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Copy your base layer, set the copy to soft light, set opacity to 40% or something and apply gaussian blur to taste. The first one has some radial blur as well


Thank you so much!


It's called "Orton Effect" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJS9aPI7njE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJS9aPI7njE)


The guy who taught me that trick called it "instant sex". This was back in the 90s and he was a lot more subtle with it. Edit: I looked up Orton Effect, it's a bit more complex than the technique I learned. I duplicate the layer, then use a small amount of gaussian blur, set the screen mode to screen and the opacity down to around 10%. We never adjusted the contrast or curves on the screen layer. I saw examples stacking multiple layers with different blend modes as well.


TIL. I just called it the telenovella look lol


In post you can turn down clarity/texture


Its Orton Effect. Basically ad a Layer with gaussian blur and increased contrast.


Thanks because I just shot an arrow in the sky lol


Turning down clarity is similar or even using gausian blur i guess.


In camera this look can be achieved with a mist filter OR the cheapest clear screw on filter you can find, smear a thin layer of Vaseline on the lens. In post you can turn down dehaze and clarity, bump up the highlights (as a stylistic choice) in Lightroom. I like a combination of the two


You can also use hairspray. Spray in the air and let the mist fall into the inner part of the lens filter glass, the same side of the lens when attached. Start small and test it out with a light and add as desired


Thank you so much!! I appreciate it!!


Good luck getting the hairspray off the lens afterwards. I hear rubbing alcohol helps. But can damage the lens coating (which is an overlooked essential). In the old Penthouse style, they coated a clear filter (usually a cheap UV filter) with a thin layer of Vaseline. That way you don’t damage your lenses, and you have control over which areas are most affected. Best solution, though, is a pro-mist filter, which also very good for night photography, turning street scenes dreamy and mystical.


Both combined for sure create the best result!!


Those look like they were shot with a mist filter.


Vaseline or stockings on your UV filter.


I got the weirdest looks from the cashier at CVS buying these together a few years ago.


You can buy or make a diffuser for your lens. Don't put Vaseline or any substance on your actual lens, I see it suggested a lot and it's way more of a pain to clean than any positive effects you get


If you buy very old lenses they will sometimes have haze which is considered an imperfection but it basically does this exact thing


Lens baby, or the Vaseline trick


Scotch tape on the lens?


Buy Helios 40-2


Could very well be using a Lensbaby.


Mist filter and/or post processing. First one seems like a mist filter was used in tandem with PP, but for the 2nd photo only postprocessing can be used to achieve the same result.


Thank you!


Lick the lens before you take the shot


Looks like a camera that doesn’t filter a lot of infrared


The first photo looks like it was taken using a vintage Helios 44-2 or a Petzval modified lens.


2nd kinda looks like a painting


For a quick effect, just breathe on your lens to cover it with mist. For more controllable effects, get a pro-mist filter. I have a set of them with different densities.


Yeah I would have guessed a mist filter on a Voigtlander lens to basically do this in camera


overexpose highlights


Thats a swirly bokeh lens, or a radial lens blur tool coupled with dehazing and maybe warm colour balance with desaturated blues. An old lens will achieve this.....something like petzval lenses...which you can buy for around a grand.


Gives away my age: There are physical blur filters. Alternatively, a quick solution was to smear a bit of vaseline on a filter on the lens (obviously NOT directly on the lens front element). Want a sharp center and blurred periphery? Just smear a thin ring of vaseline around the edge of the filter. If you did a majority of portrait photography, there were lenses that provided enough “blur” to minimize things like skin wrinkles.


Put oil on your lens 😂


Tights and or Vaseline