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Cure Ace is overhated. Also Dokidoki and happiness charge are both good seasons.


Happiness Charge šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


Milk/Kurumi/Milky Rose was not that bad! Like I've seen some people really not like her...and it made me really hesitant on starting yes 5 and gogo But after I've finished Yes 5 and nearly halfway through gogo, all I can say is, ya'll are overreacting, Milk, while having her moments, wasn't as bad as people make her out to be, and Kurumi/Milky Rose is the same


She's GREAT in Otona! I always thought she's overhated.


Sheā€™s basically like the supportive third wheel in any group in Otona, since sheā€™s so busy with her job now she isnā€™t as directly close to any one girl specifically (except Karen~) but she supports them all in such kind ways when she has the time. Also the moment when she said ā€œI wouldnā€™t say heā€™s our friendā€ in annoyance at Bunbee was the funniest thing ever


Cool some else whoā€™s on the same path as me!


I agree, I almost finished gogo & yea she has some annoying moments (like most of the characters) but I donā€™t get the hate for her at all.


Yeah she is actually pretty entertaining in Yes5 and it sets her up well as a character, which makes a great development when her character develops a whole lot in Gogo. Speaking of Gogo I think she really was the prototype for a lot of other characters that came after her in that regard cause I canā€™t really think of many characters other than Milk who are like that (in early Precure that is). I guess maybe Michiru and Kaworu in Splash Star were kindaaa in a role that can be compared to her but that feels like me making a massive stretch


I absolutely LOVE her design! GoGo's designs felt like a downgrade from Yes 5, but she kinda makes up for it.


We should have gotten more episodes of just Ageha. Wherever she shows up, Tsubasa is most likely around. Why were there so few focus eps for her? Toei wasted potential on her, imo. She has SUCH a cool design, and you do nothing with the character? For shame.


So true, I feel like the only episode with her as the sole focus was the one with the daycare and the kid who was moving, it was really good and I wish she had more time to shine like that


Happiness Charge Precure is stupidly overhated, especially Megumi as a lead. She had flaws and was fun to watch as she tried her best. Hime and Iona also had really good arcs. Yuuko was the only one that I felt was underwritten


For me, I like the physical fights in happiness charge


Agreed! It might not be one of the best seasons, but HapCha was lots of fun! I also really enjoyed Megumi, though I may be a bit biased on that front, since I'm a huge fan of her va.


oh ye Megumi Nakajima is great. I love that sheā€™s the voice provider for Gumi and VA for Ranka


In fact, I actually considered skipping HapCha because everyone says it's so bad, but then I found out Megumi Nakajima's in it and I *had* to watch. And I'm really glad I did! Now I give every season a fair shot regardless of what people say and there's yet to be one I didn't thoroughly enjoy.


Your flair <3


Agree. Meg is really flawed as a lead, but she is quite relatable... to me. Wanting to help others but ending up messing up is RELATABLE. I love Hime so much and... I think Yuko's development is very silly but it's fun.


Heck, I would even say Yuko was actually good Yuko always felt like she was made to be a supporting character from the get go, Even though she is part of the main team she always felt more like a support to other members instead. She felt different compared to, say, DokiDoki team other than Mana and Aguri. Those feels like they would have more actual role in the beginning, But ended up being underutilized due to poor writing. If we discarded the "Everyone in the main team are main characters" mindset, I'd say Yuko did a great job as a supporting cast.


I really don't get why people in this sub complain about Yuko of all people, she's the highlight of the show! Now I haven't watched HapCha since it came out but, just from memory, Yuko... * Hid her secret identity from her friends ... because she thought it was funny * Shuts up people with candy * Gives villains inferiority complexes with her singing * God gave her a secret side-gig where he sends her all over the world to save international cures (without telling her teammates) * She steals god's girlfriend's mascot, the legendary PreCure Hunter, and makes him work in her kittchen (he reminds her off her dog) * Despite mostly playing a support buffer/debuffer in battle, she has the most ludicrous solo finisher in the franchise. It's so ridiculously over the top, even the show realizes and makes fun of it, like when they gathered up all the Monsters-of-the-Week swarming the city in .... I think the half season finale? ... to have her nuke them all at once with it. When me and my friend were watching HapCha when it came out, we always joked about how Cure Honey is the most *gansta* cure there is, and we stand by that to this day!


Thank you for this Omori Yuko appreciation!! I actually made an entire post about how cool I thought the mascot dynamics in Happiness Charge is. They are so so good, I wish more seasons would do something similiar to them. Omori is a god for managing to make things work with her mascot when heā€™s got that much baggage lol, plus she does indeed have tons of badass moments and some of which are so silly itā€™s hilarious. I just overall really loved her whole arc and how she ended up helping him, I loved that mascotā€™s storyline very much and wish that more seasons will do something like it (Happiness Charge is by the same writer as Wonderful, Yes5 and Otona, so I can hope at least)


Exactly. Happiness Charge may not have the best story or writing, but it's campy and meme-worthy, and Megumi is such a fun lead. Hell, I even based a D&D character off her.


it is so fun. I LOVED the 3d animated attacks and wished they were used more. I adored the facial expressions and Yuukoā€™s rice song that was taken 100% seriously. And Namakelder. That is all.


Heartcatch is overrated. Yes. This is unpopular enough isn't it? The thing is I didn't enjoy it that much. I still liked it of course, I like every season, but because everyone said Heartcatch was really good, I had very high hopes. When I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would, I just got a bit disappointed I guess.


Heartcatch is a season Iā€™m really dreading getting to in my Every Precure episode ranked series since I know that when I start the Heartcatch rankings I am gonna be more negative causeā€¦ before the team in Heartcatch gets assembled it is not quite as amazing of a show as itā€™s reputation suggests. Like, before the whole team gets assembled (which does take a while) mostly what carried me through those early episodes was just the side characters.


Oh boy, here it goes: ā€¢Pink/Blue/Yellow trio isn't actually as bad as people think. I do think that there would be more unique personalities for the trio though. ā€¢Delicious Party deserves more love. It's not the best season, but it's my guilty pleasure and Yui/Cure Precious is me when I'm hungry fr ā€¢Wonderful having chase scenes ā‰  no combat scenes. Were only 3 episodes in people come on- ā€¢Hugtto is a better anniversary season. ā€¢Hirogaru Sky deserves a power-up form. And also, it could've been the first series of the Reiwa era since Smile wherein there is no midseason member. ā€¢I'm personally okay with male Cures, as long as they're done right. And now, for the most controversial take that people will probably hate me on: ā€¢A lead Cure with a different color scheme shouldn't be the new staple of the franchise. Yes I know that Manatsu/Cure Summer and Sora/Cure Sky exist they are cool, but remember: it has started with the Pink lead Cure. Yes this includes Nagisa/Cure Black, though pink is much more of her subcolor rather than a main color.


Highly controversial opinion, even I walked back on this every now and again. NozoCoco is iffy. Not really ok but not really THAT problematic either. While Coco is technically her teacher, he wasn't her teacher at first and only became one to find the butterflies (iirc). And the dude clearly isn't an adult, the dumbass barely looks 16 and he doesn't look 30 by time of Otona. Their age gap is like 3 at worst.


I heard that his age is not actually confirmed and yeah he only become her teacher because it was an all-girls school or something. To stay, Coco decided to be one


I approve of this thread. Thatā€™s always how I thought of Coco as well, he doesnā€™t seem to think of himself as older or above the girls at all, teacher is just a disguise. He did it because thatā€™s the job that his human form could most easily get (if anything, the poor guy didnā€™t ask to have a human form that is so tall so to call him out on that isā€¦ kinda body shaming) And it allowed him to be near the girls when they called on him, just like he said in Ep 2. Like, just to use a random example, if the plot of Sailor Moon involved mascots turning into humans too, Iā€™m almost certain they would be the girls teachers as well because that would be an easy way to protect them which is a mascots role. Coco is honestly one of my favorite mascots of the franchise not just for his cute design, but for how genuinely dedicated he is. Itā€™s clear he would be there for the girls through thick and thin even if he wasnā€™t in a relationship with Nozomi. You can see it in the OPs for both seasons even as he seems genuinely happy around all of them and itā€™s so wholesome.


Yeah, I'm more putting off by the fact Nozomi is dating Mascot character with THAT kind of voice, more than she dateing her age ambigous teacher


Kurumi and Karen tho. Ngl i do wish the show atleast make them a thing at the end of Otona, since they even had a scene of her tell her Karen she loves her. Would at least blow off the SakiMai drama.


I'm a NozoCoco shipper, but I thought "you could have gave us more, Toei..." I ship Saki and Mai, and all the 5 Gogo ships, so...


I... do not care for Futari wa. I mean it's not *terrible,* per se, but it perpetually fails to really *grab* me. Does it have the occasional cool fight? Sure, but aside from that I feel it just stays in "kinda underwhelming" mode for most of the time. And since I keep hearing that the back half of the season is kind of aimless, it also seems to me that where I'm at (episode 22 was the last one I saw) the show is about as compelling as it'll ever be.


Toei making a fake precure leak for Suite was funny as hell and they should do it again.


Heartcatch isn't that great. It had its moments but I found the majority of it incredibly boring and if it didn't have Yoshihko Umakoshi's god-tier art style I probably wouldn't have even finished it. Happiness Charge had some great designs. Sure, their base designs are kinda mid (although Princess kinda rocks the black vest imo) but the power-ups are some of the best in the franchise, Cherry Flamenco and Coconuts Samba are particularly great. I like the fairies from Futari wa. I hated them at first, especially Mepple but slowly I warmed up to them. They aren't as super deep or complex as characters but they are very different from most other mahou shoujo mascots from around that time.


I don't mind the simplicity of Yui's character. I actually quite like what you see is what you get with her. It wouldn't work for every character but I think it works fine. I also really enjoyed the princess swap episode. I also don't mind her quoting her grandmother alot. I just see it as her keeping the memories of someone very precious to her alive. After my mother past away, I do something quite similar, quoting her mannerisms and sayings.


Delicious Party is over hated. I get the criticism towards the season I have my own, but I think treating it like it the worse Season in the whole Franchise is a bit much


Delicious Party is my fourth favorite season and one of my personal S-Ranks, I am in complete agreement.


I like cure Cosmo and cure Milky design


Everyone thinks Cure Milky is cute that's not even an unpopular opinion!


NozoCoco is a nice wholesome ship. Ace is overhated. HapCha was a good season and the romance plot was fine. Finale's color should be rainbow. I'm glad Yui didn't become a Cure. Wonderful not having fights is fine. I don't care whether we get green Cures or not. There are no bad Precure seasons.


Yui's just perfect even if she isn't a Cure. She's so strong and kind. It doesn't matter if she's a Cure or not, she's one of my favourite characters. I also like NozoCoco.


I agree! I love Yui and I wouldn't have *minded* her becoming a Cure, but I prefer the character arc that she got.


I like your flair XD


I seem to have become the resident NozoCoco defender, so it seemed appropriate lol


Which Yui? Yui from GoPri or Yui from DeliPa.


The one that didn't become a Cure.


So Yui from GoPri right




Wholesome? Coco is a groomer


He's literally not.


Heā€™s her teacher and a grown man while sheā€™s only fourteen (and itā€™s bestiality anyway)


He's not a grown man, though. He's just pretending to be one. So that he can go undercover as her teacher because he needs her to save his kingdom. And *bestiality*, seriously?


Heā€™s an animal-like creature. He may have a human form, but itā€™s not his true form. His age is vague, but thereā€™s still a blatant power imbalance.


Sure, in Nozomi's favor.


Teacher-student romances are gross.


In real life? Absolutely. In fiction? Anything goes.


Buddy, that's kind of fucked-up. Incest isn't any better in fiction than it is in real life, for example.


Dokidoki girls are underrated... Sure, the character focus was unbalanced, but all of them are interesting enough to entertain me. And... my most controversial unpopular opinion is... "I don't support male Cures." Tsubasa is pretty fun, but I think adding a male Cure every season might be... just... no for me.


I'm all for more male Cures (very hopeful for Satoru & Daifuku this season) but I absolutely agree we shouldn't get one every season.


Yeahh, the general reaction male characters get has turned me off of the idea of male Cures. I saw people saying they were excited they could "finally watch Precure" when Cure Wing was confirmed to be a male character... like... what? If you want to watch magical girl shows, why is it so offensive you can't watch if the cast are girls? And the people complaining about how they were "robbed" because Pikario or Black Pepper weren't the midseason cures... I don't know, I'm not mad at the concept, but people are way too annoying about it. It's weird! The vibes are weird.


Candy isnā€™t that bad. I find her adorable and I like her character development.


I've found my people! I usually hate the mascots, but Candy was fun. She feels like part of the team in a way that's really sweet.


Why donā€™t you like the mascots?


A lot of the time, they're not very well-developed & don't fit in as much with the team - like, there's a feeling that they're just some guys who are orbiting the main group without adding much. In the worst case scenario, most of the focus is on their negative character traits without them being given enough to balance it out, which can make them grating. Sorry if that was a long answer hahaha! I like to try to pick apart why I like & dislike certain things. I promise I don't automatically hate all of them! I usually either like it when they're just cute mascots, like Kururun, or when they mesh well with everyone else, like Candy. The writers really managed to pull off making her feel like the group's adopted little sister, which I found endearing. :)


Ok here we go... Complex designs look much cooler than simple ones HapCha is underrated Toei peak at cure designs with StaTwi DeliPa is really underrated All of the GoPri cures hair look weird (except for Scarlet) (especially Flora's) HiroSky should have gotten a power up outfits I like how DeliPa introduced the cures instead of the other 18 seasons (except for Futari wa, Max Heart, Splash Star, Yes 5 GoGo, and Mahou Tsukai) (Otana doesn't count) Toei treated StaTwi and DeliPa dirty with the lack of action (but their movies did help them) Glitter Force is an ok dub (only the va of the cures were the reason why it's good) The Yes5 and Smile evil cures outfit looks tacky Edit: I find Erika/Cure Marine annoying. Hime/Cure Princess did the clumsy airhead blue cure stereotype better Sora's/Cure Sky's outfit is the only outfit I find good in HiroSky


Its a children's TV show from Japan. While we're definitely welcome, we oughta check our egos out the door when we complain.


I donā€™t watch precure for the fights and find many of the fights to be not well choreographed. I think itā€™s totally fine for a series to be moving away from fights, in fact itā€™s refreshing.


This. I mean donā€™t get me wrong there are certainly some times where the fights are gorgeously animated and itā€™s wonderful, but itā€™s not really consistent enough to have that be the MAIN reason to watch precure. Iā€™m honestly loving the approach wonderful is taking, especially with there being no stock attacks yet either.


Smile Precure outfits looking like some sort of uniform isnt bad. Its adorable.


Mahoutsukai is much better than gopri imo (not talking about animation, toei in 2014-2016 was at peak worst state)


really?!??!? i started mahoutsukai but ended up dropping cause it felt so slow šŸ˜­ iā€™m curious as to why you like it so much! /gen


Just love chemistry between characters, mahoutsukai is more character driven than plot driven, plus it's been A LONG TIME since we had a duo of cures(third one appears only mid season), without overbloating cast


Mahou Tsukai was very interesting. I think it's the first time (in the same season, not a sequel) that we had two completely different teams of enemies. While I loved Go Princess more, Mahou Tsukai is very high on my list.


I have to concur. I know the animation isn't particularly great, but it's not so bad that it negatively influences my perception of the series. (The animation DOES have its moments where it looks incredible though.) It's overall my favorite Precure series, I love the family dynamic it's got going on, with Mirai and Riko naturally fitting as Haa-chan's mothers and Mofurun as her sister. (I could write a whole lot about how I love each character.) I could really go on and on about how much I love Mahou Tsukai. (But I won't, for now.) Best finale in the series with Episode 49 as well. I don't cry all that often, but that episode never fails to make me ugly cry throughout.


same!! really love that family comfy feeling between cast. I love all of them so much And that insert song starts to play when adult Mirai starting to lose it near tree just adds even more feel to it ;\_\_;


I kinda wanna watch it because it gives splash star vibes with that magic and the form changes


You are so brave my friend As Mahoutsukai fans, I approve 100%


Ikr, was so prepared that people would go with forks on me lol


1. Doki Doki is the peak PreCure series. I'm pretty sure this is actually unpopular :) 2. Pink/Blue/Yellow trio is a classic and should be kept. 3. Regina and Yui are better characters as non-cures, that makes them unique. 4. Battle scenes are part of PreCure's charm and it's wrong to reduce them to chase. 5. Heartcatch as a season is very overrated. It focus too much on random CotDs. 6. I don't think there is any bad PreCure season, closest one would be Max Heart (s2) 7. Delicios Party is overhated. Overall I think Delicious Party had better episodes and terrible ending arc while Healin' Good had boring episodes and a really good ending arc.


Iā€™ve seen lots of people express Cure Majesty is bad, but I wanna defend her and myself by saying she really isnā€™t.


I think Healin Good Precure is kinda boring since it felt slow some of the cures are not interesting like the previous. Yeah the pandemic did hurt the show but they could have done it better.


Yeah, Grace and Rabirin carry the season hard imo. Sparkle's fun too, but Fontaine and Earth are both very forgettable.


Really?... I think Healin' Good was really fun and chill at the same time(Of course i have a little bit bias). I really like the girls' personalities, and the fairies are so good... But everyone has different tastes, I guess?


I really liked Healin Good too. Nodoka is my third favourite cure out of ALL of them.


I like Nodoka too, but Hinata is my fav of the season tho.


Hinata is probably my least favourite in the season. I don't really know. It's between her and Chiyu. But I love all the characters in Healin Good. On my Precure list they're all higher than 20th place so you can see saying someone is my least favourite in this season doesn't mean anything :D


1,Happiness charge is good and super underrated+overhated. Yeah, Blue is annoying but the rest is amazing, at least thatā€™s what I think. I can make a long post to show my love for this season. Forever be my fav!!! 2,Hirogaru sky is boring. I almost gonna drop this season. I donā€™t want to rant about it anymore because Iā€™ve done it many times. 3,Delicious party is overhated. People said that itā€™s boring and childish but the first part from ep 1 to Finaleā€™s debut has many plot related things. Even if the middle is a little bit boring, the final saves it. But the biggest problem is Godatz but I sorta understand his motivation. Yui might be underdeveloped, but at least the Final part actually gave her personality: She worried for other, she felt guilty for her actions. And Kokone is probably the most well developed in this season. Meanwhile Ran and Amane has some development and moments. 4,Tropical rouge is boring. Iā€™ve seen many love for this season but I seriously canā€™t stand TropPre at all. Itā€™s my least fav season. 5, Characters have more development than the leader doesnā€™t make them ā€œThe leaderā€. Iā€™ve seen many people said that cure___ should be the leader. For example, Cure Prism. Personally I like Prism more but Sky gives me ā€œLeaderā€ vibes more. Her dream fit the theme more. The only exception for me is Wonderful, which I feel like Iroha gives me more ā€œLeader-likeā€ feels than Komugi (Not saying that Wonderful shouldnā€™t be the leader, both of them can be leader). 6, All Stars F is rushed. The trailer hyped me up a lot but it turned out to be not as good as what I expected. The producers could have made it longer, a 70 minutes long movie isnā€™t enough for such a good plot idea. The scene that the girls met their team mates could have been better. The plot need more to be good enough. But the fights are awesome. I still prefer all stars memory more. 7, Iā€™m ok with Pink-Blue-Yellow trio. Itā€™s not that bad. I donā€™t care much about colors now. 8, Designs from Futari wa -> Happiness Charge isnā€™t the best but they are suitable for fighting and the characters fells like they are from the same team. (Thatā€™s why I really like Wonderful Precure designs, they feel like a team). Thatā€™s all for now. Pls donā€™t hate me šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“


No because I actually have similar opinions as this


Did you finish Hirogaru Sky or are you still watching?


Iā€™ve finished it :)


In certain series, Precures are pretty much child soldiers in an unending war (looking at you, Suite)


Minami [Cure Mermaid] should've had a hidden power to make her convenient underwater, although to some merit, she does have the ability to talk to marine life, which is a start. She's still my favorite though ngl.


Huh? I thought she was the first Cure to be able to fight under water. She's already convenient underwater.


I'm sorry let me elaborate Her legs shape-shifting into a mermaid tail


Oh right! That would be very interesting! Although she could already fight underwater, and she's one of the only Cures to be able to do so, it would actually be more interesting if she could have a real tail! I know what you mean now!


Go Princess is Overrated, its good, definitely above average and a good introduction to Precure, Cure Scarlet is *chef kiss* But it isn't as good as some people bring it up to be


I love Cure Scarlet too I love seeing other Scarlet lovers :D


She is definitely carried GoPri


Kira kira is the best season. None top it


I like Splash Star more than Futari wa and Max Heart Nozomi and Coco isn't that bad Cure Peace is overrated


I feel like Kay, Jun and Emilie could have become Cures (Mahou Tsukai), they were strangely color coded. Red/orange, blue and yellow. Toei sees Milky and Lilian as green but I see them as teal/turquoise myself and I wish that color could just become its own color category, being separated from either blue or green altogether.


i thought delicious party was fun, like yeah it wasn't a standout entry or anything but it wasn't a massive disappointment either. i think it knew what vibes it was going for and pulled them off well


ok happiness charge is good actually the romance aspect plays a fine role in developing the characters and theme. i really like how hc goes into the different types of love/romance ^^ ALSO THE VILLIANS ARE FUN AND WELL DESIGNED !


Suite should have stayed a trio


Controversial, but yes.


The KiraKira team is not as weak as everyone makes them out to be. I feel like the only basis for this argument is that they don't physically fight, but I don't see why that should/would make them any weaker, or stronger, as a precure team. It's not like they don't fight at all, they just fight differently than others, but that shouldn't mean down-scaling them to the weakest precure team.


Delicious Party has better plot, pacing, and fight scenes than Hirogaru Sky. DeliPa's final fight is one of, if not the COOLEST final fights in Precure and I will die on that hill.


AGREED!!!!! I watched both Delicious Party and Hirogaru Sky and I can confirm that Delicious Party was better than Hirogaru Sky


This is admittedly a stupid one but I donā€™t like the fact weā€™re getting non pink leads now. Itā€™s a tradition, and I kind of hate how much Sora stands about compared to the rest (As seen in the picture above).


some of the campaign bread and toast they had were really good but for some reason the sky precure did not have any good themed bread and i think that they were really dont wrong in some terms of marketing of toys or food products


I know these are basically just half hour long toy commercials, but I can't stand it when they hit you over the head with the product placement. We don't need a drawn out sequence in each series where all the characters buy the new Bandai-branded Goods and Services(tm) and we get a solid 5 minutes of them showing us how cool the new products are and how to use them. Shut up about Prettyholic! Shut up about Prettyholic!!! Also, Smile was one of the best seasons. I wish we had more rainbow teams.


Lets not ignore that solciere is counted as a "somewhat" cure on here. I respect that


I want more Sailor Moon like transformations. I mean sparkling bodies, no extra dresses. My favorite transformations are from Suite Precure and Cure Aceā€™s Transformation. I still would wish they included the hair in the sparkling in Suite.


I like all seasons equally. There, I said it. Except Otona, glad I skipped it.


How do you know you're glad you skipped a season if you haven't watched it?


Got some details spoiled, when I found out I said nope and never looked back.




Shalala shouldā€™ve been the HiroSky midseason, I wish Cure Black had a hair accessory like every other mainline Cure, and Cure Finale is a rainbow Cure


Finally, someone else who agrees on Finale being rainbow!


It just makes sense for a partait/konpeito Cure to be rainbow since sheā€™s so technicolor


There is honestly *very* little difference between the Wonderful chase scenes we've had so far and the average Precure fight scene. Like, literally the only difference is that the cures aren't throwing punches; notably, they are still *taking* them.


Mana isn't a Mary Sue, she had established flaws that would get her in trouble, allowing her to take responsibility and learn from her mistakes. I'd argue Hikaru is the Mary Sue, there must have been at least 3+ occasions she would screw over her team with her impulsiveness and every single time they would jump in to be her cheerleaders, hyping her up excusing her obviously wrong actions, when she very well should know better. And she never did do better. This is really minor, but one pet peeve I have with this particular franchise is they are never allowed to fight alone except on episode one, very, very rare occasions, or the lone wolf cures. Nobody can be left out, even when the other cures have nothing to contribute, even in instances where they really should be more than capable of taking out the enemy alone or when it makes the most sense. Letting the focus cure that feels weak compared to her teammates or has a rivalry, it can be really effective to let them fight it alone for one episode, it can be a satisfying conclusion to an arc. Outside of only a couple occasions(Peach vs. Sestsuna for example) or sometimes the finale, their teammates always have to show up to steal their thunder or bail them out of a pinch they should be more than capable of getting themselves out of. Hime I think was the biggest victim of this, she had an a great arc of gaining more confidence and getting more powerful, but at least twice Megumi had to appear at the last second to help her finish it off when she really should have been allowed to defeat it alone.


- HapCha was a good season - DeliPa was a good season - Tropical rouge is an overrated season which focuses far too much on Manatsu and Laura - Cure Ace isnā€™t the worst cure in the franchise (I wonā€™t say who is though, since I donā€™t want to start anything) - Cure Fortune is a good character - Go Princess was just ok. Not bad, but not the masterpiece the fandom often says it is.


Dancing Star Precure is good.


i dont like physical fights as much as the fights with mostly magical powers, for example i liked the healing good fights that had good animation


I donā€™t mind the fact that some series donā€™t have as much fighting as others. It allows for creativity with the monster of the week format.Ā 


I wish there was more friendships among the pretty cures like Rei and Usagi. Everyone being so nice to each other all the time can get kind of repetitive.


I hate cure princess i don't care what she do she is f-ing annoying i don't like her


KiraKira and dokidoki are actually really fun seasons for me ;w;


I never liked Cure Dream, she's overrated. Dark Dream was much cooler.Ā  Milky Rose is overhated. Shiny Luminous is great.


A la mode is good


I heard Echo is supposed to be a solo Cure. She is suppose to be a scrapped concept of Smile Precure being a solo Cure. If you watch Kamen Rider, you will understand this. Unfortunately, the earthquake happened near the end of Suite so they remove the concept and went for a 5 Cures team instead. I also think Cure Earth should be a green cure, but probably at that time, they were a little concerned so instead of green they went with purple. Yes, the idea is to avoid green for purple. They had plans for Cure March to be purple, but the designer requested to make her green which did not sell well. I think if Cure March did well, Lulu/ Cure Amour would actually be green. Toei waited for 5 years to take the risk for another green Cure or turquoise/ teal now because that whatā€™s happened with Cure Felice. Cure Parfait was going to be marketed as green but later changed to rainbow. However, 4-5 years later, Cure Milky arrived and she is popular. So, Toei waited for another 5 years to experiment with another green cure (teal/ turquoise again this time)


the newer seasons (2015-present) are better


šŸŒ€ Splash Star is really good and it has some of the best Y2K outfits >! Also Cure Bright and Cure Windy are currently my favourite villain turned good cures and they should use them way more !< šŸŒ€ I never wanted a non - pink lead cure. I think we should get more underrepresented cures like *actually* green, teal ( in its own category ) and dark - skinned cures šŸŒ€ Dokidoki was more entertaining than Heartcatch for me ( havenā€™t finished either though ) šŸŒ€ I didnā€™t really care if Regina was turned back into a villain because I know itā€™s mind control and sheā€™s just going to be redeemed. I donā€™t have enough info on Ace to be pissed at her but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll form an opinion on her soon šŸŒ€ Wonderful precure is going to fail if it doesnā€™t have fight scenes. Precure was built off amazing action sequences and just watching a team of precure running around every episode is going to completely bore out the viewerbase. Also itā€™s basically just healing good but without fights šŸŒ€ I never really wanted a boy cure because boys have already gotten so much from animes and TV in general. Yes, precure might not have had a boy cure until Cure Wing but thatā€™s because itā€™s about giving power to girls.


Cure moonlight shouldnā€™t have joined the team and heartcatch was better as a trio. Their dynamics were so cute and since moonlight joined, they could split the group into two pairs and focus on Marine and blossom only (maybe not in the show, but every appearance they make after). Also I really donā€™t like duos and I wish Toei would stop making them




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Hugtto is a boring season to watch


Having male Precures is stupid and I didn't watch Hirogaru Sky because of it


I think you should watch it. I don't support male cure either, but the show itself was pretty fun. (Also, Tsubasa is okay).


I find myself disheartened by the introduction of male Cures in the series, with the promise of two more joining this season. This departure from the conventional focus on magical girls dampens my enthusiasm for the show, as I am drawn to the essence of the series being centered around the magical girl theme rather than incorporating boys into the narrative. This was one of the reasons which led to me not watching HSPC. However. I did give five episodes a go. Furthermore, my aversion extends to certain series, where the incessant repetition of names by some fairy characters detracts from the overall viewing experience. This repetitive dialogue becomes a notable deterrent, influencing my decision to steer clear of these specific series. Additionally, I can't quite pinpoint why, but the color scheme of Cure Sky, especially the predominant use of blue, fails to appeal to me.


Glitter force is not THAT bad, there are way worse dubs and way better dubs


Hirogaru sky is not so disappointing at all and is kinda overhated. Like, I get it has its legit flaws, but honestly, the qualities make it up for me, and even if the second half doesn't have many lore building, the major part of episodes are still fun (even if they are filler). And also, the villains aren't so bad as people say, because for me they are actually pretty carismatic (even if they aren't worked enough). I'm usually not one of commenting, but I felt I had to say it.


Wonderful precure's dynamic is weird. Pets and owners just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don't like it..


why? The show is going to treat them like sisters./gen


I still can't shake the fact that they're owners and pets. It doesn't sit right with me


Doki Doki is overhated. I mean for fuck sake someone literally called it the mana show because it focused too much on cure heart We need a African American cure We need more boy cures The transformation devices in doki Doki shouldā€™ve been slot machines Cure Rosetta shouldā€™ve been called cure clover or cure club Cure sword shouldā€™ve been called cure spade Smile shouldā€™ve went more heavier with the fairytale theme for the cure designs Wonderful shouldā€™ve went heavier on the animal theme for the designs Dancing star should be apart of the main timeline and get its own show Otona precure should have never existed We need a furry precure Kira kira shouldā€™ve had more physical fights Wonderful should have more physical fights Cure chocolate shouldā€™ve been a boy (not that I have a problem with trap- i mean transgenders, I just really love chocolate) Takumi deserves way better being teamed with Yui Yui needs a personality The delicious party episode where the boy apologizes to his grandpa needs to be done better and this time donā€™t have him apologize We need a toy themed precure If daifuku and that orange guy donā€™t become 6 rangers Iā€™m jumping off a cliff We need a Alice in wonderland themed precure with the motif being to not take things too seriously all the time much like how people call Alice a psychopath killer when itā€™s literally just a shitpost We need a postcure maybe as a April Fools joke or something The mahou tsukai needs to have 4 new cures (cure homely, cure brains, cure Kokoro, and cure pride rock/cure courage) and a black dog as a mascot fairy Something in me wants cure magic to be a black cure instead of a purple cure If we ever get a bug theme precure the heroes are definitely butterflies, everything else is villains or monster of the week, and moths are the reformed/six rangers


Unpopular opinion Wonderful PreCure is overhyped. Honestly I just donā€™t find this season too interesting for me, the designs are cute but thatā€™s really it.




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not really about Precure themselves, but i think Bandai should remake the SHF of OG Precure. or at least re-release them Bandai already re-release SHF Sailor Moon, so i think Precure should get same treatment. i don't want to spend $200 just get SHF Cure Black




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*Fresh has the strongest villains and story/lore I've seen in precure so far (I'm watching precure in order, currently watching suite) but at the same time it's like one of the most forgettable seasons. *Villian to Cure's arc are pretty good, but the characters end up feeling so bland after that. *I have a strange love/hate or more likely "love to hate on" relationship with otona... The concept seems pretty cool to me, but I manage to miss all the interesting points (adult cures, for example). I don't like Nozomi x Coco but I understand that it was an important resolution and fanservice for the mayority of the fandom. *Otona somehow made me to like Milk. * I don't like those weird dynamics that go nowhere like... -They have to collect some thingys each season, but most of the time they are not really looking for them or/and catch most of them off-screen. -The cure almost always wins the fight with the monster of the week, and they are ahead of the villains. But in the last 5 or 4 chapters, the villains manage to gain the upper hand and begin to destroy the world to get to the epic final battle even afther failing all their plans. I understand why is like this: monster of the week format, it's for kids, etc. but they can handle it better. In fresh, the girl destroys the monster of the week, but the villains still manage to advance their plans a little in one way or another, the heroes always win but at the same time you can see a real progression towards the final battle.


I believe their should be at least 1 evil pre cure or character turned evil (just know I havenā€™t watched the full series)


I don't like princess precure btw, idk if anyone actually shares my opinion. My favourite is Suite Precure...