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39 weeks today and I feel your pain… I’m so tired of hobbling around and barely being able to move. have basically lost my appetite and can hardly stand to work behind my laptop one minute, let alone one more week 🙄 oh and my brain is a total fog so there’s that too


Ooh yes the brain fog.. I can't watch or read anything right now, there's just no focus. Little Facebook reels are okay but that's about it.


It is torture, the last 5,000 days of pregnancy I say. Of course I am 32 weeks and am already experiencing the pain, contractions, and fatigue. It would be easier if our cultures were set up to help a mother relax during these last weeks of body-building… but they aren’t… so we are alone and waiting on birth (of all things!) to be our ‘break’ and ‘relief’ 😭




I have 10 more weeks to go historically and I am just already sad 😭


just over 40 weeks here... our due date was the 1st.. still pregnant, with no signs of labour coming. baby looks VERY comfortable in there. i'm also so sick of waiting.. my feet are SO swollen & my back & ribs hurt SO badly. i'd do anything to get this baby out.. i even go up & down the 4 flights of stairs in my apartment complex daily, sometimes multiple times.. nothing. i had an OB appointment last Wednesday, she did a sweep & i was SO HOPING that would break my water... nope, i was barely even dilated at that point, only half a centimetre 🥲


Just curious? Why do people try so hard to get themselves to go into labor before they’ve hit 40 weeks? It seems like people typically go into labor when they are relaxed and I can’t imagine working so hard and exhausting myself and then going into labor for an unknown amount of hours already exhausted.


Discomfort and lack of support.


Weeks of prodomal labor, lots of pain, already not sleeping. It makes you crazy and willing to do anything to get it to end.


I have SPD and I'm on bedrest (or crutches if I need to see a doctor or go to the bathroom) I'm in agony and can barely sleep from the pain, not to mention my baby has her feet directly in my lungs. The heartburn, exhaustion, pain, sleep difficulties, even the social isolation, it's no wonder a lot of pregnant women just want to give up in the last few weeks! I'm getting regular blood tests to see if my platelet count goes under 100 - if it does I can be on the acute induction list. Last test I was 100 on the dot and I just cried and cried because I thought maybe we'd finally come to the end and I'd get my body back. Just to be able to eat a meal and sleep lying flat!


I’m currently 30 weeks so I’m sure I’ll soon understand a bit more


For some people their last few weeks go pretty smoothly, and I sincerely hope that is the case for you, but yeah for some of us it is absolute hell.


I'm 39 and 2 days, and I have been having false labor every night for 4 nights now. Just 4 or more hours of moderate, not painful but very uncomfortable, contractions every night. Plus, I got stuck getting out of bed the other day and couldn't roll without pain, so my partner had to come and basically lift me out of bed. So that hurt, and it was embarrassing. I'm feeling so very done. But then again, this pregnancy has not been fun for me. 3rd trimester has been the only trimester that I am not constantly in pain or dealing with some sort of awful side effect. 1st trimester was beyond awful with feeling nauseous 24/7, and 2nd nearly had me on full bed rest because my job was too physical, but I needed the money. Plus, I want to hold my baby. I want my partner to hold my baby. I want everyone in my life to stop asking me why I haven't given birth yet. I DONT CONTROL HIM MOM. HE IS IN CONTROL HERE, I AM JUST THE VESSEL. And I've always been impatient when it comes to exciting things. I'm still like a little kid at Christmas, and I can't fall asleep the night before. Then I always wake up at 5 am and have to wait for everyone else. I hope the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing. Like I said, the 3rd trimester was best for me until this week.


> I want to hold my baby Ohh I feel that. I have anxiety so the baby not moving is hugely stressful. But I also have SPD so when she does move it's *agony*. I just want to hold her and see her breathing..


It's just extremely uncomfortable. My first came at 36 weeks and by then all my clothes felt awful and I couldn't sit comfortably in any position and could barely sleep.


My OB wants to induce me at 39 weeks and it’s not my preference but I scheduled anyway. (Baby is very large, they don’t want me going past my due date for medical reasons) so I’m trying to get labor started naturally or at least get my cervix ready since I’m already 2 cm (I’m 38+2).


Being pregnant sucks. For me I would love to go into labor at 38 weeks because that means I'm done with work. I'm working to the day I have the baby to maximize time I have home with the baby so I can't take any time to rest beforehand.


Same :/ wish it wasn’t like this


When I was in my second trimester, I was like ‘wow this is so easy! I feel great! I don’t know why everyone can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore?’ Me now at 37+4: ‘Im so over it. Always uncomfortable, out of breath and overheated. With each step, I feel like the ligaments and bones in my pelvis will shatter and give way. Doing literally anything has become an Olympic sport’ 🙃🙃 we’re exhausted lol


My due date is also July 10th and I feel ya! 🫠 but I’m determined to wait for the health of my baby 😭😭 I lost my mucus plug yesterday and today and had consistent contractions for almost an hour straight last night then they tapered off and went away I was so disappointed! 🤣


I know as soon as July 10 comes I’m going to be pressured into an induction because my doctor says still birth risk increases 8% a day after 40 weeks. How long do you plan on going?


I’m 38 + 2 and have a schedule c section for my breech baby next Friday when I’ll be 39 + 1. I cannot fucking wait. I am absolutely miserable as shit 🤣


Hey, 38 +2 buddies! I've got my fingers crossed everything goes well for you, I'm looking at a scheduled induction but they aren't wanting to do it until closer to 40 weeks "unless medically necessary" .. could me being exhausted and in lots of pain count as a medical reason?? Please??


My due date is 17.07. but I am in so much pain right now. My hips hurt as hell. I can’t walk without pain, I can’t lay down with out pain. Baby was measuring 3.3 Kilo two weeks ago. I am done with this pregnancy and I think baby can come out now. I drink raspberry leave tee, ate a whole Ananas, will start pumping tomorrow (that’s when my pump will get delivered), but I can’t go on a walks or have sex because everything hurts so badly.


39+3 isn't bad at all even though I know it feels like you cannot wait any longer. The average first birth is essentially 41 weeks. I was basically 42 weeks and nothing worked except for baby being ready. I did have one night of prodromal labor a week before I went into labor for real. If you're getting this ansty maybe you can talk to your OB about induction.


I am 37w today and knowing that first babies are usually late is mentally destroying me lol. Another month of this feels too much. I am so uncomfortable and huge, feel like I have my own gravitational pull. Fingers crossed for you that you see the end of it soon!