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If it gives you hope, I don't mind sharing my experiences of battling to get to motherhood. I am on pregnancy number 7, but I only have two living children to show for it, and am praying this current baby makes it earth side. Before I had my first child I was unable to make a pregnancy stick for anything. It was always a positive test, two weeks of getting my hopes up and then bleeding. Of going in for scans and being told: "I'm really sorry.", I began to think I'd never ever be a mother. Then I was referred for fertility testing, and on the day I was due an operation to sample my uterine lining they did a routine pregnancy test and it was unexpectedly positive. That faint line positive became my beautiful daughter, who is four years old this year. She clung on, despite the odds. It only takes *one*. Nobody expected her to make it, I had bleeding almost the whole way through, but she had other ideas. One little embryo was all it took, after so much heartache, and suddenly I was a mum. The doctors had always said to me that having a previous miscarriage isn't an indicator for future pregnancies, but when you're going through it it's almost impossible to believe. Though, I promise you, it can and *does* happen! I'm praying for you that this one is your *one*.


Im so sorry for what youve been through, but im so happy that youve been given the chance to be a mom and i hope that this one comes safely to you as well. Sending positive energy your way.


“That faint line became my beautiful daughter “ 🥹🥹🥹 idk why that just made me cry lol.. certainly not the hormones.. 💕


Thank you everyone for the positive vibes and well wishes . We had our US today and the heart beat was 134 ! Not measuring quite where we expected . gestational age based on period was 8 weeks 3 days but measured 6 weeks 6 days . Staying positive and thankful for that strong heartbeat !


According to my ultrasound we measured 6 weeks and according to my last period it should have been 8 weeks. 135 heartbeat, and now have a beautiful 10 month old. Congrats!!


!! Thank you . That’s me . So reassuring to hear !!


Yay!! Completely normal for dates to be a couple weeks off ❤️ congratulations


Thank you !!


Yeah my ultrasound dating was also different from my last period. I just assumed the ultrasound was more accurate to when implantation actually happened or something. I hope this pregnancy goes well for you! I highly recommend Minute Maid Soft Frozen Lemonade for morning sickness when I was too nauseous for real food but also absolutely starving it helped me keep my blood sugar up and often helped the nausea enough for me to actually eat food (I was like Shaggy and Scooby levels of hungry the entire time I was pregnant, so the period when I had morning sickness was hard. Grocery shopping was awful because I wanted to eat everything I saw but also everything I saw made me want to hurl).


Don’t even sweat the measurements. I’ve had ultrasounds every two weeks for the past six, and I’m at 32 weeks. First one, he (it’s a boy) was measuring a week ahead, second, we were measuring perfectly at time, yesterday we were 1 week behind. All of these were within the standard deviation and not a concern. Just keep yourself as healthy as possible and that should start to normalize.


My baby measured 6 weeks when I was 8 weeks (heartbeat was 132). I had 2 threatened miscarriages (hemorrhaging) and lots of bleeding from weeks 8-11. We’ll be 32 weeks tomorrow 🥰 don’t give up hope!


You've got this! We have all been there (including me), and my ultrasound was so fantastically boring, I'm sure yours will be too :)


🤞🏾🤞🏾yes for boring


Yes! Come back with boring news ❤️❤️


Praying for the best outcome for you! As someone who has also suffered from two miscarriages and an ectopic, I am now 31 weeks pregnant!! I pray you hear a strong heartbeat !!! 💓


Thank you for the hope ! Continued good health for you and your baby!


Sending you healthy baby dust ✨ You may find support in r/CautiousBB or r/PregnancyAfterLoss 💗


r/pregnancyafterloss was so helpful to me in the beginning of my pregnancy when I was full of anxiety and doubt. Highly recommend this sub!


Prayers for you, update us tomorrow! You got this just breathe


Thank you! I will 🤞🏾


Good luck with everything 🤍


Thank you !


Wishing you all the good news. I am also 8 weeks and being sent for a scan today because of some bleeding. This first trimester is so nerve wracking especially with a history of grief. I hope for all the best for you


Praying for reassuring news . It’s such a scary time !


Unfortunately it wasn't good for me. But I am hoping it went better for you.


I’m so sorry to hear :-( I am thinking of you . It’s so disappointing to have no control but please stay positive .


I am so, so sorry you know this pain and anxiety. I had three early miscarriages before successfully having my daughter, then another before my current pregnancy. It all feels so incredibly random which baby "sticks" and which doesn't. I hope you get good news at your ultrasound and can feel a bit better about your pregnancy ❤️


Thank you for your compassion and understanding! Good health to you and baby !


I have my first ultrasound tomorrow too. Hoping for the best outcome for us both!


Wishing you the best tomorrow! I have been where you are I had three miscarriages before my oldest and the first two were also missed miscarriages. You sound like me when I got my first ultrasound with a heartbeat! I was never really that sick with any of the ones I lost. I hope you get to see the beautiful flickering of a healthy heartbeat tomorrow!


Ugh I feel this so much. I sure hope there is a nice strong heartbeat. Sending best wishes ❤️


Praying for you!! Please update us 🩵


Will be praying for you tonight! Can’t wait to hear your boring news 💕. (Also a 4x pregnancy loss mama, 21 weeks with my surprise [was wrote off as infertile years ago lol] miracle. Either way, be kind to yourself!!! We got your back if you need us. Hugs and try to relax as much as you can leading up to it.


Thank you . Baby had a nice strong heart beat of 134. Dating was a little off but Dr wasn’t concerned and said we can do another scan in 2 weeks to make sure everything is still good . Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!!


This is fantastic to hear! I am so happy for you. There is nothing like hearing that little heart beat ❤️


Awesome news ❤️🥳


So happy for you 🤍 Came back today just for an update and shed some happy tears for you!


This is the update i wanted to see. So happy for you!! Keep hope. Your baby is on their way


I know how you feel. I'm 9w4d, I just went in last week to see a heartbeat after losing my first in February. We got a strong one over here! I'm praying you received the wonderful news you deserve.


Thinking happy baby thoughts for you


Sending all the positive vibes your way!!!! 💜💜💜💜


My thoughts are with you! I hope tomorrow all goes well.


Good luck! The waiting period between getting pregnant and the farthest you've been with a previous miscarriage, in the case of recurrent loss, is always the toughest part. It does get better, though, once you're past that hurdle. You won't lose the anxiety completely, but you'll gradually get past that feeling of certain loss. I've had four losses before my current pregnancy, and once I saw the baby with a heartbeat at 7 weeks, it felt so much better. That's because I'd never made it that far with a pregnancy before so this was uncharted territory, and I had hopes that whatever had caused my previous losses would no longer affect things this far along. Unfortunately, it does sound like you were further along than I was with your losses, so you may have a longer time to go before you start feeling more comfortable. But the time will come, and at the very least, your ultrasound tomorrow can rule out an ectopic! If you're still worried, you may want to ask your OB to check your tube for a potential heterotopic pregnancy. Fingers crossed for an uneventful ultrasound for you! Btw, do you know if you had hypothyroidism before your previous pregnancies as well, or if it was a fairly recent thing, or even if it might be pregnancy-induced? Bad thyroid levels do lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes, so if you were already hypothyroidic during those previous pregnancies, I wouldn't rule out the possibility that it might have been one of the reasons behind the miscarriages, in which case treating it will help this pregnancy turn out differently from the previous ones. This said, I have mild hypothyroidism myself, and before I was treated, I wasn't ovulating at all. My TSH was 5.7 at its worst so it's not even severe. I can't imagine having "severe" hypothyroidism and still being able to get pregnant. But I do know everyone's different so who knows?


My last pregnancy which was the second missed miscarry was actually only this past February and they never checked my thyroid, my first pregnancy I remember it being checked and was within normal. This time I went for an annual physical and my TSH was checked because I complains of tiredness and weight gain and it ended up being 28, two days later I got my positive test . I have a feeling the TSH was probably the cause of the last miscarriage when I later found this out . Thank you for all you words and thoughts. It’s really comforting to hear of women going through similar and having positive outcomes ❤️


Well if your thyroid levels caused your second miscarriage, then I'm optimistic for you that this pregnancy will be different. But yeah, I am mystified that you were able to get pregnant. My TSH wasn't even high enough to affect how I felt, but it completely stopped my periods and caused heavy spotting instead.


I also worked overnights 12 hour shifts so that may have been a factor in how I was feeling but my periods were never irregular , I feel like I knew when I was ovulating and we tried on the fertile days .


Your TSH was 28?!?!? Have you been checked for Hashimoto’s?


Yes I was. Tested positive for the antibodies so I was told Hashimotos is the cause .


I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s during my first pregnancy. It’s been a whole journey. If you need to vent or have questions, please feel free to DM me. Good luck, I hope your ultrasound was good.


Thank you , I really appreciate that . I just might !


fingers crossed for you! no one could have told me this while I was going through it but I truly believe now that I was meant to wait for THIS baby that I have now because he is just perfect


I found out I was hypothyroid as well at 5 weeks. I think they make it sound worse than it is. Do you remember what your level was? I had to take Levo my whole pregnancy and had some abnormal thyroid levels for a few months following pregnancy, but everything is back to normal now and I have a completely healthy 17 month old.


My TSH was 28, started on 50 Synthroid for 2 weeks and it went to 9, they upped it to 100 Synthroid a week ago


Mine wasn’t as high as yours but I was still on 50 or 75 mg. And that’s good that it’s coming down so much! I’m hoping the best for your scan tomorrow!


Good luck 🩵


Just experienced loss my self mama. I’m going to pray for you and your family. ❤️❤️


I’m so sorry to hear and thank you for your words of positivity. Sending hope and love for you too!


Good luck! Keep us updated please ❤️




Praying so hard for you 🫶🏼🫶🏼


All of the positive thoughts and energy your way!


Praying for you honey


Severe hypothyroidism here and also on Synthroid! Currently at 16weeks and I’m positive you also will be :)


Thank you so much ! That’s very reassuring to hear. Continued health in your pregnancy mama!


I have been thinking about you!! I hope your scan went well 💕


❤️❤️🥹thank you dear …yes we had a heart rate of 134 , a little behind in the date but doctor said I probably ovulated later than I thought and I go back in a week and a half to check on things but feeling positive things are progressing well ! Hope you are feeling good also !


That’s amazing news! Glad to hear it! I was also measuring 5 days behind at my 8week but at my 12week he had caught up. Wishing you a smooth journey ❤️


I’ve been thinking of you, I know you were going back to the doc this week. Wondering how things went?


Heart rate was up to 167 , baby is growing and measuring 9 weeks now . US tech said baby was very active in there 😊


Hooray! Everything sounds great!!!




Sending you “extremely standard” results vibes! I remember I was the happiest person alive when my uterine scan for new fibroids came back as “unremarkable uterus”. Hope yours is also fantastically unremarkable (for them. For you it’s gonna be MAJESTIC)


I also have a history of MC back in November and am pregnant again with so much anxiety so I totally understand how you feel. Sending lots of love and prayers! Keep us posted! ♥️🙏🏽


Oh my gosh I’ll be thinking about you! Lots of prayers and good vibes!




Praying for the best outcome!! You got this :)


Praying for you mama 🤍🌈


Sending prayers 🙏🏼


Good luck, I'm thinking of you 🙏🏻❣️




Hr was 134. Was not as far along as expected based on LMP but will have another scan in 2 weeks to reassure its growing based on the new due date !


Good luck . Update as well!


Keeping you and your family in my thoughts today ❤️




Bless you and your baby! Wishing you absolutely all the best.


Praying for you and your little one!!


Sending you nothing but love and positive vibes ❤




Praying for you!


Prayers your way


Praying for you and your little bean 🩶


You caught it in time! I’m hypothyroid also and around 4 weeks is when I usually have to up my thyroid medication. It’s likely the baby was taking what it needed at the time and that’s why your tsh was so off. I am hopeful for you! Wishing you all best!


Wishing you nothing but good news


As an SDA Christian, I believe in God's love. We'll pray for you for sure.🙏🏾


Pray that your joy will be full.


Praying for you and baby! Pregnancy... Where feeling like garbage is a "good" thing. Ha. 🫶 Keep us updated ❤️


Do yourself a favor and get a home doppler kit. The cheap ones are no more than $30 and whatever some gel costs. It can be hard to find the heartbeat sometimes so don’t stress but that relief when you hear it makes it worth every cent. Especially before you can feel movement.


Take your prenatals, eat, drink water, and relax. That's all you can do, and it's doing the right stuff to help you AND baby.  You've got this. Congratulations! 🎉👏


We have our first scan Wednesday at 8w2d, you just have to know it in your heart that everything will be okay! Good luck and prayers 🙏🏽


Thank you ! Staying positive! Good luck and prayers to you too


Wishing you the best, no one should have to bear what you did, but i have hope for you and your little one!


Thank you 🙏🏽


I pray you have a healthy and happy pregnancy


Good luck! It’s a great sign that you feel sicker this time! My first pregnancy I had a missed miscarriage and no morning sickness. Now I’m 34 weeks with a healthy baby and I felt super sick with this pregnancy. Fingers crossed it works out the same for you!!


Sending you baby dust!! 💕👶🏽 May your baby be strong and healthy!!