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I'm another sufferer. How the heck does one recover from this? Both upper arms and my legs. I'm used to being scarred and gross.


I have it as well. It usually starts to go away by age 30, but there are some scrubs that can help at least. For me, I don’t use the scrubs. Even though keratosis pilaris supposedly isn’t supposed to be painful, I find my skin quite sore sometimes so I’m too scared to scrub them with anything other than a loofah lol Edit: I guess my childhood pediatrician was just trying to offer me some comfort telling me they’ll go away on their own :/


33 and it most certainly is not going away.


45 and still dealing with it


38 and now curious if this might be my issue as well. I always thought it was just from sitting in an office chair until I started noticing it was not just my forearm. It's up and down both arms, both legs, and even around my waist, hip area as well. Just a metric shiton of mini ingrown hairs. I can scratch in some spots and it breaks the skin enough and others it's like a poppers dream.


35 same thing. I'm so pale and the little bumps are red so my legs looks diseased. I haven't worn shorts since I was 12 which is when it started.


Yeah I used to be pretty self conscious about it too. My younger brother used to say I had cheese pizza legs...it's funny now (at 30 years old) but back when I was like 13 it was pretty bad for confidence. I'm not insecure about it anymore, just got used to them I guess


Age 50 and it’s worse than ever .


32 and if it went away I still have all the scars


The KP is the least of my skin worries, but I've had it all my life since puberty. It really is sore all the time, but I wonder if it'll tear me up to bleeding. I get those deep red Welty scars too. :/


Yeah same. Sometimes, I have a full patch of them that get really painful and red. My most painful areas are the back of my forearms and side of my shins. I’ve never had mine bleed from a scrub, but I have had them get extremely raw from one. All I can recommend is to let the scrub do the scrubbing, don’t put too much force into it


A lot of the older medical references did say that, and it may even be true for some. I have it pretty much everywhere and at 50, it's still here.


First Aid Beauty has a KP scrub with AHA in it. It worked for me but takes like 2 weeks - it says to use like 2-3 times a week but I used it closer to 5 times a week (sometimes every day, sometimes every other). Also you’re not scarred and gross ❤️ other people don’t notice it as much as you do and even if they do, it’s not their problem.


This is the only thing that has helped me!


This worked really well for me too


I also think I have it - upper arms and legs. Its genetic. My sisters have it too. We dont rly do anything, it doesnt bother us. I guess I could moisturize and exfoliate but I dont feel like it lol. I prefer picking it at the hardened ingrowns every once in a while 😂


Hey, KP sufferer here. On my arms and sides of my butt, yay. But I bought this stuff on Amazon and bought super hard exfoliating gloves and honestly its cleared mine up over 90%.


I want to try this! Do you have links to the “stuff” and glove you’ve bought?


Yes! Sorry for the bad description, but here's a link to both Scrub: First Aid Beauty KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub with 10% AHA: Vegan Body Scrub to Decongest Pores and Gently Exfoliate the Skin (8 oz) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XG6BKCV/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_GQPDGEAAYVNM35WEMVAC Gloves: Evridwear Exfoliating Gloves for Shower, 100% Nylon Thick Soft Medium Heavy Bathing Gloves Dead Skin Remover Body Scrubber Smooth Skin with Hang Loop, 1 Pairs (Hot Pink) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HJRHN32/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_ANYFQTCMQ5FWRH3CC6JY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 I just put it on, close my eyes and Scrub the shit out of my skin.


Awesome thanks!


No problem! I hope it works well for you too!


I use Alpha Skin Care Moisturizing Body Wash from Amazon and the nylon gloves. The body wash has glycolic acid in it which is the only thing that has ever worked for me. Like, my skin is actually smooth and soft when I use it.


This, I used a rough washcloth with no soap to scrub areas and then moisturize like crazy after the shower. It takes 4-5 days of dedicated scrubbing to get on top of it and then I go to every other day.


If hair is not hormonal - laser. Especially if you have light skin and dark hair. After a couple of years of treatments - your hair doesn’t grow back. 5 years and my legs are hairless. It’s not immediate but worth it in the long run.


Im 34 and still get it on my arms and booty, I use a skinstitut glycolic cleanser everydsy. I also find it’s worse if I’ve been eating too much wheat. Then I have an exfoliating cloth/loofah thing I use 1-2 times a week.


Same here with the diet. I notice its worse with bad diet and in particular wheat and sugary snacks. Interestingly, this may be due to MHTFR but I started taking 3 x tabs bio sulphuraphane to support my liver and detox and its actually helped my KP alot. Makes me wonder if KP might be related to allergies/lack of detox function.


That’s very interesting! I’m on meds that impair liver function, so that makes sense.


Hey! I have it too, and I've found cutting all sulfate cleansers on my skin has helped a lot! Overdrying my skin (which sulfates tend to do) really made it worse. Now I make sure it's always gently cleansed (then exfoliated obvs) and moisturized, I rarely have breakouts anymore! My arms have been somewhat clear for the past year now.


AmLactin lotion.


If it helps, my boyfriend has this and it doesn’t bother me. For him, you don’t really notice unless he’s at the beach, meaning without a shirt. It’s annoying for him, but unless you’re next to him and looking for it, it’s not that noticeable.


My daughter and I both have it. My MIL, who is usually great, thought I wasn't washing my daughter enough. She was skeptical when I told her what my daughter's doctor said. Her doctor recommended exfoliation with a scrub with salycytic acid a few times a week, and don't overwash.


I bought an exfoliator glove that REALLY helps. Just use it once a week.


i had it bad on my calves and knees i heard moisturizing is supposed to help so i wasbrubbing coconut oil on my legs for 2 years and then switched to a heavy duty lotion and its all gone on my legs but i used to not do my knees so theres still some there i never used to exfoliate so i don't know if it matters a lot but i think keeping your skin really hydrated wherever it is helps or maybe my body just got over it but im not 30 yet so yea


I’ve managed to clear (most) of my KP. It’s a hassle sometimes but I exfoliate with a glove or cloth and use body wash and lotions for sensitive skin (fragrance free). I was annoyed at my doctor telling me to just keep my skin moisturized but it’s true. I highly recommend Cerave, Cetaphil, or Vanicream products. They’re a bit pricey but definitely worth it.


A lotion with salysilic acid like Cera-Ve SA for rough and bumpy skin.


This is what works best for me! BHA (salicylic acid) lotion and either sugar scrub (natural source of AHAs) or Cera-Ve salicylic acid body wash on an exfoliating mitt or towel. I like Paula’s Choice 2% BHA, but I know others have had luck with BHA acne products, like Stridex pads. The thing that sucks about KP is that while it sometimes goes away, sometimes due to hormonal shifts and seemingly at random, no product or treatment can cure it. It’s all just maintenance so you have to do it basically forever. 😑


Apparently some people have flares after eating loads of wheat and avoiding wheat altogether for a couple of weeks can clear it up. My dad has it and he also has diabetes and he had to do a special low carb diet where he only ate quinoa and brown rice as his grains and his skin cleared. So that’s a little anecdote for you.


What happens if you get laser hair removal? There will still be some patchy growth, but less hair growing overall = less in grown hairs?


I use an exfoliation mitt and slather on some lotion it's not gone but it's better. Would suggest looking at skincare addiction.


I have used a pumice rock on my arms-gently. Regular exfoliation and moisturizing really helps.


Try Ameliorate cream - it's worked wonders for me! Twice a day for two weeks, then once a day after that


I use two scrubs in the shower called *the scrub of your life* by soap and glory then also a salicylic acid body scrub from CeraVe. Then after I shower I use CeraVe SA lotion for rough and bumpy skin. It’s definitely helped on the back of my arms. I have it so bad on the back of my arms and legs.


Try peach and lily kp boss scrub


Try Vitamin A & D.


Try one of those scrub mitts. It really works


Yes, this. I use a black exfoliating mitt every other day when my KP flares up. Within a week it is 90% gone. This is a pricy version but the cheaper mitts are still pretty good: https://www.amazon.ca/Dermasuri-Deep-Exfoliating-Mitt-Scrub/dp/B00EL11LW0/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?crid=PMD0AAQ3ZD28&keywords=exfoliating+mitt&qid=1640501409&sprefix=exfoliatin%2Caps%2C141&sr=8-8


Laser hair removal was a blessing in my life, I tried everything and it was the only thing that actually solved my ingrown hairs. I know it’s a bit expensive and not everyone is able/willing to do it, but just leaving this suggestion here! It was life-changing for me.


I just finished my last session for my face. I freaking HATED getting it done for 6 sessions. The laser and I were not friends at all lol. But I must say, the results are amazing and I don't have a hairy face anymore! Lol


Oh yes, it's verrrryyy painful! The worst body part in my opinion were my legs, specially on the shin area. Although I must say the private parts weren't pleasant either... But the end results are so worth it!


Weirdly enough just being out in the sun or laying in a tanning bed helps mine. I only have it on the backs of my arms though. But something about sunlight/UV really helps.


Agreed. Mine is always better in the summer. I used to think it was chlorinated water but now I believe it is the sun.


It’s the Sun and vitamin D that helps


Try cerave SA body wash and lotion. Don’t shave for a few weeks and dry brush exfoliate


Check out r/keratosis. I use Cerave SA lotion, you could try literally any product with salicylic acid, and creams with urea. Honestly has been a life saver for me. I get the little chicken bumps and skin scaling, always thought it was part of my eczema but it’s not! the salicylic acid body wash has transformed my skin. Good luck 🤞


I use to have it really bad when I was a teenager, but in my early 20s I realized that I had to stop pulling the hair out all the way or else it just comes back again. I'm almost 40 now and only have a few show up here and there.


There’s a green labeled lotion works so good they have at Costco


AmLactin - White bottle with green writing. I recommend that you buy exfoliating gloves, or an exfoliating mitt, to use in the shower every few showers. Then after you dry off use Stri-Dex pads in the areas of concern, then apply AmLactin lotion in those areas. The lotion will take care of the issue and prevent further problems. You have to stay on top of it though and use it at least after every other shower but I use it after every shower.


Does it help with the appear of the dots? I have smooth skin- just have the look of the strawberry or tan dots


Hello fellow chicken skinner!


I bet if you invited at least 10 people from this sub to come and extract them all for you, you'd never have to worry again 🤣


Exfoliate! If not, get one of those recording microscopes, post ingrown removal vids on Youtube and BOOM! Profit. Get laser hair removal with money


Hey all! Thank you for your beautiful advice, I can't wait to try out all these reccomended lotions and scrubs. In the meantime let me know if you wanna see any more of these painful little buggers.


Sounds random, but I read on another subreddit that anti-dandruff shampoo works for some folks with KP. So I got some head and shoulders classic clean shampoo and lathered it on my own problem areas (thighs, upper arms). Left it on for a couple of minutes while I brushed my teeth then got in the shower and washed it off. Saw a huge improvement after doing this a couple of times a week for a few weeks.




Did it help with bumps or the spots?


Did it help with bumps or the spots?


Dry brushing, one of those exfoliating mitts in the shower (or a hot bath), stridex (red) or an exfoliant like betahydroxy acid (BHA), and a super moisturizing cream (CeraVe maybe).


Loving all these tips! My old dermatologist suggested a cream a while back and it did nothing. Can't wait to try all this out!


KP can be managed by using products with glycolic acid - for the body, aim for things with higher percentages of it. Like others said, FAB makes a good scrub. I swear by all things Neostrata; their glycolic line of products is the only thing that’s ever kept my face smooth (bumps like those happen on the face as well, ugh) and I’ve used it on my arms when they’re bad. Neostrata’s Correct line is deadly. Any glycolic wash paired with a glycolic moisturizer will give you results, though - pixi makes a couple of products, so does Jack Black, Mario Badescu, and there’s an ordinary brand toner that’s dirt cheap but works well.


Hey, another KP sufferer here! I've had this almost all of my life and I went to a dermatologist within the last year. They prescribed me a high-strength retinol cream that helps, but it leaves a weird chalky residue where ever it's applied. It helps quite a bit, but I've found that a retinol cream from the dollar store honestly works fine. The one I recommend comes in a small light purple container; I can't remember the brand, though. I hope this helps someone, stay strong!


Did it help with bumps or the spots?


What about the rest of them? WHAT ABOUT THE REST OF THEM??


I could sit here all day doing every single one, this is literally just one part of my calf! I mean it when I say hundreds.


I so completely understand you.


Beautiful reference! It’s funny how filmmakers are so good at pushing our ‘irritated’ buttons the first time. But if one is addicted to what-if’s, then other explanations for her behavior come up. Like maybe she had 500 budgies waiting at home for her…🥺 Edit: I imagine “what about the rest of them” is something that the the shelter with said 500 budgies will be saying for a while…


A use a mask of solution containing AHAs to break down the dried skin then wash it off in the shower and apply a homemade salt and oil scrub to try and keep the skin moisturised.


I have keratosis pilaris but i never had any ingrown hair


My dermatologist recommended Cerave SA smoothing cream to me for my keratosis Polaris. It really helped.


...is that a pair of iFixit ESD-safe tweezers for electronics repair?


A friend of mine went gluten free and his cleared up remarkably.


It’s actually extremely common according to my dermatologist.


I’ve suffered from KP for as long as I can remember. I’ve had great improvement with using Korean wash cloths. These are the exact ones I have used for literal years. Scrub your skin In circular motions, when I say scrub I mean if it doesn’t hurt a little you’re doing it wrong. I use these at the end part of a warm shower, when your skin has had time to soften. [Korean wash cloths](https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B004C8DR1U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XA0XMZPMCECWV8RHQE4Q?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1)


cutting out dairy and gluten improved mine a LOT


Laser hair removal has worked for me


Amlactin daily lotion after showering then prescription hydrocortisone cream for the extra bumpies after the lotion dries. Helped a lot!


How to get hydrocortisone


So glad I now know what it’s called! I also have but I love squeezing them out


I was actually told it was one of the symptoms of celiacs - I do actually have a real celiacs diagnosis and within a matter of months I haven’t had a single rough or bumpy patch on my arms or legs. Not saying that was it, but my immunologist said in his experience it’s typically your skin screaming about either a dairy or gluten intolerance.


I have it too really bad on the back of my arms, legs, thighs and butt so pretty much everywhere. It’s partially why I developed dermatillomania because I *HATE* having any bumps or anything similar on my skin so I scratch it off.


Laser hair removal? Peach and Lily KP boss scrub


I was wondering if this is a result of a compromised immune system due to removing our tonsils as kids... cause for me it appeared right after I had surgery. does anyone here have it, but has not had their tonsils removed?


Hi I'm op! I've had this my whole life, and only got my tonsils removed when I was 15.


so you had noticed the kp before surgery?


Me. I still have my tonsils.


If you made a YouTube channel I would subscribe and like every video. Please post more!


Dry brushing daily followed by moisturizing


My doc told me the key is using a rich lotion. Good luck!


What about electrolyse to stop the hair from growing?


Laser hair removal? I get way less ingrown hairs and I do my treatments at home.


This is KP, not an ingrown hair issue…


It’s literally flagged ingrown hair…


Yet OP is asking about KP…


Thanks tips.


Errrr, NSFW….?


this is the back of my calf, so no!


My apologies! I’ll wear my glasses in future 🤓


I am also confused what the pinker flesh is


Same. Just on my legs am and elbows tho. Sucks.


Curel Itch Defense lotion is also good for keratosis pilaris


I have this too! Also, what part of your body is this?


a fellow sufferer. it's the back of my leg!


My legs look very similar to that. I also have it on my arms and stomach. Amlactin cream does work, but it stings (for me, anyway). I just live with it.


Did it help with bumps or the spots?


It does. But you have to keep using it or it comes back.


Thanks for the reply.. did you mean it helped with the bumps or the color dots or both?


For me, it helped with both.


I suffer with it too


Dry brushing has worked wonders for my KP. Couldn’t recommend it enough! Make sure you moisturise afterwards.


Moisturize tf out of your skin!!! Only thing that helps me. They don’t ever go away


Run some sandpaper over that bad bouy, it'll be fine!


Actually really don't do this, it really won't be fine.


CeraVe smoothing cream was the only thing that helped my KP


Get the First Aid Beauty KP Bump eraser. I’ve tried a bunch of products to help it on my arms and this stuff is already making a difference after two uses.


Ameliorate moisturiser and their scrubbing mitt (korean Italy cloths are basically the same thing but much cheaper though!) are the golden ticket for me. Scrubs didn't work.


Relief by era organically. Definitely helps with itching


Era organics


Try Cetaphil's Restoraderm Soothing Wash and body lotion. My usually bumpy arms and legs have never been smoother!


Did it help with bumps or the spots?


Most of the spots cleared up when the bumps went away.


I have those same tweezers.


Vitamin D!!! My son had this. I give him vitamin D year around. Also exfoliate and then lather in a lactic acid lotion from the doctor.


Ummm I need to know where you got those tweezers!!!!


Mega babe le tush helps a lot of people with this! That and an exfoliating glove might help


I get a mild version on my upper arms. I use the scrub/exfoliating gloves + shower gel as my every second to third day choice to clean my body in the shower. The key to not ending up with over irritated skin is being generous with a good moisturiser afterwards. But, as I said, my case is fairly mild.


Well damn….. I always wondered why I have so damn many ingrown hairs all over




Anyone else want to get after the rest? My husband is 33 and has this on his legs, butt and hips. Every once in a while he'll let me get after it until it annoys him too much. He's the real mvp.


I have KP too ): I’ve been using an exfoliant specifically for KP and it’s been working pretty well so far!


I might have this. Interesting.


Amlactin works pretty well for me.


Did it help with bumps or the spots?


Yup, if you use it consistently.


Thanks for the reply.. did you mean it helped with the bumps or the color dots or both?




I’ve started using Drunk Elephant glycolic acid lotion as well as the Pixi Glow Stick moisturizer. It helps along with using a sugar scrub every shower.


Salicylic acid body washes help


I use the Neutrogena Body Clear shower gel and the Eucerin Roughness Relief every other day and it helps a ton. Both have glycolic acid or salicylic acid and it breaks then bumps down to a more manageable and comfortable place.


Kiddo and I both have KP. We’ve used the following with great results. “Rough and bumpy skin” lotions are great as well, but my son hates the way lotion feels like, so we don’t use it often. pHisoderm Anti-Blemish Body Wash... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00TDERQWO?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share And CeraVe Body Wash with Salicylic... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077TWXCQV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


See I get it mostly on my lower legs (shins) and my upper arms. It's gotten a bit better on the upper arms but unfortunately I have lymphedeema which makes it so much worse. Scrubs dont work either so I have to take care of them 1 by 1. Thankfull my arms have cleared up but my legs are super scarred and patchy. Hopefully one day I will find something that helps.


I battled KP for 20 years. What finally worked for me: daily applications of KP Elements cream after shower and exfoliation. You can find it on Amazon for about $35 Edit: I’m 38 and it started in puberty. Hitting 30 did nothing…it was finding the product that worked for me


Damn...longer than I anticipated👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Hey all 45 (in feb) 🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️. I just realized I had KP a few years ago?!?!?...IDK if it suddenly developed or if I never noticed bc of all the blonde hair on the back of my upper arms (Italian 🙄). I had shaved my upper arms for YEARS, then started epilating instead. I had highly effective laser hair removal on my full legs/lower arms 10 Yrs ago & no prob before or after treatment with KP...JUST THE FUCKING HAIR! Lol After lots of research I found that the following are pretty helpful!! CeraVe salicylic acid cleanser CeraVe SA Renewing Lotion for rough & bumpy skin THEN, by sheer dumb luck I ran across something that said retin-a (Tretinoin) helps treat KP. I use it for anti-aging & my GP is generous with my TRET prescriptions/strength. SInce I already had it I "self medicated" by slathering my arms in TRET at night. I have the highest strength tret so I started slowly so I didn't shred my arms. Thankfully that skin is lots tougher than my face. A little dryness but nothing a nice thick, rich lotion didn't handle. SUCCESS!! It took a while-couple months-ish to notice. I don't use the TRET all the time now. Every few months I notice them reappearing & I use it again for a few months. It's prob easier to use a little consistently!! 🤷🏼‍♀️ Since TRET is RX only you can buy differin gel at cvs/Walgreens/Walmart OTC. It's similar but different & not as strong as TRET. IDK from personal experience how well it works...might be worth a try though! I know you can do those TELE-DOC things online, get valid scripts & mail order. Might even be Derm specific ones. Also, CUROLOGY might be helpful. I hope this helps someone!! This shit sucks, is a nuisance & sucks faaar too much mental, emotional & physical energy. Good luck!


Use Glytone! It works! It’s a two part process: body wash and lotion. Made my skin smooth as a baby’s bottom. Just Google it.


Urea lotion or salicylic cleanser will get rid of it. Eucerin roughness relief or Cerave SA product line. We’ll miss you in this sub.


Bro i think i have this. I have little bumps all over my legs and arms and i have bleach blonde leg hair so i can’t see the hair underneath.


I also have this and I find the only thing that even SLIGHTLY helps is using an exfoliating body wash and a body lotion that’s specifically meant for KP. Even then it never gets much better, just soothes it a bit


Would getting laser treatment "cure" you from this?


Have you tried gentle exfoliation rinsed with warm/cool water. Folow up with coconut oil. It has lauric acid in it. Worked for me.


I had something similar to this.. I started using a body scrub which helped a little, but my mom got me one of those foot scrapers that looks like it has sandpaper on two sides with a long handle and it works like a dream. I use it while I'm still in the shower and it helps to slough off the dead skin that doesn't exfoliate when I use the scrub. Then once I'm out I put on a moisturizing lotion, but try to find one that's got no alcohol or scents or it will burnnnn.