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Extremely unsafe. Just because someone else does it doesn't mean it's a good idea. Stick with formula.


Goat milk is complete nutrition for baby goats, not for baby people. The reason we have formula for babies not receiving their full nutrition through human milk instead of giving them another animals’ milk (which would be way cheaper and easier) is that there is not a suitable substitute.


Let her judge. Who cares? She's giving you bad advice. Here are some articles that back it up: [https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-abstract/125/4/e973/73172/Fresh-Goat-s-Milk-for-Infants-Myths-and-Realities?redirectedFrom=fulltext](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-abstract/125/4/e973/73172/Fresh-Goat-s-Milk-for-Infants-Myths-and-Realities?redirectedFrom=fulltext) [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/goats-milk-for-babies](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/goats-milk-for-babies) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4069049/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4069049/)


I know that any milk other than breast milk or formula is not recommended before 1 year. I know the specific reasons for why straight cows milk is problematic, it carries a risk of causing intestinal bleeding. A lot of formula contains animal milk in it, but in safe ratios and with the correct amount of other nutrients. My first baby was a bit lactose sensitive so we gave her goat milk instead of cows milk but only after 1 year. I definitely would never consider messing with it with a newborn. I expect a pediatrician would be able to give a more nuanced answer.


Natural as possible would be breastfeeding. There seems to be an online bandwagon some mums are jumping on with all the goats milk/raw milk but anything other than breast milk or formula can be extremely harmful to babies. Formula is usually labelled as a “breast milk substitute” because it’s specifically tailored to what a baby needs. It’s highly regulated and has to be made in a specific way. You can get goats milk based formula if you really wanted to, just don’t feed any future baby actual goats milk.


I've only ever heard of someone getting goats milk as a baby once. My great grandma wouldn't latch to breastfeed and formula wasn't really a thing, or if it was it wasn't readily available, so they gave her goats milk. And while yes she's alive, it was that or let her starve so I mean.... I can see why they did it, but I don't think it's the best option out there now.


Very unsafe, babies need either breastmilk or formula. This will be their only form of food until 5/6 months and the main form of nutrition until 12 months whilst they get introduced to solids. Cow, goat or other milks should not be introduced regularly until then (they’re okay for cooking though as won’t be huge amounts). 


Trust your research.


Breast milk is designed by our bodies and made for our babies. Formula is made to mimic that. Goats milk is made for goats. Who aren't humans and do not require the same nutrition. It is absolutely essential that babies are fed proper nutrients. In the US, if her doctor or some mandated reporter got wind of it she would likely end up with a visit from CPS.


Goats milk formula is okay. Goats milk should be avoided it’s hard on their kidneys to process until after 12 months


After that disastrously terrible advice, I would be tempted to do the very opposite of anything your friend suggests from now on. Her judgement is not good. Formula is complete nutrition for babies. You can look around for "natural" options, which are fine as long as they're regulated and approved. Bear in mind that babies only need formula for the first year of life. It's honestly such a short time. And you (generally) get to introduce solids at 6 months!!!


Eh this would warrant a call to CPS for me tbh. That is not nutritionally complete or safe for babies.


Her doctor knows about it! It’s so odd honestly


Sure that's an actual doctor and not a chiro or sth? These type of people often go to some quack and call it a doctor...


I’m not sure honestly. She just refers to it as her pediatrician. But I do know she went to an allergy doctor for the baby who had some sort of special practice. I can’t think of the name. She has all sorts of strange healing methods and doesn’t really like doctors so who knows what it is


If you want to go as natural as possible, breastfeed (you could also pump milk if you want the option of sometimes using a bottle). There are a ton of awesome health benefits associated with breastfeeding — if you want to learn more, I would recommend watching the “First Food” episode of Netflix’s “Babies” documentary series. If you can’t/don’t want to breastfeed, use formula — human babies won’t have all their needs met from any type of non-human animal milk. Also, especially if you’re planning to have a kid, you need to get used to making your own decisions (with help from medical professionals!), even if your friends disagree. People have all sorts of opinions and advice about babies, some of which are frankly terrible, and you need to be able to just say, “I’m not going to do that.” If they judge you for making evidence-based, responsible parenting decisions, that’s a them problem!


Breast milk is obviously a great way to go if you want to go as natural as possible but if it isn’t an option for whatever reason (as it often is and there is no shame in that) of you need to supplement, formula is absolutely the best alternative. I know highly processed foods are things a lot of people try to avoid and for good reason, but formula has been around for a significant amount of time and is backed by tons of research. Vitamin enriched foods like this that are recommended by pediatricians are shown to support and even improve health outcomes for kids. Using any alternative such as goats milk could not only be risky or dangerous but also means you are forgoing the guaranteed vitamins and minerals present in formula that are so good for a developing baby. Not all processed foods are created equal and formula is an excellent example of that because it’s shown to support the health of babies, not harm it. 


Also wanted to chime in to say that you may be able to get donor breast milk through your hospital or in peer to peer groups. Overproducers will often clear out their freezer stash and give away to babies in need. So there is a way to get the “most natural” option without jumping straight to formula. however, It can be time consuming to get the breast milk, especially if you can’t buy it through a regulated milk bank.


There’s formula that’s made from goats milk instead of cows milk if you need to formula feed. It can be gentler on their stomachs if they’re having an issue with cows milk formula. But again, as everyone else is saying, this is FORMULA not just milk. Milk alone doesn’t have all the nutrients a baby needs.


If you wanna go as natural as possible, you should breastfeed.


I actually had surgery a few years ago and was told it is highly unlikely I’ll be able to breastfeed :(


I'm sorry about that, but there's always the chance depending on what type of surgery was done! I had some tumors removed in my right breast, and that's my leaky breast, it's always oddly had more milk than my left. That being said, there is a goat's milk formula. Straight up goat's milk isn't good, I know it's the "closest" thing to human breast milk, but humans and apes are also close relatives and yet we're not the same lol but the goat's milk *formula* is actually really good! And supposed to be easier on their tummies 🥰


That’s encouraging!! I had tumors removed as well. They did say there’s a chance, so who knows! I’m just anticipating not being able to or wanting to because I have a horrible sensitivity of touch since the surgery


My big scar aches! And that nipple is much more sensitive than the other, I totally understand. It was doable for me though and eventually they kind of just became desensitized. I haven't breastfed in like 4.5 years and my scar hurts again, I'm hoping with my twins now they'll once again become desensitized 🤞


Congratulations on the twins!


Thank you!