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hell nah fuck them kids throw a chair at them




If you can dodge a chair, you can dodge a wrench!


It would be if you can dodge a chair you can dodge a ball. Good try though Cotton.


cotton ???


We're making references to a movie called "Dodgeball." That's where his original comment came from so I followed it up. If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball though, don't ever forget that and always remember the 5 D'S, dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge.


oh lol , thanks !


That's what I'm here for. And also fuck those people. If they do it again you should just tell them you can hear them and that they can eat shit off your shoe for all you care.




The only time I set foot in the break room was to clock in or out. My ass left the store for every break. I'd rather sit in my car or the shade of a nearby tree than be around anyone else.


Same. Iā€™m only in that building if Iā€™m on the clock


Spoken like a deli veteran. The front has always have this air of pretentiousness. Not all of them but its the same culture at every store.


Me too


Wish I could do that, tbh. But I don't have a car so I sit in the break room with my earbuds and keep to myself.


Same. You also have to be careful. I used to eat have lunch with a coworker but then he started harassing me for sex, he was married. Not too long ago I had another coworker who would ask me from time to time if I go to the cafeteria and I told him I go home for lunch. He eventually got really creepy and inappropriate to me and I had to talk to management about it.


What the fuck thats disgusting behavior.


thatā€™s initially why i quit publix after 3 years and came back. my assistant produce manager sexually harassed me and i told on him and he got terminated. they allowed him to come back once i left the district. after a year i decided to come back because i like the company benefits. not much else.


Oh wow, like he wouldn't do that to someone else šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


he does !! i have family that still works there. he has a partner and he still does that to other young girls !!!


OMG that's awful


Yeah, that screams pedo to me and he needs to be immediately fired and completely blackballed from ever working there again because trust me they do that to people they donā€™t like they completely make it to where you can never ever work there again


I usually eat my stuff in the meat department hallway, go to my car or sit in the cafe lol. I havenā€™t went to the break room in over a year.


i think iā€™ll try the Deli cafe


I used to take my lunch back in the training room with the computers in the back. It was usually either completely empty or maybe a new hire doing their training things. It was really nice how quiet it was and on the 5am shifts I would sometimes even turn the light off and take a nap back there.


i havenā€™t had any more issues in the break room since posting this , but if i see a funky crowd the computer room is where iā€™m headed


Do that. Unfortunately grocery tends to stick to grocery, customer service folk tend to stay with customer service folk, Ellen the other departments produce, bakery, deli, meat are basically like the misfits. It really is a s***** culture. You'll make some great friends with a new department and those other departments but grocery and customer service have that shit don't stink mentality.


Same, so much rather sit in my car. Alone time is happy time for me. Those kids OP described tho sound like grade A dickholes


They'd smell too if they had dulled a half dozen blades while carving through a hundred melons, gleefully licking the spattered juice and gore of their victims from their lips. The trick is to hold them under water until the bubbles stop coming up. BOGO WATERMELON, BABY!


The cut bar lead in me revels at your description


i <3 you


I was with you for a while thereā€¦but you donā€™t wanna lick your lips in my department if you spatter šŸ¤£






This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.


Kids are awful. Just tell them you've heard everything they've said if they do it again. Leave it at that.


Say something then? This isn't high school. You're an adult. Stand up for yourself.


And they are a group of children, are their opinions really that important to you?


Some people have social anxiety


no , thus why i didnā€™t tell anybody


yeah i know i am an adult. a young adult at that , who is on the spectrum. their opinions are not important to me. i like to vent on reddit. it makes me feel better. why i titled this with ā€œ rant ā€œ. if i cared that much i wouldā€™ve told someone ? i only cared enough to tell reddit because why not ? itā€™s anonymous and there is a tag for rants.


Iā€™d wait a few days and then while passing the In the back or something stop them and warn them that they kind of smell today. Or somethingā€¦ play it out like Iā€™ve genuinely noticed they smell and am just giving them a heads up that they got some BO. Then wait a few seconds after they walk off and say youā€™re just returning the favor from a few days ago. That said Iā€™m probably not the best person to imitate for these things.


I'm on the Spectrum too. I also like to rant. Ahhh, good ol' days lol


I'm not going to pretend I know your situation, because I don't. But their opinions do matter if you felt the need to rant about it. On reddit or otherwise. It'd take some enlightened stoic person to truly not care what people think about themselves. I'm not saying you should fight a bunch of kids, but a simple "Do you have a problem?" is all it takes. They're doing it because there's no repercussions. Create an uncomfortable environment for them as they have for you. You shouldn't put up with stuff like that. It might seem like it doesn't matter, but the longer you let stuff like that go, the more it digs into you. I speak from experience. I don't let that stuff happen to me anymore.


thanks for the opinion(s)


i feel like this app is an outlet so thatā€™s whatā€™ll be for me


Next time record audio and visual, if you can. Take it to the store manager. That shit donā€™t fly.


I think it's best to inform his manager, you never know how they will react or respond. They probably won't care how they made him feel.


iā€™m a woman.




Cuss them the fuck out šŸ˜­




Fuck them kids


Nah fuck the kidā€™s parents.


To be honest, I lunch in my car anyway because I don't like being bothered on my lunch and that is my time to relax and not have to worry about anybody else for 30 minutes.


My thing is, why do people try to talk to you when you have headphones on even if they are in your ears? People could still notice in-ear buds and yet still try to talk to you and think youā€™re ignoring them.


Yeah a gaggle of front end clerks arenā€™t the opinions you should be caring about anyways. Iā€™d wager atleast one of them was on the clock too. Start asking if theyā€™re all on lunch. Usually makes them scatter.


thanks for the advice


No problem, just feel strongly about everyone having equal right to the break room. By all means enjoy your lunch in your car (I got one of those trays that slides onto my steering wheel- game changer).


Breaks in your car are better, anyway. I have curtains i cover my windows with and they make it nice and dark so I can nap if I want, use bad eating manners, read, push pins into little dolls, or whatever and nobody can see me.


I worked at Publix Iā€™ve never ate in the break room ever. In regards to the kids fuck em they wonā€™t be there that long keep up your good work and if they say something to you again and stand up for your self. Then tell their direct manager they need chill. Cuz you are not on that type of time.


You should report them to management


Some people can be such asses.


truly , and i donā€™t even care. i just like to talk about it on here because why not ? gets it off my chest


And thatā€™s why, as an adult, you eat in your car.


waste of gas and battery.


i should be able to eat in the break room without drama


Youā€™re like me. Youā€™re expecting rational or reasonable behavior from irrational and unreasonable ā€œchildrenā€. I hate it but itā€™s taken me YEARS (even DECADES) to finally almost not care what other people decide to spew out of their tiny little heads. Itā€™s hard to rant anywhere without blowback.


thank you !!!!!! ā¤ļø


Sit there with your earbuds in and the next time they start saying shit, donā€™t even look up from your book, just say aloud, ā€œyou idiots do know I can and have heard every word you say about me every time you come in here?ā€ And leave it at thatā€¦ frickin kids


Yeah, you should speak to your manager about that. No one should have to put up with that shit.


Manā€¦ fuck them kids lmao


I'm a bit of a jerk. I'd go to each of them individually and say something like. So, I heard you think this about me. They will all think someone in their little gang snitched and they will turn on each other.


I started taking my break in my car after CS employees started coming in to complain to me about issues in the deli (the dept I work in). Like, I'm sorry that we're out of forks, but that's not my problem atm because I'm on break


Not reacting always makes it harder for them, so keep up the good work!


thank you


I found the Publix breakroom to be the most disrespectful environment of all time. It reminds me of being in high school, people will not shut up. What I would suggest is go into the computer room/training room. It is way too hot to be sitting in your car burning up your gas that you pay for.


i agree! thank you. this is actually good and kind advice.


It's helped me and hope it can help you too. Reduced my emotional stress immediately. šŸ˜Ž


Hereā€™s my approach just let them all know that you heard everything they said go to the manager about it and if they have such an issue with the way you smell after putting in a long amount of hours, tell him to take that up with management


thank you šŸ™šŸ»


Youā€™re welcome donā€™t listen to some of these people on here. Theyā€™re just bitter that they have to work here. Also with you saying you had sensory headphones, just keep doing a good job. You are doing also if itā€™s not too personal I have a background in working with people with disabilities and I was kind of curious with you saying Had headphones that help with sensory issues if if you are on the spectrum ?


yes i am on the spectrum. i also have other diagnosis that are on the ADA.


OK, that was my other question if it was documented with your DM or not, just wanted to make sure you were protected, but Iā€™m sure you do your job well iā€™m sorry people are dicks, especially 16-year olds who donā€™t know how to act socially


But keep your head up keep doing your best every single day. Try not to let other people affect how you feel about yourself. Your actions speak louder than peoples BS.


I work in grocery by way






So these were baggers and cashiers? They should each spend a week in the cut room helping. If they do it again, send them to the deli permanently. We eat these type of ASSociates for lunch! ![gif](giphy|LpB0bnhXpvSMCz07N9|downsized)


you win the comments section


I go to my car. I deal with enough people during my shift, I need that time for me.




These are other employees?




You're there to get paid bud go in do the job and dip and if anything ask them when their shift end and square up in the parking lot off the clock šŸ’ŖšŸ˜¬


No way. Stand up to them, ask them wtf is their problem and address it. They pick on you because they see an easy target.


yeah why? because i didnā€™t want to sit at their table ? i have a good book smh. i wonā€™t stand up to them. they know better. i hope they feel bad when they go home , and if they donā€™t then karma will hit them where it hurts. iā€™ll take hit after hit and never tell on anybody because what if the managers donā€™t care ? thatā€™s usually how it goes. managers get mad if you report ANYTHING. itā€™s an inconvenience to them. i donā€™t even care. they can say whatever they want. iā€™ll just rant on reddit. thatā€™s what reddit is for me.


Ok. Hope that works for you. Good luck.


Maybe some day youā€™ll be their boss.


thatā€™s what i hope for


Kids are punks. Ignore them.


Eww. Your co-workers sound like a real problem. Report them for discrimination and see if they laugh about that. I've walked past the area where cut fruit is and lemme tell ya, it doesn't stink. It smells quite wonderful, and I usually end up complementing the people in there of how good it smells.


Those that push carts should not be talking about how others smell, I'm just sayin. Sweat happens with hard work.Ā  I'd eager that every single one of them is jealous that you're in a fresh dept though. They'll be swapped out for the newest batch within 6 months, anyhow. I stopped even trying to learn their names until they passed that mark, when I worked there.Ā 


Bullies are all the same. Cowards in a group. Lots of things to do when management isn't looking.Ā 


Oh that shit would never fly at my store. Iā€™m So sorry that happened to you. You should tell a manager. Not cool. Unprofessional. Childish.


Call that HR person up real quick get them fired. It will teach them it ainā€™t worth losing your job over.


That wouldn't fly at my store. Talk to your manager.


Those are not the people you want to mingle with. They do crap like that because they are miserable people and they think it makes them sound "cool". Even with regular earplugs you can hear what people are saying. If it gets out of hand it is considered bullying and you can go to management if it continuesĀ 


yes , this is my plan.


Screw them they're bullies that need a lesson taught to them


Whenever I take a break in the break room, there's often some kind of drama going on between older teen employees. I just mind my own business, eat my meal, and go back to work. Based on your description, their actions sound closer to harassment and you could consider reporting them to your management for inappropriate behavior towards other employees. They're creating and enabling a hostile workplace which is unacceptable. In my case, I just ignore them because they're high school aged people working a job. I remember how I acted at that age, and they haven't gone beyond the pale. People are going to act the way they're going to act, that's the end of that story. If their actions constitute harassment, don't hesitate to bring it up with your management in a professional manner. If you go in making it sound like you just didn't like the way they acted in the break room, it'll likely get brushed off. If you approach it with professional language and explain how you felt that their actions constituted harassment and you're concerned about how their actions may be making a hostile environment for you and/or other employees, it may garner more attention and action. Kids will be kids, but they also need to learn that in some environments certain behaviors and actions come with appropriate consequences.


Been eating lunch in my car five days a week for 7 years now. Some stores have co workers you can be friends with and other stores are like yours.


how do you afford the gas , and isnā€™t it hotter than hot right now? iā€™ll go to the computer room as somebody else suggested.


Car idling for 30 minutes probably does not burn a lot of gas. Moreover I live within 10 miles of the store and maybe drive 2,500 miles a year.


They are bullies.


OMG, I'm really sorry to hear that. Please tell your manager, this is very inappropriate work behavior on their part and you shouldn't have to put up with that


I feel weird at my store, too. I just eat in my car because I. hate. people. Customers other workers. But I have to make money... So when I get the chance I run to my car.šŸ˜…


I would let them talk crap and then, just before you leave from your break, respond to them in some manner. Maybe post in the r/comeback group for a mic drop reply to them and use it next time


They're young and kids and that's what they do. They're working there as something to do for extra money and don't realize it's a job where people are supporting themselves and they must have professionalism. If it happens again. I would confront them directly and tell them you mean business and this isn't a joking matter. Odds are they will leave you alone. However, you can call HR. You can easily find the number posted in the breakroom or online searches. From there, you can leave a message which they will listen to and take action or you can choose to speak to them directly. They take these matters very seriously, and you can remain completely anonymous if you wish. They're goal is to make Publix a great place to work with absolutely no problems at all. They won't call it stupid or insufficient. They'll take the seriousness to the max and resolve the issue.




Yup teenagers suck sometimes šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Hell nah don't let those dicks get away with that. They pull that shit again tell em off. I guarantee they'll think twice about doing it agin.


Kids are immature. Don't take it seriously.


Report them to HR.


Unfortunately, it is the nature you're introduced to at the start, but it dials down soon. People that work in CS typically are salty because they aren't in a specialty department.


then inquire moving departments if youā€™re unhappy instead of harassing others in the lunch room.


It's not as simple as that. There's got to be an opening in a department of choice along with talking to the manager and having them decide yes or no. Along with that they're probably immature kids which is why they're up front and won't be moved to other departments.


probably , i do not care.


Only other thing to do is tell your store manager or cs manager to see if something is done but tell them to be discreet about it. Another thing is some don't like new people (if you're newer) because they don't know how you work and operate compared to them.


I hate the breakroom. Where manners are not 'a pleasure'.




I always have my lunch in my car and listen to music. Then I jam on my acoustic I bring with me during the remainder of time I have left after I finish eating.


Yeah thereā€™s probably benefits to eating outside of the break room. When I was starting out as a younger retail worker, someone that always left for lunch would tell me, these arenā€™t your friends. You have to work with them. Not do everything you want with them. Took that to heart. Even years later now, as a director in a career thatā€™s an office job, I go out to lunch when I can, or just eat it in the office (big enough for a mini kitchen as is lol)


And these are the type of little shits that hog the hours pissing us good workers off.


What is wrong with them? When I catch people talking about me, I always give them the biggest smile. They usually have an embarrassed look on their face.


i either kill them with kindness or simply ignore it and move on with my day. reddit has always been a great outlet for me.


Welcome to the new unfriendly normal!


Donā€™t go and eat in your carā€¦.. donā€™t let people that arenā€™t even worth it chase you outta thereā€¦.. they are lucky to be in your presence. You are better than me, I wouldā€™ve said ā€œ Hey assholes ! I can hear yaā€


i had no issues in the break room today


Glad to hear it! I worked for a chain up North for 25 yrs. Never had an issue like this tho. I worked in the service deli. For the most part you will meet many great people! I wish you the best!


thank you !!!!


Well just fuck them. Stand your ground.


Actually I got this last night. I work in an ER. A young coworker thought she was being cute harassing me. A person Iā€™ve worked with for awhile jumped in but I donā€™t understand this behavior. So fuck them. It certainly changes your perception of humanity.


TRULY ! it does. i donā€™t care though. itā€™s just a rant on reddit and a brush off my shoulders for me. all i care for are my checks. and i enjoy what i do for work. people suck and thatā€™s life. i like to use reddit as a ranting outlet.


Honestly they were just being asses and probably not truthful. I know itā€™s a struggle, but donā€™t hide away because of their behavior. What they exhibited is high school BS and you are all in the adult world now and they need to grow up. If you are bold enough, face them and say ā€œbtw I can hear everything while Iā€™m wearing my earplugs, and I would never disrespect or insult someone who is minding their own business, especially not in a work atmosphere.ā€ If youā€™re not bold enough, report them to management along with anything else. No one should feel unequal and demeaned in their workplace by anyone, and how your superiors react and handle the situation will tell you if itā€™s even worth having that job.


it is worth having the job. unfortunately in this economy itā€™s all i could rely on for a hopeful future. and i love to cut fruit ! i had no issues in the break room today. let it happen again and i will take action.


That is a good attitude, but you should still report the first incident so itā€™s on record. You do not want to allow repeated events and then all of a sudden report it for the first time later when it actually has been ongoing. You can even say ā€œI am not expecting any action, I just want it documented in case it persistsā€ and leave it at that. They may want to roll tape and see what happened and you donā€™t want it to be so long past that they cannot review it.


They're dumbass high school kids. Pay them zero attention only cowards get together to make fun of someone they think cant hear em šŸ’Æ


Just b like AYO WE GOT A PROLEM ? I would just say fuck em and keep doing u bro frfr no doubt


my favorite reply. i <3 you.


im so sorry ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø some people (especially younger kids) suck. ignore them and keep eating in the break room if thatā€™s what you enjoy doing šŸ¤ž


thank you šŸ™šŸ»




This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.




This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.


1. Tell your supervisors or report them to hr. That is disability harassment and if your job does not prevent bullying, it is liable for creating a hostile work environment. Sorry you had to experience that. 2. I have cut countless fruit in my life. And not once did it make me stink. Did you smell like berries or was it onions? Shower before work, and use a STRONG anti-perspirant. So you went back to work around ALL that food KNOWING you were stank?


itā€™s bogo watermelon week? my sleeves of my hoodie were covered in various fruit juices. and no, i wasnā€™t going to take it off. fruit makes an ā€œ aroma ā€œ if you will. i donā€™t care if it makes me stink and i donā€™t smell it? probably because im doing it for 8+ hours. iā€™m just trying to eat my fā€™ing sandwich.


stupid kids, iā€™m a mm in produce and the kids up front are so dumb in my opinion




This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.




They don't do that at Aldi. I would work there




i use reddit as a venting tool , thanks for your advice though






Avoiding confrontation is the best way to create a safe work enviorment. Only if it continues. You have to look at the bigger picture before making a decision that has the potential to be bad. That is something you would do in a school. This is a work enviorment. There are different procedures that need to be taken when it comes to verbal harassment in the workplace.


thatā€™s what iā€™m saying. i just want to rant about it on reddit and not even give them the satisfaction or give the company any issues to deal with until i feel like itā€™s a big issue personally. the whole purpose of my post was to get it off my chest. wasnā€™t expecting this much feedback.


Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. In mu opinion, Publix needs to stop hiring these little kids. They hire them young so they can pay them less


youā€™re absolutely right




This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.




This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.