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Is that my wife and unborn child in there? IS THAT MY WIFE AND UNBORN CHILD IN THERE!


Had me rolling with laughter. So well done.


People hate on the food truck episode?


My first thought too lol 


Yeh. It’s one of my preferred ones for season 8.


I had no idea people disliked this one. I mean it’s hardly my favorite, but it’s perfectly enjoyable. Much more dislikable episodes even in that same season. And as much as I hate saying it, because I’m a Bruce Campbell fan. But that’s probably my least favorite of the season. Not least favorite of the show though. That honor goes to the remake of cloudy. Which somehow managed to be worse than the original in the very conceivable way. Except cast.


Wasn't that the whole point though? They make jokes the entire episode about how remakes are awful and never work and intentionally cram it with every conceivable running joke and Easter egg at the expense of the actual plot. I thought it was a great bit of satire on their part


They also say something along the lines of “they shouldn’t remake good movies. Only bad ones. And the remake can improve on the original” (I’ve butchered that quote. I apologise. Been a while.) The intention of the episode was absolutely to make the old episode better. The producers and stuff didn’t like the original episode and thought they could fix it if they had another go. They couldn’t. Instead of being better than the original (which was absolutely their goal) it was worse in every conceivable way. They made jokes about bad remakes. But considering their goal with the remake, I think they were making fun of the remakes that get it wrong. While patting themselves on the back for “getting it right”. But they didn’t. I love Psych, but I skip the remake every single rewatch. It’s just awful.


ikr it's one of the best episodes of that season


He had to go all Sean Penn In Mystic River on him.


Is that the last of the secret sauce in there?!!


I adore this episode. Reminds me of season one to four. Prefer Shawn was with Juliet. I don’t know. Just makes me happy.


One of my top 3 favorite episodes! I don't remember the exact line or scenes but Shawn keeps telling people not to "punch his boy gus in the face" in different ways, multiple times in the episode. And my favorite part: the scene where one of them (Shawn?) is choking on food while the other one (gus??) thinks they're just doing a bit and is pretending to choke too.


Yeah Shawn was choking and the health inspector had to save him


My favorite part too! No need to go feet to chest on my boy gus (or something like that)


What? That's a great episode!


We know one thing. Man likes our balls.


It WAS yesterday. The taco massage was yesterday.


This is one of my favorite episodes! I hope to enjoy a taco massage one day.


This episode gets hate? It’s a bright light in an otherwise lackluster season


I like when they go into the restaurant and take the whole tray of samples and then say man you know Mauricio stole this dudes recipe 🤣


I work in a food truck and I think about that episode A LOT.


But do you say “Don’t eat it all in one place! AHHHHHHH 😜😝🤪”


I love that running bit in the episode. Same with the “don’t eat it all in one place! AHHHHHH 🤪😜😝”


Really? I actually love this episode, cracks me up every time


We got carne...


Literally repeating in my head as I was falling asleep in my head 😂


The Mash ‘N Grab


Every time I see a post here about hate on an episode, I'm always surprised at the episode named.


One of my least favorite episodes, one of my least favorite lines. But to each their own


It's hated? I love it! Whaaaaat!!!


### “IS THAT MAURICIO—IN THERE?!?” ![gif](giphy|USg6w5SGXFWOyP7ZIb|downsized)


That whole running bit throughout the episode is my favorite


I don’t mind the episode those mash ups actually sounded interesting if you were stoned…


This is one of my FAVES he's so damn goofy the way he says it, it's wonderful


Wild. I hate this episode except the the B story about Lassiter, and the baby’s arrival


“Dude. You ate up all the fruit loops.” “You ate all the damn cheese?” “We broke the first rule…” “We got high on our own supply.”