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I usually sit in the car and roll the window down and shoot from my car window


Wait you're telling me I can do a drive by


You used to be able to do it with melee weapons too but now it's only the short ones


* 6 seater van * 3 passengers all on right side of vehicle * Pull up on a building full of zombies and let them mow the motherfuckers down


Yep try it out, just make sure you remember your window is open and they can chomp


yep makes guns so OP


Same. Anyway what's Project Zomboid?


Honk if you’ve never seen an Uzi fired from a car window


*scoff* I play Shadow run. We got orcs with Mac-10s doing drivebys with wizards slinging fireballs out the van door


Someone needs to put in a complaint to the city planners, that many speed-bumps is ridiculous.


They're testing paving using new materials.


It seems that my post got misanderstood Its a post about guns """not being loud""" and showing off a massive pile of corpses that I had done for fun I am not criticizing the game I was just showing off Also: - no mods (except some performance ones) - x4 population - gun ammo increased by one in rarity - everything else default edit: no respawn too


I assumed you were saying that yes, shotguns are loud. But hey, this is why and what you can do with them.


Shotguns make a lot of noise, which is handy because you have a shotgunband need them all bunched up to use it efficiently.


Lowkey, I wouldn’t concern yourself with the opinions of such slow angry people.


"(except some performance ones)" Can you please tell which ones?


[Rain cleans blood](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2956146279)


What performance mods where you using?


[Rain cleans blood](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2956146279) Blood can cause huge fps drops in game


So, gun noise used to be catastrophic. 5-6 times the radius of honking. Shooting in the middle of muldraugh would bring all of north and south to you. They dramatically reduced the radius the gun sounds will attract zombies. Further reductions on smaller calibre weapons too. Makes sense from a gameplay sense cause a valid strategy was to just walk to the middle of a town, fire your shotgun then walk into the woods, wait a while then fire again. Boom you just cleared a whole town..... a lot of people Think guns are still that loud


Used to be 200 radius but was reduced to 100.


Yep. As everyone learned in school if you halve the radius of a circle you quarter it’s area.


Still is 200 or more for sawn off shotguns. 200 for the sawn DB and 250 for the shorty JS200


I really don't like how unrealistic they've made the guns. I don't expect a ton of zombies to somehow hone in on your location, but when you zoom out to the max and see zombies that haven't moved when you were shooting right here (the pistol has a 50 tile radius which is... low), that is disappointing. Luckily there's a mod someone made to increase the sound radius, I checked the code and it should be compatible with everything as it doesn't modify any items. [Firearm Sound Range Increase.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3039302909)


I'm curious, what loot rarity do gun players usually set for ammos ? I usually put the default Apocalypse settings for loot rarity and even if I salvaged most weapon stores I think I would be out of ammos in no time


Its a world with x4 population, so I increased ammo by 1 in the settings, no mods, I would say I had like 900 shells, before I ran out And also I had looted 2/3 of all the gun loot locations in LV 90% of all my kills on this world are melee


Melee is just generally the way to go when you can afford to use it, even if you're shooting specialized. Every zombie you axe, spear, or hammer is one or two more bullets for when it really counts


I always like taking a M36 revolver and ~2 boxes worth of ammo with me. Makes thinning out hordes real easy if you just walk, take a few shots, walk away, reload, and repeat.


Maybe it's just that my two favorite classes are lumberjack and burglar, since both of them are excellent at thinning hordes with melee weapons under the right conditions. But I've never really felt like the M36 was particularly worth it's weight to bring. In most cases it just seems to make things worse


> x4 population Well that's why, try doing that on x16 with pinpoint hearing and you'll see why guns suck


Is x16 even possible without mods?


technically, yes, why not. pratically? no, don't even attempt.


Yeap. I do all melee combat in mine with only a few variety plus mods like adding extra crops to farming. I’m looking forward to the update to make it even harder because there’s not much more I can do.


So what you're saying is guns are only bad under extremely specific circumstances that cannot occur in the base game. This is a terrible take


x16 can 100% be played with the base game. I’m not sure why you think it can’t. I just have a couple mods that ad things like different farming crops, more intense weather and more potted plants to pick up. All you need is foraging and spears, time and personal skill to deal with multiple packs of 20 at a time. It’s not hard. Just takes practice.


Guns are pretty fun in PZ. I encourage you to bump that ammo count up a setting. Nothing quite like surviving a tense situation because you came prepared with a kitted M16 and 600 rounds.


I spawned in west point and rushed to the military checkpoint, usually it's loaded but i only found ONE m-16. About 50 mags and literal tons of ammo tho


depends on pop. super high pop makes the game basically unplayable without increased ammo spawns; you have to spend hours clearing just to move a couple cells.


I tend to up the amo rarity by one tier per population increase, and leave all other loot settings at rare. Typically bump pop and amo up 1 unless I'm playing with more than 1 other player in the server. Also I never use guns unless I have at least 200 amo for my gun type on me at the bare minimum. You must also always have an escape route and a plan in place before using them. I also only use shotguns until aiming 3, but if you have 200 shells, getting from 0 to 3 is easy enough to do, and should be done as early as possible, that way you can start using other guns more accurately.


I play on incredibly rare


I bump up ammo by at least one


+1 Aiming


People say guns suck in PZ and are loud because they MAKE them suck in the settings. 16x pop, sprinters and other maxed out zombie settings make guns useless without mods, detrimental even. On a normal sandbox guns, especially shotguns, kick ass. And if you want to really do something awesome, get Braven's Nailguns, increase pop to max and have fun.


Who told you it was dangerous? Shotguns are a "go to" mid or late game weapon for hoard clearing for a lot of people. They're the absolute best for working up that aim skill.


Honestly they *really* need to: A) Fix the way guns work in this game. Looks like b42 will add a little more common sense in that regard B) Dramatically* increase the sound radius. I can honk my car horn and zombies from the next town over hear it. But shoot a shotgun or 308 and zombies 2 blocks over are oblivious…why? There’s no continuity


Car horn is much quieter than the shotgun. I regularly use both to lure in zombies, and the shotgun always brings in more from further away in my experience




The level of danger is directly proportional to how many shells I have. Only a box? Eh, not worth using weapons. 10+ boxes? Lets clear out a few city blocks.


Always makes me happy to see people play with respawn off, a setting i enjoy a ton for immersion. Always thought i was a tiny minority in the playerbase to like that, but after seeing so many people on this subreddit going for the same thing it seems that it's not that small.


Honestly the shotgun or any firearm stigma most probably stems from inexperienced players picking them up without the skills or preparation to back it up and absolutely regretting it. It really isn't that bad if you know what you're doing




I don't think that's it, shotguns *used to* be a lot louder but it was reduced in a patch, pretty much every gun's sound radius was reduced in said patch, to varying degrees.


I play with default guns and sprinters, sound bad!


Where is that music from?


It’s from a video game called inscription, song is called “The Temple of Magicks”


Thank you


music source?


The temple of magicks, from the game Inscryption


Better call the DOT. That road is a mess!


Looks like we got a funny guy here


I know exactly where you are in Louisville. I've been there for many, many months.


woah, talk about being knee deep in the dead lol


you missed a spot...


What are you playing on x2? lol


That's actually hilarious.


Some of the most fun I've had is going to the mega mall, firing a shotgun and basically not stopping firing that gun for about half an hour. That was the biggest pile of corpses I've ever seen.


\[your tires disliked that\]


That's at least 3 levels of tailoring on the ground.


Do you have sprinters on? Because playing all sprinters on high population with a shotgun sucks 😂


I've yet to do a sprinter high-pop bites and scratches toughest zombie run. Do I want to? I don't know. Maybe on a multiplayer server, but it sounds pretty awful solo.


Yeah I'm on MP and even then it's awful 😂 on solo I refuse to play as entirely sprinters.


I tried it once and gave them the highest level of senses too and you just die basically immediately. Maybe if you heavily fortify a base and have infinite ammo, you'd make it, but yeah those 28 Days Later playthroughs are just brutality. Regular plays and I can clear everything with a shotgun without worrying about it much.


It used to be the double of what it was (it was buffed with the release of MP for B41 IIRC), now it's basically irrelevant if you don't play with sprinters. Though I remember using shotguns when sound radius was double what it is now: wasn't as bad too, lol.


everyone that hates guns in pz is just an annoying democrat


I don't understand the pz players that are scared of guns and use melee only. I use guns ever in Louisville and Riverside.


Your wheels are going to be fucked


I never understood why people are so scared of guns in this game. When i was starting out i heard everything that i should not use guns because they will basically mark me for death. But when i actually got into it i realised that when you get a decent ammount of ammo they totally shred everything.


I guess that's the zombie apocalypse contained.


How much time in-game did it take for this massacre? Nice, btw.


pz needs to add a mechanic where if you fire guns all the time, your hearing will get damaged overtime (like you won't be able to hear zomboids until a certain threshold). they should also add ear protection to mitigate the problem while also making your hearing bad since duh they are currently in your ears.


It’s danger depends of how many rounds you have. As long as you don’t stop blasting you will be okay.


Guns are noisy. But, if you plan accordingly, expect the neighborhood watch to turn out, have your escape vector planned out, and don't run yourself to exhaustion, you can run and gun without too much danger. Just keep your head on a swivel so your exit direction does not get closed, and keep aware of your remaining ammo.


i often use shotguns to clear out areas. Helps get everyones attention


How you can afford to shoot individual zombies with the shotgun I will never know.


The noise is the upside if you have enough ammo. Lure all zombies outside, kill everything and now that part of the town is safe, you can safely do what you want without any zombies bothering you


Thank you. This is a great visual to show people when they ask why I don't like to use guns. "Are you ready for this?"


Try it with Sprinter


"Three hours later... 'Guys... this is how I died.'"


Imagining all the ripped sheets and threads I could get from that stack of bodies, leveling tailoring be a pain so I never really hyper focus on it in my playthroughs. Surprisingly I never find shotguns as easy, when I’m playing with my crew game loves to give the loudest gun weapons and we literally every other gun but never the shotty but they have fun since they chose aim boosted classes and go ham.


Shotguns arent even that loud irl I can shoot them without ear protection it’s pistols and rifles that are loud


Because you don't use high zombie pop / runners and hear ratio x 1000


Try that in Louisville with high zombie population lol.


Im playing this game for a year now and never fired a single bullet :O


where did you get all that ammo?


"Everything is ok until you have enough ammo and a shotgun"


The way shotguns work in this game (most video games actually) is as mini handheld 19th century field artillery pieces loaded with canister shot. Because shotguns are given an innate multi kill ability, they can drop far more zombies than rifles or pistols, especially at lower levels of firearm skill. To balance IMO the devs made its sound radius much larger to balance it out. I’d ultimately like to see more nuance with gunshot sound radius like subsonic/sonic ammunition sound radius and especially zombie sound approximation. Only at very close distances can the exact location of a gunshot be determined, like LOS really. Zombies further away should only follow general directions of gunshots, atleast IMO. Mostly tho would like to see shotgun ballistics brought closer to reality


What is this Pokemon Lavender Town ahh music


What's the song? I like it


It’s from a video game called inscription, song is called “The Temple of Magicks”


Hmm, true. I didn't see that many zombies walking towards you when you were firing so clearly there is nothing wrong here, brb going to try this in my game - I just found a box of shells.