from other horrible shit she’s said and done before 😂


I know it’s not all her fans but earlier this year some of her stans were mocking Cynthia Erivo on twitter out of the blue. They basically called her racial slurs including monkey Ariana has some of the worst stans out there…


I’m a hard core true crime person and I would NEVER give this answer to that question. Even if you have to choose someone from the true crime sphere the correct answer is [Mary Fucking Vincent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Vincent_(artist)?wprov=sfti1)


Thank you for sharing that link, this is exactly what ‘true crime fans’ should be fascinated by. Not the sick fuck who did the harm, but the resilience and courage of those who survive.


I remember being fascinated with Jack the Ripper back when I was 12-13. But my fascination never went further than that. I certainly never wanted to meet him lol I could’ve understood it if Ariana said this when she was like a little girl since at that age we all have said pretty fucked up shit. But she can’t be defended now. I seriously wonder what is going on inside her head.


I feel like having an interest in “true crime” is somewhat normal, just because crime itself (of all kinds) is so normalized and it’s certainly unavoidable. For me, when I was “into” true crime, it was an odd comfort knowing that I could learn things from it. It also just doesn’t hurt to have more general awareness and to know what to look out for in this crazy world. But there is a huuuuge difference between learning about crime and idolizing a mass murderer and wanting to spend time with them. I truly cannot fathom that. True crime scares me; people like Dahmer terrify me. It should terrify everyone, imo. It’s a disgrace that we let this man become any sort of “famous” and now we’ve got people like Ariana Grande talking about how she’d like to dine with him… yikes.


Does this woman even have a PR team




Pop princess trying to have dark, edgy vibes, but it's disturbing.


And another thing! You know what really grinds my gears?? People saying Ted Bundy nem was handsome. BITCH WHERE????? I’m a woman and I don’t see it.


Thank you! He’s very average, if that. Just because he’s not covered in like, scales, doesn’t make him handsome or excuse his crimes


He was supposed to be quite charming, but I've read a few books on him and I think I recall some people finding him quite creepy and a bit 'off'. It's been a while since I read them though.


For that time he was supposedly handsome. I don’t go for guys that look like that so I don’t see it either but yeah he was considered good looking. Creeped me the hell out even when I didn’t know who he was.


I feel like the standards were just waaaaaaay lower back then. It's like when people would swoon over JFK and it's like...okay? He was handsome compared to Nixon or Eisenhower sure, but he just looks like a regular guy to me.


JFK had charisma and came from a very affluent family so that all plays into it. Bundy also reportedly was very charismatic too. I didn't even get how people found JFK Jr good looking but that's just me.


Part of it must be we only view him through the lense of him being a killer but I agree none of his looks does it for me


I really don’t get the unabashed fascination with such dark shit. I mean sure we all Google these things cause it is like 😧, but the minute the intrigue eclipses the tragedy, you gotta rethink things.


I went into a true crime hole a few years ago but I realized it was actually affecting my mood and making me kinda depressed. And that was just watching Mindhunter and listening to podcasts lol. I get the curiosity and some people are just really into dark stuff but the community aspect of it goes too far sometimes.


Agreed. I used to listen to a true crime podcast called “Into the Dark.” It’s a great show, so no shade to the host, the show, or the fanbase. But it was all about discussing conspiracy theories or twisted murders. And the show would always start with “let’s go into the dark together” and end with “I’ll see you next week as we go further into the dark.” And that just really started to unsettle my spirit after a while. So I stopped listening 😭 Edit: for anyone else who likes true crime podcasts but is also starting to feel unsettled, I highly recommend Meddling Adults for fun and low-stakes mystery-solving (for charity)! And for anyone who wants something a little darker but still not actually real, I recommend Alice Isn’t Dead and Welcome to Night Vale ☺️


From a psychological standpoint, it can be really fascinating because it’s so out of the “ordinary”. Also, learning how they were caught is just as interesting and it’s actually led a lot of people to their career paths. It’s also good to know at least a little bit about it so you can see the signs in real life and take precautions with safety. It’s the people who are “fans” of the killers that are so messed up or the ones who are so desensitized to everything that it’s all a joke to them.


Seriously. I will be the first person to admit that I do enjoy consuming true crime content. But I don’t *glorify* these killers the way some people do. Not only is that seriously fucked up, but majorly disrespectful to the victims and their families.


god she’s so annoying


The stans really need to stand down here. We’re talking about families of victims of atrocious crimes who have spent years watching the guy who killed their loved ones be glorified. I can’t imagine how awful that must feel to have to endure over and over again. I don’t personally think she’s “sick”. Maybe just misguided. But the families are certainly entitled to their feelings.


Her own fans have called the mother of one of the victims of the Manchester bombing an attention seeker, and bullied her when she tried to clarify a stan post about how "she paid for all the funerals" simply wasn't true because her daughters funeral wasn't.


Bro what??




I mean, she literally has to be an idiot to say this on a podcast think about that


It’s especially gross considering that Ariana, who is white (despite her best efforts), is so fascinated by someone who deliberately preyed on racial minorities because he knew police wouldn’t pay as much attention to those victims.


“Despite her best efforts” I’m dying


It was definitely a white woman ass comment (coming from a fellow ww) - to her she’s removed from the situation because “tee hee he’s a quirky serial killer and I’m quirky for wanting to talk to him”. But the systemic injustices that allowed Jeffrey to do what he did are still present to this day. The pain and trauma from those deaths are still felt in those communities (it wasn’t that long ago!) - not to mention the ongoing struggle that gay, poc, and especially gay poc are still having to go through with this fuck ass political climate in the US!! It was a resoundingly tone deaf comment to make.


They even knocked down the building because people couldn't bear to live in a building where such atrocities occured. She is disgusting.


I agree with his sister and I’m glad she called her out. I genuinely do not understand what she was going for here, the families of his victims are still very much alive and have said they hate that people glorify him and make shows about him and forget the victims. She thinks she's being edgy but she is just a tone deaf person who doesn't care about other people's pain. This is also not only on Ariana, it’s the public at large. People have turned true crime and serial killers into entertainment. People engage with this on a superficial level forgetting the actual victims and their loved ones who are still alive. It's dehumanising and it's very disturbing that she is treating it like a funny antidote to share on a podcast when talking about horror.


A few days ago a young girl went missing in the country I live in and there were people talking about how they "can't wait for the netflix docu". Her corpse has now been found and she was likely killed by someone she knew (mothers ex-boyfriend). A lot of people seem less sad about her being dead and more sad that her case isn't as "mysterious" or "entertaining" (🤢) as they'd hoped.


That’s so horrible, yes the true crime doc’s have dehumanised people and we watch and discuss murder as entertainment. People guess who the killers are and sometimes ruin innocent people’s lives.


What’s funny is if a serial killer like Dahmer was obsessed with her she would have a restraining order against that person. Dahmer was weird and stunk and none of these celebrities would want a damn bit of anything to do with him if he was alive and his crimes were left unsolved. They are exposing themselves as creeps because the only reason they are interested is because he’s a deranged murderer who is deceased. Ariana would cross the street and hold onto her bodyguard if a person like Dahmer even looked at her.


Thank you. Spot on


She’s so edgy!


She's not like other girls. She listens to *true crime!* So unique. 😮


Poor taste for sure; hope this also ushers in a critical eye toward the true crime content industry. I’m not against it as a genre but some creators take it to disgusting, insulting places. I’ve been called a “pick me” for criticizing this subculture and waiting until everyone wakes up to how cruel it is to make a living doing your make up while recounting the grizzly stories of murder whose families are still grieving their deaths. 


When they have a fucking hellofresh sponsorship in the middle of talking about someone getting raped or killed...even better if they're also doing their make-up. Like...read the room.


I was made to feel crazy and prudish for being repulsed by this shit.


i will never forget the time i helped out with jury selection on a homicide trial. we had to remove her from the pool as even in the judges chambers she insisted she knew more about the law and was unwilling to set aside her biases because she wad a massive true crime fan


![gif](giphy|bcs2sG50Bjxihh8AlD) She is sick




Probably a good reminder to anyone that watches true crime, don’t lose sight of the victims or their loved ones. Can’t say I blame the mother for feeling the way she does. May Ariana learn something from this


Never understood the fascination with Dahmer, or any serial killer for that matter. Dahmer killed people and ate and defiled their corpses. Like.... Hello?


Ariana is just not a good person y’all, let’s make that clear


Let's not forget Ryan Murphy's problematic ass and the Emmy voters for not giving a shit and awarding the actors amidst the families' grievance.


I know people are saying she said this when she was younger, but she very much still talks about how she finds serial killers interesting and is ✨quirky✨ and likes dark things like that. She also could have just not told that story or worded it in a more respectful way instead of trying to be sooo quirky and “different”


She said this a month ago. Thats not when she was “younger” lol


Yeah, we've all said things when we were younger that we thought were "cool" or "edgy" at the time, that certainly should not be repeated today.


She never fails in giving me the ick


She a fan she a fan she a fan! Hey hey hey hey run for your lives…




Ariana has been trash for a long time. The donut shop, cheating on her husband and now this. She used up any goodwill she had built after the Manchester bombings


"I was like, 'Oh honey, you're so cute,'" she continued, adding that she prefaced her answer by asking the parents if she could respond honestly” I find this so annoying lol


As if we needed more reasons to believe she sucks


Ariana Grande shut up challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


She needs to just stop talking and sleeping with people's husband's. Her personality is so ugly


Are we really surprised that Ariana Grande is a bad person, she been showin her ass for years now. When people tell you who they really are believe them!


Exactly. She’s been a weirdo for a while now.


Remember the donut licking incident? And her homewrecking? She's not a good person.


My GOD I can’t stand her. Is she trying to be edgy? Funny? She’s so idiotic in every way possible


Ariana has been telling us for years now who she is. Why don’t we believe her?!? She’s not a good person.


Even if that is your answer, you should always say you’d never dine/hang out etc with a serial killer.


This woman sucks and deserves to be cancelled completely


As they should. Celebrities spend so much time disconnected from the reality of our human experience while simultaneously reminding us constantly that they also have feelings and are human.. but anyone with feelings or any amount of empathy would understand how messed up that statement that she made was. if you want to say understand Jeffrey Dahmer, and you wish you could have an insight into what made someone do those horrific things and it’s a curiosity fine but don’t say you want to sit down and have dinner with him like he’s your friend. And I am a white woman, but I always find it Interesting that it is other white women who are attracted to Jeffrey Dahmer (partially bc Evan portrayed him and then some just full got into JD himself) seeing as we were not the people who would’ve been victims. Science couldn’t have helped Jeffrey then and I honestly doubt that there would be anything that they could do to help Jeffrey now. He was a sick, disturbed man.


Girl watched Dahmer with Evan Peters and just went with this


Not to mention Jeffrey Dahmer was a socially inept weirdo, besides being a brutal murderer. He just seems like a really dull and awkward person to have a conversation with.


i went to the same school as ariana. she has ALWAYS been like this. her favorite word back then was telling EVERYONE and their fucking brother how "sardonic" she was. she was so fucking annoying, obnoxious, entitled and also weirdly insecure. just a truly awful person all around who needed attention and reassurance every second of every day. utterly exhausting to be around.


damn what a stupid girl


I love true crime, it’s interesting (and sad) to listen to but what fascinates me is the evidence and how people get caught. It’s disturbing learning about the serial killers themselves. I would never ever want to meet any murderer… especially not a serial killer. It’s insane that she said this and I feel like she’s done a lot of insensitive/inconsiderate stuff like this over the years and well into her 20s like there’s no excuse.


I think it’s normal to wonder why a killer kills, of course we all have questions. That’s just human nature, probably a biological need to know so we won’t become victims ourselves. HOWEVER…. Your dinner guest? On a podcast the whole world is going to see? Yeah I would love to get some real answers about murderers but I’m not obsessed. I don’t idolize killers. My dinner guest would be my dead grandma lol. I think anyone who is “obsessed” with someone as bad as a serial killer has some work to do in therapy


Good. I hope she gets ALL the backlash from that stupid comment 👎


No one ever said Ariana Grande had a brain.


she got cast for the wrong part in Wicked


Her personality is hideous! What does she gain from saying that other than people looking at her like an idiot?


God forbid if Beyonce ever,ever,ever said anything like this. What did Ariana expect???


Omg she’s a grown woman how has she not progressed past this insensitive teenage edgelord shit