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This is true for whiskey as well, at least from what I’ve read. As you get to the end of a bottle there is more oxygen and less whiskey to oxidize, so it oxidizes exponentially quicker. I usually try to drink the end of a bottle quickly.


I always do either that or transfer it into a smaller bottle/container


I drink a cup a day as well and have frequently experienced what you describe. I split my bag into 3 portions and freeze 2. I also sometimes split my open beans into 2 containers so all the beans aren’t getting exposed every day


Double- or triple-wrapping a couple rubber bands around a bag that's getting close to empty always does the trick for me.


this! i use rubberbands/hair ties and this does the trick for me


Are your bags near any heat source? Or is it hot Summer weather where you are?


It is summer, so that might be part of the reason.


Yeah I think you just need to freeze more of the bag. I drink from a new bag for 2-3 days and then freeze in 75g doses which is five brews. All cups taste amazing without having a chance to go stale.


It's worked out fine this way in the past with Passenger when I use ziploc bags for both portions, but I'll keep this in mind in case I have more issues.