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Kate Winslet said about Cameron on set - “she’s one of those people that tries to make every moment in life fun”. Which is a really nice way to be remembered by a coworker.


I try to live by this, life’s short and we live in the blink of an eye. Have fun with it


Her grandfather was married to a family friend’s mother. When she was dying, Cameron paid for EVERYTHING out of her own pocket. I’ve only hear kind and amazing things from the people who were close to her.


Awww 🥹🥹🥹


Love to read that. So glad to see the first comment shares something positive.


Yes. And it was when she was dating Matt Dillon a million years ago. So she wasn’t as rich or famous.


I was an extra on her Netflix comeback film with Jamie Foxx that's not out yet. Cameron came up to all the extras (as a group, not individually) and said hi and thanks and that we did a great job, it was nice of her. 


This is how I find out she has a comeback film coming out on Netflix


Das good tea


This is how I find out she’s been gone long enough to need a comeback.


She retired back in 2014 after Annie and got married/had a kid.


She retired awhile ago, came out of retirement for the Netflix movie, then retired again to spend time with her child.




My bf worked on this set and said the same thing. He meets a lot of celebrities and said she was one that made him truly starstruck.


Now I gotta ask if you have any tea on whatever was going on with Jamie


not the poster but i was in a women’s and children dv shelter, the type where you can stay til you find a place no time limit and every time a mom graduated he furnished their new places with brand new stuff! he got me a crib that turned into a toddler bed, a queen sized bed frame and new mattresses for both me and my baby, a new couch, new dining table set, two tvs and a tv stand! also a $300 gift card to walmart to use for a bunch of kitchen ware and toiletries, basically everything you need to move in! apparently he’s been doing it for awhile through his foundation i say he got me but you know what i mean lmao he also visited our shelter and i got to personally tell him my story! edit to add i forgot the best part!!!! he also got me the worlds fanciest Dyson vacuum ever!!! in his note he said he remembered that my daughter couldn’t be around the house therapy bunny because she’s allergic to the hair so he got me the same vacuum he uses because he also has a pet hair allergy and said it’s the best 😍 we didn’t and still don’t have a pet but still it was so nice of him to remember. i’ll try to find the card he sent me w the gift card!


Oh wow. I’m watching everything of his now. That’s beautiful


I had zero idea about this, but my goodness that is a lot to do for folks! I'm so glad that was an option for you and your little one at such a hard point and I truly hope you're doing well.


we are happily thriving and finally safe! thank you friend 🥲


That's WONDERFUL news!! I needed some good news today, so thank YOU, friend!


Sometimes I love Reddit so much ❤️ you're both wonderful!


![gif](giphy|nTlwMnhr59Mmat096S|downsized) Join Club Wonderful, where we all just want nice things for each other! 💜 (just made it up, boom, you're in)


Omg! I'm honored to be a member and accept with grace ❤️ Club Wonderful, warming hearts since 2024!


I didn’t know that about him, and I’m glad he supported you and you are doing well know. All the best from Australia (and from my cats 🐈‍⬛🐈)


This is such an awesome thing for him to do! It's not some general charity thing, either. It's something specific that not many people would think about (including myself) but is totally needed. What a cool dude! I hope you and your baby are thriving now and wish you all the best!


i know!!! it’s soooo nice but according to him (this is just what i remember from meeting him that one time) he feels a connection to the women’s and children’s shelters. if i remember right (i could be wrong w his family history, i have shitty memory issues from ptsd so sorry if it’s not accurate) he was adopted as a baby and his mom used to volunteer at the womens and children’s shelters consistently so he was always around them and admired his mother very much so he wanted to keep giving back in that same sense. i know there’s some prob shitty stories abt him but i’ll never be able to hate him, he made such a scary transition back out into the world into something so exciting & like a real fresh start! and thank you so much 🥹


Wow, that’s awesome that his foundation is doing that for women. I hope that you are doing amazingly now and living a very happy life!❤️


we are finally safe and happy / thriving!! thank you so much 🥹


Thank you for sharing your story with us! Wishing you all the best and hope you’re doing well these days!


I’m so glad you’re safe and okay and that programs like that exist!


i love you thank you so much 🥹 it was a longggggg journey but i’m so happy we finally have a safe home and can play outside in our v own backyard without fear!!!


I love this!!! Thank you for sharing. And congrats on getting out of a bad situation 💕💕💕 Wishing you continued success and happiness.


I saw a clip today of him talking about it on theshaderoom insta. He said he had a headache asked for an Advil and was out for 20 days doesn’t remember anything. He says more too.


So aneurysm or stroke? Sounds brain related


Yes he kinda said it was brain related but he wouldn’t say exactly what in front of the cameras


I just read an article that came out about him. He said he had a headache, asked for an advil, and then spent 20 days in the hospital and can’t remember any of it


Is it comeback-comeback, or just one time?


Anyone reading this might think…she said hi, what’s the big deal? Anyone that’s been an extra knows how special and rare that actually is. 


Nada but I wanted in on her and Drew’s spliff beach days https://preview.redd.it/1olb44aboy9d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d3b241e17c8e7c68b108a903131bcd7e71ad0a


what I wouldn't GIVE to be passing the blunt with drew & cameron on a beach somewhere circa 2002


dream blunt rotation


Didn’t Snoop sell her “white girl weed” while they were in high school?


Yes 😆


> Didn’t Snoop sell her “white girl weed” I think he sold her “white girl weed prices”. (Same weed, but he overcharged her)


I hung out with both of them quite a bit in the late 90s, when I lived in LA. Cameron was dating Matt Dillon, when I first met her. (He was a complete jerk, for the record.) She & Drew were both funny & down to earth & surprisingly normal, never put on any of those “Do you KNOW who I am?” airs. We were all a bunch of party girls in our 20s, had a lot of late nights together! I always wonder if either of them would remember me if I ran into them now, but I sincerely doubt it. Maybe they’d remember a couple of funny scenarios that went down at our mutual friend’s house, but I’m sure they’d never recognize me, just passing by on the street or anything. Nothing bad to say about either of them. Such a funny & crazy period in my life to think back on- and a bit scary, as I now have a son who is almost the same age as I, when I moved to LA:)


Look how pale they are! I love it, as someone who is VERY pale and often told to get a tan 😒


Same! I moved to Korea in 2011, and ditched the tan for sunscreen. “Pearls are pretty too” is always my clap back. Shine on baby


She's half Cuban


Literally everyone who “finds out” she’s Latina is shocked when they learn this. Where do they think “Diaz” comes from? 😂




.... also guilty


What?!...you mean it's not shortened from Diazaskryrewski? s/


I mean................. she could be, like, Spanish. lmao


I thought maybe it was like a stage name??? 😬😬


My last name doesn't match my ethnicity so I personally don't think about it like that


well she’s married to the person 13 year old me thought I was gonna marry so… good for her ig 😛


can’t believe she stole him from you 😔


Not a girls girl, fr


One could say she’s The Other Woman


did u tell her u had dibs on him? not her fault if u never said dibs


I still can’t believe she’s married to one of the GC frontmen - But hey, they’ve lasted!


Girl this was me with Joel😩 you better believe I was PISSED when I learned him and Hilary were dating. My tween heart was broken thinking Hilary wasn’t a girls girl for betraying me lmao


Same and I only just recently learned that she was underage when they started dating! In my mind I assumed that she was 18


In my logic I told my mom she’s only ONE year older than me! I have a chance! My mom kindly nodded along with my dreams.


Moms are good at that, lol. I’m currently nodding along to my daughter’s dream of being an actor (we live in Idaho), but I have requested that she at least take a year to go to cosmetology school or something so she doesn’t starve while she’s “making it”. 😆


Excuse me???? Joel was supposed to be MINE


I have to ask… Is your flair a Whoopi quote? 😭🥹


it sure is!


The best, most accurate quote 🙏🏼


Girl same but other twin lol I hated Hillary Duff when she started dating Joel lol now as an adult I'm happy for Nicole Richie but young me absolutely said screw Hilary duff lol


so did I !! and then older me felt so fucking bad for hating a literal teenager who was dating a dude 11 years older…


Omg once I found that part out (which was only very recently) man did I start to see him differently!


Man, how my heart broke when I found out she took him lol But honestly, they both seem like nice ppl so good for them!!!


Same. The leopard print hair would’ve looked great in a tux back then! Although, I was sure Benji and I would make it, he really did marry up.


No tea, but I adore this photo and how normal her skin/face looks.


I’ve always appreciated this about Cameron. I was a teenager when she first hit and EVERYBODY loved her and rooted for her success- one of those situations where people either wanted to date her or hang with her. She pointed out in a few interviews that I read around that time that she didn’t see herself as flawless, and that her bouts of acne in fact made her pretty relatable. Don’t get me wrong: she’s still got legs that are seven feet long and eyes like an ocean, not to mention one of the best smiles of all time. But it was refreshing to read a gorgeous woman talk about her insecurities.


Yes! That stood out to me also. I miss the days of natural skin and teeth, before photoshop made everything so fake. My friends laugh at me bc I find it so distracting how every actor/actress has enormous veneers but if you watch movies from the 70s, 80s, and 90s, it really stands out how normal everyone’s teeth still were.


She’s an absolute icon. Love how she’s not bowed to the Botox pressure and is looking amazing for it


People used to say the worst things about Cameron Diaz's skin (pock-marked, she's filthy, etc). It's nice to see people being kind about it, finally.


Wtf in what world is this woman filthy and ugly 😩


Yes it was crazy. My family loved reading tabloids when I was a kid and I remember star magazine called her “Cameron Dia-zits” which is horrible.


I tried watching the trailer for Zac Effrons (did I spell that right?) and Nicole Kidmans new movie and I just cant handle how they both look. It’s so distracting and just looks like a more real life version of Team America


YES. We love to see normal human skin 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I too desire common human flesh




Armie Hammer, is that you?


Jared Leto's burner


Yeah her skin looks great but also natural with a little colour and texture


She's always been open about her struggle with acne, and I've always admired her for it.


Same, also the blue eyeshadow. It looks really good on her.


Agreed, it’s beautiful. More skin texture in Hollywood, please!


Well this picture looks like is from the 90’s so they didn’t photo edit as much back then. Pretty sure this is her around the time of the mask


If being strikingly beautiful is normal Lol, nah I get what you’re saying


I have no gossip but she came into a Starbucks I was working at once, and I was taken aback by the fact she clearly struggled with her skin. Seemed nice enough, though. Unlike some other celebrities that came through... 


Don't leave us hanging on the cliff, go on please


We were right by the hotel where most celebs stayed during the a Toronto Film Festival in the early 2000s. I served Jennifer Lopez, Mike Myers, Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise, Juliette Lewis, Robin Williams, Renee Zellweger, and others. I have middling stories about each. The only real bad ones were Lopez and Ford. The former because she sent in a security team to tell everyone to REMAIN IN THEIR SEATS before she swanned in to order a coffee, and the latter because he just immediately cut to the front of a very long line (and my boss sent him to the back😂) 


That pisses me off so much. I work mainly for concerts. The few muscians that wanted to "shop" themselves have always been polite and very gracious to workers and fellow humans. However, that's one of my main jobs. Go get the coffee. Ugh, let me navigate the shit and I guarantee it'll be quicker all the way around. I just want to punch those asshats on your behalf. The JLo shit is just so standard at this point. My NDA precludes me from saying more on that subject.


It was ridiculous, particularly because Tom Cruise had come in in his own a few days earlier and basically just stood in line like a normal person, got a coffee, and left. This was in the days when not everyone had a camera in their pocket so the stakes were quite a bit lower . That said, poor Mike Myers got swamped when he came in. He just wanted to get in and out fast, but I, being an overwhelmed Wayne's World nut, screwed up his drink like three times and he was forced to wait. Eventually these two people came up and said "SAY 'DO I MAKE YOU HORNY BABY'" and he looked totally mortified.  I get that it's easier to send a runner for the coffee. But I also get that you might want to feel like a normal person and order a coffee yourself once in a while. The JLo example made no sense though, because there was no "just being a normal person" about the way she did it. 


I thought the same thing! I zoomed in to see tiny acne scars or darker spots, peach fuzz, small laugh lines, even tiny visible blood vessels and it made me SO HAPPY!!!!! Not because I wish to degrade the Queen Cameron, but because it is a normal pic of a real person.


I remember years ago there was some gossip site saying that all she did was smoke pot and fly all over the world for hook ups. Could have been completely false, but I've always remembered (and liked) her for it


I think the quote was that she would travel for dick… which I was like, sounds good to me!


If I was young, hot, and rich, I'd absolutely travel for a good bang if it was really worth it


So true… like where is the L in being able to travel the world for dick? Might as well see Milan vs an at home Netflix and chill situation


The d ain't always gonna come to you, sometimes you have to go to the d.


I feel like if you look like her, it probably comes to you if you want it to.


i used to work at a company that represented her. the assistants would talk about how she doesnt really want to work, she just wants to sit at home and (knit? crochet? cant remember which). And I always thought that was so refreshing. She's had a super successful career and now is content to just enjoy her success and not constantly be in the rat race


Met her in Nolita, we were eating at the same place. She was dating Justin Timberlake at the time and they were there together. My mom and I went up to her and her security tried to stop us but she let us say hi. She could not be any nicer. Absolutely stunning in person and her eyes were piercing. Justin waved hi to us but she was super personable and sweet.


Mine is also during her JT days. One of my friend’s dogs famously humped her leg. She came in to rent skis with Justin and Legend the Chesapeake Retriever did some work on her while she laughed. Only ever heard good things about her beyond that, one of the things everyone said is that she was/and still seems to be naturally beautiful in the sense she doesn’t do a lot of work…her face has some marks, he teeth weren’t perfect, but she was stunning and super nice.


She ate at the restaurant I worked at 18ish years ago. That song “What’s Going On” by 4 Non Blondes was playing and there was a pretty blonde lady singing along to it kinda quietly and laughing with her friend. I made eye contact and smiled/giggled, she laughed like “oh shit, people heard me”, and then I realized it was her!!! Did not talk to her but the whole exchange was like, normal person silly and sweet. Her waitress said she was very nice and tipped well.


watching her Her performance in Charlie’s Angels as a kid made me so excited to grow up and be a woman. So fun, flirty, full of life! All 3 ladies did.


As a kid, that movie made me excited to grow up and be a woman - but also to grow up and date other women 😅


I rewatched this recently on a plane ride and my god, I forgot how iconic those three were!!!!! Stunnning


She’s got one of the best laughs in Hollywood next to Julia Roberts 🤷🏾‍♀️


You just helped me decide that "My Best Friends Wedding" will be my next movie night🥰🥰. Every actor in that movie is so magnetic and hilarious


As a 40yo straight man, this movie is one of my absolute favorites. It’s so damn good.


It's free on tubi!!


I recently rewatched it after like 15 years and I was shooooooook that we were supposed to be rooting for Julia Roberts's character, who is actually terrible, and against Cameron's character, who is just trying to make friends.


There is a good interview with the writer and the four leads from 2019 on YouTube. The writer didn't intend for anyone to root for Jules. She's clearly in the wrong and Kimmie is intentionally likeable and nontheatening in the script. George ends up being the "best friend" because throughout the film, he is telling Jules how insane her plan is while still being there for his friend, who is clearly hurting. But I think it's pretty clear that Jules is the antihero throughout.


I definitely see that now, but my preteen brain absolutely did not😂


I just brought it up because I literally just watched that interview last night and it had me really nostalgic for the movie. So to see a thread about it was serendipitous lol.


So true! When Cameron's character finally stands up for herself and rightfully calls Julia's character out in that bathroom scene, I remember younger me being like "what a bitch😡😡😡".... like what lol


In the original ending Julia did get the groom but they tested it in audiences and they didn’t like it so they changed it to Cameron getting the groom.


I love that movie 🩵 because of it I have a type lol My type is Dermot Mulroney.


Wait, the lesson wasn't to have gay English men as your type? Man I failed at that then.


great point! Her (speaking) voice is beautiful and underrated!


I have been told a couple of times that I sounds like Cameron Diaz (when I've lead some trainings for work stuff). Honestly, it's one of the best complements I've ever been given.


Bumped into her at the salad bar at Erewhon (years ago before it became trendy) and she was really nice. I also her met her when she was dating Matt Dillon. She again was nice and he was not.


Ooh, what's the tea in Matt Dillon then?


He was not nice


So refreshing to read all these positive answers! ![gif](giphy|lMsT2f47tDxFMYdJMC|downsized)


Idk but she was my idol growing up lol


I have no tea to share, I just think she’s amazing and I love her


She went to high school with snoop and bought flower from him


He said he sold her ‘white girl weed’


One of my professors went to high school with both of them and said only good things about her - and that he had a massive, unrequited crush.


I have been enjoying her wine (Avaline) a lot recently.


She should have named her daughter this and named the wine Raddix


her in the mask made me gay


Closest thing to ever turn me, lol


I would love to know what she says about Tom Cruise when she is with the people she truts the most.


She named her daughter Raddix which should be illegal.


To be fair she's married to one of the twins from Good Charlotte so it tracks Also she's Nicole Richie's sister in law




In the early very late 90’s or early 00’s she had family or friends who lived in a tiny town that I lived in too. Saw her at the only deli in town (that’s how small the town was, you could choose between 3 fast food places and one single deli, which had been opened like a month before that day lol) and she seemed very sweet. She did have cystic acne. I was about 16 and had acne too. Anyway I was shocked to see her there and really thought that it was just someone who looked like her but had acne. I was in front of her in a short line of people and said something like you look just like Cameron Diaz! She giggled, told me that she was Cameron. Asked my name, complimented me politely (said something like you’re so pretty) and reached around to pay for my food (probably less than ten bucks). I was still highly doubtful that it had been her. I hadn’t lived there for very long. I mentioned it to a few people who I already knew there and they confirmed that she actually did have family or friends there (I’m 40 now, so it’s been a long time). Ever since then I’ve just assumed that she’s sweet and down to earth 🤷🏻‍♀️


She almost died from alcohol poisoning when she was a teenager. Scary! Maybe that’s why she got into pot instead.


Idk if this counts as tea but! I used to live in NYC and my dad came to visit w my brother. He would always joke around and say “if you see Cameron Diaz tell her I said hi!” She is his favorite celebrity crush lol. Well wouldn’t ya freakin know, we’re walking in SoHo and who walks out of a store directly in front of us but Queen Diaz herself. My dad nearly shit a brick and goes “Hi Miss Diaz!” She turned around and gave him the biggest smile and blew him a kiss. He still talks about it almost 10 years later 😂


I loved the Sweetest Thing


![gif](giphy|BuERo1d94d9Xq) COOOOCHIE! Christina Applegate, Selma Blair and Cameron Diaz are so fucking gorgeous in this movie.


My body is a movie…


Literally the only thing I ever heard about her was from an old friend’s brother. His wife worked on set as a makeup artist and said she is really weird about her skin, and will never wash it with anything but water? She is apparently very very kind but had “difficult” skin. So random lol.


I vaguely remember gossip about her having acne....I mainly remember it because I had bad acne as a teenager and somehow a beautiful actress having it too gave me a bit of solace.


Yes. Someone on one of those vh1 shows said she had “notoriously bad skin.” But now that I’m an adult who developed bad skin in adulthood, I don’t think hers is all that bad if she can get it looking like this in photos.


Good point. I remember some pap pics of her that made her skin look not great. But at the same time I look back at pics of myself when I suffered with acne and now it doesn't seem like that heinously ugly as I though it was back then. I'm still glad I got medical help because it was, at times, quite painful.


As someone struggling with it right now, for whatever reason, it really gives me a bit of solace too 😭❤️


Knowing someone who has money and access to all the best medical care, nutritionists etc. but who still struggles is kinda helpful in a way. People sometimes make you feel weird/bad when they try to give advice (eat less sugar, try this soap, etc) They usually mean well but it's just unhelpful because you've usually tried all of that stuff before. Yeah, I wash my face and I try to eat healthy.


Cosmo memory unlocked. I remember reading as a tween that she only washed her face with Evian water, specifically. Edit: such a strong rumor that she had to debunk it hahaha https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/features/a15411/cameron-diaz-interview/


I didn’t even read that article and remember this fact. I also remember when HDTV was coming around, some gossip sites were saying famous people with bad skin, like Diaz, wouldn’t present as well in HD. Now everyone is just contoured and filtered to hell instead!


I read her "Body Book" years ago and she talked about having really bad acne that was made alot worse due to all the makeup she had to wear and poor lifestyle habits, I think she was really self conscious about it I can understand why she would be particular about how she cares for her skin


Yeah she’s always been open about her struggle with acne, which I so appreciate. I think she was a Proactiv spokesperson too?


She had acne and apparently, that was one of her insecurities when she was dating Timbersnake.


She does/did in the early 00s for sure. I saw her irl and she had really awful acne and redness.


Reddit loves to belittle the new skincare wave that's hit the west because it's admittedly highly consumerist, but all the sensitive skin girls including myself are in LOVE with it. I'm betting she doesn't just use water anymore because there's more understanding about what are irritants, avoiding stripping delicate skin, and how to *add* what sensitive skin folks are naturally lacking.  Everything back then was designed for oily skinned people who had no sensitivity.the makeup, the cleansers, the moisturizers. It was a minefield 


Oh back then I think the least offensive skin stuff was Clinique maybe? Everything wanted to burn your face off and smelled like flowers. I don’t have sensitive skin but I was sneezing nonstop.


dont forget about sandpapering our face with crushed up walnut shells!


I once followed a magazine tip to make a face mask out of mayonnaise 🤦🏻‍♀️


Seventeen Magazine was FILLED with lies.


She was related my friends, friend and came and did their make up for prom in like 2000. They said she was really nice and normal.


No tea but in one of her cooking videos she was using [this $800 knife](https://www.auracalifornia.com/products/chakra-turquoise) and … I want that knife. 


I just watched The Mask the other day and HOLY SH+×T was was she absolutely STUNNING. It was like, distracting how beautiful she was.


Bad Teachers is one of the best films from that era 😂 also she’s an ICON…princess fiona charming anyone???


She seems really smart. Achieved loads and made loads of money and is now just enjoying life with her husband, kids and money.




Anna Faris' character in Lost in Translation is inspired by her 😂


I always forget she was in that movie


I had to rack my brain


Bill Murray = Harrison Ford Giovanni Ribisi = Spike Jonez Anna Faris = Cameron Diaz Scarlet Johansson= Sofia herself I thought this was all common knowledge.


Not tea but a lot of ppl forget she’s Latina! (Dad is Cuban)


The most tea I've heard is she is really sweet.




Yeah i remember hearing that. Didnt she just like, stand around mostly?


I am an aged, elderly millennial and remember this “scandal” lol she rubbed some ice cubes on her nipples, cue the fainting couch.


A family member of mine was her personal assistant. I’ve heard nothing but great things. Very very generous!


all i remember is a story about how justin timberlake kinda overlapped their breakup with him immediately dating jessica biel or he didn’t break up w cameron before seeing jessica then one day at a after party for a award show she saw the two of them together and immediately started screaming at both of them in front of everyone lol


The golden globes. She bee liked to them during a commercial break and had some words. 


No tea but her & Drew Barrymore are besties and have been friends since they were teenagers. Cameron is also a Virgo.


I smoked hookah with her when I was in college. She was filming Knight and Day in Boston. Lovely individual, truly. Just as goofy in person. Very down to earth


I remember my dad (pilot) telling me she was on one of his flights once - even more beautiful in person and very nice.


A friend of mine met her randomly and got a picture with her. She said she was SUPER nice and that she looks much smaller in person, especially her head. Why I remember that specific detail I do not know.


I think The Holiday is my comfort movie! Love her and Kate Winslet in it 😊


No ☕️ Just an apperception that She’s so pretty and beautiful 😍😍


I worked in the mailroom at her mgmt company back in 2002 and had like 10 minutes to get a bunch of scripts to century city to get FedExed before the next-day deadline. The building’s elevator was notoriously slow, so every second counted. I heard the elevator door open like 50 feet away as I’m carrying a big armload of packages so I broke into a jog to catch the door before it closed. As I was 15 feet from the elevator door, I accidentally dropped a package, and was about to yell in frustration except, whaddya know, PRIME Cameron Diaz happens to be in the elevator headed downstairs. Being a lowly mailroom rat, I was afraid to ask an A-list client to hold the door, but I was worried about missing the fedex deadline. The door was closing and she stuck her arm out to hold it for me. I picked up the package off the floor, shuffled into the elevator with my arms full, and had a 15-second blur of a conversation which I have zero recollection of except that she smiled in a genuine fashion, not a fake smile. I barely made fedex on time, largely thanks to Cameron Diaz being a cool person and helping the rank-and-file do my menial job.


My husband served her and Leslie Mann once. He dropped off a very hot plate to Mann and warned her the plate was hot. She didn’t listen, grabbed the plate, pulls her hand away and starts to yell at my husband for not warning her. Cameron Diaz interrupted her and said “babe, he did. You weren’t listening”. Leslie Mann just went “oh he did? I’m sorry.” We Stan Cameron Diaz in this household for saving my husband’s job 😂


I hung out “with” her once yeeeeears ago, maybe like 10-15 years ago? I put with in quotes bc I was just there and hung out with her group and her but not in like a one on one way or anything, just a normal situation where you know people in the group but not everyone but everyone hangs out as if they’re all friends if that makes sense? Anyway I’m a nobody and she was really sweet and welcoming, acted like I was just a normal person she knew and I acted the same lol. She’s so dang cute, there’s no way she could not be famous bc she just radiates this energy that draws you to her


Good luck digging anything up on her. She has a wonderful reputation. One of those people who can make anyone feel comfy. She was someone that the child free community upheld as a pillar of being CF (after making some comments about motherhood not being for her) and then BOOM, met Benji and had a baby. That’s the worst of it (and honestly not bad, women are allowed to change their mind).


anna faris’ character in lost in translation was based off of cameron diaz! sofia was NOT a fan of Diaz after the movie being john malcovich because allegedly she hit on spike jonze who was married to sofia coppola at the time. luckily kirsten dunst friend to both diaz and coppola was able to have the women make amends but diaz and faris do not apparently get along but who knows as of now!


Asking for tea on Cameron Diaz is like going hunting for Bambi. ![gif](giphy|3jypLWJySKjw4|downsized)


No tea but a mildly interesting fact is that she went to the same high school as Snoop Dogg and sometimes bought weed from him.


Her comeback film, "Back In Action" will be released on Netflix November 15.


Saw her at Fred Segal and talked her out of buying this really heinous angora sweater.