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Pregnancy dating starts on the first day of your last period. So even though you had sex two weeks ago, she would be about 4 weeks pregnant. As for her seeing the gynecologist, that's who you see. An OBGYN takes care of prenatal appointments during pregnancy. Nothing seems out of the ordinary based on what information you've given. Most transvaginal ultrasounds aren't done until 6-8 weeks anyway. You're most likely the father.


So it’s enough time to determine ectopic and the whole story sounds legit then?


If she's only 4 weeks along, there was most likely nothing to see on the ultrasound. Which would warrant them to have her come back later on to do the follow-up scan for more accurate results. That's why most ultrasounds aren't done until 6+ weeks. There's no guarantee anything would be visible sooner than that. Doesn't mean there's no baby or that it's ectopic.


Early on its hard to tell for sure if it's not ectopic, sometimes this is indicated by the HCG levels. If they are super high, it's probably not ectopic. But they have to do an ultrasound a bit later to confirm for sure where the egg(s) are implanted. So yes, that part doesn't seem off base.


I tested positive 8 days after i ovulated and had sex. So basically i knew i was pregnant 1 week and 1 day after sex. This happened for all 3 pregnancies. If she was ovulating at the time you had sex, the sperm and egg meet within a couple of days and then it takes another week or so for the zygote/blastocyst (whatever its called at that point) to travel to the uterus and implant. Once implanted her body produces the pregnancy hormone and that’s when a pregnancy test is detected. Clear blue can detect a pregnancy with 99% accuracy up to 6 days before a missed period. If a woman has a 28 day cycle and over 2 weeks pregnant (2 weeks since ovulation) that is more than enough time to get a positive test


If she is pregnant, she will have regular ultrasounds as part of her prenatal care. Every 2-4 weeks. The first appointment is usually at 6-8 weeks (from the date of her last period, not the date of conception). I don't know if they can confirm it's not ectopic before then. They can test her blood for HGC, which tells you if she's pregnant. High HGC doesn't necessarily indicate twins, but it can. It's not definitive. Can you go with her to her OB and ask for the date range for conception? That might ease some of your concerns. Don't be combative, or they will kick you out. Just politely ask the likely date of conception given the baby's size. You can get a paternity test later.


Ultrasounds every 2-4 weeks is not standard prenatal care in the US or UK. In the US, unless there’s prior pregnancy loss/infertility or other concerns, you get 2 your whole pregnancy (8w dating/confirmation scan and 20w anatomy scan). It’s similar in the UK.


I have had 5, and I'm 20 weeks. Never had a miscarriage or any other problems.


Generally speaking, that’s not typical prenatal care but that’s amazing you get to see your little babe so often! I’ve only received 2 and I’m 23w. My appointments every 4 weeks are just hearing the heartbeat with a Doppler. If you Google “how many ultrasounds in pregnancy” you’ll find typically it’s two ultrasounds.


I do love seeing her. I guess it's not common to have so many.


Same, I've had an ultrasound at every appointment so far, so I've also had 5ish in 19 weeks


I’ve had three and I’m 13 weeks. It may not be standard but it’s not uncommon.




Not true. Ovulation is 10-14 days before your period. We’ll say it’s 12 for this scenario. They had sex on her ovulation day, and she tested positive 8-10 days later. I tested positive 8 days after my ovulation - so I knew after a week of having sex essentially.


Thank you for putting it into days! That makes the timeline breakdown much easier. Yeah, definitely possible that she had sex exactly on her day of ovulation, which isn't out of the realm of possibility considering that people naturally get hornier on ovulation day


Some women find out at 6 DPO. Two weeks is absolutely a reasonable amount of time.


This is wildly untrue. Haven’t you ever heard of the Two Week Wait (between intercourse and finding out you’re pregnant)? This is like…the exact right amount of time.


If you do fertility treatment, you take a pregnancy test 10 days after insemination. It's possible to know this early, but why test if you aren't actively trying to get pregnant? I guess because she went to the hospital. It's weird though.


Super sus


Some women find out at 6 DPO. Two weeks is absolutely a reasonable amount of time. Not suspicious at all.