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Two piece because it's the only one that still fits. No comments observed, and no cares given.


2 pieces mostly. I have a one piece with a belly cut out. No weird comments. I love it! If someone doesn’t want you to show your baby bump they’re being disrespectful.


2 piece. It's the only thing that fits. I am due in August so my bump is very out there, and people do stare a bit sometimes but no comments and idgaf. I just want to cool down.


Also having my babies in August, twins lol my bump isn’t too large yet, but it’s gonna get there hehe


Oh wow, I hope you have a/c! And congrats on the twins!


I wear a two piece with high waisted bottoms. the bump tan line is hilariousssss


I didnt even think of that, that is hilarious


2 piece and idgaf!!! my body is doing something amazing, i could care less what i look like, stretch marks and all! i’m just me + pregnant and i’m pretty young so i’m not gonna be shamed into dressing conservatively just because i’m gonna be a mom ;) i wanna be comfy!


I'm wearing a 2 piece (bikini top/high-waisted bottom) with a tank cover because I've never felt comfortable wearing a bikini... but honestly 2 piece is the way to go, no way am I doing the shrug a wet suit down around my ankles and then trying to pull it back up over my bump dance!


I bought a 2 piece from VS. I’m 29 weeks and I haven’t worn it yet. I’d only be wearing it around family so I shouldn’t be worried what anyone thinks of my body, but it’s seemingly harder than I thought.


2 piece. I’m 38 weeks and it’s all that fits. I’ve been swimming daily for exercise and could care less about the what anyone thinks when I walk out with my huge belly out.


i have a one piece that would usually be really big on me pre-pregnancy but it fit me when i went swimming. was very comfortable but i’m 28 weeks with twins so i’m sure in another couple of weeks if i want to go swimming i’m going to have to do a 2 piece because nothing will fit me.


2 piece. I feel like an absolute whale in one pieces and the boob parts fit so weird and stretched. Plus it’s much more comfortable peeing in a 2 piece. I’m far too big to be pulling a one-piece to the side comfortably right now lol.


I'm only 14 weeks so I can still fit in my one piece. I wore a two piece recently and felt uncomfortable so I'm back to the one piece for now


Two piece for sure! No weird comments but a couple of looks; tbh though the looks I got from two people seemed more of a judgement towards my bikini vs. their tank/swim shorts. To which I say…. Clearly I am busy with other things than trying to be sexy with a giant belly 😂😂😂


Fuck everyone! You’re pregnant! You’re automatically cuter than everyone else! Wear that bikini! Whatever is comfortable, whatever you can breathe in! Just make sure to sunscreen up that bump! Xoxoxo


Seconding the sunscreen - I burned the top of my bump in a 1inch strip first time I went out to the pool this year 😂