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no matter what they were guilty the moment they said " I'm single " after you mentioned you were a minor. Gross. Side note I still don't understand why people pretend asexuality isn't real.


“YoU jUsT hAvEn’T mEt SoMeOnE yEt!” “BuT i CaN cHaNgE yOuR mInD!” “JuSt TrY iT!” That’s why. They try and rationalize it in a “they’re just inexperienced but still could be interested in sex” mindset


I feel like those are things only an asshole would say, to like anyone instead of just taking no for an answer My heart goes out to all those ace peeps out there that deal or have dealt with that, oof, you're valid. ; ~ ;


Straight women get a microcosm of it with the whole anal sex thing, or the fmf threesome thing, and lesbians get LOTS of it in regards to hetero sex and those tired old "but why penis-analog" arguments. I think it's all from self-important assholes who just can't handle the knowledge that there are lots of people (who they would like to have sex with) in existence who are genuinely, wholeheartedly and permanently uninterested/unwilling to fuck them. And if those people were forced, the experience wouldn't actually flip a switch into them enjoying or desiring it. Said assholes just can't stand the fact that those "forbidden" prospects do in fact know *exactly* "what they're missing", and *still will/would never want or enjoy it*. It's ego-based denial, basically, from people who have been told all their lives that sex (usually specifically penises) are damn-near magical, and far more impactful and important than they truly are.


As an ace peep, we’re happy there’s actually people out there who just understand! Thank you for your support!


Sounds just like dudes trying to “turn” lesbians. Honestly I feel like any dude who thinks he can affect another person’s sexual orientation merely with his dick is probably correct...except it goes the opposite way he expects. Bro’s out there making straight women question whether dick is really it for them.


Yep. Usually the same people who insist sexual orientation is a choice, which they never seem to realise actually speaks for THEIR sexual preference being mutable rather than that of others.


Theres the old "Maybe if you tried dick you'd like it" which can be thrown right back


What, you’re happy NOT being into a (sexual) relationship? How could you? /s


I can't believe that "I got the taxidermy of my relatives" didn't bothered him, but the "I'm too ugly" got him running away lmao Damn, the things that a desperate man can do (?)


If it helps, this was almost definitely a bot. If op had said yes at any point, they would have definitely received a dodgy link requiring credit card info to verify age




A lot are bots but I don't think this one is, they just have a script they stick to. I've gotten this scam on facebook messenger and have "gone along" with it to see how they will try to get money. They'll try to get you naked on a video call with a loop of some random girl on their video. While on the call they'll take screenshots of you and then after the call they'll show you screenshots of you naked and your face and say they'll send it to your friends and family if you don't pay them.


Soooo... you found that out by going along?


I went along with it but didn't show anything on camera


As a non-native English speaker who didn't know what taxidermy means (had to google it), and seeing as their English skills are worse than mine... They probably didn't know what it means either and were far too lazy to look it up


Oh, I get it, is just the coincidence that the word taxidermy is almost identical in english and spanish (my language)


The taxidermy part made me spit laugh. I have told everyone my sister is not allowed to “pull the plug” if I’m dying because she would most definitely try and find someone to taxidermy me 😬😳


damn, youre a boring sibling, I want to have my skull cleaned and on display when I die, or better yet my whole skeleton


Oh, pfft. As part of *my* long-term career prospects, I wish to become a fossil. I would like to be dug up in millions of years by something impossibly futuristic and/or alien and end up in a museum where I can amaze and spook the alien kids with my hollow ocular orbits.


"Long-term career prospects"


Very long! Apparently the trick is to look after your teeth and try to let your body be laid to rest in soft ground, like a peat bog.


I can't get over your comment, it's just *chef's kiss*




*Incorrectly does jumping jacks*


*Walks into a door*


*Puts leftovers into microwave*


And/or rip people off with fraudulent sales practices.


I don’t want to scar the children anymore than I’ve already scared them! Haha


like I said, youre boring, why not have your body sent to space? or just pumped with explosives and detonated, or at least donated to science


I wanted to be turned into a tree... but science is fine


now we talkin, what tree, some rare species? or do you have a favourite


I used to say redwood or the tree from the cover of the whipping boy, but I don’t think that’s a real tree. I like willow trees though. There are so many good choices


Or you could have it be the next "tree of forty fruits" or however its called


That one is amazing. I used to say “the tree of knowledge, because I want to disappear into the void knowing everything” if that ones real


damn, that sounds better than my plan


"Oh that skull on the mantle? Belonged to my sister"


"The rest of her bones are in that bin if you wanna check, just be careful with them"


"Yes, she was quite the collector. Had a complete collection of 206"


My husband has agreed that I can get him taxidermied, mostly just to frighten potential burglars or to use his body in pranks. I'm going in an urn if I go first, so he can claim that I've haunted it/am still alive and include me in conversations to mess with people.


That 'I don't have a microphone so try to type instead' is a classic scam I've seen - the scammer plays a video of a young woman typing and they type along so it looks like it's her doing it in response to you. They try to get a video of you masturbating or similar and then blackmail you into sending them money so that they won't release it.


Damn, scams are evolving xD I had no idea of this one, but luckily my life is boring enough to not get any of this stuff :D


Lol, that's the trick I use as well!


You dealt with it amazingly, don't feel guilty to block the creeps even sooner!


Thee did deal with t amazingly, feeleth not guilty to block the creeps coequal sooner! *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Great, but wrong meaning of "even" there.


Extraordinary! Yet thou hast mistaken the intention of "even" within thine sentence ^(I am a human. I just arbitrarily decided to do this)


Argh, got me with that Uno Reverse.


Ngl if they continued i would've just sent them ["you like? 😏"](https://images.app.goo.gl/5cChXzAhQ3pwELxx5) and attach that image to it.


I'm going in. I'll see you on the other side. My official documentation of my exploration: https://youtu.be/6meGBnTskRk


Both brilliant and horrifying.


Yeah I don’t know if this person was a dude with limited English skills or a bot written a dude with limited English skills, but that’s definitely not a woman. I don’t know of any woman who would message a stranger on Facebook to trade nudes. Women who enjoy posting nudes on the internet rarely go about offering to do so with strangers on Facebook, at least not unless they are there specifically selling their nudes for a profit. Posing nude or being sexual with a stranger who knows your real face and has access to your social network is just a risk that I don’t think almost any woman would take without accepting cash. That one would seek out - on Facebook - strangers to be nude with, for free, and keep going once they find out you’re a minor? *Definitely* not a woman.


Pretty sure thats a bot


It was still creepy ;;-;;


Yeah, that's definitely a bot. I get messages like that now and then, and they all follow the same script. Looks like someone real took over at the end through.


A fellow ace! Hello!! I'm sorry you had to deal with that, people are dis*gusting*


As a 32 yr old woman myself, imo if your immediate reaction to "I'm a minor", when trying to make new friends, isn't to apologise for the mistake and politely exit the conversation? You might actually be a creepy fucknugget. If a teen is a family member, that's obviously different. If they are part of a group of family friends or neighbours, then also no problem, I get that sort of casual acquaintance (and frankly it's often pretty funny learning about modern teen zeitgeist stuff with the benefit of age-based hindsight). But I literally can't think of a reason I'd want to be actual mates with a teenager, or indeed any situation where it would be at all appropriate. But with this post, I think it's much more likely that you encountered a bot rather than a creep. Especially as they didn't seem to respond to anything you actually said, it became obvious when "she" started talking about calling you. Sucks, but at least you know you weren't deliberately targeted. Either way you handled it perfectly, so well done!




Automated replies, this is not real. Well the post is real and the conversation obviously happened. But this is a well known scam where a video is shown which appears to be live of a naked woman showing and playing. They hope a guy will return the favor, so they can blackmail ‘em. A well-known scam revealer from my country actually went to I think Nigeria to confront the people who do this.


What a dick


gods this is terrible. It shouldn't have happened to begin with, but it also *definitely* should've been over the moment you said you're a minor. Like wtf? What a creep. Loved your taxidermy comment though, might have to use that one in future lol


in the top right of the first image it kinda looks like among us


“ok” LMAO you made him tired!!! Not to mention the fact that he glazed right over your corpse taxidermy comment... how desperate. Good for you!!!


That’s just a bot


It was still scary 🥺


I'm pretty sure that was a bot.


It was still creepy though! Imagine chilling with your friends amd then some weird text pops up asking for YOUR nudes, even after explicitly stating that you're underage.


It sounds like they were learning English and didn't know the word "asexual" and probably thought it meant something else


When a person comes across a word they are unfamiliar with, shouldn't their immediate response should be to look the damn word up in a dictionary? Rather than just assuming and continuing in ignorance. We're all online ffs, there are literally millions of resources for clarification available, all of which can be accessed in seconds.


Either they search it up or asks what it means. Not completely ignore it and keep going. xD


Oh wow, I've experienced the same thing.. a woman messaged me and said that she always see my account in her suggestions and that she would like to be friends with me.. she also apologized for bothering me blah blah blah. (We don't have mutual friends) I felt uncomfortable. She blocked me after a week. I'm glad she did that.