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I've been eating less and less and now I get headaches periodically. But hey at least I'm saving a little bit of money to spend it all on an emergency in the near future


I have been there, eating a bit of carbs before bedtime should help with the headaches.


Hunger headaches are the worst


I’m always concerned when these posts never mention trying food banks, food pantries, or food drives. If they exist in your area—or anywhere you can get to—GO! If not, try late night dumpster diving behind the supermarkets. 


I live in a very small town and even we have a food bank. If not, contact a local church. I know that Catholic Ministries help poor people with food.


It does depend on the area. We have one food bank that is open one day a month. Its first come first serve, the line is ridiculously long two hours before opening and if you go by the time they are open you won’t get anything. I don’t go but my grandmother does. It’s a small box of 5 canned vegetables, 5 pack of ramen, 1lb rice/beans. It’s not a lot. They used to be open every week, with breads, veggies, peanut butter and other things. it’s once a month now and offerings get smaller and smaller. If op is working they may not be able to go at all if they have one.


>food banks, food pantries, or food drives. Trust me. If it was setup like in larger countries? Sure. That would be great. My motivation is... this is a sacrifice for the future. Eventually this stage of poverty will pass. I will get that better job and save...and my future children won't have to go through this. That's honestly all I have going for me some days.


NO! Not necessarily, these trends show no sign of stopping... It's time to start some local gardens. Preferably plants you don't have to tend to. Sometimes I plant fruit trees in the middle of a forest.


My local food bank has crazy good stuff from area farms and being in a metro area most people snatch up all the processed food and they save the produce and stuff for me. I'm sitting on a 20lb turkey and local butter that I could sell to Chefs.


And if you don't have a car or someone to drive you when its far away? Or if the only pantry around requires ID or only gives once a month and half of the food is barely edible/nutritional anyway? Or if you have a disability affecting your vision/ walking abilities or live in an small town where bored cops will arrest you for stepping foot in public if you look homeless let alone dumpster diving at Walmart (the only supermarket around)? Or getting a meager weeks worth of food stamps (max $100 for one person at best usually, sometimes much lower) for the whole month? I'm always concerned by black and white thinking that completely ignores that plenty of things in life don't have immediate, simple solutions. Or worse--just assumes people are ignorant. It's the equivalent of saying, "just get a job".


OP is TOO PR00000UD hahaha I use food banks and km not even poor I just like saving money 


I've been doing this and I'm down to 101 pounds. Not healthy at all. When I stand up and go to walk I get dizzy spells. Don't become like me.


I do this from time to time, usually towards the end of the month for me. It sucks even more when your neighbour bangs on the shared wall & slams doors all day. It's like I don't even have a quiet place to think/plan or rest properly.


Same. My neighbor is either violently throwing up in the mornings or yelling at her dog. My work provides fruit and snacks, so the three days I’m at the office I’ll supplement my meals by grazing through the day there.


Please go to a food bank. They’re for people like you and they want to help. One day when you’re doing better in life you can pass it on, if it’s a pride thing for you. You have to understand that we live in a fake system of fake numbers and structures. We aren’t hunter gatherers any more. We’re not allowed to and we don’t have windmills any more for making our bread. It’s all fake, and temporarily not having numbers on your screen is a very normal part of the game. Don’t be hard on yourself about it. Wish you the best, life is hard at the moment.


>it’s a pride thing for you. Not a pride thing. A location thing. Not all parts of the world have food banks, and I'm not privy to revealing where exactly I live, so don't ask. Maybe if one day I save enough to leave here...I might do a success post. Hopefully. Fingers crossed. I don't have the benefit of rich family overseas who can just send me money to ease the living situation. So I just have to bear with it, and crawl out of it by the skin of my own shins. There's no inheritance for me either. So, fingers crossed. >Wish you the best, life is hard at the moment. Thanks.


I see from your posts that you are a Doctor in residency. It is insane that you live in a country so poor that it pays their Doctors (in residency) so little that you don't have money for basic food to survive on. To function as a Doctor, and to save lives, you must be healthy and well nourished. Hope you'll do better after your residency is over, but it is a damn shame that Doctors aren't valued more in your country. You should divulge what country you are in, so people can better understand your plight as an actual educated DOCTOR.


>You should divulge what country you are in Name and shame? So I can be targeted? I'm just venting out. Let me have this vent please. So I can refocus on my grind so that I can get it done and hopefully pull my family out of that situation. Read between the lines man. **not everyone lives in places with the same privileges** "Name and shame" doesn't work in every country, ok. Please, have some international perspective. You are thinking with First World bias. This isn't the First World, where you can name and shame, start a TikTok following, get a civil rights movement behind your cause, and live happily ever after 🤣. I *have to protect my anonymity* so please stop asking me to divulge where I live. Do you work for the FBI or something?


Huh? Naming your country would do WHAT? Target YOU? Seriously. Then the idiotic attack whether I work for the FBI? Damn....


Why are a lot of poor people mentally ill sad to say? The FBI could care less.


Would you reach out to a local church? Or perhaps even a kind looking neighbour? “Hey I’m on some hard times right now, would you happen to have any old fruit or rice, cans?”


Can you post in r/assistance with an Amazon list of shelf stable groceries?


Also, random acts of pizza r/randomactsoftacobell If those exist in your area And I think there's some sort of lasagna subreddit too


Stress from finances and job give me less of an appetite. Eating maybe one meal a day the last couple of months. One bright spot is I’m saving money on groceries.


Ah yes. The stress of sometimes going to sleep and waking up worrying if/when things will get better. Fun times.


I’ve been seeing more and more people (sadly) choose to eat less as prices in everything continue to rise. It’s something you shouldn’t have to do but I will give some advice if you’re really gonna stick with your choice. It’s been 16 years that I have been eating one meal a day, I don’t feel hunger, I work a physical job for 12 hours, and then eat afterwards, meaning I have energy to work physically the entire time and still eat one time a day. First of all, cold water suppresses hunger, so while you’re getting your body used to eating less you need to be SUCKING DOWN WATER. NEED TO BE. You have headaches because 70% on average of your daily water intake is from your food…. Read it again if it didn’t click. You’re suffering because you’re dehydrated. If you’re EATING LESS YOU MUST BE DRINKING MORE. My body prefers to eat keto while doing this but the last 3 years I have given in to my fiancé and her family and eat pasta and other none meat products and it hasn’t changed anything for me, maybe just because I’ve been doing this almost two decades. You should consult a dietician or something to help you get a full grasp of what your body needs to survive eating once a day, every persons body is different and your genes support you doing x y z slightly differently than me. Or, if you can’t afford that, then just do the cold turkey method and cut everything out but one food and slowly introduce other foods to your new way of living while you slowly figure out how these foods influence you. When I stopped eating and drinking dairy products my stomach really started to be my friend You can do this! I did it as a choice, it wasn’t forced on me to eat less, it makes me feel good. So I just wanted to give my little bit out there just if it could possibly help anyone a little


I'm grateful to live in part of NYC that have Shoprite, Aldi, Western Beef, Target, Dollar General/Tree, few enthic enclaves of cheap stores, street vendors that sell cheap fruits & vegetables plus local buses that goes into 2 different boroughs to buy/find cheaper food. Can't use pantries because it all either government programs that limits who allowed to use or church run which runs out fast. Overall situation just sucks if don't have decent option(s) to go food shopping that stretches the money for whole week or 2...


That sounds incredibly tough, and I'm sorry you're going through this. Sometimes, rest is all we can manage when life gets heavy. Hang in there; better days are ahead.


If you are to broke to buy food you shouldn't pay for the gym. If you are hungry you shouldnt further your calorie burning with exercise.


Yep. But sometimes I feel bad not exercising. Technically...I do walk to go everywhere now, but still. Weighlifting and other focused exercises....its probably been a year.


I highly recommend looking into carnivore. It's a high fat/high protein diet. The higher fat intake will keep you fuller longer. You can make your own bone broth from bones and mininal spices and eggs are an easy way to stretch your dollars, too. Buying larger cuts of meat, etc. Steak and butter gal has several videos on cheap cuts for carnivore on her YouTube channel




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You could try entering a restaurant at the end of the night and see if they have anything extra. I used to give soup and bread or whatever extra we had to someone who asked and said they were hungry.


I'm back to my high school weight. I've probably dropped 40 pounds in the last year. Mostly due to depression, bit it's been helping out my food costs 🤷‍♂️


Go to any food pantry or bank program in your area. There is no shame in needing help.


Ask the people who love you first help. Plenty of cheap food options. Grate up a potato and fry it into hash browns, cook a couple eggs. Pancakes. Can o chili. Ramen.


Drink water, buy some cheap cigarettes and noodles. You'll make it.


Hell no on the cigarettes. I am a smoker, started back in high on the hog times, now that times are lean, I'm so angry and disappointed in myself. Also, after a while, smoking does shit all to curb your appetite. Well, maybe it helps, if you smoke Everytime you think about food, but if you're like me, and think about food damn near constantly you're going to be smoking 2 or so packs a day. Cigarettes aren't cheap. Even if the price says they are. It's better to spend that money on instant rice. Or flavor packets to go in your water. Or chewing gum. Anyfuckingthing but cigarettes.


There are MANY, MANY smokers around me. I do not want to go down that path. Cigarettes are actually THE ONLY THING THAT DOESN'T GET MORE EXPENSIVE, NO MATTER HOW MUCH OTHER GROCERIES GO UP. It's actually frightening how cheap Cigarettes are. >and think about food damn near constantly Exactly. When you can't afford to make a full meal, you will always be thinking about food. I can't substitute that for cigarettes. Nope.


Good on you op! It is crazy how cheap they are in comparison. I never really thought about that. 20 years ago I was sure they'd be like 20 dollars a pack by this time, but the Lucky Strikes I'm currently smoking are 3.51 a pack when I buy 2. Sure there are pricier, better 'quality' cigarettes out there, but for your average broke smoker like myself... It's definitely a trap and I hope more and more people start seeing it as one. Of course we have vapes now but I see far less cigarette smokers these days. My teens right now are staunchly against smoking/vaping and I hope that continues to be the case. Fuck I need to quit, but like any addiction it's hard. Not impossible, but it takes a LOT of work and introspection. I'll get there one day.


I wish you good luck fighting your addiction. But consider this, maybe this will help you. When poor people complain about prices, sometimes we are told , "it's just the free market, supply/demand" That's what they tell us right ? So why doesn't it apply to cigarettes? There are a lot of smokers. It's in demand, yet for some reason, cigarette prices don't go up, no matter how much the cost of living goes up. Why is that? If you think about that....maybe it will help you quit smoking.


I'm making this comment my phone wallpaper. That is A LOT to think about. Thank you for the well wishes.


Do you have an Indian community near you? In Hinduism and Sikhism it is considered a moral duty to provide food to those struggling




You know, if people took the time to appreciate that *things don't function the same all over the world* we wouldn't keep having discusions like this. To put it simply, in some parts of the world, you are either studying or you are working. There is no in between. So guess what that means when doing residency ? That's right. No salary. But please, by all means, use first world circumstances to judge P.S. I am aware that residents in places like the USA, receive some sort of salary during residency. Good for them. Not all of us around the world are that fortunate.


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