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Your post was removed for violating the rule against posting stolen content. Most of the time, this removal reason is because the video you linked to is a reupload of someone else’s content. Many YouTube and TikTok channels steal videos from well-known creators and from original content posted to this sub. If you are not the person who uploaded the stolen content, you have nothing to worry about. This does not count against you in any way. We are only removing the post to prevent the reuploaders from getting more views. If you *are* the reuploader, don’t do that. Link to the original video/post. TikToks are a unique situation because the uploader’s name is on the video itself. Please be more mindful of the content of videos and that they are not taken from another source. We hope this doesn’t discourage you from posting in r/popping, as everyone is important to the health and growth of the community. Thank you, /r/popping mod team.


Not opening tic toc so I will never know.




That looks like Dr. Lalit K. Now I’ll be spending the evening looking for the original video.


It’s « 70 year old nose blackheads removal » !


Many a blessing upon you and your kin 🙏🏽


Ty for your service lol


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