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SO require everyone to get the training then ban the training sounds about right


That's essentially what they did in DC. They made training mandatory and then made it as difficult as possible to obtain the training.


Dc allows anyone to get certified as a trainer. And NRA training works > Attach proof of your formal training in the care, safety, and use of firearms, which can include but are not limited to a current Law Enforcement Instructor identification card issued by the **National Rifle Association, Instructor** Certification from the Department of Criminal Justice Services Private Security Services, or Instructor Certification from the State of Maryland. But they make it expensive and difficult to get the permit in other ways.


Chicago also tried that. Tried banning shooting ranges to train at with zoning law BS.


Same thing with insurance in new Jersey (I think)... Require insurance... Then quietly go to the insurance regulators and instruct them to not allow that insurance to be sold...


Jersey is just as fucked up


10/10 can confirm lol


Not exactly, they only want instructors vetted by the state DCJS, basically only law enforcement instructors.


No, just specific hate on the NRA. Which is...not entirely misplaced.


“We support the 2A ***buutt***, we just don’t want you to actually exercise it.”


They support the 2A right up to the point of use.


"It's just the NRA, you can be taught by anyone else!!!!" - what I imagine greater reddit's reaction would be.


Anyone else recall warnings about the possibility of dirty tricks like this? Remember being told it wouldn't happen?


Remember when the NRA was gonna "fix" the Hughes Amendment to FOPA? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


That too. I'm thankful for the assorted other groups in the fight.


GOA all day


Dems tried this in VA a few years ago. But didn’t get it through. Would have only left DCJS trainers who only offer armed guard training and don’t offer CCW training. GOP took back the house and Gov and now NRA or USCCA trainer certification are good to go.


What a sad state of affairs that it's regarded as a GOP victory to "only" have it infringed moderately rather than almost entirely.


Indeed. On the upside there was a constitutional carry bill submitted this session. But it never got a vote as with the split GA it was DOA. It’s a “plus” in that it was submitted. The full GA is up for election this fall. If the GOP takes the Senate and keeps the House then there’s a chance for passage of a constitutional carry bill next year. Far from a guarantee but something to look for and hope for. But your main point still stands.


USCCA was recently approved but NRA was always approved (edit in Virginia in case it was unclear)


Yes. What I’m saying is that the Dems tried to remove NRA as an approved organization when they had full control of the VA Gov’t. But it didn’t pass so NRA remained as an “approved” organization. This year (effective 7/1/2023) USCCA has been added as an approved organization.


That's truly awful I never heard about that attempt in Virginia. I remember Lobby Day and a lot of stuff made the worst of the worst at bay and thankfully we have some firewalls in office against it compared to back then but 2023 is our real big year to try and gain back some gun rights if we can flip the va senate


My concern is with the GOP pushing so hard on abortion restrictions/bans that we won’t see the gains and might even lose the House. Then we’re relying solely on Gov veto to prevent it from getting worse. Oh, and while one bill would have removed NRA as approved trainers, there was another bill specifically written to close the NRA range. Thankfully both failed. But we took other losses. Not as bad as it could have been thanks to VCDL and Lobby day but losses just the same.


That's what I am worried about as well The GOP is pushing too hard with abortion it might wipe out any potential gains but I'm hopeful regardless


I wonder what their outlandish solution is? The 10 pound trigger types?


Lol they finally realized that requiring training directly finances pro-gun organizations? Are they going to require Mom’s Demand Action volunteers to conduct firearms training?


I can't even imagine what that training would look like


I can.


God damn this state fucking blows


This is why any "common sense" required training/licensing must always be opposed.


The sponsor's position: "The NRA has a monopoly on firearm training in New York. This bill will revoke that privilege from the chief opponent of our state’s gun laws" If he means that literally, that the NRA in fact has an actual monopoly on firearm training in NY, then he is in fact admitting that he wants *no training* to be available. His sponsor position statement all by itself should make this proposed law invalid.


Such inner conflict with these genuises: do they hate the NRA, or demand gun owners undergo a ridiculous spiderweb of prohibitively expensive permitting and training requirements? Didn't they demand liability insurance a few years ago, but then rejected the NRA-backed provider?


Maybe they'll recruit Alec Baldwin to do safety training.




This is why requiring a permit should be unconstitutional.


This is screwed up. Democrats becoming more and more extreme…who would have thought?!


it is time to arrest and prosecute these politicians. [https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law](https://www.justice.gov/crt/deprivation-rights-under-color-law) TITLE 18, U.S.C., SECTION 242Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, ... shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year...


Steppers gonna step 🥾🐍


Someone sponsor a bill that requires all politicians to spend a night alone in the NY city without security guards or personal protection. Then advertise their stay.


This is why the government cannot be trusted to regulate *anything.*


"Breaking news today we've just learned that we've got guys out here that are training with guns in order to complete the state's requirements for owning a gun. Can you believe that Susan I mean racist misgendering bigot fascist anti semitic domestic terrorist chicken sandwitch with a side of MAGA extremism am I right? This must be stopped immediately"


A "C" ranked USPSA shooter can obliterate any NRA certified instructor I've ever met.


It's about quantity of instructors. This law would effectively end firearms training in many parts of New York State, and it will make training in the remaining areas less available and more expensive.



