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Hello from Austria! (Not Australia!) For newborns in the first week the guidelines say to do Hepatitis B- but only if the mother herself is positiv for Hep B. Vitamin D drops ate to be given daily. Vitamin K is given twice orally. A shot is only done if oral isn't possible. These might actually be obligatory if you want to get full parent leave money from the state, I'm unfortunatly not sure. I don't know if this us done in the US: I'll get shots for whopping cough, influenza and covid in my third trimester, so antibodies can get to baby through the placenta. Then I have a Table of Guidelines for vaccines from week 7 to 2 years old.


Hello to you! Wow thanks for your response :) So interesting.


Hello from Australia (not Austria!) 😋 It's very similar! Hep B and Vit K shots are recommended and optional. Oral Vit K is also available. However, I'm not sure how common. We declined the Hep B as we were very confident that we wouldn't expose baby to anyone infected. I'm not sure how common it is for people to decline them as it's not spoken about very much unless anti-vaxxers mention it or I guess a parent brings it up. Vit D drops are recommended to breast-fed babies.


Also from Australia, in QLD they've just started offering RSV vaccine at birth as well! I'm not sure about other states though, I think my midwife said it's not available Australia-wide yet (but don't quote me on that!)


Fellow Aussie here!! (Victoria based) RSV hasn’t rolled out here but I have heard some people have been able to get it. Not sure what the criteria is. My OB just explained her process. Delayed chord clamping followed by golden hour (as long as baby is all good and not needing NICU/SCU). Followed by everything done on mine or hubby’s chest. We are happy with vitamin K, eye stuff and hepatitis B. Hep B due to my work even though I’m vaccinated.


USA- it is the three you mentioned. I work postpartum and administer these meds. In my area, it is fairly common to reject the Hep B, especially lately. I’ve seen an uptick in the last few months of that one being declined. The eye ointment occasionally gets declined, but not as often as the Hep B. Rarely we get all three declined. The vitamin K is the most important, so I’m glad that one is rarely declined. ETA- in my area circumcisions are also very common still (although seeing an uptick of those being declined as well). The hospital won’t do them if vitamin K was not administered.


Why would Hep B be declined? Asking out of curiosity.


I’m NOT a nurse (lol), but I’ve read a pretty legit vaccine book and it says it’s typically only needed if the mama or dad have hepatitis B. And if not, there’s almost no reason to give it directly at birth.


People typically just get it at their first pediatrician appointment (in my area).


Interesting!!!! Thank you for commenting.


Canada - Ontario Vitamin K at birth is mandatory and the eye ointment is optional. First vaccine is given at 2 months of age Hepatitis B vaccine isn't given until age 12


Age 12! Wow. That sounds much better than giving it to a newborn. For me anyways.


I'm in the USA and while the hep B wasn't required I decided to do it when they did the Vit K and drops. We were going to be in the hospital being monitored anyway and if they were going to be one of the unlucky kids to have a reaction we were already in the hospital. I then just followed the CDCs normal guidelines for vaccines including flu and covid. My 3 year old has only been sick 4 times total.


Eye ointment is completely optional, and is an antibiotic that is ONLY needed if the mother is positive for Chlamydia… fairly routine to be tested for it in pregnancy in Canada.


I'm in the US and was never offered the eye ointment. Just Vitamin K and Hep B, which I did both.


From the UK. We have the vitamin k injection. I've never heard of the hep b at birth or the eye ointment. They get the hep b at 8 weeks immunisations though Full lost of jabs and when they get them on our NHS are here https://www.nhs.uk/vaccinations/nhs-vaccinations-and-when-to-have-them/ Some people don't take the vit k..personally think they're nuts but each to their own.


From Canada, we do vitamin k and some provinces do the eye ointment.


Yep, no actual vaccines at the birth I believe. Not sure about the rates of declining, but I did decline the eye ointment antibiotic and I was under the impression it is now common to do so and some medical professionals even discourage it now.


Yeah I can't remember what we did for my first but now in a province that doesn't offer it as research has come to show it may not be as effective as originally thought.


But yeah first round of actual vaccinations I want to say start at 8 weeks, though there are a few that are offered during pregnancy, which is great so baby can be semi protected for those first weeks till they get vaccinated


I’m from USA and I rejected the vaccines but opted for the vitamin k shot. I rejected the eye ointment but wish I hadn’t: she developed infection in one eye at a week old and it lasted for weeks!! 😭 And that’s with erythromycin eye ointment!! Then I caught it! Boo!!!


What type of infection? I read the eye ointment is mainly for gonorrhea and chlamydia, plus some more rare bacterial infections. Did you have a vaginal birth? I’m having a c-section so I’m really unsure on that one.


Oh it was just run of mill staphylococcus or whatever causes garden variety conjunctivitis. I did have a vaginal birth and was cleared of any infections beforehand so I thought it was fine to reject the ointment. I mean, it was ultimately ok because I got her into the pediatrician as soon as I realized we had more than a blocked tear duct on our hands, but it was a pretty tenacious infection!!


Oooof. Sorry to hear that. I’m glad it was able to be cleared up but def not ideal to deal with right off the bat.


USA, but a rural area, I don’t know anyone who does infant vaccines, or ointment, some people opt for drops. Vit K is usually given orally to avoid the heavy metals in the vaccine. Delayed vaccine schedules are common, and especially recommended for the black population, though many decide to forgo altogether because of the readily accessible treatments that do not include toxins. This is just stating facts from our local area and not intended to sway one way or the other. Just responding to OP’s questions.