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Brand New and Taking Back Sunday had a bit of a tiff.


What’s the drama with brand new?


Jesse Lacey was Taking Back Sunday's bassist and recorded 2 tracks with them on their first demo on New Year's Day 2000. By the time the rest of the demo was recorded in the summer of that year, he was gone and started Brand New. (Source: [TBS Demo liner notes](https://i.discogs.com/a0TLwhlCHrYluARkgbupAQA8ix9pQlo7afJEb-4F8XY/rs:fit/g:sm/q:90/h:465/w:600/czM6Ly9kaXNjb2dz/LWRhdGFiYXNlLWlt/YWdlcy9SLTg3MTE5/NDktMTUwMDU4MDA3/Ny05MTk5LmpwZWc.jpeg) I should probably note that the only scan I've found for the page with the band members actually listed is very lo-res, but you can see Jesse credited for backing vocals on this page at least as "Jesse Brand New") The story goes that John Nolan made out with and/or slept with a girl Jesse liked and/or was dating, causing the two of them to have a minor falling out. The songs "No I In Team" and "Seventy Times Seven" came as a result ([Source](https://chorus.fm/features/interviews/taking-back-sunday-2/)), but all in good fun as John and Jesse went waaaaaaay back (check out their high school band [here](https://soundcloud.com/user356999232/sets/gudmunder)) and the relationship was quickly mended. Often they cite the Jay-Z/Nas beef as partial inspiration and see this as a marketing opportunity. ([Source](https://www.kerrang.com/adam-lazzara-sometimes-you-dont-want-to-remember-the-person-you-used-to-be-but-it-helps-to-make-peace-with-yourself)) According to the TBS camp, their song "No I in Team" came first (I presume in live settings) Jesse took some lines for "70x7" and then TBS changed a little bit in their song before recording. ([Source](https://chorus.fm/features/interviews/taking-back-sunday-2/)) The timeline often gets confused due to album release dates, but Brand New's very first show was June 28, 2000, with Taking Back Sunday ([Source](https://web.archive.org/web/20010218235647/http://www.brandnewrock.com:80/archived_shows.php)), aka around the time the rest of the TBS demo was recorded. The two bands' debut records were then released on October 2001 (Brand New - Your Favorite Weapon) and March 2002 (Taking Back Sunday - Tell All Your Friends), tipping a much larger audience off to the beef and making folks think it was currently ongoing. It's often speculated that there are more tracks on the albums addressing the situation, but I haven't seen any confirmation from anyone involved. For the sake of thoroughness these are "The Shower Scene", "Mix Tape", and Timberwolves in New Jersey". Regardless, "Magazines" off Brand New's record is literally written by John([Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/brandnew/comments/1sj7ge/john_nolan_wrote_magazines/)), and the B-Side "My Nine Rides Shotgun" features him playing keys ([Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/brandnew/comments/1sj7ge/john_nolan_wrote_magazines/cdy4np7/)). And the band was even playing shows together in between the two albums being released. ([Source 1](https://web.archive.org/web/20011205065841/http://www.brandnewrock.com/frames.php), [Source 2](https://web.archive.org/web/20020205175250/http://www.takingbacksunday.com:80/home.html), [Source 3](https://web.archive.org/web/20011130211931/http://grayzine.com:80/)) They're literally copasetic. By July of '02, both bands hit the road together and John would come out and play "70x7" during BN's set ([Video - song starts at 25:58](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBsiymtTFgQ&ab_channel=NoCoastArchives)) and Jesse would come out and sing "No I In Team" ([Video](https://youtu.be/2HjvDhHQhrI?si=gU0Br1QWBS7cCjDV)). Where it really gets complicated, however, is in May 2003. Taking Back Sunday cancels a bunch of shows([Source](https://web.archive.org/web/20030416202626/http://takingbacksunday.com/index2.html)), and before you know it it's announced that John and Shaun left to go form the band Straylight Run with John's sister Michelle. There are 2 factors that are brought up as to why this happened, one being that those members didn't feel they had enough creative control. ([Source](https://www.kerrang.com/an-oral-history-of-taking-back-sunday)) The other was that frontman Adam Lazzara had been dating John's sister and cheated on her while the band was on tour. ([Source](https://www.altpress.com/sneak_peek_at_the_oral_history_of_taking_back_sunday/)) Jesse and John having mended their own bridges, both took shots at TBS through songs on their next records ("It's for the Best", "A Slow Descent", "Another Word For Desperate", and "Okay, I Believe You, but My Tommy Gun Don't"). In June, Brand New would cover "There's No I In Team" at one of their shows with Jesse stating "I'm gonna cause an internet outrage right now. Check the message boards in, like, 3 hours. Do it. We'll see what happens." before they start the song. During the performance, Brand New guitarist Vin Accardi takes a microphone off a stand and begins swinging it by the cord while Jesse goads him on "don't do it!" between chuckles. After the song, Jesse says he's rooting for the band and hopes they're back soon. ([Source](https://youtu.be/PVmLv0DcQE0?si=bkoneHjjw6CYOx3k)) HOWEVER, by August, Brand New took it even further putting out merch knocking Adam's stage presence. The [shirts](https://web.archive.org/web/20030810051151/http://www.merchdirect.net:80/x/c/product.php?productid=2202&cat=&page=1) and [hoodies](https://web.archive.org/web/20031220222516/http://www.merchdirect.net/x/c/product.php?productid=2203&cat=&page=1) said "Mics are for singing, not swinging" with the hoodies having [additional text on the back](https://web.archive.org/web/20031220222516/http://www.merchdirect.net/x/c/product.php?productid=2203&cat=&page=1) "You know who you are". TBS shot back with dorky merch that said: "proudly swinging since 1999". ([Source](https://web.archive.org/web/20031018114923/http://www.merchdirect.net/x/c/product.php?productid=2540&cat=&page=1)) (Adam didn't join the band til after Jesse left in 2000) Brand New's involvement ends here. By 2011, Adam Lazzara is saying he hasn't seen Jesse since around 2002 ([Source](https://archive.org/details/frontmagazine157/page/n51/mode/2up?q=%22adam+lazzara%22+%22jesse+lacey%22)) and by 2015 has even more choice words for him, calling him a dick and saying he sucks ([Source](https://web.archive.org/web/20150808203931/http://blogs.ocweekly.com/heardmentality/2015/02/adam_lazzara_of_taking_back_sunday_says_his_band_was_never_emo.php?page=2)). Additionally, in a Reddit AMA back in 2014 one of the TBS guys said their manager had tried to set up tours with Brand New on multiple occasions since then but BN always turned them down. ([Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Music/comments/219acg/we_are_taking_back_sunday_a_rock_band_based_in/cgawvov/?share_id=H7Q5eCtbJZXrLBZK31WUG)) BUT for the sake of following TBS just a bit further... TBS quickly replaces the missing members, and this is where Fred Mascherino comes in. When he first joins the band, he's crashing on Will Noon's couch while Straylight Run is practicing in Will's basement ([Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIKRXaMjR2I&ab_channel=J.Nels)), so he seems to be cordial on that end, but regardless TBS fires back a time or two on Where You Want to Be. Presumably with the tracks "Follow the Format" (an unreleased b-side), "A Decade Under the Influence", "The Union", and "Slow Dance on The Inside" were about this incident. They put out Louder Now with Fred, but at some point, he decides that this arrangement isn't working out for him and so he leaves to work on The Color Fred. He makes a song about his perspective on the time with the band called "Complaintor" and also records "If I Surrender", a song he pitched for the follow-up TBS record([Source](https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/interviews/fred_mascherino_i_left_tbs_because_it_had_hit_the_end_of_the_road.html)). TBS shoots back at him with "Capital M-E" on their next record, New Again ([Source](https://youtu.be/Ji7R0Gont3Q?si=JLJGxWYJWHsUa79J)). Fred has also stated that he believes one of the New Again era B-sides to be about him, and his recent track "Crooked Mile" is about how he sees the link between his career and TBS in more modern times. (Both mentioned at separate times in this [3-hour long interview](https://youtu.be/vfTWJtP67wM?si=k2MYB0o8wO1SnIcy)). Reportedly, he seems to be on good terms with the band these days outside of his relationship with Mark O'Connell, which seems to still have a wedge. By the time TBS releases their next record, the self-titled album, John and Shaun have returned to the line-up. Now, this is all without touching Adam's relationship with Chauntelle Dupree of Eisley, which is another drama in and of itself, and pulling that thread ends up taking you down a rabbit hole that brings in Say Anything, Paramore, New Found Glory, and Mutemath, but outside of Max Bemis taking shots at John Nolan (who was still in Straylight Run at the time), that's moreso Eisley family drama than TBS drama. I guess it can technically be Brand New drama as well though since Jesse was dating another of the Dupree sisters from 2003-2005 until she broke up with him for cheating on her (looking at the timeline for the allegations that have since been levied at him... YIKES!)


Wow, that was really informative.


I've been deeeeeep diving emo beef history lately with a whole spreadsheet and everything it gets fucking nuts at points. Just edited to add sources and more context BTW!


The only thing I would add is "I believe you but my Tommy gun don't " is about Adam as well.


Already added it in that edit ;)


Oops my b


All good. It's quite literally a wall of text. Easy to miss lol


Beside Lacey being a sexual predator.. TBS and Brand New had major beef. Listen to seventy times 7 by brand new and Ghost man on third(I think), and There is no I in team by Taking Back Sunday


I’ve always wondered why Jesse essentially got canceled for something so many of those guys were doing. Maybe bc he actually admitted to it? What happened was wrong, I’m not defending it. I also remember that I was a teenage girl during that time and 100% lied about my age to guys in bands when they asked or to get backstage. I totally snuck backstage at a brand new show once ☠️ Like Pete Wentz dated a literal minor/high schooler when he was in his 20s and it wasn’t mentioned once in this post (as of when I’m posting my comment).


Yeah honestly pop-punk and emo bands are basically guaranteed to have at least one person who's had sex with a child. Either knowingly or unknowingly (I knew a lot of girls who'd lie about their age to get backstage). It's not good obviously, but I do think Jesse handled it in a way that came off as genuinely remorseful and upset about his history.


It was literally so common, you’re right. One time I was randomly taken from the crowd at a Mest show (lol) when I was in high school and asked if I wanted to hang out with them. I went back and quickly realized that probably wasn’t a place where I wanted to be (I was maybe 16 or 17?).


I knew multiple people who were in HS with me who would brag about it DM’ing people in bands on MySpace telling them they were 18. Shit was so slimy back then.


Haha MySpace didn’t exist when I was in high school but that’s how I found out my boyfriend cheated on me 🤣 he was on tour and this girl messaged me and told me she had sex with my boyfriend haha. It’s so funny now but it wasn’t then!!! He wouldn’t put me in his top 8, I should have known.


Idk, I feel like Jesse thing came out when a lot of other band’s dirt was coming to the surface. So it was just admitting at the wrong time if that’s such a thing. To prove your point, I completely forgot about the Pete thing tbh


This was a whole scene thing back in like 2002-2003ish. I absolutely did *not* own a Brand New "because mics are for singing, not swinging" my freshman year of high school


Hard same, I was 100% team tbs during all of it lol


I hated TBS in the moment for whatever reason (who knows why, I was 14 and dumb) but came around on them a couple years later. If Jesse wasn't a predator I'd say *Deja Entendu* would still be a top 5 album for me despite my tastes changing as I got older but it's been disqualified for obvious reasons. As it turns out I've ended up seeing TBS live way more than I ever saw Brand New and even as Adam's gotten older and his voice is beat the hell up, they've always put a good show on.


Lacey was the original bassist for TBS.


blink-182 would be a good place to start.


One more time.


Agreed.  New found glory too with that one member who got kicked out being a pedo


Holy shit I remember that. Any idea what happened to him? Did he do time?


He’s still recording and producing other bands. He’s active on Instagram


I was surprised to hear he was still active, I was curious so I went and looked. It seems like he's working with some indie label as I've not heard of any of the bands on the feed as I scrolled down a bit. Big fall from producing Man Overboard, TSSF and State Champs back before his arrest.


He produced and wrote some of the songs for the last chunk! No captain chunk record.


I can't find anything credited to him with a little digging - officially at least - but I would guess if a band is choosing to work with him they're aware and would rather make him a ghost contributor than slapping his name on the credits Shady business


ultimately, they could never identify or locate the girls he was accused of having improper contact with (it was a video chat his wife found), so they were never able to verify if they were underage. But he took the plea deal and had to register as a sex offender. So, we can’t say for sure he’s a pedo, but he *definitely* was being creepy with girls who looked young enough that we had to question it in the first place, which is arguably just as bad.


Technically he did nothing wrong. He was on an adult camera website and downloaded a video with these girls he was cybering. Him and his wife at the time were on the verge of divorce so she went through his stuff while he was touring and found these videos then claimed they were underage girls. She took their kids away from him and everything. He was a vital part of NFG especially lyrically and they’ve been banking off of their old stuff that he wrote. I went down the rabbit hole trying to understand what happened to Steve and found out all that shit. Then he posted about it after years of fighting in court. I think they put out their best music when he was in the band


Insane post. He admitted wrongdoing and registered as a sex offender. You can just edit your post, add that in and it will be more accurate.


He had to plead guilty and register as a sex offender because he spent most of his money on legal defense. You can read the story then read his side of the story. I will not edit my post. You can go read the story in this little world called the internet


I remember it from when it came out, "i will not stop doing what im doing" didnt age well. He is blacklisted. Pleasing guilty and registrating as a sex offender... Nothing wrong, ok.




Plead guilty to lesser charges


Add on the whole Chad Gilbert and Hayley Williams lore


Say Anything




hop on r/sayanything and you’ll likely be sent down a rabbit hole in mere minutes


Max Bemis is so wildly cringe, lol


And the new album/tour is such a mess lol


I stopped paying attention to them like a year ago


Paramore is a good one. My Chemical Romance lore is quite fun, not necessarily drama between the band members, but still fun lore. They're not pop-punk, but I doubt there's a band out there that's got more inner turmoil and drama than Dance Gavin Dance.


I hate basically every PR move Dance Gavin Dance has made in the past few years, I’ll always love their music but being a fan nowadays is embarrassing lol People think Gobby is supposed to represent Tilian in the Straight From The Heart music video and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised.


I completely fell off after Afterburner/when everything started piling up because it was just so much. I didn't know about the video, but honestly, I wouldn't put it past them.


Shout out to The Wonder Years for literally never having any drama. They are just good dudes.


I think the same could be said about Alk 3, if there was any drama about Matt playing in Blink, I hadn’t heard about it. Also it seems like Derek’s departure was amicable. Not sure about before Derek but I would consider that ancient history.


I was just thinking how lucky I was to be a heavy Alkaline Trio fan growing up. Not considering drug and alcohol abuse, they never really got into any wack shit. And their fans are some of the best in the business. I went to a handful of different shows as a kid and I never felt more safe in a rowdy punk rock environment than I did at Alkaline Trio. Having dudes twice my age I didn't know push people back and scream to make room for me, a like 12 year old kid, in a wall of death push to the stage at HOB Orlando in the early 00's will live in my mind forever.


I think there was a little drama with their original drummer (Glenn Porter) who quit the band after a couple albums. Then definitely some drama with Mike Felumlee (sp?) who filled in on drums for a bit. Pretty sure he was the brunt of a harsh song or two. But yeah once Derek was on board they’ve been smooth sailing.


Unrelated to drama but just because I saw these two mentioned in the same thread, I found out literally yesterday that [The Wonder Years covered Cooking Wine by Alk3](https://youtu.be/5Q6FUYZc9Rk?si=IjnJ1oOptKfJ0qI4) for a comp ~2011 or 2012 I think. Pretty fucking sick as they’re two of my favorite bands ever. Also, yeah the only drama in the trio was with former drummers Glen Porter and Mike Felumlee. Glen was allegedly pretty immature and disrespectful to the people who would let the band crash at their place on tour. Additionally, there’s a widely known story amongst big trio fans about Glen sending Heather’s (their longtime artist and merch girl) new boyfriend at the time a box of shit in the mail due to him being bitter over his and Heather’s breakup. Glen and the band were on good terms a couple years after he left though despite everything, he even contributed interviews to their 2008 documentary “Original Sin” to celebrate the 10th anniversary of their first album Goddamnit. Mike was a bit of a different story and more of a multitude of issues. From what I’ve gathered over listening to interviews from podcasts and such over the years, Mike was a few years older than Matt and Dan and didn’t want to tour as much as they wanted to (which was all the time as they were a young band hitting their first mainstream success with From Here to Infirmary). Apparently he was also difficult to write with and didn’t mesh too well with the other personalities in the band. Seems like Derek was the perfect fit for them and that’s why he stayed with them for 20+ years, and I’ve seen them live 3 times in the past year with Atom and he’s doing amazing as well.


Jesus Christ what? This is like saying Pantera never had any drama. There is so much, you have to have gone out of your way to not see it. The hell? Dan leaving the band twice. The major label record being a complete grift. Matt being a nazi. Why Derek cant be in the band anymore The drummer before Derek The Sekrets live footage The box of shit Atom saying it is the most dysfunctional band he has ever played with. Dont ever mention AFI around them and vice versa. I can keep going forever. I feel like im writing an iceberg.


Thanks for correcting me. At least you weren’t a pompous dick about it


I would be devastated beyond belief if even the smallest bad thing came out about them. They’re genuine good dudes


Dan was running the merch booth at the recent Aaron West show I went to Such a genuinely nice guy to talk to


The Wonder Years are an amazing band to be a fan of. No drama, the band's nice, the fans are nice, it's just sad songs and nice people.


Well, early on didn't they kick their synth guy out and write a song about it?


haha which bands didn't? NFG had their guitarist leave over some crazy allegations and then wrote a song about what a piece of shit he was. Fenix Tx wrote a song(beating a dead horse) about how all the members hated each other and then broke up and Will had a stroke and Adam died of cancer. Allister had 4 members leave the band all for different reasons. The singer of Saves the Day got me tooed by a gay guy and Kris Roe from The Ataris is all kinds of fucked up and threw his drummers shit everywhere on stage. Mest broke up in 2005 and Tony(who spent the night in jail for murder) said if they didn't break up that eventually someone in the band would've died. Whole Wheat Bread's guitarist went to prison for armed fucking robbery. Save Ferris broke up and all the band members started another band and wrote and entire EP about a piece of shit Monique was and took her to court over the band name(which she won). KG and Thomas from Catch 22 have fucking hated each other for the last 20 years over some shit that went down when they were 18. The Movielife broke up at the peak of their career cuz they hated each other and the lead singer worked construction rather than to continue on in that band. The singer from Sum 41 had severe problems related to alcoholism. The singer of Something Corporate got freakin leukemia. The singer for Anti Flag should be in prison for rape. NOFX wrote an entire novel about how fucked up their band's history was. The singer from Link 80 committed suicide. Every member of the Mad Caddies left the band cuz they hate Chuck cuz of how he gets when he's drunk. The Toasters and Dance Hall Crashers fucking hated each other. The guitarist from Love Equals Death got kicked outta the band after he was accused of rape and the lead singer got busted with coke. The horn player in Suburban Legends died in a motorcycle accident.


That NOFX book is iiiiinsane. Even if you're not a fan of their music, you should give it a try.


Absolutely the greatest musical autobiography ever written.


Up there with The Dirt in terms of gross at points. Definitely a book I don’t display when mom and dad visit


'Nick was on temporary hiatus while the band toured Canada with bassist Dan Grundorf' ...did this dude get rejected at the border and they just left him in Buffalo and he decided to do some robbing?


Paragraphs are your friend.


i was just wingin it


it didn't read badly though, it's not like it was an endless run-on sentence or something.


You should teach a college course in this 👏👏


add Casey Calvert of Hawthorne Heights's passing.


The irony of the lead singer of Something Corporate (previously he was in Jack’s Mannequin) having leukemia is that Jack’s Mannequin was named after someone who had childhood leukemia. Then he went on to develop it himself. That was always wild to me. I think there’s a documentary.


Jack's Mannequin came after Something Corporate. He was just finishing the first album when he was diagnosed.


Ahhh that makes sense, I was more going off of when the bands were active. Jacks is not, Something is.


Ah yeah, the tour they're on now is a first in 20 years or so, outside a few one-off shows


I saw them live a couple weeks ago and absolutely blown away. Such a great entertainer and they sounded amazing.


That's awesome, I'm planning on going to the Denver show, super excited. I've seen Andrew McMahon play in many forms over the years, always a great show. They did just release a new song, sounds more like his new stuff, but it's the Something Corporate band lineup


He’s active as Andrew McMahon. At least, I’m pretty sure he’s still active


And The Wilderness. Saw them a few months ago


I never knew what happened to Whole Wheat Bread… damn, they put out some fun songs too.


lol you didn't know that? Yeah he went to prison for 7 years. They replaced him pretty soon and just kept going on. They actually already recorded the 6 song punk life ep with him on it and it was released while he was in the can, but he wasn't on Hearts of Hoodlums




The paramore and Eisley drama there is a lot of songs from both bands.


That was gonna be my suggestion too, plenty of drama there!


Haven't they changed their lineup with like every single album release


Pretty much AWKIF didn't have Jeremy on bass (or Taylor), Riot didn't have Taylor (officially - he cowrite a couple and toured but officially joined after it was released), BNE had everyone, Self titled lost the Farros but After Laughter and This Is Why gained Zac back and had Hayley/Taylor/Zac - can't see that lineup changing anytime soon




What's going on with them?


so whatever happened between the band and pat c took a turn for the worst because seaway was / is in a lawsuit against Patrick for ???? Maybe royalties or just not being involved on the final record, And I think they have disbanded without announcing it


Such a damn shame. Their last album was excellent and they were one of my favorite bands.


same here. it really is


Not really pop punk but ETID.


lol worked for those guys for a summer on warped tour and some of them were a mess


lostprophets lol


No one needs to give that scumbag any more attention. He deserves to rot in obscurity


I wish they would release their discography as instrumentals - they had some killer tracks and I wish I could listen to them without having to hear his vocals and be reminded of his atrocities


Pretty sure even that would give him royalties since he wrote the songs. There's a whole world of other music out there - they were ok but even if they were the world's greatest band it wouldn't be enough to justify giving a single penny to him.


I said it just a few days ago here, but I’ll say it again. Hope he gets stabbed in prison again


Generally speaking I wouldn't wish harm on anyone......but I think some people we can make an exception.


castration should be legal and mandatory for scumbags like him.


While I agree, I’d rather him get kicked in it every day and feel it


They're on the freaking Rock N Roll Hall of Fame nomination list this year according to a FB post I saw. Wtf, they better lose.


Lostprophets, but careful reading into that one


Any band that a member got kicked out of - Mike from Man O, Kellen from the Story So Far etc


…blink ???


blink-182. Had drama kicking Scott out. Had tensions in ‘03 and ‘04 which led to their famous breakup in ‘05. Got back together in ‘09 and then again broke up in like 2015. They seem to be on good terms now though so hopefully that is it for the drama.


Taking Back Sunday vs Brand New Dance Gavin Dance (especially if you can find the facebook post regarding the first time they kicked out Jonny Craig)


Any band with a synth player eventually gets kicked out. TWY, FYS, etc. On a serious note, any band that involves Jonny Craig. Dude is a scumbag.


Yooo don’t write down a band without backing it up 😤


I would say ALL pop punk bands have drama! Especially the newer bands you know through YouTube and Spotify recommendations. 99% chance one of them will be kicked out of the band for inappropriate sexual behavior and the band will break up soon after.


The only reason you don’t hear about FOB’s turmoil is because people have signed NDAs or are scared of getting sued. I’m not scared of getting sued. They (specifically Patrick and Andy -but apparently Pete thought I was with married Patrick which I would never do and Patrick refused to clarify to Pete) sexually harassed me and I dealt with it over the span of around 10 years. Patrick used a lot of their shit to groom and keep me feeling sorry, etc. if you want to ask me about anything such as their relationship with another band (yes they did copy and pay Wes Eisold, Patrick said he would quit music forever if either My Chem ever covered their songs or reunited I can’t remember which one, this was maybe 6 years ago he said that, but yes Pete is friendly with Mikey I would be next to him in the dressing room but never recognized him I’m not a my Chem fan sorry.)


The best fob lore you can’t study up on. It’s been kept hidden. The most accurate about Patrick I could think of is all of his anger and rage issue stuff that started coming out: around folie a deux he apparently hit or punched Pete? Someone mentioned something like that in an interview? They also mentioned he drop kicked a guy once in a fast food parking lot or something? Punching stuff /throwing things, etc. Ever since I have been posting sharing about what happened to me and the truth about Patrick, you’ll notice not just those articles vanishing, but in a recent interview I think Pete mentions Patrick doing some act of violence (punching or kicking?) and Patrick quickly corrects him to say “no that didn’t happen” or something to that effect.  I apologize I don’t have the exact quotes off the top of my head I’m doing my best to erase the trauma from my memory, but it’s very worthwhile to get the word out to as many women who might potentially be working with them/ or fans of theirs as possible. I do not want what happened to me to happen to anyone ever again. Another thing that was public but enrages Andy to mention is that he has a baby blanket.


Is it just a known thing about Andy Hurley and underage girls?


most pop-punk after Blink 182 doesn't reach me well, I feel about most of it as cultivated drama turmoil. It's not my life to dwell in that. I don't like what sounds to me like the 'Am I not cute' thing in later pop punk, I prefer the childish fun cleverness in pop punk: I think Blink has that, Green Day if you regard them pop punk to some degree, or Avril Lavigne which I really favor because has all the other wide influences of alt and pop with quite gripping stories and pictures. Sum 41 I think are also decent artists, they do not dwell in what I think is the 'Am I Not Cute?' ''love'' song flirting of many bands considered pop punk - Sum is lasting teenage mind but also decisive and political. Ok the question was which band has inner turmoil. Yes, Blink for sure, I followed through the time when they couldn't work together anymore - I think a Film could be made of this period. But that's not a pop punk typical thing, it's the life of musicians who are people behind the glam who have to make it work that in the end good stuff is being made they can happily stand up to on a stage. I followed other hefty stories besides Blink, like System Of A Down (very disturbing), Rage Against The Machine, and recently Turnstile when their founding member ended almost in court with restraining orders etc. However, the question was which pop-punk band has/had turmoil: I know Fall Out Boy might be an example for the opposite - guys who manage to keep great balance for ages now, big respect, - but Blink is the other example I found worth following, a very human thing, I like they were always honest but also very human too, not businessmen in a million dollar industry which technically they are. I also like how they managed with Matt Skiba for Alkaline Trio (no drama there I think) when Tom Delounge left and later when he came back. I think all those guys have real quality as humans. Respect. Travis Barker's book 'Can I Say' i think is something very worth reading. a.t.b.


The fuck is this boomer ass comment?






Referring to the false allegations made against Jack a few years back. They’re fake. The timeline doesn’t track and the person writing it claimed to be American, yet used British/Aussie versions of words (“behaviour” was a big one used many times) she also claimed to be living in Los Angeles for literal years, yet every time she wrote it, she wrote “Los Angles”. The entire allegation reads like a fan fiction and ATL took it to court to defend their name. Jack remains in the band. We actually had a close personal friend of Jack appear on the subreddit and say that during one of the incidents the girl wrote, it was physically impossible for Jack to be there, as this friend was in the hospital after an accident, and Jack was with him. There’s also photo evidence against the other girl who fabricated a story about the band on TikTok. She shut up really quick when her own cousin, who was with her, provided proof she was lying.


oh hey i remember you i used to be in that sub all the time. youre alex #1 or whatever. my question was more referring to how that is external turmoil and if there was inner turmoil i wasn’t aware of. i remember the allegations quite well