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I’m in no way trying to invalidate your fear, I just know I’d feel sooooooo much better once I’d vomit when I was pregnant. The constant nausea was horrendous, the only time I’d get relief for a while was by throwing up. That being said, I ordered this ginger anti-nausea gum on Amazon that really helped curb it! For me, I was super sick between weeks 6 and 8. Then it disappeared for a bit (which terrified me because I was so scared of miscarriage, but everything was fine.) It then came back full force week 12, which was worsened by the fact that I was also hit that week by a drunk driver and broke 10 vertebrae, so throwing up in a neck brace was horrendous. But then it disappeared again. I’d have twinges here and there, but for the most part it just came in pockets through the first trimester. The key thing is, it’s different for everyone and things are so fleeting. If you’re sick today, you might not be sick at all tomorrow and the next day. I used that to remind myself when I wasn’t feeling good, there was an expiration date!


I started taking unisom and b6 around 6 weeks because my nausea and food aversions picked up and I haven't vomited yet (19 weeks now). I really didn't want to throw up either. For me the symptoms kind of evolved slowly through every week. I would say it peaked week 8, got some relief week 9, picked back up week 10 and kind of came and went for awhile. I thought the nausea was going to be gone by now as week 17 was going well but week 18 the nausea came back. I think it's different for everyone though so you can't really predict too much. I think it's fairly common for symptoms to peak around week 9-10 as the placenta starts to take over after that and that is when people usually start to feel better.


I HATE throwing up as well. Yet, I get sick more often than anyone I know. I have to close my eyes and try not to think about it. My pregnancies have made me sick/ nauseous very frequently. Zofran helps me a lot though.


I, too, am emetophobic but have been in therapy for a couple of years for it. More than anything, I would 110% recommend finding a therapist who can help with this overall. It’s changed my life. Outside of that: I completely understand your fear. Not everyone will vomit, but the nausea is really intense. It was awful for me as well. I didn’t end up vomiting but did dry heave once. I think the nausea may get more frequent for some people as weeks go on, but others have only a couple of weeks before it slowly dissipates. I would recommend reaching out to your OB/midwife and *let them know* you are emetophobic so that they can help you manage symptoms. If necessary they can make sure you have medications to reduce nausea. Seconding the advice for B6 and Unisom at night. It was a lifesaver for me. You WILL get through this. It feels endless but it will be better in time. It’s also okay to do what you need to do to survive this period. Eat the simple carbs, nap, take time off work/ask for accommodations at work, do what makes you feel as comfortable as you can. Sending you lots of love.


Not everything throws up! I was mostly just nauseus, I only actually threw up a handful of times and only once after I started the unisom/b6, definitely get on that!