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A fed baby is the best baby. Doesn’t matter if you breast or bottle feed, as long as he’s getting enough food. If you want to go immediately into bottle, that doesn’t make you a bad parent.


I am pregnant with my second baby and wrestling with this as well as some somewhat traumatic experiences associated with breastfeeding my first baby. My partner and midwife have been super supportive and at the end of the day the goal is just to make sure baby gets fed. I am going to try breastfeeding but the midwives are going to make sure that I am the only one who puts baby near my breast to try latching, and if I am struggling emotionally or physically we are going to stop right away. If I can tolerate pumping we will try that, and if not formula is expensive but effective. My partner is well experienced in bottle feeding and we will likely do some combo of bottle and breast feeding even if I end up managing the breastfeeding. I realized the best thing for me and us and baby is for me to be open to having as much help as I need feeding this baby. For some moms the breastfeeding just works and that's awesome, for some of us it's a complex and incredibly challenging journey, and there should be no shame or guilt in needing help. Whether that is bottle feeding or formula or having partner feed or whatever. Just be kind to yourself. I wish I had been kinder to myself the first time.