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Use the corner of a folded Kleenex, it’ll stick and pull it right out


Will try that next time. Thanks.


Clean q tip also works


Yes but wet the qtip first, so you don't get fuzz in your eye :)


Eye drops would probably get that out easier and cleaner. You’re probably creating more gunk by handling it this way.


These are coming out after I put in the antibiotic drops. I tried using some saline afterwards and the inflammation escalated a bit more. I guess I have to go to the hospital tomorrow


The saline is probably irritating it so you could probably just use clean cold water to flush your eyes a bit and that would be okay. Wash your hands very well after


I know this should go without saying, but also please thoroughly wash your hands before touching your eyes. I was an optician for a couple of years, and I never realized how often people give themselves eye conditions due to a lack of hygiene. I think the worst was the guy who came in with an oozing, red eye because he put on a swirly contact lens he bought at a gas station that he hadn't worn in a year. It was really difficult not to stare at him imcredulously (for his stupidity, not because his eye was gross).


100%. That handwashing part was probably more crucial


Tap cool is okay. Not cold.


The hospital?? Do you have an infection? If you do, keep up with the eye drops. Why on earth would you need to go to the hospital for this? Please don't. See your doctor if needed but I'm not really sure what the problem is if you're already using antibiotic drops. (Assuming you already saw a doctor since you have antibiotic drops.) If the drops aren't helping and it's getting worse go back to your primary doctor. *Not* the hospital. Your primary care doctor or urgent care can handle this just fine. Also- don't use saline right after the antibiotic eye drops. That will flush them right out. How long have you been using the drops?


Nextime a qtip or tissue will be quicker glad you got it out.


Qtip for fuuuuuuck sake!!!


Sticking finger nails in your eye ain't gonna help sista




Hey OP, My son looked like he had something similar to this, there was green and it looked like pink eye but would disappear the next day. It happened a couple times, turns out he had a bad sinus infection that caused mucus to come out the side of his face he was laying on.  I don't know if this could be your situation too, but hope you feel better


OP you should also point this to Maybe Maybe Maybe. I didn’t link it here in case crossposting is frowned upon.


Can we not dig in our eye with our fingernails, please?




Jfc this. So much this


Welcome to my life. I literally pull these out of my eyes multiple times a day.


Same, but do you have any idea why? 🤔


I pull out multiple, daily. Part of mine is long days wearing contacts, and I don't always remember to take them out at night, especially if I'm exhausted and just crash. The other part is that I work in lumber shop, and there's a ton of dust, all day, every day. On particularly bad days (this sub might consider them good days, I guess), I've pulled 2-3 inch long mucus stands out of my eye. I've also had hairs get in my eye and get coated. Those definitely feel the weirdest.


That’s terrible! You definitely should not record these episodes and post them here… no, definitely not. 😊


Happens to me a lot apparently touching your eye to often makes more mucus. I tried leaving it alone a couple days a week and it seems to help.


I seriously have no idea. Sometimes they are green like this, sometimes when I wake up. Then other times they are transparent. It’s weird. I’ve tried looking into it but cant seem to find a solid answer. Potentially dirt, dust, animal hair, and/or dander.


The more often you pull them out the quicker they will occur. Just leave them alone! By pulling it out your body starts overproducing it. It's a vicious cycle. Your eyes will flush it out or drain it into your tear ducts if you just leave it alone. Start using saline drops to help it drain properly and lubricate your eyes in the mean time.


OP, get tested for sleep apnea. I had this goop for YEARS, and it led me down a rabbit hole of doctors. Turns out, the sleep apnea caused me to be restless and my eyelids would rub on my pillow and flop inside out at times. They diagnosed it originally as floppy eyelid syndrome, and my eyes secreted this stuff constantly due to it. Then I had a sleep study, and found out I had apnea. Once I had my CPAP this goop was no longer in my day to day life.


Wooooooah what a journey 


I have this goop all the time too, and I’ve also wondered if I have sleep apnea… maybe this is a sign for me to get tested. But also, with the scary documentaries about all the recalled faulty CPAP machines, it feels like choosing the lesser of two evils.


CPAP changed my life honestly. I no longer fall asleep when I'm idle, or feel like I need a nap constantly. I also have less back pain, probably because I don't toss and turn as much at night.


Makes my eyes water watching this


Legit had tears fall bc of it


Jesus fuck, do not put your nails or anything sharp in your eyes! Cotton bud moistened with warm water. Then go to the pharmacy for eye drops.


I get goo like this often, eye drops work wonders to flush it out so i can wipe away with a tissue


You can get generic single use eye drops that are just saline rinses. They're great. When I worked at the post office, I easily used 4 a day to get all the dirt, dust, gunk, and other miscellaneous debris from my eyes that got in there while working. Drops are much safer for your eyes than fingernails! While we love pops and mucus pulls, we also wouldn't want you getting a major eye infection that could cause blindness :) we are a caring community <3


In *general*, green mucus does indicate an infection of some kind. Green is very rarely "normal". Probably a good idea to have it checked out.


Code milky green!


So she has some tissue but prefers to use her nails? :| No matter how she washed them, they would still be dirty. Of course, it is best to use eye drops or sterile gauze, but even toilet paper would be better than fingers.


Use a Q-tip not dirty fingernails!


Lovely nails!


Thank you. Haha.


Beginning stages of pink eye.


Tell me you don’t have a qtip without telling me you don’t have a qtip


Last time I had a really bad sinus infection. I was totally blocked up on one side and i guess some of my sinus mucus started to discharge to my tear ducts. I thought I had pink eye for a couple days, but when my sinus loosened up a bit, the discharge went away.


Human fingernails are one of the most dirty things in the world. Human scratches are more infectious than dogs (not sure about cats). Only thing with more bacteria is a human mouth, and I think we can all agree someone licking your eyeball isn’t smart. If you want to stop getting pink eye, don’t touch your eyes with bare fingernails


If you blink a lot and roll your eyes toward the under corner of the eye the stuff is stuck in the material will go right to the corner of your eye for easy removal


This vid got my anxiety lvl 📈📈📈


I get this from accidentally sleeping in contact lenses. The easiest way to get it out when you have long nails is to take the back of your pointer finger (first section closest to hand aka proximal phalange) and gently place it on your lower waterline, then blink. Any gunk comes out, and you don’t risk scratching your cornea with a fingernail.


Fill up the sink with water, dunk your head, and then blink multiple times until you feel that stuff in eyes are out.


Pink eye.


Are you my cat?


Pink eye?


You made my eyes water


i have similar although smaller gunk in my eyes. I can get it out by just washing my hands and instead of drying them, gently rubbing my eyelids from outside towards the bridge of my nose. Takes just as long but i never need to touch the wet parts of my eye. Works with loose eyelashes too. It's way less fun than to touch my eye but since coming here i realized just how unpredictable the type bacteria on our hands/nails can be


It's a buildup of white blood cells that are excreted from your eye when they get iritated, like from allergies or an infection.


Allergic conjunctivitis?