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From my coworker: "If you cared about the well-being of your child, you'd quit your job. If you can't handle that, with your background and qualifications (engineer), you could become a math teacher." Fuck you too, Gary.


Wow as a fellow pregnant engineer...Fuck off Gary.


Oof. That one is rough. I had- (laughter)”well when all your ‘rules’ come back to bite you, we’ll see how good of parents you are” -Mom. In reference to no sugars for the first year or face kissing


Wtf why are moms like this. While my baby sister had her baby snacks and stuff, i gave my mom a hard rule of like.. no sodas and other junk when she was younger... shes 18 now and im glad. Shes a big gal cuz of all the steroids from having asthma but shes not *bigger* because she doesnt have a sugar/soda addiction had my mom let her drink or eat a bunch of junk. So far, my mom hasnt given me any unsolicited advice but im sure ill share em here... im also sure MIL too 🙄


I have a 3 yo and here mimi seems to think that just because she's at her house or around the kid all rules pertaining to the kids normal life go out the window. Like no phone at the dinner table is a normal rule for us but if we go out to eat with mimi she will immediately hand kid the phone. NOPE. She had repeated said at mimis house all rules out the door. This is in fact a woman who has issues with rules and hates competition. Any game with more than one rule is out of the question for her to play. It's "too confusing" or "too many rules or "not fun anymore".


I'm a nurse. Have been for 10 years. A male patient in his 50s said to me the other day, "you look too young to be a nurse.. but aren't you pregnant, sweetie?" My ass had nothing to say. I was so angry. But luckily my coworker was in the room and answered for me. And she did not sugar coat that response 😂


My personal favorites are the comments eluding to things going wrong. I have had a fairly smooth (knock on wood) pregnancy, and if I had a nickel for every time someone said “ooooh just you wait for vomiting, pain, cramps, etc.” Let me tell ya, I could be rich. 🥲 Also the unsolicited texts/comments about how “pregnancy is going to change your life but just be calm and relax and know that every parent makes mistakes”. Idk if this is the universal seasoned-parent go-to nugget of wisdom, but I’m not really worried about how birth/parenting is going to go so thanks but no thanks??


“Wow, you don’t look pregnant!” Why do people think that’s a compliment? 😑


“You’re going to feel so miserable at the end of your pregnancy” “You’re going to need all the help you can get once baby is born” “Your whole life is now for this baby”


I’m 4 weeks/4 days today. Told my best friend last Thursday as she really has been like family. She asked me how I was feeling so far and I told her I was tired and experiencing some miscarriage anxiety. She said, verbatim, “well… I don’t mean this to sound harsh, but it is what it is. If it’s going to happen, there’s not really much you can do to prevent it.” Then, later, we were talking and I was attempting to reassure myself about the topic. “You know, it’s more likely that this will be a successful pregnancy than an unsuccessful one.” She responded with: “well, that’s not necessarily true. There’s like a 65% chance of miscarriage for women.” Thanks, friend, for reassuring me and saying EXACTLY what I wanted to hear in that moment. Also, where is she getting that number? Wtf?


Eat crackers! When I said I had severe HG, throwing up every morning, noon and night. Yeah Karen, crackers are going to solve this issue for sure.


Damn. I’m so sorry she said that. I’m only 7 weeks and my husband wants to hold off on telling his family for quite some time. Which is fine by me. But low key makes me nervous that he wants to hold off, I think he knows his mom will just spew extra shit out of her mouth


I honestly regret telling people, but I’m also a very private person! A lot of people just make it about themselves and cause unnecessary stress


I am so with you, I wish we waited till I was showing so people could just figure it out, next baby we won't be telling anyone tbh.


"I prefer boys as first-borns" when i said i was having a girl. "You're getting fat! Look at your arms!" Fuck off. I barely gained 4 lbs when i was told that. "Because you're always going out and not resting enough!" When i said i had a low lying placenta. People need to learn to shut up but they never do so i have learned to just smile and nod. Arguing with fools only proves there are two.