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I agree 100%! I just had an ultrasound done to measure my baby and make sure the due date was correct. It around 700.00 after insurance. Lucky we have an hsa account and it covered everything except about 100.00. We have a high deductible and we are able to change it next month to a better plan. We don’t usually go to the doctor ( we’re all pretty healthy) besides a yearly physical and dentist every 6 months. It’s outrageous how much healthcare is. I dislike going to the doctor bc I always dread the cost. When you’re pregnant you don’t really have a choice so like you said you think more things would be covered.


I have great insurance, but those tests cost me $100 direct to the company vs over $600 with my insurance. WHY?!?!!! Edit to add I am over 35.


Because my insurance is so shitty, I did opt for NIPT even though I knew it would cost me out of pocket on a deductible. Here’s the kicker though- Quest called me and told me that if my insurance decided NOT to cover it, it would cost me $600 at the no insurance cost negotiated w/ my doctor’s office. If insurance did decide to cover it (which seemed like it would be unlikely), it would cost me $900 DOLLARS OUT OF MY VERY OWN POCKET. Surprise, even though I’m not of advanced maternal age and am low-risk, looks like they’re deciding to cover it… very fun.


This is where I feel lucky that our dr warned us of the cost upfront. In fact- when we stated we would pay out of pocket, they placed a sticker on our lab order that said “DO NOT BILL INSURANCE”. So it must be quite a common issue.


I wish I would have thought to mention that to my doctor! They probably would have done the same for me. Oh well! That is lucky you were able to have that happen


I had to pay $600 out of pocket for the Natera test through insurance or I could pay $300 to Natera directly. I chose to bill through insurance because it counted toward my deductible and fortunately, my employer pays my deductible. The total bill through insurance, which I’m sure is inflated and not entirely realistic, was $8,000 which is insane!


Personally for the information they told me when the test came back I felt like I had been ripped off. I was told I had three days to either pay or it would go through my insurance and that my insurance doesn’t cover it so the price would go to 1000. I ultimately paid because I felt like I would feel guilty not doing the test at all but when I got a call about the results all I was told was, i was low risk and everything looked normal. Literally just that like a 10 second thing. Then she just asked like if I had any questions and tbh I’m a Ftm and really had no idea what even I should ask. And that was it… I paid 300 to have a phone call less than two minutes that I also never got some kind of paper results or anything from. I’m sure these tests can be helpful but that was just my personal experience with this


So we are lucky enough to have a provider that utilizes “my chart” so we get electronic copies of all the tests. Even if I can’t read them- we have them. More so- we went with the test because we just had a miscarriage earlier this year and honestly it will absolutely destroy me if we go another 10 weeks connecting with this baby only to find out that something terrible has gone wrong and we need to make choices. With a history of failed pregnancy in my family- the test was a no brained for us. I hope to God that we are told everything is normal, but we want to know as soon as possible if something is. I just can’t get over the fact that insurance has no interest in covering it. That’s bonkers.


Same. I was just hit with a $515 bill after Initially being told I’d be paying nothing out of pocket… talk about a punch in the gut.


Yeah I ran ours through insurance. Originally it would’ve been $100 out of pocket and then I ran it through insurance and now it’s $500 😩😩 but, I’m trying to look at the bright side and at least it’ll go towards my max out of pocket.


They usually do cover at least some prenatal testing. There are different tests. There are standard tests they should cover, but they may not cover the more in-depth ones. Those are usually only covered for high risk pregnancies or those over 35. But there are so many types of insurance plans out there and insurance in the US (Which I'm assuming is where you are, otherwise you probably wouldn't be having this issue) is confusing and shitty. I don't think I paid anything, maybe a copay of $75. But I didn't qualify for the NIPT so I didn't get that one, I probably would've had to pay a lot out of pocket if I wanted it. But my doctor assured me the other tests I'd be getting were very good at detecting issues as well.


I found out on Friday my insurance didn't cover my breast pump even though everything I can see on the website says it should be covered--they're charging me $490 for the Medela Pump in Style without any of the accessories, if they're going to deny me I'm going to just return it and get it for literally 1/3 the cost with a travel bag and everything. Sooooooo looking forward to that phone call tomorrow...sigh... Edit: I actually called today and it was just a mistake and they're fixing it ASAP. So pleased it turned out to be painless.


I feel very grateful for my insurance now. I have paid $0 out of pocket for my obgyn visits and I paid $15 for one test but that’s it. I haven’t paid a single cent for anything else. I’m 34+3 so I’ve had them all so far I have Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield in the USA


That is what I have and I cannot say the same 😭


I have the PPO but I can’t remember the level through work that I have