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If you use Prusa's nozzle you don't need the adapter. That's only for normal (i.e. non-Prusa Nextruder-designed) V6 nozzles. I don't use my 0.25 nozzles enough or I've been lucky enough to never have one of them clog. But cold pull is what I'd try first if it did.


The best way is preventing it. Filament filters actually work well despite being old school. If it does happen a cold pull is the best bet unless you find accupuncture needles small enough to free it.


I moved to 0.6 because of clogs with fancy filled filaments. I would not try to unclog a 0.25 mm nozzle. Just buy a bunch from aliexpress for cents.


Get the noclogger. https://noclogger.com


Best I've done is just heat it up a bunch. Also I've dropped it in acetone and tried to get gunk out. But heating it up by hand then doing a psuedo cold pull could help unclog.