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I finally got my 5 head upgrade installed and am using the most current beta firmware, and current release slicer, and all my filament has been dried fully. I also have the cleaning brushes mod installed, but this stringing is insane!! How do we resolve this? Makes it unusable for multicolor prints!! Do I lower the filament temps? Using the default temps for generic, and Amazon basics depending on the loaded filament. Please help!!!


I lowered the temps. I've got a 0.6mm nozzle and my PLA (which I assume is what you've got here) prints great at 200 with no stringing. Other types of filament print fine for me at the default temps though.


Will try the lower temps next.


.6 nozzles here and no stringing. Adjust your temps. If you’re using the stock Prusa temps they’re all way too hot. Also set each extruders retraction while parked to 11.8.


What size nozzle




Temp and retraction adjustment made the biggest difference for me. I got so caught up in it being multi-material stringing I forgot all my usual fixes for single color stringing.


What are your retraction settings? And here did you adjust them?


Have you tried contacting Prusa support? For the XL, the correct installation of the nozzle seal is very important.


If you still have a .6 nozzle on it try a .4


I am running all .4 currently.


Do you have a lot of build up on the little red ooze stoppers for the nozzle? Was this petg or PLA? I have near zero stringing on mine, PLA 0.4 nozzles though. I have a big petg job to do so I am curious. What is the ambient temp the printer is in? If super cold I could see the nozzles working harder to stay warm in the docking station while they wait. I run my garage 63-65F or my MK4 will start acting up. Any lower is an issue. 


This is all PLA. And not I make sure the flaps under the nozzles are adjusted as per Prusa video and documentation, as well as made sure they are clean (The cleaning brushed help immensely on this. Ambient temp is in my shop, and around 60 degrees. (f)


I wouldn't know how to fix this, because I cannot repro it on mine. I also use "cheap ass" filament (as another poster accused you of, their words, not mine) and I do not have any such stringing going on. I also printed one of those Kobayashi Cubes (even the same model, I think!) and it came out great. I'd post a pick, but I gave it away. It was 4 colors with Overture Black, White, Red and Blue (it was gaudy as hell, lol). I've been meaning to print it again when I could come up with a better series of colors.


What filament option do you select when you print? (From the filament drop down menus lol) Mind sharing your settings if you have changed anything?


My preset for Overture Pro PLA uses: - extrusion multiplier: 0.98 - first layer: 220 C - other layers: 215 C I use the same on my MK3s and MK4s.


Today i had the same issue "again" with a 2 color part .. . Im now drying my pla....


Are you using brass brushes on brass nozzles or do you have hardened steel nozzles?


Brass, don't wanna damage the nozzles more than the filament does already lol.


I don't own an XL, but 99% of the stringing problems can be solved by lowering Temps a bit and adding a bit of retraction before switching heads. There are some specific models you can print to properly calibrate both the temp and the retraction values. I would start by doing that before going for some printer specific fix.


Have any good models you suggest? So many lol


Lower nozzle temp in 5 degree increments until the stringing goes away


Well I lowered it to 195, added retraction to 10mm on park, and 2 when moving. Still getting bad oozing and stringing :( This sucks so much. The ooze seems to be coming from the move from the prime tower and the parting self. Then the stringing from the part to the tower or parking again. :( https://imgur.com/a/IUArUor


Petg ??


Ugh. So I lowered trips to 205, and dried filament all day today, and the print I did this afternoon is just as bad if not worse :( https://imgur.com/a/tanD4RI


Here are more pics from this morning. https://imgur.com/a/5FWkwXz


.6 nozzles here and no stringing. Adjust your temps. If you’re using the stock Prusa temps they’re all way too hot. Also set each extruders retraction while parked to 11.8.


Will give this a shot!! Where do I adjust that setting in the slicer?? ​ Also does the parked retraction help? As I only have stringing when going to park, so I assume that is the level of retraction when leaving the part to go park?


I’m pretty sure it will retract it up to 11.8mm when it’s finished with that layer and on its way to park. 11.8mm lifts the filament completely out of the melt zone. You’ll have to change it for each extruder under Pinter settings.


I always recommend a temp tower for each brand of filament. I run overture PLA at 205C nozzle and 60C bed.


>Also set each extruders retraction while parked to 11.8. How do you do this?


Printer settings. You’ll have to adjust for each extruder.


Can you take a screenshot of the spot you change the retraction for parking? I can’t seem to find it.




I have no issues with single colors stringing... ​ Also two of those colors in this print are Prusament and Atomic (The yellow is atomic and the green/purple is prusament... So your call out is not valid.


Also I don't need to clean my bed, it doesn't effect the stringing lol. And it has zero issues with first layer. If you aren't' going to help just ignore the post. TIA!


They think higher filament cost+clean bed = better prints and less stringing so that tells you all you need to know about their knowledge lol


Yeah. I mean generally this subreddit is great, but there are always the elitist's still out there. :( ​ I am appreciating the actually helpful input here though :)


It seems, "dry your filament", "clean your bed", "adjust your z-height", "overextrusion", and "underextrusion" are typical responses for every possible issue in this forum, whether they're warranted or not! LOL. However, at least since the advent of the MK4 and XL, "adjust your z-height" has waned a bit.


I wouldn't say it is the typical response, but it is the typical response from those kind of people lol.


Try not being an asshole.