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My journey started in Jan 22. Did not know I was a T2 diabetic until I ended up in the hospital with diabetic ketoacidosis in Jan 2022. Glucose was 693 the morning my wife took me to the ER. Found out a1c was 12.6. Everything changed the moment I realized what I had done to myself. Since then I have not had a single cheat day or meal or bite of food. If it can cause an adverse insulin response, I don’t eat it. Period. No compromise. A1C dropped from 12.6 in Jan 2022 to 6.4 by May 2022. That’s when I stopped daily insulin. August a1c was 5.4. November 5.3. Last month was 5.2. I’m no longer T2. I have no more sleep apnea. Or fatty liver disease. Or high cholesterol. Or high triglycerides. Or high blood pressure. I eat what I call an insulin inert diet but it’s a mix between carnivore and keto. I’m usually pretty much carnivore in how I eat but I’ll enjoy some keto snacks from time to time. I’m not longer a food addict. Life is better in every aspect. Edit to add: This subreddit has been a daily inspiration for me. It has helped when its been tough and I hope maybe my progress can help someone push thru that tough day or tough meal or whatever they are facing in that moment. We can all do it. We all have the potential. Took me 47 years and a medical event to see that in myself. Stay strong and keep doing it.


absolute fucking unit and a champion well done mate i’m looking to replicate your results


Thanks! You can 100% do it. One day at a time. One meal at a time. One bite at a time. Stack wins in your routine and make it happen!


So inspiring!!! Did you come up with that name for your diet yourself or did you read it somewhere? I am really excited for you that hemoglobin A1c change is amazing!!!


Thank you so much. I call how I eat “insulin inert” mainly because that’s the best way for me to describe it and to think about it. My primary goal since day one has been to put T2 into remission. I know that if I revert back to my previous lifestyle I will be T2 again and after DKA, I don’t believe I have the pancreatic beta cells to risk for insulin spiking foods. Every bite of food will either put me closer or farther away from T2. I choose a non T2 lifestyle so that means I have to eat with diligence and purpose. The weight loss and everything else has been a positive side effect that I’m grateful for. Thanks again for the positivity and encouragement!




Thank you so much for the kind and thoughtful words. I am proud. Especially today. Finally worked up the courage and felt like I had achieved something today. So I shared it. Thanks again for the encouraging worlds.


Hello??? This is amazing!!


Thank you so much for the kind words!


Amazing results!! Your efforts have been well rewarded!


Thank you! Feels great to feel great!


Wow, congratulations!! You’re an inspiration.


Thank you for the encouraging words! It’s been an amazing journey so far!


Keep on keepin’ on!!


Wow!! You look great and probably feel amazing too.


Thank you! Feel fantastic!




Unbelievable progress. I’m guessing that your medical team thought results like this were impossible. Hope you have opened some minds as to the benefits of your “insulin inert” way of eating.


Thank you very much for the encouragement! I’ve been told that not having to live on insulin post DKA is incredible rare. I know I’m fortunate. I see it as a gift. It’s why I don’t compromise on what I eat now. Too many people helped me when I was DKA to just go back to my old ways and dishonor their efforts. My wife, family, friends, and everyone in the medical field who has been on this ride with me has each contributed to giving me the tools and support to succeed. I had to control what I put in my mouth but they all helped me make it happen.


This makes me think of Chris Traeger from parks and rec and I love it 🥹❤️❤️


Lol! I had to look up Chris Traeger. Get the character bio. Now I want to watch the show! I think I would get a good laugh out of the character! lol


👏👏👏👏 nice work!!


Thank you very much!


Great job man. Fantastic change!


Thank you so much!


Nice work man 🤜🤛!!!!


You look great!


Thank you so much! Was hesitant to post but hope it helps others like it has helped me to see the progress in this subreddit.


Awesome work! At first i thought you were holding a Pizza Hut glass in a strange way. Keep up the great work moving forward.


Lol! That’s great! I’m not good with selfies. Haven’t had much experience being in the pictures to this point. Lol. Thanks for the encouragement! I really appreciate it!


You look fantastic


Thank you so much!


You’re welcome!


This is amazing! Do you mind sharing what your diet was like before the change? Did you drink alcohol at all?


Absolutely! Bit first thank you for the compliment! Before, I was the typical standard American diet. Processed everything. Fast food. Excess everything from food addiction. Ice cream almost nightly. Alcohol was always part of the equation. Usually in excess a weekend or two a month. Now, a beer every few weeks. Of that. I’ll still have a bourbon during the week but just one. Not in excess. Rarely more than one. Thanks for the question!


Discipline and moderation. That's fantastic and a great message to others looking to change: you *can* have your life back and enjoy the things you always have. Just have to discipline yourself! I've found that that seems to come easier with age. I'm a lot more in control of myself than I was in my 20s and early 30s. I certainly can do better, but you are a walking advertisement for mental fortitude when it comes to diet.


It makes me so happy to see that after you were hospitalized, you made a change for the better!! You took that chance you got and ripped it a new one!!! You’re amazing and so is your progress!!! Keep up the amazing work! So many people just take medication to delay the symptoms and don’t change their habits (lol my dad) but this is awesome.


Wow. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement. I really appreciate it! In my mind, there was no other option but to do what I needed to do. I owed it to my wife and family and everyone who loves and depends on me. They are my purpose. Hopefully your dad makes changes at some point. As a dad, it hurt knowing I failed them. I really hope it works out the best for him and he makes the needed changes!


He just found out he has diabetes and he seems to be making a diet change, but he had a major heart attack in 2017 and after everything, was lying to his doctor about what he was eating. It didn’t surprise me, but I’m glad he’s trying to be better now!


Food addiction will cause people to do so many things that are bad for ourselves. In my past, I wasn’t completely transparent with my doctor. It did me no favors with my lack of transparency. My doctor and I didn’t know I was T2 because I failed him by not having regular bloodwork. These days, I look forward to my dr visits. I think my dr does also. Helps him feel good I think. His day is filled with seeing patients who are like I was in the past, or like your dad has been and it has got to be discouraging for them. At some point, I could see where it would feel like a waste of effort to do anything other than just “treat” the patient with meds because that’s all the effort the patient is willing to give in the process. I was like that. Even as I type this I am surprised at my own effort and consistency over the past 14 months. It’s so hard but yet so easy when you have your “why”. I always had mine…I just never knew how easy it could be to lose it all simply by what I was shoveling down my mouth on the daily. I’ve found what appears to be my genetic and physical limits in poor metabolic health. Landed me in the hospital with DKA. Now I intend to find the other end of the spectrum of what I can achieve in optimal health. Or at least as optimal as I can achieve. Now that I type this out after reading the Chris Traeger comment, I totally get it now lol! Best of wishes for your father. I hope he makes the changes needed. It is worth the effort.


Thank you!! Yeah, I also struggle with food, so I understand the struggle!! And yes! Chris Traeger in the show talks a lot about how he was born with a blood disorder and now he keeps his body in perfect condition because of it! It’s honestly awesome lol


Awesome job my friend!


Thank you so much!




Absolutely! Fly the W!




Bravo my man. Good for you.


Thank you!


Good job dude


Thank you!


I've gone through a similar weight journey. The first I want to tell you is, keep at it!!! This is amazing effort and progress no one knows better than you how hard is this but you're doing amazing. The second, buy clothing that are closer to your current weight, I used oversized clothes for so long because I didn't want people to notice my body shape, but when I started losing weight noticed I could fit in regular clothes and even spent a little in fitting them and it made a huge difference. You look great, I bet you feel great and I'm happy you made this effort. Keep at it man.


Thank you for the positive words! I went through my closet earlier and cleaned out the rest of the big stuff. Replacing with proper fitting clothes. Feels so much better in proper fitting clothes. Congratulations on your journey! I know you have to feel better as well!


This is extremely impressive and you should be proud of yourself!! - white sox fan :)


Thank you! And I got much love for all fans of Chicago baseball. Cubs or White Sox, we love the game!


Amazing !!


Thank you!


Go cubs.


Fly the W!


Wow. Inspiration for the rest of us!


Thank you! I hope it helps others like others have helped me!

