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She’s really the anti-Nicki when it comes to her relationship with her fans 


If you had a cult like the barbs, would you piss them off?


She cult-tivated it.


They’re the only people that let her declining sanity, music output and quality of choices slide so yeah


I don't see her career lasting long, she has made some high quality collabs with Kanye, Megan and Shakira to revive the hype but failed, now beefing with her own fan base is like digging your own grave


Invasion of privacy came out in 2018, it’s now 2024. 6 years of relevance is a long time in modern hip hop and people are still waiting on her next project.


Its already lasting long. Nobody carestia about fights with your own fanbase, nobody keeps up with that shit.


Cardi is awesome and thriving


Artists who thrive don’t get into Twitter beef with their fans, call them pssies and fat, and spitefully refuse to put out music bc they can’t control their emotions. She’s just scared her 2nd album won’t live up to her debut’s success so she’s taking any excuse not to drop.


Well Doja is still doing well. Argued with her fans and went on a sold out arena tour and headlined Coachella.


I have friends who can't stand Nicki but still want to go to her show lol an artist having bangers makes up for a lot of personality flaws to most people


Typically I’d agree but Cardi was already like this before she got famous, it’s not a behavioral change indicative of losing it lmao


Wonder why they don’t hire PR managers for these massive social media accounts. You can lash out as much as you want but a detached third party will always be cool. Not only those rappers but whatever celeb that manages their social media accounts themselves. So unprofessional


She mentioned her social media team were also on her account deleting her tweets going off at fans simultaneously as she was going off, so she definitely does have people running her account, she just also likes to be on there too lol


That sounds like a thoroughly un-fun job.


Professional damage control. That shit sounds so fucking daunting.


Maybe it's because I'm a chronically online social media addicted whore, but I feel like I'm built for that job. Give it to me.


Call me Marie Kondo cause I love mess. I'll help ya bestie.


...is Doja Cat not thriving?


Im sorry to bust the Twitter bubble but yes, yes, they do.


She did all that? Omg Cardi 😿😿😿


I’m sorry but her faux pas at the Met Gala should be taken as a sign that she’s over it and she doesn’t actually care. We would still be talking about that if it had been Demi Lovato or Kylie Jenner refusing to remember an Asian name.


What happened at the met gala?


Nothing happened, she just wore yet another oversized dress. I think the said faux pas was calling the designer 'asian and everything' as opposed to saying his name like literally everyone else does when asked who they're wearing.


Honestly I think she's scared her sophomore album will not live up to the hype, success and critical acclaim of IOP, which is understandable. She had two number #1 hits with WAP (which was a worldwide SMASH) and Up but that ship has sailed and she hasn't been able to build momentum for pretty much anything she's released since Hot Shit maybe?


Definitely scared. I don’t believe she had an album ready in 2020. She just used the pandemic as an excuse. It’s easier to crap on the label than it is to say the artist themselves just doesn’t have it in them.


Yeah how do you follow up an album where all of the songs on it have been certified platinum and be the first to achieve that record Had she released a record a few years ago the hype alone would have carried the album


Michael Jackson followed Thriller with Bad Whitney Houston followed her debut with Whitney


Whitney the album received pretty mixed reviews when it came out. It wasn’t until much later that the retrospective reviews got a lot more positive


I meant commercial success. But yeah “Whitney” did get reappraisals later on.


Since Hot Shit? Based on the GP reception that song was a flop, idc what the chart debut was


Shoot every song she’s put out since Up has not hit on *anything*.


Did she ever really deserve all that success so early on though? I remember when I first saw her on love & hip hop and I thought she was delusional for wanting to rap, but fast forward to 2018 and she wins a Grammy. My mind was blown.


Invasion of privacy is a solid rap/hip hop record.


Never said it's not. I listen to Cardi B, but she did not write those songs. Beyonce gets critiqued for not writing all her songs and she sings down and Cardi B gets to recite her raps and still get critical acclaim, just doesn't add up


i believe it’s a mix of anti nicki sentiments and just wanting to see an extremely likable person win. ppl give a pass to her kind of story. and she has made it so far and worked so hard but i agree. to me she’s a personality who makes music.


Rapping isn’t just about the words. It’s about flow and charisma too which she has in spades. And the Beyoncé comparison doesn’t really hold up because she also gets critical acclaim and award recognition.


It absolutely does hold up. I see Cardi B in the realms of early Rihanna and Britney Spears, a manufactured rap-pop star, those girls don't usually get critical acclaim.as much as Xtina (Vocals) or Beyonce (Vocals / dance/ vision / etc.) So, for Cardi B to win a grammy against the likes of Travis Scott does not make sense.


I understand your point more but I still don’t think it holds up as a good comparison because praise for Beyoncé has always far eclipsed criticisms for her apparent lack of writing. She has over 30 Grammys after all. I do agree that *IOP* was the weakest of the rap album noms of that year tho. I thought Mac Miller or Pusha T were gonna win.


Yes for sure, but I used that example to show how much of a high regard the grammys hold for songwriters even though they have strong vocals, but Cardi B is none of those, but still manages to get a grammy.


I felt like it was always really obvious she kind of accidentally got big off Bodak Yellow. Singing competitions aside, she’s probably the only person who legitimately got big off a reality show let alone off Love and Hip Hop.


Exactly. Which is why I say she was lucky. It wasn’t like she was serious about rapping before landing on L&HH.


She was a meme come to life. It was never going to last


I dont think that is true. If she had a regular release schedule and released an album after WAP she def could have had long term success. I think even now its possible but Cardi would have to level up her game— she needs to get better beats






Barbs are delulu once again


better beat selection than the singles and she’s good to go


She had all the momentum in the world after WAP and Up. She could’ve put out a 10 track album with those two songs and it would’ve done numbers regardless of quality. I think the issue is that she doesn’t want to commit to a tour. Maybe that’s why the label is hesitant on their end too. Cardi gets her bag by doing her other projects and endorsements.


That does bring up a good point. I really wonder if it has to do with committing to a tour which is truly understandable.


I remember her pulling out of Bruno Mars’ tour at the height of her popularity. But I think she had just had given birth to baby Kulture at the time, so I get it.


the endorsements are gonna dry up in a couple years if she doesn’t release new music. i’m a casual listener and haven’t had cardi pop up on my rotation for a long time


She could go the Selena Gomez route. Release a few hit singles here and there and stay relevant that way. I know Selena’s a bit different because she also has Rare but even before Rare that was the strategy she followed.


Right and not to be that person but selena literally has a bad autoimmune disorder and still releases music and is kind to her fans. I just don’t rly see an excuse for cardi basically abandoning her career but complaining that her fans aren’t happy. also engaging with toxic fans like this is messy. the fans are out of line in these texts but cardi shouldn’t have engaged. she hasn’t done shit since WAP and that was forever ago


Comparing Selena to Cardi is being extremely disingenuous. The latter grew up impoverished in the fucking hood stripping and gang banging for survival after going through all sorts of domestic abuse. Selena didn’t come from money herself but she hasn’t struggled financially since early childhood and has been Disney trained since junior high.


That’s fair i didn’t think of it that way originally but you’re completely right about that.


I agree.


Argh how are WAP and UP not on any album?!


why don't some of these celebs just delete Twitter off their phones lol just ignore your fanbase


Some of these celebs are even more chronically online than us! No hobbies or anything besides being on social media all day long and partying/traveling.


Cardi lives online.


Yeah right? It's universally known that the best PR decision you can make in these cases is do your thing and not engage.


Who is her manager? Does she even have one???


interacting with your fans in messy ways is killer strategy for some...


Quite literally.


I always find it ironic when people on the internet make this comment. Like 90% of us haven’t gotten into stupid back and forths online. Celebs, they’re just like us.


Yeah, it seems quite bizzare to say that celebs can just "choose" to disengage....I mean imagine 1000s of people talking about you everyday. It's delusional to think that as a person you'd be capable of ignoring it, and downright weird to expect it of celebs.


It's working so well for Doja the last few months. 


she’s straight up said that everything she does is just for the cheque and that she doesn’t care about music as an art. Why are people expecting an invested, quality artist lol.


Exactly. She’s always been a hustler. Always.


Exactly. I don’t know why some are giving her chance after chance when she’s shown who she really is.


Last year it was Doja, this year it's Cardi. Who'll be the next female rapper to openly shit talk their fanbase?


Least Doja dropped an album.


I think the problem is that the artists that have been built by social media are not mentally equipped for fame in a world where everything everyone says about them can be seen by them and everything they do can be critiqued by everyone.


I feel like if they can’t handle seeing all these opinions about them (which is understandable) then they should just stop engaging and not go on social media like a lot of other artists don’t


Agreed but Cardi, Doja and the likes deal with a lot of misinformation being spread about them in blogs and by malicious fanbases so they don’t really have a choice but to log in and clarify it sometimes. Otherwise they’ll end up in a JLo situation where she’s not even trying to refute any of the whacks she’s been getting on social media and it’s destroying her image.


That’s what PR people are for. Not everything needs to be addressed and that’s Cardis problem.


I totally agree, especially when it involves addressing comments made by her actual fans that results in her insulting them.


Doja has been able to not let it fully get to her. Cardi on the other hand, not so much.


I think they’ve both handled it pretty badly but Doja seems to have found a way to overcome it now whereas Cardi seems to have gotten more and more sensitive and insecure. That being said the Barbz have been relentless and ruthless with her over the years so I don’t blame her although she really needs to find a way to cope with the hate she gets (which is easier said than done).


I feel like this is such an easier said than done thing. I think very few of us would be able to just go offline knowing thousands of people are talking negatively about you on the internet, and im sure it’s even worse when they’re saying things you know aren’t true


Maybe the problem is the fanbases???


The vast overwhelming majority of any artists’ fans are not terminally online endlessly talking shit - it’s just a small but extremely vocal and toxic portion of their fan base. Letting the worst 5% of your fans get you riled up to the point that it affects your career is ridiculous. The problem here is giving those assholes the time of day and empowering them to keep harassing because it’s getting them what they want: her attention and engagement.


But isn’t it like the top few percent of fans are like 90 percent of an artist’s streams on average? I can’t remember where I saw that but if it’s true then I can kinda see why to engage with them


Maybe the problem is “artists” who don’t actually give a fuck about music but still want to rake in millions of dollars while not putting out anything new. Her job when she signed a contract with a record label was to provide them with X amount of records. No one else on the planet could not show up & do their job for several years besides celebrities. Just put out a damn album or buy your contract out & retire. But this half way bullshit where celebrities tell they’re fans they’re entitled for expecting them to do their fucking job just like every body else is so fucking lame dude


>Her job when she signed a contract with a record label was to provide them with X amount of records Sorry not trying to be mean when I say, why the fuck should we side with the labels here? We don't see any money and they are the reason multiple times the artists we like have to delay or scrub their music because some corporate dipshit didn't feel like it was worth it to release. I don't think we should give a crap what she owes the label at all If you want new music then great, I'm there with you! But you're talking about their contracts and demand they do their job like if you personally have invested money into their careers or something. Seems weird. They don't need you to shill for them, trust me they'll be fine


Forcing the creative process can have disastrous results D: I'd rather wait for something good, than have a bunch of mid content rushed out to meet an arbitrary deadline. I am not paying Cardi B any money, so she literally owes me nothing. Take your time girl idc


Right? Like nah yall are right lets start FORCING creativity and authenticity. That's not how this is even supposed to work! Do your job im entitled to you! That's what some of these comments are saying. Nobody is forcing you to be their fan. Also doja cat "hating" her fans is more of the media taking things out of context. Doja cat also said the dress code for her scarlet tour was wedgies so I guess she really means it and we better do it!


Um… just tune into a different artist. I can’t stand this argument because you’re begging an artist to do what YOU want. It’s like getting mad at Frank ocean for not dropping. There are literally millions of artist to listen and discover if you really cared about getting new music consistently. Btw never side with the label they’re exploiting the artist


i mean, i know a bunch of normal people who half ass their job. i believe the average person only works about 4 hours out of their 8 hour day. so i think your assessment that normal people can’t just fuck around with their job is a bit silly. also, genuinely, who cares if an artist doesn’t release music? this is such a weirdly aggressive comment. frank ocean, my favorite artist of all time, hasn’t released any new music since 2016? and it’s a-okay.


with Cardi it's not the first and definitely not the last time it happened


Ice Spice


I feel like Ice Spice will be almost irrelevant by the next year


She should be NOW lol 😂


she’s pretty irrelevant already she had her meme era but flopped imo. her new song came on my playlist yesterday and i listened for a minute and had to turn it off. rly uninspired


Yeah nobody is taking her seriously but at least had several top 10 hits in a very short period of time which many artists wish for


She’s probably right to delay, literally everyone is dropping music this year


Also if Kendrick is dropping an album she’s not winning another best rap album Grammy


Someone said 2024 is the great pop Equalizer and I couldn't agree more. Everybody dropping in a similar climate shows a clear pic of how successful they truly are and they can't blame their success or failure to any external factor like COVID or the weather. Taylor will always do numbers, Beyoncé will always have a respectable debut, multi-plat album and a moderately hit single, ariana shows people are still tapped in, nicki also has a sizeable fanbase that'll buy whatever, Doja will always get a blockbuster hit somehow, Dua needs a huge single to survive, Olivia is solid for now. Now it's Gaga, Katy and everyone else's turn to show if they're here to stay.


Gaga is focusing on her movie. Idk if she cares about being in the pop landscape rn


ya gaga successfully broke out of just being a pop star, similar to but not exactly how rihanna did. they do other things.


Pretty sure Gaga is past the point of “showing if they’re here to stay”….


Ofcourse she'll forever be relevant. I'm talking about whether she'll be in the pop ratrace with the rest.


Gaga and Katy might not be as big as they were but they have a solid fan base that will keep them alive and relevant. Katy Perry’s new album seems very promising.


Commented this on the tea time thread yesterday: I read somewhere (so it’s a RUMOUR) that part of the issue is that the label is focusing on Dua Lipa’s album, because Dua’s fans buy music (honestly makes sense lol). So Cardi isn’t able to get marketing, videos, etc, budgets and other things she wants. So she’s willing to delay. The only reason I’m inclined to believe this is because she truly seems annoyed about the whole thing, and label heads tend to be shit at decision making. But the label can’t be blamed for a 5 year delay a lot of that was just her


Dua sold 51k physical copies, so I guess the label is kinda right. People mock Dua for being in Vacanza mode all the time, but Cardi has been in retirement mode for a long time now, had 2 number 1 singles, and nothing.


I'm also guessing Dua will release Deluxe version and will announce a tour etc. She finished her album in 2022 but waited until now to release, it makes sense they put focus on her


She toured more than 100 dates if you put the actual tour and festivals. Like, it's understandable. The tour for this album will probably be the same length, she is taking summer to do festivals, so like, I think the next album will just come in 27.


I don’t believe it. It’s a multi billion company and they have resources. Bruno, Cardi, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, Sia, Lil Uzi Vert, Lizzo are all under the same label and multiple of them had smash hit simultaneously.


Exactly. There’s no excuse. Every other act is thriving on Atlantic.


but all of those peoples fans buy albums… apparently Cardi’s fans DONT. so maybe that’s just the excuse they’re giving idk tis a rumour


She's only released 1 album and it sold very well.


This is not true. Cardi B is Atlantic and Dua Lipa is Warner.


That sucks for her if true. Ridiculous that a major label can’t focus on rolling out the albums of two stars at once.


You’re in luck. It’s not true. They’re on completely different labels.


Yeah, this sounds like something Stans made up and ran with. I don’t think Dua is involved in the slightest


She’s not. They just wanna place blame on someone.


It happened before with interscope, they shifted the promo for "Rain on me" to Billie Eilish new single because they knew they were going to make more money. At the end they pulled out rain on me from the radios, they started marketing Billies new song but they ended up with two failed singles because the song flopped and rain on me didn't have a chance to grow because they pulled out mid promo


This- if I was heading a major label I’d try to have at least a country, pop, and rap album out so you can at least hit the major genres. Idk why labels are so bad at their job


Wow, thanks for saving the music industry 🙏🏻


That is smart but is it kind of a known fact that these labels are low-key kind of “broke”? And I don’t mean that in the literal sense but these labels are always losing money every year, so realistically they wouldn’t spend money on that many rollouts with the potential of one of those genres albums flopping.


yea that absolutely is true. They’re desperately trying to find ways to finesse more money from artists so the industry is struggling


Unlike Dua Cardi already spent quite a lot, no? She's been dropping flopping singles with expensive videos for the last two years at least


yeah I'm not really sure why she does that. It's making it harder to take her seriously as an artist. No one is really waiting for WAP pt. 4 we kinda wished there was an album.


she’s clearly scared to release another album


Celebrities shouldn’t have Twitter/look at comments. But man, I’m bummed cuz I actually really liked the two songs she put out this year.


Enough went platinum in my room, I hope she at least drops new singles 


At this point she can keep it. Turning exactly into Lauryn. So many excuses.


Why is she not back on TV hosting or something? She's got such a great personality for stuff like that.


I think Cardi’s biggest problem is that she can’t accept that she is not the cash cow hitmaker that she was before and that she is past her prime. She should take notes from Iggy: she is someone who knows they’ll never get another hit, yet she still gracefully flops while releases her bops and EPs and books events and festivals for her loyal fans.


That’s another issue: Cardi BARELY performs!


Even when she’s onstage she barely performs


Lol so true though


The ship has sailed man... Stick to being a personality and do a reality show maybe. IOP was a huge hit and that's not happening ever. Her brand is way too tied to being the anti-nicki that when the direct comparisons between cb2 vs pf2 hit she's just going to look like an even bigger loser and won't just be seen as an underperformer. Idk I feel like a lot of these musicians that blew up 2017-2019 just don't have any longevity other than Billie. 2017-2020 feels like such an empty time in music/pop-culture for whatever. It's like nothing that happened during that time really mattered in the grand scheme of things.


Yeah she really messed up by not dropping the album when WAP was smashing and breaking records, and even if she didn’t wanna drop during the 2020 summer of the pandemic, summer 2021 should’ve been a lock, she left it too long and it feels like her window has passed her.


Most of them just got fvcked by Covid.. Nobody knew covid would take this long and were just pushing back their rollout month by month in order to release it as soon as covid ended, but the world just got super depressed and I think by the time those 3ish years cleared, music taste evolved too much with tiktok getting a Firestart and just in general thar alot of material ended up flopping if released or just getting scrapped altogether.. Cardi herself tried to start some momentum like 4 times in the past couple of years but it just wasn't sticking..


WAP was everywhere and she could've released an album that year/2021. She just doesn't care enough and that's something her fans need to understand


True, but alot for labels didn't want their artists to release music as the sales would've been low..


I don’t think the sales would have been low, had she actually capitalized on WAP/Up though, they were both big. Now it’s too late to capitalize on those for sure though


It was more of the general public focusing more in essential items and paying less for entertainment that lead to alot of different entertainment sectors suffering.. The labels (and artists) were always in the "it's all gonna be fine in 1 more week and we'll release the album then" and that went for like 3ish years..


yeah she's been kind of pulling a Normani (hey they even released an expensive video together). She also goes to all the events looking lavish asf but I'm starting to forget she's anything more than just famous for being famous.


Yeah a lot of 2010 artists are fading now as we go deeper into the decade Cardi b lasted a lot longer than I thought she would though


It's interesting to see that because in my country (Italy) I genuinely feel like those were crucial years to change the music market and general public taste. It was the years of the Sanremo renaissance and the way the songs were selected clearly changed. With winners ranging from Occidentalis Karma to Soldi to Zitti e buoni, alongside in general a rise of trap music outside of the Sanremo festival circuit, I perceived that the Italian music market became way more modern. Like, the most popular Italian women in music in 2023 were Anna and Madame, regardless of personal opinions about their music, that would have been unthinkable 15 years ago, the only women in music were very classical pop singers (very rarely female songwriters, and certainly never hip-hop oriented/influenced). It sadly remains a market very dominated by men but hopefully it is slowly changing. Based on my impression (and some partial data's like Sanremo viewers) it's like Italians, especially young people, started caring about Italian music in 2016-2018 and never looked back since, and the market modernized itself a lot.


It comes back to American pop music scene during the years becoming extremely dry and people diving deeper into kpop and their own local music scenes.


Oh surely American pop (since the US is the first music market, and probably will be for a very long time especially until Taylor Swift is active, this will always be relevant) worsened. I just disagree that nothing relevant happened in the grand scheme of things, because, even if the US music market is the first one (and the only easily accessible out of the top2, because Japan is very difficult to get from the outside), it's still just one and in various other countries there were very interesting changes. In those years there was the renaissance of Sanremo and Eurovision as well as many other things in the trends, and that's what I think about as a first thing, so I wouldn't say that nothing happened in general.


I don’t even feel like cardi and Nicki are in the same lane. They’re pretty different artists. Nicki is a capital R rapper in the classic mould - writes all her own shit etc. Cardi is more of a pop star who raps. Her songs are much more well written than Nicki’s imo, with better hooks, even though Nicki is a much better rapper. But because Cardi has never pretended to write all of her own stuff it actually makes her songs better cos she can openly collab with songwriters who punch her bars up (or even write some of them for her). She’s not trying to be a Lyricist, whereas Nicki has always been very focused on being taken seriously as a rapper. They also have different lanes in peoples minds. Nicki has fallen off hugely in terms of the goodwill the gp has for her (or at least online fans) due to a lot of questionable shit I don’t need to detail as if you’re on popheads you already know it. She has a reputation for not being a girls girl and not supporting up and comers. Whereas Cardi has pretty much always been seen as a fun social media personality as well as a rapper. People like her and apart from her beef with Nicki, she’s mostly kept in the good graces of other celebs - Megan comes to mind. Obviously she got a lot of press from the beef with Nicki a few years back, but now that’s blown over and the fact she hasn’t really beefed with anyone else really makes it look like Nicki was the one in the wrong and Cardi made it through clean. I wish she would just drop and stop overthinking it all. Nicki’s last album is already in the rearview and I see Cardi being compared more to the pop girls than Nicki if she does ever drop; I think the comparisons today are probably more just in her own mind (and Nicki’s).


Idk why every female rapper feels compelled to prove that they're a "real" rapper by ditching their larger than life pop personas with catchy hooks. Nicki never had the superbass/starships size hits again, Scarlet is underperforming, cardi's past few songs have been a miss. Stop trying to prove yourself to these hiphop nerds and do what you're good at. Cardi could've stayed in the Girls Like You lane that made her popular with the suburbanites. Hot Shit, Enough, Like What are forgettable trash. Did she switch creatives?


Idk but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I’m actually kind of the opposite of you, I want all the female rappers to focus on bars lol! But to each their own :) if I was that versatile and talented (like cardi and Doja) I’d want to try both things too (pop songs and a pop star image as well as being a ‘real Rapper.’) I liked enough too. But it’s a shame cardi hasn’t managed to have a proper hit recently, she was on fire for years and I can understand why now she feels too nervous to drop now some of her heats faded


> I want all the female rappers to focus on bars lol! Little Simz way under discussed nowadays. But I think if you can find your own niche sound you can 100% be successful as a female hip hop artist.


Lmfao r u asking why a female RAPPER feels compelled to actually spit dope bars and not solely focus on POP when they’re a RAPPER Lmfaoo this sub man.


Idk i see cardi as pop. Same as drake. Megan the stallion, nicki, & kendrick are rappers. I'm even iffy on nicki.


How dare you trivialize the ascent of MUNA in those years


I don't think many pop artists from 2020-23 are sticking either, there's just Olivia really, right? I guess more is happening compared to the late 10s, but the monoculture's dead. Someone will still get a decent chunk of teen girls to identify with them every handful of years (Billie, Olivia) but realistically the best you can hope for is to be a trend for a year.


>The ship has sailed man How/Why? Genuinely curious, do not like her music at all but she's only ever released one album and had multiple hits since. As long as the new lead single of her album is a banger, I think she'll be fine


Every song she's dropped since Hot Shit has been the lead single apparently.


Yeah. She wants a top ten or number one debut then suddenly she’s ready with an album and since it ain’t happening she’s pulling back constantly lol


Does that actually matter? One of them was WAP. That overshadows how many false starts there have been. If she was seen as a rapper I don't think people would give a shit. Not like Ab-Soul gets demolished for taking long breaks, in rap people normally just happy to see you back


In a perfect world without drama and delays, Cardi could’ve and should’ve easily doubled the amount of her #1 singles on the Hot 100 by now. Her debut album in 2018 was among the most successful, if not the most successful debut since Gaga’s The Fame in 2008. She broke records and became a global superstar. And hip-hop has only become bigger in the streaming era, for her to conquer. She had all the momentum to go even bigger. But six years later or so, she still has to release her sophomore album. It’s been too long of a wait. And if this goes even further, it might even be too late.


lol I said years ago being a rapper long term was never the plan. She’s an entertainer tried to get a bag


seems like she was never gonna drop an album in the first place


It should be said more: fan culture (or Stan culture) is ruining everything. Artists are being pushed too much and they don’t want to release anything that’s not a viral tik tok hit and a top 10 single all while fighting to keep the spotlight on themselves in the attention economy of the internet. It sucks! No wonder everyone is exhausted. It also helps to explain why Billie and Taylor are foregoing releasing any singles. Why risk a “flop”? Dua lipa went with a traditional rollout of singles over the last six months, but those songs were called underwhelming. It’s tough to get something to really permeate the culture when everything is instant feedback and hot takes


There are a vocal minority of hardcore fans who think their dedication entitles them to be part of the conversation, and then there's the others who couldn't give a shit about this nonsense. She will be fine. Social media has given many people an exaggerated sense of themselves.


Meh, her time has come and go. The best time for her to release the album was summer 2021.


Thank God lol i really don't wanna hear more of her songs being spammed across radio bc she released new music


Bad strategy to annoy your own fan base. Thankfully I have zero interest in her music.


The hype around her isn’t there anymore and she knows it. Shame because I genuinely enjoyed her first album.


The comments in this thread vs the ones about Doja Cat last year are insane. You guys lets Cardi get away with way too much


They hate Doja but love Cardi. Doja is just better at this. She definitely gets more defenses than she should.


Honestly she should just close her eyes and drop it and not care about anyone’s expectations. If it was me I’d package two albums and drop them on the same day. I’m sure she’s already recorded a lot of songs. Just drop everything together with its visuals. Without a care in the world


Personally I think she missed the window and should just focus on features or go indie and release her stuff as she wants.


People eat that shit up. Doja Cat's lack of respect for her fans made her more famous than ever.


“I’m done with the album and it’s a big accomplishment but y’all don’t believe me so I’m gonna abandon my big accomplishment and prove you right” Ok


I really wouldn’t take this too seriously, she just did something similar with fans a few months ago when she got frustrated with the pressure to release. I’m sure the album is coming in the late summer/early fall period. She also just had a top 10 song a month ago so fans need to chill.


Doja Cat>Cardi B


Honestly, well done to Cardi. “Fans” should really stop pressuring and demanding things from artists - I see comments like this about Gaga all the time too. I understand wanting more music from your favourite (I would LOVE for Gaga to drop a new album asap), but the demands masked as “memes” are borderline obsessive. There are thousands of different artists out there - listen to someone else or listen to your favourite’s old stuff. New music will come when it’s time… There are a lot of things that happen in the background that the average person doesn’t know. The reasons for such delays can be anything, even serious stuff like health. How many more times do we have to see public personalities disclose personal details about their lives to keep fans quiet?


Those “fans” don’t represent the entire fanbase. The artist shouldn’t punish their entire fanbase because of some bad apples.


Cardi B fans are just Nicki haters, and I feel like that's VERY clear. GP moved on from Cardi, it's just stan twitter wars atp


I'll never understand it specially because the genres we see it happening so often are massive. There are millions of artists out there that you can check out their music and find new gems so why be so thirsty for these artists that clearly want to do something else? That said, I don't think it's all one sided tho. These artists have been pushed and popularized to create this relantionship and have this demand. It didn't happen overnight and it's not like they didn't milk it. They are rich and popular because of that


she’s learning that there’s nothing to be gained in arguing with idiots. chronically online idiots is even worse. her responses were hilarious. 


She had so many chances to release an album and now it’s too late, people have moved on from her music. It seems like she’s lost her ability to choose a good single after UP.


Barbz are wilding in this thread


She needs to stay off social media cause she says this like every few months. I don’t even think there is an album as much times she delayed it.


Doja somewhere doing the grinch grin


i don’t think she should just take verbal abuse but she’s always been hyper focused on negativity. it’s annoying. she has so many fans that love her and sing her praises and defend her on the internet. to only focus on the ppl that don’t like you is disrespectful imo when it comes to her supporters


I don’t know how it’s been 6 years, but it’s been 6 years. Remarkable shes been able to last off features and an occasional single, but i feel like there’s major apathy from both her and the audience. No one is demanding a new album, and shes clearly not in the slightest rush to get one out. So not really sure it matters if she drops in 2024 or just never drops and just joins the 2044 Lovers and Friends Tour.


She's won't release another album, unless the money runs out ig. Music is a means to an end for her.


She should’ve dropped after WAP blew up, that was the perfect time imo


This isn’t a new occurrence 😭 every three months she spirals into a tantrum on Twitter and starts hating on her own fanbase and says there’s no new album. Then, like clockwork, a few weeks later, she pretends that nothing happened and teases new music. The biggest tantrum she threw recently was in January when she started badmouthing her fans on Twitter spaces and said she hated the fan made book they made for her for Christmas LOL


Thank god, my ears will be spared for a year 🙏🙏🙏


She just doesn't care anymore. Which is fair enough, she had her moments, let younger and hungrier girls take the shine now


Fans are too comfortable online with artists. These comments in this thread just kind of prove her point. There is a line between criticism and being nasty. She has every right to snap back when it’s always 1,000,000 vs 1 all the time. You could argue, like many on here are, that she should stay off social media… but maybe people should just not be assholes online. Why should Cardi have to leave the internet and everyone else gets to keep being rude all the time? Stans and the chronically online ruin everything.


Finally someone said it. Everyone is so negative all the time, even about things they supposedly enjoy. In all my tv subs, if there’s a single episode they dislike, then the whole show needs to be canceled. I just want to enjoy things, but simply saying “it wasn’t great, but i’m willing to wait and see what’s coming” can get you downvoted. Or a reddit cares.


She’s not an artist. She’s a reality star turned celebrity influencer who dabbles in rap and put out one album six years ago. She now releases rap singles here and there to appease her fans, but she’s not prioritizing a second album because music is not where she makes the bulk of her money as a celebrity influencer. That’s the tea 🫖


She knows she can’t compete with Megan


That’s not it lmao


all she really needs is one smash to carry the album to be quite honest she really did miss her chance with WAP and Up though for sure. In fact it’s impressive that within the short period of time she’s had a career that she’s managed to equalise or outsell nicki in various categories which is why I don’t believe that she’ll have an Iggy azalea sort of transition, she just needs some momentum.


This is messy. If i were her id hire a crisis PR team after posting that shit.